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I perceive it is pollen because the pistil hairs are browning, and when i rip of a brown haired stem calyx, it is impregnated with a micro, but existing bean.

The white hairs dont go brown unless the nugs are completed, or the calyx is pollinated.

I soak them down twice a week already with the foliars (which is > 90% water), so i dont know they are deff sprayed.

Should i mist every surface, and then mist all the air? The is a potential ruin-er if i cannot resolve how / why this is happening!?

I don't have a definitive answer but this happened to me to on my indoor grow. The oldest calyx hairs (not on bud sites but on the branches where first pre-flowers show) browned up and looked like they were getting fat.

Plants were probably a couple weeks into flowering. I pulled a couple and checked and they had some mini-beans growing inside. I was worried, but just kept going and I never had any full size seeds develop, none at all in the buds and colas. So I don't know what the deal was, but it turned out fine.. hopefully does for you too!
Word, his green house is > 2/3 the size of my entire lot LOL.

Mani - way to go! Been asking folks what their plans are for getting the most potential out of the summer's work come flower time, curious to know what your plan will be? Any thoughts you feel like sharing about outdoor bloom are greatly welcomed! I love to gather as many different ideas as I can.

Peace, Slang

Stretch is a real thing outdoors. I had a casey jones go from waist high to 7.5-8 ft high in the first three weeks of August.

As far as pruning, i try to get most of it taken care of for the last time by the end of this week. Raising skirts, as well as taking out extra middle inside growth. Both to increase circulation as well as decrease the scruffy branches that arent anything anyway.

I tie branches that grow a few feet past the trellis back up to the trellis. the weight of long branches can break on the trellis you built to keep them up.

I have plants in full swing of flower... early... I have to switch my foliar a bit and brew up some major flower tea.

Increase potential by always taking the time to tie up branches... them breaking off is a waste of your time and the energy the plant put into it!

lets see...

Pretty excited... 2-3 weeks of stretch to go until they basically do not get taller. 2 months until we start (hand) trimming nugs.

might be the earliest start ever this fall, as plants have stared flowering earlier for some reason.

anything else?



pics, pics, pics, pics, pics, PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEE good sir :p congrats on the early bud's. I am seeing that on the West coast as well. hope u have a great harvest in a couple months +rep goes ur way

The pre august update of where we were last year...

The pre august update of where we were last year...

Last year this time the plants were a little under waist high globes that eventually made 3lb average.

This year they are all larger today then they were on harvest day 2010 in October... Making us a little giddy over here..

ALSO of note! The picture that follows is of the durban poison (first harvested) last year on August 17th... deff starting to flower... Has anyone noticed this year due to very cloudy weather at appropriate timing that flower hit way way way earlier than supposed to... i have nugs this year on august first that are further along than last year on august 17th?!?!? im loving it!

Last year Durban Poison flower... August 17th, 2010

Last year casey jones August 1 2010

Hawaiian august 1 2010

Bubba Ho Tep August 1, 2010:

So now that ive showed you last year... WHO WANTS TO SEE AUGUST 1 THIS YEAR?? Dont forget the image of the durban flower last year on AUGUST 17TH!!!!

This years update coming



holy shit, those are HUGE!!!! very impressive, you guys are going to have a long trim ahead of you :) keep it green..



That's the definition of a healthy garden, way to go Manitoid!

Your work is showing through big time man, can't wait to see this at the end.


how close is that blue goo to the top? garden is looking amazing i love how well you keep your ladies legs shaved
how close is that blue goo to the top? garden is looking amazing i love how well you keep your ladies legs shaved

dangerously close considering she may have 3 months to go... not yet sure of my cours of action as she isnt already hard topped or pulled down. I think my early flowering was a blessing this year, or id have them pushing the roof off, which is always a mould risk.

as big as they can be without getting too big is the goal.
Have a scheduled power outage today 9am-noon... supposed to be cloudy and cool because the grow gods are shining down on me...

wish me luck.



Dude... I love your thread! Last season's grow was outstanding and this one is shaping up quite nicely. Hoping next year I can do something similar.

BTW, did you ever find Wilma? Was looking forward to seeing her in this year's pics.
wilma's MIA...

Did find this one though in the bush:

and some purple/pink haired ladies emerged:


those three pics are from august 3rd 5 days ago... i need to get on it!



wilma's MIA... Manitoid

Hopefully she's off on one of her adventures and not been captured in the jungle. Fingers crossed.

Ladybugs are always welcome in my garden. The heat seems to have gotten to them though. They all bugged-out about a moth ago.

So you got some pink-haired ladies? SahWEET dude! Gotta love a party girl!
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Love the pink hairs! Are temps kind low during night for them to pink like that?? Looking huuge!