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I need an answer to a question asap!!! Do you start flowering time from the time you see the first pistils or when it starts budding...like forming an actual bud on top...I have been counting skunky girls flowering time from that (oct 12th) but the first pistils showed up sep 20th...I just realized what I was doing so my plants are actually about 20 days farther into flowering then I thought!!!! So if this is true and its when the first pistils show then my plants are actually about 60 days into flowering!!! instead of the 40 I was thinking. God I cant believe I overlooked this lol. O well its GOOD news...I guess this is why alot of the pistils are turning amber. Which means my girls are almost 9 weeks into flowering....seeing as there most likely a sativa dom strain they prolly still have 2-3 weeks left but thats a far cry from the 5-6 I was thinking. HEHE. I feel like such an idiot.

Damn!!! I think imma just bite the shit and buy the cheapest lil microscope I can tomorow at radio shack cuz I wanna see what my trichs are!!! Im so EXCITED FROM MY DISCOVERY!!!!! I still feel lik ea complete moran though lmao....If I was a chick this would definitly be a SERIOUS blonde moment but im exempt HAHA.

Lemme hear your guys thoughts!!! What do you think? hehehehehehehhehe god im so stupid rofl

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This is the money you could be saving if you grow

The grow I was working on in June, post #136, page ten, was scrapped as I didn't get any females. I also took a 3 month vacation out west after I cut the grow short as I was saying. But this isn't about my vacation.

I was reading the thread and found my post from June, so I am up to date with what's going on around here. Everyone seems to have great looking plants, good ideas, and awesome variations with the grow spaces.

My current project is listed below, so I am just re-educating myself on current trends, as if things changed that much over the last 5 months, and familiarizing myself with what it takes to produce myself some great buds.


Active member
Thundurkel said:
I've done both mixed and just plain 2700K and I get dense nugs either way and 23w and 42w CFL's are the best way to go..

That's excellent news. Thank you.

Sexologist420 said:
I need an answer to a question asap!!! Do you start flowering time from the time you see the first pistils or when it starts budding...


You start flower time from the day you switch to 12/12.

So it's been even longer than you anticipated. I hope those are some long flowering sativas as you're going to have some serious couchlock if not.

Here's hopin for the best!
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Active member
Have a question........

I found these bulbs and would like to use them

1000 Bulbs Link

They're 36 watt
2,800 lumens
4-pin Plugin
Remote ballast

The problem is that I'm having a bit of difficulty finding the ballast that goes with these types of bulbs.

Also. Has anyone found any ballasts that would allow running a higher wattage through this bulb than normal without harm?

It's possible to safely overdrive regular flouros with certain ballasts and am wondering if there are any equivalent ballasts for CFLs?

Thank you for any input on this as it has my head scratching
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I saw those bulbs at walmart today....

If you go into the camping department at the same store, walmart, there are other bulbs just like that one. The fit into Colmen camp lamps, or the cheaper ones from China. It's just a suggestion, the sockets from the camp lights are probably not rated for use in 110v, but you can also find these lights in the pet department near the fishies, along with the fixtures, and they are rated for 110v.

Please don't burn down the house on my account....


Active member
Hydro-Soil said:
They're 36 watt
2,800 lumens

Now don't make me take my question to the equipment forum. :bashhead: This is the CFL Club!

Don't tell me there isn't anyone out there running remote ballast CFLs!?

This 36 watt is listed as 2,800 lumens and the 42 watt screw in self-ballasted is listed as 2,800 lumens.

The 42 watt is a bunch of coiled tubes. The 36watt is FLAT!
The ballast is even remoteable so all of THAT heat is removed. (anyone fighting heat in their setup right now?)

That's more lumens per watt for me and the price is pretty much the same.

Other than the fact that they're more difficult to get in stores, why aren't more of us running these?

Hydro-Soil said:
Don't tell me there isn't anyone out there running remote ballast CFLs!?

I hit that wall too... and maybe I suck at searching but I couldn't bring up any posts here that were directly relevant to remote ballasting a CFL. I know it's possible to do (I saw a pic here - a european member did it) but I'm no EE and didn't feel like risking an unsafe build.

Anyways, on that bulb you found - why not just phone 1000bulbs and ask them? They're pretty knowledgeable, and helpful.


Active member
Lollypop Man said:
I hit that wall too... and maybe I suck at searching but I couldn't bring up any posts here that were directly relevant to remote ballasting a CFL. I know it's possible to do (I saw a pic here - a european member did it) but I'm no EE and didn't feel like risking an unsafe build.

Anyways, on that bulb you found - why not just phone 1000bulbs and ask them? They're pretty knowledgeable, and helpful.

Well, short of that I went through their site and pulled up a couple of the ballast manuals.

Looks like all you need to do is follow their progression in the shopping cart to get what you're looking for.

Ballasts are exactly the same ballasts used for T5-8 and 12 lighting. Hrmmm.

So...... Theoretically I could hook up a magnetic 62w ballast to a 36w plug in CFL and it would overdrive it. Maybe start with a 45w or something LOL

Most likely using the same ballasts mentioned in the overdriving thread for T5 lights (or were they T8?) could be used with these CFL's.


Should I get the chance in a couple of months I'll be sure to post the results. If anyone else gets a chance I'll definitely be interested.



Active member
Well, I found the info on the remote ballast CFLs.

Apparently they're classified as T5HO Linear lamps and can be powered by standard fluoro tube electronic ballasts.

I'm using a Fulham Workhorse 8 ballast to run 4 55w 4-Pin CFLs.

They're 21.5 inches long (that includes the socket)

Check the first post of my thread here for where and how to order what you'll need. Remote Ballast CFL info

Currently working out the optimum distances for a scrog with these. They have much better penetration power than the coiled CFLs.
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6x23w CFL second harvest

6x23w CFL second harvest

Here are some nug shots of the Jem that I grew in my 6x23w cfl cab.
Strain Mossys Jem 8-9 weeks from seed, seed run.



Wal-Mart now has a 65w/300w eq 7000 lumen, mogul base, white light for 17.95. That's the largest one around here without going to the grow shop, and a whole lot cheaper than the grow shop.


Well-known member
I am new here and wanted to join the cfl club.:joint: :woohoo:

I grow with 9 cfl lights. 8 of the lights R 45 watts and the 9th is a 100 watt. that comes to = 460 watts. Im thinking.
I grow in coco. in pots that r 6" deep and 6" wide for 3 of the plants.
and 1 gallon pot w/ coco for the last cheese clone I had.
and they R all at 11 weeks and 4 days of flowering.
also there is a 1'x1' fan on 24/7 to keep things cool.

and the cheese plant is a clone from my summer 2008 cheese outdoor grow.
So back when I took down my outdoor plants I took 3 clones from them.
then put them in the dwc rooter for 2 weeks they rooted. then I veged them for 2 1/2 weeks then flowered them.

now I have the most beautiful looking, tasting, and smelling buds I have ever grown in the 10+ years I been growen. :):yoinks:

purple dank bud.

uk cheese close up. she turned purple.

more cheese bud.

another dank plant turning purple kinda.

close up of the last bud pic.

another cheese bud pic,

the last pic is of a plant that got sick late in flower. so with a good cure she'll still be a good bud to smoke.

thats it for now. pix of the cab later tonight.


Active member
I have a micro box with 183 ACTUAL watt of cfl. Its going on 3 weeks of 12/12 and still no bud sets.
Has anyone felt that CFL grow slower than a HPS??? thanks pax...

CFLs don't flower slower than HPS. I would definitely look for light leaks in the flower chamber.

Then again, what strain is it? There are some 6 month flowering strains that you wouldn't see buds start forming for another 2 weeks.
When I start a grow (someday hopefully)

I'll definitely be using CFL. Probably four 42w in a rubbermaid style grow.

I wish I could start now, I'm so tired of not knowing what I smoke and getting commercial mids. I wanna smoke my own homegrown!


Active member
Can anyone explain why the lumens is so low on this bulb? - http://www.amazon.co.uk/EcoZone-Bio...r_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1234824924&sr=1-8

It's 100w, but only 1,750 lumen - which doesn't add up for me...

...because it's really only a 25 watt bulb. cfl manufacturers always use a higher rating to describe their bulbs because, to the human eye, it's putting out light 'equivalent' to a 100 watt incandescent bulb. always use the lower rating when referring to cfls.

Slaughter House ... you are wise to wait until the conditions are right to grow. your first successful grow will be a LOT more enjoyable than being busted/ripped off after growing in the wrong place/at the wrong time. hang in there, pal.
Should have pics soon but i'm currently using Lifeless's setup of the Rubbermaid style box setup + 4 CFL's (2x42wtt warm white + 2x<42 of the blue spectrum CFL) in a vanity fixture mounted to the bottom of the "top" bottom. Damn that was a mouthful. Anyway I came around to having this set up because i've got a whole load of strains (40+) but only flower about 5 at a time in the flower room (2400 watt HPS). I decided the best way to keep the mothers around and save $$ was to bonsai a mother of each strain and keep them in the Rubbermaids. Found the best box I think for the job (Tough Box), they come pre-ribbed on the top and bottom so you can stack multiple box units together with ease and they are a thick black plastic so light does not leak.

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