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The Greatest True Story Ever Told

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The Voice of Reason
So you're never going to address my objection to the isis site, or your blatant misunderstanding of my objection...


I'm going to put it up one more time, and try to dumb it down enough for you to comprehend...

I'm not whining about it, just lmao about it... Everytime I look back at your response, I just lmao...
Holla back if you ever get your head out of your ass far enough to decipher what I actually said...

or back up your lies about me cutting and pasting it, at least...


The Voice of Reason
One of my main objections is the fact that homo sapiens sapiens have actually been around as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago, as the isis website claims... (this is an original statement, not cut-n-paste)

The Isis website you got this all from, claims that:(the following are quotes cut from the isis site and pasted here... that's what I mean by "the Isis website claims:"... If you argue with what is in the green box, then you are arguing with the isis website again)
1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.
Hmmmm... :chin:
(implies thinking about the assertions which the isis site made)

(the following is my original thought, concerning the claims made by the isis site)
Since we are able to trace our genetic origins to eastern lower africa, 50,000 or so years ago... to a mitochondrial homo sapiens sapiens eve... It would seem like a pretty simple task to find the common ancestor of mankind that lived 6 thousand years ago, and was a mutant...(which is to imply that since science DID NOT find a mitichondrial eve 6,000 years ago, but 50,000 instead that the isis sites claims are highly out of sync with history)

Since we are able to track over two dozen haplogroups which range in origin from 50,000 years ago up through haplogroups that are less that 3,00 years old, finding the 6,000 year old mutant "mother of us all" would have long ago been discovered....I have attached a timeline chart of the haplogroups in homo sapiens sapiens.... Egyptians 6,000 years ago would have belonged to haplogroup J1 or J2, fyi(Meaning that since there are haplogroups which are far older than J1 and J2, mitocholdrial eve could not possibly have come from Egypt, 6,000 years ago)

Additionally Your postings assert: "Assur is revered as the "inventor" of agriculture."(the part inside the quotation marks is also cut-n-pasted)
If Assur/El/Osirus lived 1000 years before Isis then he lived 7,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been practicing agriculture for almost 3,000 years by that point...(which is to demonstrate that the Isis site is either wrong about when Assur lived, or wrong in attributing agriculture to him)

(If that doesn't clear it up, and make you feel silly for your responses, then you have a blindness which is uncurable)


Domesticator of Cannabis
That was an interesting part of the site, the names. It seems if the Egyptians were building pyramids or designing them in Central America as you agreed?, they were on a mission. Starting with the main ingredient of civilizations, agriculture, the Fertile Crescents Agrarian cultures moved in a east west direction & took thousands of years in some places to move north & south. East west travels of Pagans would seem logical, it would have taken the same amount of time to move N/S, you need the main ingredient, agriculture. Ireland could be different?

So when the North American mound builders (The Mississippian Culture) finally developed a corn ~ eastern flint that could handle the cooler climate that society took off. It seems only logical that the Pagans were on a mission & these missionaries would carry the arts of civilization with them as far as they could go, religious, industrious etc were dispersed throughout the world. Pagans didn't completely take over the people they travelled to. That would be a difficult task. They probably would insert their religious culture with the ancestors of those peoples already there. Missionaries are still being carried out today in certain parts of the world by groups.

As with anything I'm not 100% on the myth being exact, but with all I've ever heard, read or thought, this package makes the most sense of all the religions & history books. The science does not disprove the myth to be anything but an allegorical story. The same history classes that told you Egyptians didn't travel across the ocean.
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The Voice of Reason
I agree with alot of your thread here...
It is mostly the isis bullshit i take exception with...
If it were true, then the mitochondrial dna would all lead to the upper nile 6,000 years ago, but it leads to southeast Africa 44,000 years before 'isis' lived...
The number of haplotypes and their geographic distribution, and timeline, and the fact that there are lines which are older than 6,000 years, means that there is no way that a mutant woman who lived in upper Egypt is the mother of us all... Also, I'm not basing any of my comments on history classes... Most of the pertinent data wasn't even available to teach when I was in history class... Though it was a high school teacher that interested me in the voyages of the Ra and Ra II..

The Isis site has enough fact in it... it is just that the conclusions they are trying to use those facts to support, aren't supported by those facts, and they don't give all the facts, and they distort some of the facts... Unless you also take everything written on the isis site as allegory, then you have to discount it all...

What about the pyramids in peru which are contemporary with the egyptian ones, and far predate the pyramids close to where the egyptians would have landed?

I lived close to the mounds in the Southern US, at one time...


Domesticator of Cannabis
NONE of the Isis theory was backed up by science... It was actually debunked by it...

The Isis site says Mitochondrial eve was a mutant named Isis 6,000 years ago... Science says mitochondrial eve lived 50,000 years ago...

Isis site says assur invented agriculture 7,000 years ago... Science shows man farming for the last 10,000 years...

You are quite the man of faith sticking to an obviously bunk theory...
I agree if the collapse of the ice age was 10,000 years ago or so. El lived after the melt down, he created the first civilizations who used the Winged Sun symbol.

I've read that before about Eve oh yeah right here linked on this thread, wiki, I see you have too. You're putting too much faith in the Isis site & not myself. Get your priorities straight. :tree:

sac beh

Grat3fulh3ad is correct. The origin of homo sapiens far precedes the Isis genealogy date of 6,000 years ago. I believe the earliest evidence we've found of homo sapiens sapiens (humans anatomically the same as modern humans) is the find in Africa dating to 195,000 years ago. Further, we know humans to have been in Europe at least 40,000 years ago. All archaeologists will tell you that agriculture and the "production" of food dates to at least 9,000-10,000 BCE.

sirgrassalot, accepting the archaeological facts of that matter shouldn't diminish our respect for the ancient Egyptian civilization--a great one indeed. But there's no reason to invent (referring to the site) un-supported reasons for similarities in ancient cultures when far more interesting ones exist and have the support of archaeologists and anthropologists. For example, some of the attempts to draw a causal relationship from Egyptian culture to Maya completely diminish aspects of Maya culture which are able to stand on their own as interesting explanations. I think shamanism is the most interesting and supported reason for similarities between some of these ancient cultures. I could expand on that if you'd like.

anyway, interesting thread..


Domesticator of Cannabis
Grat3fulh3ad is correct. The origin of homo sapiens far precedes the Isis genealogy date of 6,000 years ago. I believe the earliest evidence we've found of homo sapiens sapiens (humans anatomically the same as modern humans) is the find in Africa dating to 195,000 years ago. Further, we know humans to have been in Europe at least 40,000 years ago. All archaeologists will tell you that agriculture and the "production" of food dates to at least 9,000-10,000 BCE.

sirgrassalot, accepting the archaeological facts of that matter shouldn't diminish our respect for the ancient Egyptian civilization--a great one indeed. I could expand on that if you'd like.

anyway, interesting thread..
I haven't btw I just question the time line, it'll change again. I've read all that info before. I've read nothing but in the few previous months. I'm no Egyptologist either I'd need another lifetime. Quicker to become a doctor. Grat3fulh3ad has agreed that Egyptians travelled across the ocean & started, what the Olmec civilization?:santa1: its been a while, who's on first? Elaborate at will.


The Voice of Reason
I agree if the collapse of the ice age was 10,000 years ago or so. El lived after the melt down, he created the first civilizations who used the Winged Sun symbol.

I read that before about Eve oh yeah right here linked on this thread, wiki, I see you have too. You're putting too much faith in the Isis site & not myself. Get your priorities straight. :tree:

I may have checked info on wiki, But, they're right...

The reason you have read things similar to my statements before, Is because my statements are facts, and people tend to make records of facts...
When I make an assertion which I know will be questioned, I always find a reference source to back me up and fill in forgotten details...
What's wrong with that?

I bet you could read that about eve at a lot of different sites, and I must congratulate you for linking up to it already, even if you lacked the presence of mind to realize it refuted information which you had endorsed...

I am not putting faith in anything, least of all the isis site you endorsed and cut/pasted so much text from as though it were some authoritative source...

So... Sometime right after the last Ice age, some person or group of people figured out what a seed was and how to plant one... We knew that already... I agree with that...

The hyperbole about that, I discount as allegory built on allegory...
You can call the first group of farmers assur if you want to I guess, no skin off of my nose... A farmer by another name is still a farmer... Methinks you take the allegory too literally, still, if you think that these generalities were actual individuals...


The Voice of Reason
I haven't btw I just question the time line, it'll change again. I've read all that info before. I've read nothing but in the few previous months. I'm no Egyptologist either I'd need another lifetime. Quicker to become a doctor. Grat3fulh3ad has agreed that Egyptians travelled across the ocean & started, what the Olmec civilization?:santa1: its been a while, who's on first? Elaborate at will.

I did not say anything as to what they did when they got there...

The oldest pyramids and cities in the Americas are in Peru... Caral, maybe
That's the other coast...


Domesticator of Cannabis
1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.

You're a little confused, let me set you straight, I know the site as I mentioned. I responded with what I thought, my thoughts, (treasure them) & asked questions. It's the bold italic print on the original quote. I'll get to the DNA sometime when I can read my links & see what I thinks. What's ones thoughts on Sykes 'Seven daughters of Isis whoops Eve', anyone? :smokeit:


The Voice of Reason
1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.

You're a little confused, let me set you straight, I know the site as I mentioned. I responded with what I thought, my thoughts, (treasure them) & asked questions. It's the bold italic print on the original quote. I'll get to the DNA sometime when I can read my links & see what I thinks. What's ones thoughts on Sykes 'Seven daughters of Isis whoops Eve', anyone? :smokeit:
It was just odd that your questions and comments were aimed at the Isis site's info, and you neglected to comment or question the actual substance of the post choosing instead to concentrate on the preface... I completely understood that the parts of the quote which I did not write were your misguided commentary, the bold itallics were mighty fancy though... :jerkit:
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Domesticator of Cannabis
I did not say anything as to what they did when they got there...

The oldest pyramids and cities in the Americas are in Peru... Caral, maybe
That's the other coast...
So are you going to finish? How did the Egyptians get there & when? Peru, Heru...Pheru.... Find that somewhere.... :peppermintstick:


The Voice of Reason
So are you going to finish? How did the Egyptians get there & when? Peru, Heru...Pheru.... Find that somewhere.... :peppermintstick:

lmao at people who think any word which sounds remotely similar to another word must be somehow related...
That whole word origin thing was the biggest lie of the isis site after the timeline one...

Hey wait a minute...... look your name..."sirgrassalot" ...."Sure goes Isis A lot"... OMG... IT IS ALL TRUE!!! hail ISIS...


Domesticator of Cannabis
It was just odd that your questions and comments were aimed at the Isis site's info, and you neglected to comment or question the actual substance of the post choosing instead to concentrate on the preface... I completely understood that the parts of the quote which I did not write were your misguided commentary, the bold itallics were mighty fancy though...
I did & I mentioned the other part in my previous posting. Strange why, you think I believe the site to be fact? That's crazy talk & I've mentioned how the myth was to be taken. :eggnog:


The Voice of Reason
I did & I mentioned the other part in my previous posting. Strange why, you think I believe the site to be fact? That's crazy talk & I've mentioned how the myth was to be taken. :eggnog:

AAahhhh So the isis website is a myth... I see... :jerkit:

You confused me titling your thread "THE GREATEST TRUE STORY EVER TOLD" and then posting up cut-n-pasties from there as your lead in...


Domesticator of Cannabis
lmao at people who think any word which sounds remotely similar to another word must be somehow related...
That whole word origin thing was the biggest lie of the isis site after the timeline one...

Hey wait a minute...... look your name..."sirgrassalot" ...." Sure goes Isis A lot"... OMG... IT IS ALL TRUE!!! hail ISIS...
You missed the sir part ~ Assur


Domesticator of Cannabis
AAahhhh So the isis website is a myth... I see... :jerkit:

You confused me titling your thread "THE GREATEST TRUE STORY EVER TOLD" and then posting up cut-n-pasties from there as your lead in...
There's truth to the myth, it was how they spread the word before the internet. You thought the myth was factual, you're not comprehending the site or myself properly. LoL :window:


The Voice of Reason
There's truth to the myth, it was how they spread the word before the internet. You thought the myth was factual, you're not comprehending the site or myself properly. LoL :window:

I was stating things the SITE asserts as facts...
You were trying to say the myths point to facts...
I comprehend EXACTLY what the site is saying, and that you bought into it...
It was only those assertions I was addressing... I know myths are myths... Just like I know you are CRAWFISHING...
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