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The Green New Deal


Active member
What’s so amazing is how the left always ignores the fact they support infanticide. Kind of like when you ask the chosen ones about metzitzah b’peh. Almost like the thoughts are so cringeworthy they can’t even digest the fact they support it. As far as confusion... they only support redistribution of wealth by any means possible. If it takes more govt, so be it. The ends justify the means

Maybe if conservatives had something to offer to kids other than “ just say no” for sex Ed you wouldn’t have so many abortions to bitch about.

Science based sex Ed discussing birth control is not a policy of the right.

Teenage birth rates are almost double in abstinence only “sex Ed” areas, which are ALWAYS in red or conservative states.

So, quit cranking out the problems at double the rate of properly educated people, and maybe you can be taken seriously.

Otherwise, your just supporting a political party that is producing the problem your complaining about.


if there is nothing wrong with you and you are either too lazy to get off your ass and work or too stupid to get a job then tough shit! if you want to chip me i kill you. we need less gov less taxes and start teaching gen x y z to put down the game controllers and get a job! i had union jobs where lay offs were often and i shoveled shit raked yards cut trees anything to make ends meet and not once did i hold my hand out for food or money. i ate what i grew killed or caught . if flipping burger is below you the you are real stupid i have worked 3 jobs a day just to make ends meet and you know what? it made me a better man . i will not give to begger because if they wanted to they could find jobs . i look at what they drive here at walmart and there cars are better than mine. the commie shit never has and never will work . the medical market needs to be changed why can i go to canada or mexico and get brand name drugs at 1/10th the price i get pos generic here for? the government needs to be cleaned out and less free and regulated shit . they watch everything to type on here listen to you on your phones and look at you through your smart tv's i for 1 say to hell with this shit simple is better clean living is better . gmo i watch planes spray monsanto round up right on the crops beans and corn are true killers of humans thanks to this . i grow heirloom produce and never gmo shit stay away from corn sugar and feed lot meats . as far as doctors they are just legal drug dealers we are not called the pill nation for nothing. if you are a man then your a man and same for a woman but if you do not know what you are and have a dik and go in the same bathroom as my ol lady then i will hurt you . there are all girl boyscout troops now WTF? this country is fucked up and needs changing back to better days than it is now. end 40 yr politicians 2 terms your out no pension for them either no lobbying and if you get caught with your finger in the cookie jar jail time. want to end hard drug use either shoot them on the spot or give them all of the drug of their choice free and high grade all they want and the problem will be cured in about 2 weeks. i am glad i am older and have made my own life quite nice through hard work and the ability to learn from others because this NEW world sucks donkey balls. and you will see the streets of big cities run red if things do not change real quick because the direction it is going now is destruction
oh and doctors created the drug problem check out Perdue pharma the made oxy the held over 10,000 seminars in under 10 yrs saying how great oxy is not habit forming and on and on how about ridilan pure speed they created junkies now cutting them off so they go to the street drugs
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Lester Moore

Well said..this is why I have taught my children to shoot accurately without hesitation. It shouldn’t be to difficult the people leading this shit are afraid of guns. Well maybe not the people leading it but the sheep following them...the gender shit is a joke, why do we support and celebrate mental illness? The one thing I would do differently Rogerw is, if a human with balls walks in the same restroom as my lady or daughter I might not kill him, but he would wake up in the hospital and have to learn how to eat, walk and talk again...


Well-known member
Tldr - something something back in my day something something millenials something something tide pods


Well-known member
I am confused..are you for the people to have the power or the government? The federal government has only 3 responsibilities, regulate interstate commerce, protect the Citizens from domestic and foreign threats ( the countries boarders) Other than that they need to get out of everything else and leave it to each state.....they are WAY to big....your roots run deep I see. If there is a tech idea let the state implement it, a new way to live, let the state implement it. Kill babies, no drug laws, illiminate carbon, free schools, free housing, no guns....all for each state to decide...f*** the federal government!
.....just my 2 pennies....:dance013:

So if states decided to give the death penalty for any illegal drug charge that'd be okay cause its the state and not the federal government doing it?


K+ vibes
The states should have most of the power, I dont disagree with that...
My whole "next gen city" thing is.... definitely not a Earth sized city.... It would have to be a few stages....... stage 1 is worldwide... stage 2 is metro remodels... Stage 3 is brand new built from scratch chip requirement.

Im just trolling about guns.... Its impossible to get rid of guns... That is fact.


Also no one ever answered my question, if anyone knows; why was it changed from global warming to climate change?

Imo, we changed from the term “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” in the misguided hope that this would better help the deniers to understand the process. If you come to Australia you will see both Warming and Climate Change at work and it's happening frighteningly fast. Why some people are super connected to, and love the earth, and some just seem to want to watch it burn, is something I've thought about a lot. Best I've come up with is the theory of “The harmony of Opposites”. You need an opposite for something to exist. Example, Up - Down, Space – Matter. If you can imagine for a second that there was no Up, or a Room without Space. Re climate change, it would seem that there's those that love and cherish the earth, and then there's the opposite. I'm probably way off, but it is a cool subject to contemplate. Imo no amount of education is going to change a deniers mind. As an example, many people believe that with education and knowledge racists will see the error of their ways and change their minds, but maybe racists are racist simply because it gives them pleasure, another example of the Harmony of Opposites at work. The politics of Climate Change can seem like a a crazy 21st century schizoid riddle, but maybe the answer is right there in front of us, maybe not.

Heraclitus : “The opposites concordant, and from the discordant comes beautiful harmony, and everything happens according to contention”.

“The same thing are the living and the dead, the awake and the sleeping, the young and the old: these indeed changing are those and those again changing are these”.

“Immortal mortals, mortal immortals, living their death and dying their life”.

“One and the same is the path that goes upward and the path that goes downward”.


K+ vibes
We have hot\cold.... summer\winter....... The extreme heats cause instability.. Aka climate change, because its more than just warming... Its more extreme totally. We will lose a large city to a event this year or something dramatic. It already has just people dont pay attention until it affects them.. Houston, Puerto Rico.... Wouldn't wanna be in Miami is all im saying.. Japan/tokyo aint looking so good either.. Thats just floods... Have you heard what happens when a BIG volcano goes off..... Think about the entire equator becoming covered with a soot so thick the sun doesn't shine for years on the equator, and how cold the poles will get.

White Beard

Active member
“ give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted” ( Vladimir Lenin)
“Give me the child until he is five, and he is mine for life” - Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order, and Confessor General of the Church Militant
...a fuck of a lot older than baby Lenin....

Also no one ever answered my question, if anyone knows; why was it changed from global warming to climate change?
It was changed because of the right-wing yuk-yuk about the continued existence of winter....

Ok... begin the name calling and insults.....it’s ok I won’t get offended...only the weak get offended...Although I prefer a real discussion....I am not taking a left or right side, I am really just throwing ideas and thoughts out that I wonder about....but, bring your insults and anger if you wish....
Hope you’re not depressed by the lack of name-calling....


Active member
Imo, we changed from the term “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” in the misguided hope that this would better help the deniers to understand the process. If you come to Australia you will see both Warming and Climate Change at work and it's happening frighteningly fast. Why some people are super connected to, and love the earth, and some just seem to want to watch it burn, is something I've thought about a lot. Best I've come up with is the theory of “The harmony of Opposites”. You need an opposite for something to exist. Example, Up - Down, Space – Matter. If you can imagine for a second that there was no Up, or a Room without Space. Re climate change, it would seem that there's those that love and cherish the earth, and then there's the opposite. I'm probably way off, but it is a cool subject to contemplate. Imo no amount of education is going to change a deniers mind. As an example, many people believe that with education and knowledge racists will see the error of their ways and change their minds, but maybe racists are racist simply because it gives them pleasure, another example of the Harmony of Opposites at work. The politics of Climate Change can seem like a a crazy 21st century schizoid riddle, but maybe the answer is right there in front of us, maybe not.

Heraclitus : “The opposites concordant, and from the discordant comes beautiful harmony, and everything happens according to contention”.

“The same thing are the living and the dead, the awake and the sleeping, the young and the old: these indeed changing are those and those again changing are these”.

“Immortal mortals, mortal immortals, living their death and dying their life”.

“One and the same is the path that goes upward and the path that goes downward”.

Such humility, such openmindedness. You are so enlightened. It's so humble of you to label everyone who thinks their may be better solutions, as a denier. No one is denying the climate is changing. We just don't see how, bankrupting the nation, is going to change it.

Since leaving the Paris climate debacle, the U.S. has cut co2 emissions more than any other country.

If you want to address climate change, let's start with the counties opening new coal power plants. Yeah, you know China and India. If we only have 12 years left, let's get serious. Its time to invade China and India and force them to cut co2 emissions as much as the United States. Without this invasion we will all die in 12 years. Do it now, the world is depending on you.



Such humility, such openmindedness. You are so enlightened. It's so humble of you to label everyone who thinks their may be better solutions, as a denier. No one is denying the climate is changing. We just don't see how, bankrupting the nation, is going to change it.

Since leaving the Paris climate debacle, the U.S. has cut co2 emissions more than any other country.

If you want to address climate change, let's start with the counties opening new coal power plants. Yeah, you know China and India. If we only have 12 years left, let's get serious. Its time to invade China and India and force them to cut co2 emissions as much as the United States. Without this invasion we will all die in 12 years. Do it now, the world is depending on you.


LOL, you crack me up PF. As usual your post is full of smoke and mirrors, lies and distortions. No need to look as far as China or India, as the people in the conservative party running Australia are pretty much all climate change deniers and want to build more coal fired power stations as well as start the biggest coal mine in the Australia and one of the biggest in the world, Ardani. I believe your president is on record as being a denier too. Our bat-shit crazy prime minister recently brought in a lump of coal to parliament and proceeded to lovingly caress it while extolling its virtues. Whether the Australian conservative government are really deniers or just want to make a buck while the earth burns is anybodies guess.


K+ vibes
Tell me when your in traffic mid summer... You don't think to yourself.... These cars dont even phase the temperature.... We can run these bitchs forever.

White Beard

Active member
I am confused..are you for the people to have the power or the government?
Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with American self-government? The people *ARE* the government - as long as the people are both educated and brave enough to stand their ground in the face of encroachment.

The federal government has only 3 responsibilities, regulate interstate commerce, protect the Citizens from domestic and foreign threats ( the countries boarders)
So, you haven’t read the Constitution? You deliver the would-be aristocrat’s pet definition of the role of government, as *not* found in our founding document but in the Articles of Confederation.

Other than that they need to get out of everything else and leave it to each state.....they are WAY to big....your roots run deep I see. If there is a tech idea let the state implement it, a new way to live, let the state implement it.
Among the few true failings of our system is the survival of the “sovereign State” bullshit...we should have scrapped that nonsense notion at the end of the Slaver Rebellion, but we did not. To our shame and dysfunction. Perhaps you are a true Statist - just not an American.

This is another holdover from the Articles of Confederation - which articles are NOT the law of the United States, nor its founding principles.

Kill babies, no drug laws, illiminate carbon, free schools, free housing, no guns....all for each state to decide...f*** the federal government!
So, with no unifying federal government, we’re not a nation, just a gaggle of autocratic fiefdoms as corrupt as any backwater satrapy
You said earlier that you are neither right nor left, but you’ve offered nothing but hard right views, positions, and definitions, all pushed for decades by the so-called “right” as centrist.

I assume you are reserving your other views for some reason known only to you.