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The Green New Deal


Very true.

Demographics of California are changing. Lots of people taking their $$ and going places where it spends better.

Though it's not entirely because of taxes. It's partially because their California home makes them a millionaire and it is financially logical to cash out when they retire.

Plus there are hidden taxes. E.g. in most California urban areas, you need garage parking, or secure off-street parking.

Otherwise your car will end up like the truck full of sea-food that got lost outside one of the housing projects at Mission & 24th in SF in the early 90's.

Truck driver had his cargo stolen. Then he and his wife ended up in the ER, and dead.

I figure all the car break-ins is sort of like a tax.
It's called the diversity tax. It can be steep.


Active member
Cool story... however you aren’t AOC. Quit being a sheep and research the numbers your self. Read about O’Malley’s millionaire tax as a starting point. As taxes go up, the money LEAVES.

The money only leaves if you let them leave he he. I can't wait for the left to start building the wall to keep the wealthy from leaving. Lol


Active member
If I didn't believe just a year or 2 of this hair brained scheme would cause massive damage to our nation and the world, I would endorse it just to allow the Democratic party to destroy itself. Exposing the complete and utter incompetence of the Democratic party.

To be fair, the green new deal will never get passed. Pelosi prevented AOC from being on the climate change committee. Lol, establishment Democrats are smart enough to know this piece of garbage, is not feasible. Pelosi didn't become the most powerful democrat politician by trying to pass idiotic legislation.

At St.Phatty, I like your playboy idea. Shes hot when not showing the horse teeth.

She's dumber than a box. Rocks call her stupid.


Well-known member
The money only leaves if you let them leave he he. I can't wait for the left to start building the wall to keep the wealthy from leaving. Lol

they aren't leaving, they are hiding their money. it's a shell game that is very old. as bad as this country can be, it is still better than most. Great Britain used to tax musicians and other entertainers at 99%. after the Beatles & Stones said "fuck you" and left, they re-thought it. but they never dropped it to 15% & gave them every exemption their lawyers could dream up like big industry gets here.


Active member
they aren't leaving, they are hiding their money. it's a shell game that is very old. as bad as this country can be, it is still better than most. Great Britain used to tax musicians and other entertainers at 99%. after the Beatles & Stones said "fuck you" and left, they re-thought it. but they never dropped it to 15% & gave them every exemption their lawyers could dream up like big industry gets here.

Hell, I am hiding the little money I have. Having money isn't a sin. I know good people who are broke, I know good people who are rich. People should be judged by their actions not their net worth. Or color, or any other physical characteristics. At least that's what I try to teach my kids.

We had an incident with my daughter at school recently. On MLK day, they watched a video about MLK. They were discussing it. My daughter asked if that was why her and one of the black girls in her class didn't get along. We told her that MLK was a hero because he wanted little white girls and little black girls to be able to play together and go to school together. People should not be treated differently because they look different,. We used the example of my autistic son. She's very protective of him, she gets mad when people are mean to him. Just because you are different doesn't mean you are bad.

I am not going to argue against the Beatles and Stones comment. Last time I checked Paul McCartney had more money than the royal family. That's actually pretty funny in my mind. I assume they probably can claim his money now that he's Sir McCartney. Lol. I don't see anyone calling him evil .


Being wealthy is no sin, but greed is....

There is enough wealth for everyone.... if your goal in life is to simply be disgustingly rich then it should be possible but also very, VERY hard to achieve, and NOT at the expense of
the general wealth and health of the rest of society.
As you start to get into the levels of 'obnoxious' wealth, you should be taxed higher and higher the more that you make, not the other way around, where it gets easier and easier .


Active member
Being wealthy is no sin, but greed is....

There is enough wealth for everyone.... if your goal in life is to simply be disgustingly rich then it should be possible but also very, VERY hard to achieve, and NOT at the expense of
the general wealth and health of the rest of society.
As you start to get into the levels of 'obnoxious' wealth, you should be taxed higher and higher the more that you make, not the other way around, where it gets easier and easier .

It should be a flat 20% for everyone. Fair is fair. No deductions or special accounting. Just a flat 20%.

St. Phatty

Active member
At St.Phatty, I like your playboy idea. Shes hot when not showing the horse teeth.

I'll loan her my black rubber mouth-guard. She can wear hockey skates.

I wonder if she would let me wear my Pervert shoes. Once I'm on staff, that is. :woohoo: The top of the shoes is a piece of mirror.

It only works if she wears a dress. She seems to wear pant-suits most of the time.


Well-known member
It should be a flat 20% for everyone. Fair is fair. No deductions or special accounting. Just a flat 20%.

i agree wholeheartedly. no exemptions. no favors from politicians. i suspect deep down that we agree on a whole lot more than we differ. i am out of +rep at the moment...:tiphat:


Active member
i agree wholeheartedly. no exemptions. no favors from politicians. i suspect deep down that we agree on a whole lot more than we differ. i am out of +rep at the moment...:tiphat:

No more favors from politicians and no more favors for politicians.

:smoke out: you get to socal the first hooter is on me.

I ain't worried about rep. Hope have a good Sunday. Back to the salt mines on Monday.


Well-known member
If I didn't believe just a year or 2 of this hair brained scheme would cause massive damage to our nation and the world, I would endorse it just to allow the Democratic party to destroy itself. Exposing the complete and utter incompetence of the Democratic party.

To be fair, the green new deal will never get passed. Pelosi prevented AOC from being on the climate change committee. Lol, establishment Democrats are smart enough to know this piece of garbage, is not feasible. Pelosi didn't become the most powerful democrat politician by trying to pass idiotic legislation.

At St.Phatty, I like your playboy idea. Shes hot when not showing the horse teeth.

She's dumber than a box. Rocks call her stupid.

Packer, you would do better leaving the skewed humor to St Phatty.


Active member
how is jeff bezos paying the same tax rate as someone who makes 50k a year FAIR?

flat tax is some ben carson level dumb

Isn't it better to get rid of all the loopholes. You claim these millionaires and billionaires pay little to no taxes. No loopholes, no shady deductions. No need to spend millions upon millions to employ a bunch of IRS employees. No need for poor minorities to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous tax preparers.


Well-known member
how is jeff bezos paying the same tax rate as someone who makes 50k a year FAIR?

flat tax is some ben carson level dumb

Bezos paying a flat 20% is a lot more than he and other million/billionaires pay now. how is that not an improvement? i'm not saying it is "best", but that it is "better". we really do need "better"...

St. Phatty

Active member


The last thing you'll ever see

if you're a Coney Island hot dog.

Just make sure she doesn't sneeze if she's taking care of your one-eyed trowser snake.


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Well-known member
Bezos paying a flat 20% is a lot more than he and other million/billionaires pay now. how is that not an improvement? i'm not saying it is "best", but that it is "better". we really do need "better"...
i think the thing to differentiate here is that his company Amazon, pays nothing in taxes. he on the other hand probably pays some small rate. you're right 20% would be better than nothing but the bar is set hella low. 70% after $10m on bezos and 40% on amazon would be more like it.

Isn't it better to get rid of all the loopholes. You claim these millionaires and billionaires pay little to no taxes. No loopholes, no shady deductions. No need to spend millions upon millions to employ a bunch of IRS employees. No need for poor minorities to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous tax preparers.
loopholes and tax rates are two different things. we can close loopholes and still have a progressive taxation system. 50% of US workers make $30k or less per year, over half of US workers make $75k or less per year. a 20% flat tax would disproportionately effect working people negatively, while also not adequately funding the federal government properly due to loss of tax revenue. it's the libertarian fascist wet dream.


Well-known member
warren buffet said it best years ago. he challenged the ultra wealthy with a million dollar prize to show him their tax returns and prove they pay a higher tax rate than their secretaries. NO ONE has ever took him up on that.


Well-known member
Bezos paying a flat 20% is a lot more than he and other million/billionaires pay now. how is that not an improvement? i'm not saying it is "best", but that it is "better". we really do need "better"...

this is also the kind of bullshit they give us IMO. we're backed into a corner until the only options we have are the ones the elite put forth through various indoctrination methods (flat tax, no min wage, privatization of infrastructure, privatization of military, privatization of the social safety net, ect) becomes viable.