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FBI using Facebook in fight against crime



Agents taught how to extract information from social networking sites in US government document obtained by advocacy group.
Any criminals dumb enough to brag about their exploits on social networking sites have now been warned: the next Facebook "friend" who contacts you may be an FBI agent.


I just wanted to make everyone aware of this. YOU can't tell me they (LEOs) NOT poking around in here. You "kids" (18-25) don't go wigging out and getting all paranoid. Just be careful. also double check your privacy settings, LOCK OUT non registered users.

Peace and Happy Growing Bozzie:ying:


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep, everybody wave hi to the cops!

Hi occifer, did you know donuts don't make you wrong, and badges don't make you right?

Buncha control freaks, power tripping with deadly weapons and a god complex.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
like this is new news... since the internet arrived po po has been online learning and following peeps.. myspace, facebook, twitter, ic, og, cw, etc... they are all over that shit.. peace n pufs..





like this is new news... since the internet arrived po po has been online learning and following peeps.. myspace, facebook, twitter, ic, og, cw, etc... they are all over that shit.. peace n pufs..

But I figured since we've HAD so many new mwmbers join up recently. Id inform the young ones.....lol

No REALLY I was JUST letting LEO know we were on to them,,,(I use to many proxies and originate out of Europe)

Plus Im marine/mobile, "Come & Find Me If You Can" :wave:

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