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The Greatest True Story Ever Told

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Domesticator of Cannabis
I was stating things the SITE asserts as facts...
You were trying to say the myths point to facts...
I comprehend EXACTLY what the site is saying, and that you bought into it...
It was only those assertions I was addressing... I know myths are myths... Just like I know you are CRAWFISHING...
You've not come up with a better theory, so between you & the site, the site offers a greater insight. I hope your postings offer up some quality posts on the subjects soon, they're becoming quite tiresome.
I also have my dog on my lap, he's no lap dog anymore, makes for real lousy typing.:thanks:


The Voice of Reason
You've not come up with a better theory, so between you & the site, the site offers a greater insight. I hope your postings offer up some quality posts on the subjects soon, they're becoming quite tiresome.
I also have my dog on my lap, he's no lap dog anymore, makes for real lousy typing.:thanks:

LMAo... I don't have to have the answers to realize you don't have them... I don't have to post up some theory to realize the one you posted up is made up largely of bullshit...

Funny... Between no explanation and a bullshit one , the bullshit offers more insight... nice...

I'm not the one who started the thread with a title claiming great truth... :pointlaug

You should spend more time figuring out your actual position here in this thread, and defending it... Insulting me as I debunk stuff you plagiarized and posted up as the greatest true story ever told is getting you nowhere and making you look silly...


Domesticator of Cannabis
LMAo... I don't have to have the answers to realize you don't have them... I don't have to post up some theory to realize the one you posted up is made up largely of bullshit...

Funny... Between no explanation and a bullshit one , the bullshit offers more insight... nice...

I'm not the one who started the thread with a title claiming great truth... :pointlaug

You should spend more time figuring out your actual position here in this thread, and defending it... Insulting me as I debunk stuff you plagiarized and posted up as the greatest true story ever told is getting you nowhere and making you look silly...
Insulting you, you should be used to it. LoL One good turn deserves another eH, go whine yourself to sleep you little baby. You've only debunked your perceived intelligence, get that straight. What's in a title what's in a name...This is not a paper I'm being scored on, by anyone duh. When I have a solid position I may share it, but if you have a problem it isn't with my beliefs. I see you're hurt now, too bad. :eggnog:

sac beh

So are you going to finish? How did the Egyptians get there & when? Peru, Heru...Pheru.... Find that somewhere.... :peppermintstick:

The naming of the country Peru is so recent that your suggestion that the word comes from some ancient contact between the Culture of Isis and Peru is a huge red herring. I think there is great evidence for transatlantic contact between and New and Old World cultures, and the idea is appealing to me for many reasons, but you need to rely on evidence that wouldn't be laughed at by specialists in the various fields.

This is a good general discussion:

For on the problems with your method of using word similarities as evidence:


Domesticator of Cannabis
The naming of the country Peru is so recent that your suggestion that the word comes from some ancient contact between the Culture of Isis and Peru is a huge red herring. I think there is great evidence for transatlantic contact between and New and Old World cultures, and the idea is appealing to me for many reasons, but you need to rely on evidence that wouldn't be laughed at by specialists in the various fields.

This is a good general discussion:

For on the problems with your method of using word similarities as evidence:
Please I was kicking someone in the teeth. hehehe This thread The Greatest True Story Ever Told is not written by me, I started the thread & posted many of my posts, edited somewhat, questions removed etc. A dummy made too many assumptions. It took a few hours is all. Any one can post what they have or believe. Most of us won't get childish like the head.

sac beh

I see... I guess the thread became more of a fight between you guys. But anyway, I still think its interesting stuff. My particular interests are along the lines of archaeology and shared symbology and shamanistic practices among cultures. So I appreciate reading theories such as this, I just come into them as a skeptic :)


The Voice of Reason
Insulting you, you should be used to it. LoL One good turn deserves another eH, go whine yourself to sleep you little baby. You've only debunked your perceived intelligence, get that straight. What's in a title what's in a name...This is not a paper I'm being scored on, by anyone duh. When I have a solid position I may share it, but if you have a problem it isn't with my beliefs. I see you're hurt now, too bad. :eggnog:

LMAo... like I suspected, yet another substanceless post...
I guess the substance of my post was far over your head, you're still too confused to respond with any intelligence...... no worries...
If it were a paper, you'd have earned an F... lol... greatest true story, lmao
See ya later sirasshatalot
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Domesticator of Cannabis
I see... I guess the thread became more of a fight between you guys. But anyway, I still think its interesting stuff. My particular interests are along the lines of archaeology and shared symbology and shamanistic practices among cultures. So I appreciate reading theories such as this, I just come into them as a skeptic :)
We have some of that info here. I'm into the symbolism etc.

Take the Wing Disk symbol, no not Chrysler. Ashur used that symbol with the Sumerians. Isis adds the twin serpents to that symbol. Isis symbols are many as are her titles. The Wadjet with the sun disk is called the uraeus, it was the emblem on the crown of the rulers of Lower Egypt connected to Isis in later mythology possibly giving credit where credit is due. Baset, the cat lady is connected to it, The Ankh, there's a little cross over with the Ankh. Others are also connected to Hathor who wears the sun disk and cow's horn (Mama) as well some have said she's Isis's mother or the mother of Horus. Bat & Sekhmet were others I believe they share some symbols. Isis was a twin btw. She wears the throne atop her head, mother of the throne. Very confusing though with the merging of dieties, some having the same name as previous goddesses.

The Going Forth of Wadjet was celebrated on December 25 with chants and songs. Everyone follow the bouncing ball. :elf:
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Yeah, doesn't seem like anyone else comments are welcome.
Which comments Owl, there's a lot of spam since yesterday. I was reading a solid ureap post before I crashed. The Urantia I've not read & I'm off to battle in court over a fine, principal eH. Its Christmas time I also have to deliver some goodies to my clients. :eggnog: It's been my busiest year ever in 18+.

I will check it over when I have some time. Feel free to fill us up with your thoughts on its main points. That'll be quicker than reading it all.

Merry Christmas :santa1:

Owl Mirror

Active member
Which comments Owl, there's a lot of spam since yesterday. I was reading a solid ureap post before I crashed. The Urantia I've not read & I'm off to battle in court over a fine, principal eH. Its Christmas time I also have to deliver some goodies to my clients. :eggnog: It's been my busiest year ever in 18+.

I will check it over when I have some time.
Feel free to fill us up with your thoughts on its main points.

That'll be quicker than reading it all.

Merry Christmas :santa1:

Basically, it is: The Greatest True Story Ever Told

It contains more detailed info on these subjects of history and myth, timelines of millions of years.

The portion which deals with your topic can be found in two sections:

The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident
4. The Mystery Cults ~ "The rituals of the worship of Isis and Osiris were more refined and impressive than were those of the Phrygian cult. This Egyptian ritual was built around the legend of the Nile god of old, a god who died and was resurrected, which concept was derived from the observation of the annually recurring stoppage of vegetation growth followed by the springtime restoration of all living plants. The frenzy of the observance of these mystery cults and the orgies of their ceremonials, which were supposed to lead up to the “enthusiasm” of the realization of divinity, were sometimes most revolting."

The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant
"This defeat of the Salem gospel was immediately followed by a great increase in the cult of Ishtar, a ritual which had already invaded Palestine as Ashtoreth, Egypt as Isis, Greece as Aphrodite, and the northern tribes as Astarte. And it was in connection with this revival of the worship of Ishtar that the Babylonian priests turned anew to stargazing; astrology experienced its last great Mesopotamian revival, fortunetelling became the vogue, and for centuries the priesthood increasingly deteriorated.

The weakness of Ikhnaton’s doctrine lay in the fact that he proposed such an advanced religion that only the educated Egyptians could fully comprehend his teachings. The rank and file of the agricultural laborers never really grasped his gospel and were, therefore, ready to return with the priests to the old-time worship of Isis and her consort Osiris, who was supposed to have been miraculously resurrected from a cruel death at the hands of Set, the god of darkness and evil."

The Origins of Worship


Anyways, have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season !


The Voice of Reason
sirgrassalot... you quote me out of context in your sig line...

But everything you think you understand is out of context and confused, so what else should I expect... You are the epitome of gullibility, and a rude asshole.

You were clearly promoting the teachings from the Isis website as truth, no matter how you try to verbally worm your way out of it. I clearly pointed out why their claims are bullshit. It pissed you off and you answered my every post with only empty meaningless insults which fail miserably...

Go back to my first post in the thread, when I tagged it to my subsctiptions and placed your source website link where I could quickly find it... from that post through the next dozen or so, I try to be polite and discuss facts, but you would only post up empty derision with no substance...

Over and over, I tried to get a clear answer, but was never given anything but attitude...

Eventually I started giving attitude back, though I never stopped debunking the website you were promoting as truth.

Once the bullshit of the Isis sites claims were undeniably demonstrated, you try to sell the bullshit that "the isis site is allegory"... Anyone reading the Isis site's main page will know they completely believe all of the things in my list... The Isis myth is allegorical, but the site presents it's interpretation of the allegory as fact, and you posted it up as fact... nowhere in your opening statements do you ever imply that "the greatest true story ever told" is really not a true story at all, but a story about a story about a true-ish story...

Either you have some sort of troll vendetta against me in particular...
Or It really pissed you off badly being shown to be so far off base...

Either way, your attempts at making people think I misunderstand the Isis website's message... your attempts at making people think I posted anything resembling spam... and your attempts to make people think you didn't buy into the Isis websites version of history... will all fail miserably with all of the intelligent members of this fine site. Anyone who wants to go back to post #55 or so and read onward can see that you had an attitude and agenda where I was concerned from the beginning...

You're kind of pathetic if you continue this... kinda pathetic and kinda a troll...
Putting out of context quotes by my in your sig is definitely trolling...
So have fun...

BTW... Owl Mirror has the right answer in their quoted post "The rituals of the worship of Isis and Osiris were more refined and impressive than were those of the Phrygian cult. This Egyptian ritual was built around the legend of the Nile god of old, a god who died and was resurrected, which concept was derived from the observation of the annually recurring stoppage of vegetation growth followed by the springtime restoration of all living plants"

The Isis Osiris myth is nothing more than an allegory of the nile's annual flood cycle...
Since Osirus is Assur, Assur is a symbol for the nile river... right on, owl...
Just like the re-birth of the Oak king and death of the Holly king, is an allegory we just experienced as the winter solstice...
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The Voice of Reason
The naming of the country Peru is so recent that your suggestion that the word comes from some ancient contact between the Culture of Isis and Peru is a huge red herring. I think there is great evidence for transatlantic contact between and New and Old World cultures, and the idea is appealing to me for many reasons, but you need to rely on evidence that wouldn't be laughed at by specialists in the various fields.

This is a good general discussion:

For on the problems with your method of using word similarities as evidence:

I am glad that people are paying attention...
sirgrassalot was so caught up in trying to make me look bad, that the factuality of his arguments was of no concern to him...

It seemed like I kept wanting to discuss verifiable fact...
and sirgrassy only wanted to deride me for doing so, even if he had to use misinformation to do it...

Thanks for keeping him honest there, sac beh, good job... :D

BTW, all of the 'word origin' info contained in sirgrassalot's posts is equally sketchy... case in point: the word pagan has nothing to do with Assur's seed.... The word pagan has origins which only go back to the latin... "ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin paganus ‘villager, rustic,’ from pagus ‘country district.’ Latin paganus also meant ‘civilian,’"

Also, thank you for familiarizing me with the term "false cognate", that will surely save me alot of future typing =]
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Hey are we having a spectacular Christmas or what? I received a new camera from Mrs Claus. A Canon G11, sweet, replacing my 4mp G2, and King Tut is in town @ the art gallery. I'm going to have to make some time to get down there.


Most of the italics are wiki linked, so no one get any stupider, italics are quotes from other sites posted throughout this thread.

The Hyksos peoples, who are they? The Hyksos (Egyptian heqa khasewet, "foreign rulers"; Greek Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς, Arabic: الملوك الرعاة, shepherd kings) were an Asiatic people who invaded the eastern Nile Delta, in the Twelfth dynasty of Egypt initiating the Second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt.

Could they be involved in The Greatest True Story Ever Told? You bet, if you've read the thread or the Isis site you'd know she had Asian characteristics.

Hyksos 15th dynasty

Traditionally, only the six Fifteenth Dynasty rulers are called Hyksos. The Hyksos had Canaanite names, as seen in those which contain the names of Semitic deities such as Anath or Ba'al. They introduced new tools of warfare into Egypt, most notably the composite bow and the horse-drawn chariot. Yes indeed people the son of El ~ Osiris ~ Assur were Semitic Asians. Isis Royals ~ Is-Ra-El < Right up there in the top 5. The ancient phallic god El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al.

The concept of Semitic peoples is derived from Biblical accounts of the origins of the cultures known to the ancient Hebrews. Those closest to them in culture and language were generally deemed to be descended from their forefather Shem. Enemies were often said to be descendants of his cursed nephew, Canaan. In Genesis 10:21-31, Shem is described as the father of Aram, Asshur, and Arpachshad: the Biblical ancestors of the Arabs, Aramaeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Sabaeans, and Hebrews, etc., all of whose languages are closely related; the language family containing them was therefore named Semitic by linguists. However, the Canaanites and Amorites also spoke a language belonging to this family, and are therefore also termed Semitic in linguistics, despite being described in Genesis as sons of Ham (See Sons of Noah). Shem is also described in Genesis as the father of Elam and Lud, although the Elamites and Lydians usually thought to descend from these spoke languages that were not Semitic.

Ashur (Hebrew: אַשּׁוּר‎; often also transliterated as Asshur to reflect the pointing of Hebrew letter 'ש' (Shin) in the Masoretic text, which doubles the 'ש'), was the second son of Shem, the son of Noah. Ashur's brothers were Elam, Aram, Arpachshad and Lud.

The Hebrew text of Genesis 10:11 is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it was Ashur himself (eg. as reads the KJV), or Nimrod (as in some other English translations) who built the cities of Nineveh, Resen, Rehoboth-Ir and Calah in Assyria, since the name Ashur can refer to either the person or the country.(Genesis 10:8–10)[1]

Assur (also spelled Ashur, from Assyrian Aššur; Arabic: أشور Aššûr; Hebrew: אַשּׁוּר Aššûr, Aramaic: ܐܫܘܪ Ašur), was one of the capitals of ancient Assyria. Assur is also the name of the chief deity of the city. He was considered the highest god in the Assyrian pantheon and the protector of the Assyrian state. In the Mesopotamian mythology he was the equivalent of Babylonian Marduk.

"Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials; in some texts it is used as a substitute for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven.

You'll need that to start a civilization.:tree:

In the Canaanite pantheon, Hadad was the son of El, who had once been the primary god of the Canaanite pantheon.

Hadad was equated with the Anatolian storm-god Teshub, the Egyptian god Set, the Greek god Zeus, and the Roman god Jupiter.

Set was Assur's brother. El is Assur he & his descendants established the first Kingdoms on earth, conquering & breeding widely following the collapse of the ice age. Isis resurrected El's religion that is when El becomes Assur.

El was the Biblical El-ohim, Adam's father. El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al. Ba'al is a much reviled god in the Bible, but Ba'al means son of El, and Ba'al was the father god of the Canaanites of Abraham�s time. El-issa (El + Isis) was a wife of Ba'al. El-issa, in Hebrew means the wife/female of El. Ba'al and Elissa were the gods of Israel up until 687- 642 BC. :thanks:

Isis was bred throughout her family first. It took many years for that family to come into power. Their pedigreed offspring was eventually gifted to the ruling families of the world.

Initially the rulers were considered the sons of the cow deity Bat and eventually Hathor and they occupied her throne to rule the country and officiate in religious rites. There is evidence that the ruler may have been sacrificed after a certain period of time in the earliest rituals but soon was replaced by a specially selected bull. The pharaohs were believed later in the culture to be the incarnations of the deity Horus in life[3] and Osiris in death. Once the cult of Isis and Osiris became prominent, Pharaohs were viewed as a bridge between the god Osiris and human beings; and after death the pharaoh was believed to unite with Osiris.

The royal line was matriarchal and a relationship with the royal women through birth or marriage (or both) determined the right to rule. The royal women played important roles in the religious rituals and governance of the country, sometimes participating alongside the pharaoh.

I'm hoping to get a chance to wear my new mistletoe belt buckle later if anyone wants to wish me a Merry Christmas. :deadxmas:
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The Voice of Reason
Oh boy... more false cognates and completely impossible timelines... btw, Elohim is actually a plural word in the aramaic... Israel means "Prince of El" not "isis royals"
Merry Christmas!

Exactly like every other conspiracy theory... All we have here is a collection of unrelated facts which you are trying to string together using distortions, falsehoods, and fabrications...

Like it says in your sig line...

I agree with alot of the thread (all of the verifiable facts), but the most conclusions being drawn are conspiracy theory style bullshit...
You yourself admitted that nothing on the isis site can be taken as anything more than allegory...
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The Voice of Reason
Here's the Hyksos Conspiracy Theory:
The "foreign rulers" descended from the rulers of Ur, infiltrated the egyptian royal family, and displaced it's bloodline with their own.
The "exodus" of hebrew into canaan was not a slave population being driven out of egypt to find a new home, it was a military campaign by the Hyksos Pharaoh Ahmose I
(aka moses)..
Every hebrew ruler mentioned in the Torah was really a pharaoh.
The "12 tribes of Israel" were really territories ruled by 12 hyksos princes.
The princes of Manesseh and Dan joined together and migrated up the coast to become the Macedonians or "manessah dan-ians"
Alexander the Great was a Hyksos Pharaoh.
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar were both also rulers descended from the Hyksos Pharaohs.(Jesus Christ was their son, but that's a whole other story)
The Freemasons were founded by the decendents of the Hyksos.
The Royal houses of Europe are decendents of the Hyksos.
The Rothschild Family is decended from the Hyksos.
The Hyksos were very careful to keep their lines inbred and separate from the rest of the world's population, and consider themselves to be the Chosen people of Amun.
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The Voice of Reason
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar had a son together... Caesarion.

Cleopatra was declared to be the incarnation of Isis.
Julius Caesar was declared to be a god.

Caesarion was the only begotten son of god.

When Octavian declared war on Cleopatra, Caesarion at the age of 12 was sent away to India, where he would be safe.

En route to India the disguised Caesarion traveled thru Jerusalem where he astounded the temple priests with his understanding.

In India the disguised Caesarion assumed the name Issa where he lived and studied Buddhism and Hinduism, and plotted a Coup over his cousin Octavian.

At age 29 he returned to Jerusalem, with a plan to Take over the Empire and turn Octavian's Roman Empire into Issa's (jesus) Holy Roman Empire, using tactics he learned from Indian guru's and philosophies he borrowed from the Buddha.

He reunited with his mothers other fugitive children (Mark Antony's) and filled them in on his plan, and they became his core disciples.

After hanging on the cross in a meditative trance for a few hours, He was taken down and nursed for three days when he made his re-appearance from the dead (an idea he borrowed from his mother's claim of being Isis) and left for Europe's southern Mediterranean coast.

Caesarion/Jesus then wed his half sister Mary S-elene (or Magd-elene) who began giving birth to the family who's progeny would become the Monarchs of Europe, living in the south of france.
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