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The Greatest True Story Ever Told

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The Voice of Reason
You know, when that happens, if you simply log in at that screen you would not have lost anything. Your post would have been published and you would be logged back in where you were.

I know... I messed up by immediately hitting the back button...


there may be some civilizations that have been lost or did not record their history as richly as the Egyptians

Now I admittedly have a very weak ancient history background

but upon cursory analysis there are several civilizations that were advanced yet we now very little about where they came from

and it seems that there would have to be some civilizations that would show the transition between the amazonian rain forest tribe to a mayan civilization

im not leveraging this into see god exists or life started here

it does interest me that most of these civilizations seem to advanced for a generation or two to have "left the forest" to build pyramids (in case of the incans say)

we need to discover those bridges

could there have been a more advanced traveling race of man that spread technology to these people and then died out

perhaps all of our various peoples share a common influence not ancestor?

im not going extra terestrial

im not saying creation

im saying its hard to envision eypyt sprouting up from nomads without some transitions

could there have been a tribe of man (same race) that advanced millennium ago and traveled the world and shared these advanced technologies and their particular culture was lost

it would account for the difficulty in finding localized transitional civilizations on all contnents

and if the originating tribe of man came forma "Galapagos" type ecosystem, they could have advanced up to the technology of the 1600's millennium ago passed it on and died out and the whole history of their evolution lost to that ecosystem (say an island in the changing face of the planet that was gone long ago)

and the peoples on other continents they met and mingled with learned their technology

we didn't go from monkey to metro sexual in a few short turn of evolution

and please lets not forget adaptation in fact evolution is influenced by environment according to Darwin's observations but never so dramatic as to change a hunter gather tribesman into an metallurgist and artisan


The Voice of Reason
I edited some of my problems with the isis thing into post # 60 of this thread...
There is more, but it is for later...

Owl Mirror

Active member
we need to discover those bridges

DalamatiaThe City of the Prince
The headquarters of the Planetary Prince was situated in the Persian Gulf region of those days, in the district corresponding to later Mesopotamia.
The nucleus of the Prince’s settlement was a very simple but beautiful city, enclosed within a wall forty feet high. This world center of culture was named Dalamatia in honor of Daligastia.
Much of your subsequent mythology grew out of the garbled legends of these early days when these members of the Prince’s staff were repersonalized on Urantia as

Owl Mirror

Active member
Besides, we all know the actual "greatest story ever told"

LOL, here I thought you were talking about:
Roland Burris Rewrites "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
It was the night before Christmas, and all through the Senate
the right held up our health care bill, no matter what was in it.

The people had voted a mandated reform
but Republicans blew off the gathering storm.

"We'll clog up the Senate," they cried with a grin.
"and in the midterm elections, we'll get voted in."

they knew regular folks needed help right this second
but fund-raisers lobbyists and politics beckoned.

So try as they might Democrats could not win
because their majority was simply too thin

Then across every state there rose such a clatter,
the whole Senate rushed out to see what was the matter.

All sprang up from their desk and ran from the floor,
straight through the cloakroom and right out the door.

And in what in the world would be quite so raucous,
but a mandate for change from the Democratic caucus.

The president, the speaker, of course leader Reid
had answered the call in our hour of need.

More rapid than eagles, the provisions they came
and they whistled and shouted and called them by name:

better coverage, cost savings, a strong public plan
accountable options, we said "yes, we can."

No exclusions or changes for preexisting conditions.
let's pass a bill that restores competition.

The Democrats all came together to fight
for the American people that Christmas eve night.

And then in a twinkle, I heard under the dome
the roll call was closed, and it was time to go home.

Despite the obstructionist tactics of some,
the filibuster had broken, the people had won

And a good bill was ready for President Obama,
ready to sign and end health care drama.

Democrats explained as they drove out of sight,
better coverage for all, even our friends on the right.

Live ~ Senate Democrats discuss health reform bill's progress before vote
Health bill clears last procedural hurdle in Senate, final vote 7 a.m.


Domesticator of Cannabis
One of my main objections is the fact that homo sapiens sapiens have been around as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago...I've read that elsewhere, any original thoughts? You seem to want to be an Oswald, I thought you had it all figured out by yourself??

The Isis website you got this all from, claims that:I'm glad you enjoyed the site. I've read it back to back plenty of times. I know it like the back of my hand. I picked up on the site because it says a lot of stuff I had already believed to be true or closest to the truth. I give no one 100% correct on the subject. You've missed some of the site or you wouldn't be making as many assumptions here on the time line & anything disparaging towards scientists & their work. They'll get it together eventually.

1.The goddess Isis was once a real person. Correct. The Egyptians speak of her as a real person. I suppose they could have lied, maybe retooled the rock, a lot of that went down. If you don't think they deified humans you must believe they were real Gods...or it was make believe?

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry. Did we just wipe out the HS, did they go extinct from a catastrophe or something? Are you not from the mitochondrial Eve? How large was the human race at this time in history? Do you think we had a bottleneck or two? You don't believe eugenics were known & or used by the Egyptians. There was no divine blood line of the PHerus, anyone who ran for office could win eH? "I know... I messed up by immediately hitting the back button..." Maybe not all of us.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world. You were just about to tell us who invented Paganism if not Isis descendants. She's the ancestral mother of homo sapien sapiens of the Isis bloodline.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion. Correct, you can't resurrect a dead man.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis. Not counting but thousands I understand it to be.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing. Apparently, all time lines are suspect.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom. She had Asian characteristics too.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind. You were about to tell us the Mitochondrial Eve is hogwash? You need to add wiki to my information stealing LoL

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens. I would say humans with double wisdom, there may of been HSS but they weren't twice wise. Show us their accomplishments & civilizations before the Sumerians that is.

Hmmmm... :chin:

Since we are able to trace our genetic origins to eastern lower africa, 50,000 or so years ago... to a mitochondrial homo sapiens sapiens eve... It would seem like a pretty simple task to find the common ancestor of mankind that lived 6 thousand years ago, and was a mutant...I'm not set on a time line, it would be after the collapse of the ice age when evolution set the stage for HSS to become what we are.

Since we are able to track over two dozen haplogroups which range in origin from 50,000 years ago up through haplogroups that are less that 3,00 years old, finding the 6,000 year old mutant "mother of us all" would have long ago been discovered....I have attached a timeline chart of the haplogroups in homo sapiens sapiens.... Egyptians 6,000 years ago would have belonged to haplogroup J1 or J2, fyi Show us some HSS skulls from that time.

Additionally Your postings assert: "Assur is revered as the "inventor" of agriculture."
If Assur/El/Osirus lived 1000 years before Isis then he lived 7,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been practicing agriculture for almost 3,000 years by that point...
Correct Assur is the inventor of Agriculture, he was a Homo Sapien, a wise human.
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Owl Mirror

Active member
... as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago

The Dawn Races of Early Man
ABOUT one million years ago the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by three successive and sudden mutations stemming from early stock of the lemur type of placental mammal.
A little more than one million years ago the Mesopotamian dawn mammals, the direct descendants of the North American lemur type of placental mammal, suddenly appeared. They were active little creatures, almost three feet tall; and while they did not habitually walk on their hind legs, they could easily stand erect. They were hairy and agile and chattered in monkeylike fashion, but unlike the simian tribes, they were flesh eaters. They had a primitive opposable thumb as well as a highly useful grasping big toe. From this point onward the prehuman species successively developed the opposable thumb while they progressively lost the grasping power of the great toe. The later ape tribes retained the grasping big toe but never developed the human type of thumb.
These dawn mammals attained full growth when three or four years of age, having a potential life span, on the average, of about twenty years. As a rule offspring were born singly, although twins were occasional.

The First Human Beings
From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years.
These two remarkable creatures were true human beings.


The Voice of Reason
These are my original thoughts... Just because someone else thought along the same lines and you read it does not mean they are not my thoughts...
The reason you read it before it that THOSE ARE THE FACTS... lol

Funny thing is how the incompetent and ignorant attack a question rather than answering it... As though 'unoriginal' meant 'invalid'...
If I copied and pasted anything, then prove it, if you cannot prove it, then STFU and answer my valid points...

I do not know why you commented about the things your website said... I was just putting all of their pertinent assertions into an easily understandable list which demonstrates how far out of sync with reality the asserted timeline is... lol... You must have completely misunderstood my post...

No I was NEVER about to tell you the mitochondrial eve is hogwash, you don't read to well if you thought I was... I was telling you that the mitochondrial eve lived 50,000 years ago, not 6,000... LMAO... the Isis site's whole timeline is bunk... I am using the the real science about the actual mitochondrial eve, to show your assertions of an Isis/eve a few thousand years ago being Mitochondrial eve to be completely FALSE.

I thought you might want to have a fact based discussion, but I forgot the Isis theory " is not a scientific study. This is not a scholarly thesis. This is a synthesis of ancient history, myths, legends, art, and religious symbolism. " So facts can be just manipulated to fit into the synthesis... Actual provable timelines which don't work out are irrelevant...

Did you only invite me here to be mean to me? I thought you might be a truth seeker...
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Domesticator of Cannabis
These are my original thoughts... Just because someone else thought along the same lines and you read it does not mean they are not my thoughts...

Funny thing is how the incompetent attack a question rather than answering it...

I do not know why you commented about the things your website said... I was just putting all of their pertinent assertions into an easily understandable list which demonstrates how far out of sync with reality the asserted timeline is...

No I was NEVER about to tell you the mitochondrial eve is hogwash, you don't read to well if you thought I was... I was telling you that the mitochondrial eve lived 50,000 years ago, not 6,000... LMAO... the Isis site's whole timeline is bunk...
Just given it back to the incompetent typist LoL Original thought my ass. She has (Eve) already been linked up btw Have you read any of the thread correctly, its in English maybe that's an issue? The Isis site is an allegorical tale of events that actually happened and not to be taken literally. As I said pretty hard to resurrect a dead man.


The Voice of Reason
Just given it back to the incompetent typist LoL Original thought my ass. She's already been linked up btw Have you read any of the thread correctly, its in English maybe that's an issue? The site is an allegorical tale of events that actually happened and not taken literally. As I said pretty hard to resurrect a dead man.

So, just as I thought... no intellectual substance here... Good day...

Funny how the person who copied and pasted this entire thread is accusing me of unoriginal thought...
and ONLY accusing me of unoriginality to AVOID answering my points...

Only thing I copied and pasted in my reply to you, was the assertions from the isis site :laughing:
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The Voice of Reason
She's already been linked up btw Have you read any of the thread correctly, its in English maybe that's an issue? The site is an allegorical tale of events that actually happened and not taken literally. As I said pretty hard to resurrect a dead man.

I have NEVER taken any myth literally...
Evemerists do that, like the ones who wrote the site you love to quote...
Go back and reread post60...

The list of things the Isis site said was copied from that site...
Those were only there to show how bad off from actual history the timeline is...

I did not post up from the sIsis ite to contradict you, dumbass... I posted up the SCIENCE which contradicts both the Isis website and your premise based on it...

My original thoughts in the thread were
One of my main objections is the fact that homo sapiens sapiens have been around as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago...
which thoughts I based on verifiable facts...


Since we are able to trace our genetic origins to eastern lower africa, 50,000 or so years ago... to a mitochondrial homo sapiens sapiens eve... It would seem like a pretty simple task to find the common ancestor of mankind that lived 6 thousand years ago, and was a mutant...

Since we are able to track over two dozen haplogroups which range in origin from 50,000 years ago up through haplogroups that are less that 3,00 years old, finding the 6,000 year old mutant "mother of us all" would have long ago been discovered....I have attached a timeline chart of the haplogroups in homo sapiens sapiens.... Egyptians 6,000 years ago would have belonged to haplogroup J1 or J2, fyi

Additionally Your postings assert: "Assur is revered as the "inventor" of agriculture."
If Assur/El/Osirus lived 1000 years before Isis then he lived 7,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been practicing agriculture for almost 3,000 years by that point...
which I also base on easily verifiable facts...

The set of bullshit which I was directing those thought's at was:
The Isis website you got this all from, claims that:

1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.

Get it YET???

LMAO... you are excellent at misunderstanding things...
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Domesticator of Cannabis
So, just as I thought... no intellectual substance here... Good day...

Funny how the person who copied and pasted this entire thread is accusing me of unoriginal thought...

Only thing I copied and pasted in my reply to you, was the assertions from the isis site :laughing:
Don't let the door hit yah in the ass on the way out. Even funnier how I can type out my responses & not go to the site. I've backed up everything with science, you have shown Nothing but some recycled time line. What did I tell you about the typist in school, yeah. I'm not accusing you I'm telling you. :thanks:


The Voice of Reason
Here... I'll break it down so it is not so hard for you...

One of my main objections is the fact that homo sapiens sapiens have been around as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago...

The Isis website you got this all from, claims that:

1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.
Hmmmm... :chin:

Since we are able to trace our genetic origins to eastern lower africa, 50,000 or so years ago... to a mitochondrial homo sapiens sapiens eve... It would seem like a pretty simple task to find the common ancestor of mankind that lived 6 thousand years ago, and was a mutant...

Since we are able to track over two dozen haplogroups which range in origin from 50,000 years ago up through haplogroups that are less that 3,00 years old, finding the 6,000 year old mutant "mother of us all" would have long ago been discovered....I have attached a timeline chart of the haplogroups in homo sapiens sapiens.... Egyptians 6,000 years ago would have belonged to haplogroup J1 or J2, fyi

Additionally Your postings assert: "Assur is revered as the "inventor" of agriculture."
If Assur/El/Osirus lived 1000 years before Isis then he lived 7,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been practicing agriculture for almost 3,000 years by that point...


The Voice of Reason
Don't let the door hit yah in the ass on the way out. Even funnier how I can type out my responses & not go to the site. I've back up everything with science, you have shown Nothing but some recycled time line. What did I tell you about the typist in school, yeah. I'm not accusing you I'm telling you. :thanks:

NONE of the Isis theory was backed up by science... It was actually debunked by it...

The Isis site says Mitochondrial eve was a mutant named Isis 6,000 years ago... Science says mitochondrial eve lived 50,000 years ago...

Isis site says assur invented agriculture 7,000 years ago... Science shows man farming for the last 10,000 years...

You are quite the man of faith sticking to an obviously bunk theory...


The Voice of Reason
Insult and neg rep me all you want to... you still misunderstand...
I'll go on, though... Your flustered confused reaction tells me some things... Guess I know a little something you'll never know...

Aside from the timeline the Isis site claims being bunk...
The word origins are also easily demonstrated to be bullshit...
Every single word with a couple of 's's in it could be claimed to be because of isis, according to the logic they use...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Insult and neg rep me all you want to... you still misunderstand...
I'll go on, though... Your flustered confused reaction tells me some things... Guess I know a little something you'll never know...

Aside from the timeline the Isis site claims being bunk...
The word origins are also easily demonstrated to be bullshit...
Every single word with a couple of 's's in it could be claimed to be because of isis, according to the logic they use...
Have room service send up some cheese for that whine. :gift:. LoL There was a day when men did what they said they'd do.
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