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the elderly asylum


Well-known member
dang! 5 pages in and i aint got to bitch in my own thread yet.:) nothing abnormal, just usual old-guy gripes. peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, failing eyesight, hard of hearing, diabetic to a degree, somewhat overweight, one bad knee, one bad ankle, one bad shoulder, right hip keeps popping, back hurts, etc. on the PLUS side, i've still got my hair, my wife, & my house. and no one has shot at me in years, lol. you have to take your wins where you find them. i know i'm forgetting something...:biggrin:


Active member
Yeah man - I was in my late 40's when getting old and being alone occurred to me - so I actively went out into the world in search of a good woman I could love - and loved me - who would be willing to start a family with me - and I headed for S.E.Asia - knowing that the people there hold much more value in having families - and looking after old folks - rather than sticking them away in some old peoples home -

As luck would have it - in early 2007 - I found the lady who was to become my wife - who was willing to bear our children - and she was at the most fertile time of her life - she was 23 years old - half my age -

What made me decide to ask for her hand in marriage in 2014 - was her proven dedication to me - even at my lowest ebb - locked up in a shit-hole jail - in the Philippines - yet she still stood by me - thru 2 and a half years - till I was allowed to deport back to the UK - she kept me sane - visited me regularly - and gave me a reason to keep on keeping on -

I love the activity and laughter of having a home with loving wife and kids - its too lonely without them - and I know that because it took nearly 3 years to get her and the kids over to the UK from the Philippines - to be able to live with me once again - this time in the UK - after 5 and a half years of forced separation - I was a lonely/grumpy old man - till they showed up!

Inspirational, my good dude.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wow - it is quite amazing how much I have in common with you AOH -

1.Failing eyesight -
2.Hard of hearing -
3.Somewhat chunky -
4.bad knees -
5.old shoulder injury -
6.Rusty hips -
7.Severe lower back problem -

I dunno if I'm diabetic or not - I do watch my sugar intake -
- I don't have peripheral neuropathy,

- and its been 40 years since anyone shot me -

- and as for hair - its superfluous - so I don't care - good thing I don't - 'cos I'm a 30 year slap-head -

dang! 5 pages in and i aint got to bitch in my own thread yet.:) nothing abnormal, just usual old-guy gripes. peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, failing eyesight, hard of hearing, diabetic to a degree, somewhat overweight, one bad knee, one bad ankle, one bad shoulder, right hip keeps popping, back hurts, etc. on the PLUS side, i've still got my hair, my wife, & my house. and no one has shot at me in years, lol. you have to take your wins where you find them. i know i'm forgetting something...:biggrin:


Sometimes happens to me if I 'vebeen squatting ... say admiring a new seedling ... then I stand up. But goes pretty well straight away. I 've always assumed the head spin was due to being stoned all the time thus low blood pressure. At the Doctor's the blood pressure reading is always normal or low. One Dr said it means you'll live longer.
But what do they know?

Lol Ringo - I like the bawdy humour -

I just took a very hot bath - and when I got out of it - I felt like crap - although I felt great when I was in it - got all dizzy - and was slightly hallucinating - thought my lights were going out - and I was gonna faint or something - now I've cooled down a bit - I feel much better -

Any of you geriatric recalcitrant reprobates get the same thing happening to you? - 'cos it might be a sign I'm aging fast - and will soon be able to join the club here - lol


Listen Miss Chief ... here in Australia we build fences starting at the corner post then the Strainers go in so far apart down the line, then the fence posts fill in. And then the wire or mesh.

(My Missus likes my legs too ... and in return I admire her bottom ... )

.... a gate with no fence? that is pretty fucked Teddy, but yeah, nice legs!:tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My favourite bit on the Mrs is her neck - just below the ears - if I was a vampire I would have bitten it - and got her to join my club -

Yeah - nice legs Ted - would look a treat in a pair of seamed stockings - lol

Listen Miss Chief ... here in Australia we build fences starting at the corner post then the Strainers go in so far apart down the line, then the fence posts fill in. And then the wire or mesh.

(My Missus likes my legs too ... and in return I admire her bottom ... )

Rocky Mtn Squid






Active member
Wow - it is quite amazing how much I have in common with you AOH -

1.Failing eyesight -
2.Hard of hearing -
3.Somewhat chunky -
4.bad knees -
5.old shoulder injury -
6.Rusty hips -
7.Severe lower back problem -

I dunno if I'm diabetic or not - I do watch my sugar intake -
- I don't have peripheral neuropathy,

- and its been 40 years since anyone shot me -

- and as for hair - its superfluous - so I don't care - good thing I don't - 'cos I'm a 30 year slap-head -

Haha! wtf I got 5 out of 7! I will say I’m pretty lucky a lotta ways too.. you guys are right about bright sides.
The wife I mentioned is as faithful and strong as can be... her problems are come by honestly and then some and she somehow always pulls through them stronger. She’s been paying the bills and putting up with my Grumpy ass to boot so she can’t be all bad.
Step son is working on a promising career too.


Well-known member
If I get a decent nights sleep, and a good poop in the morning, it’s a good day. They say these are the golden years, but as others have said if you can get past the: neuropathy, failing eyesight, left knee, lower back pain, a few extra pounds, although I am working on losing weight I have actually lost 50 lbs sense Feb. and I ride my stationary bike every other day. I am getting off some of the blood pressure drugs. So there is a little positive news. Unfortunately losing weight has helped but Agony of Dafeet is not going to go away it feels like I am walking on baloons it screws with my balance.


Well-known member
Premium user
You guys need to get to the gym.

At 60, I was still rock climbing and doing 1-arm pull-ups. I had a 4-pack ab (6 pack is almost impossible at 60 years old). I was going to the gym every day and I was doing 2000 situps each workout (10 sets of 200 spread throughout the workout). About 63, I started slacking off at the gym and I fucked up my back and tore my distal bicep tendon which put an end to rock climbing for me.

This was all after having 16 surgeries. All minor shit (knee scopes, torn tendons, hernias, shit like that).

I'll be 66 in a few days and I still go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. I push about 1/2 the weight I did at 60. I struggle to get 200 situps in a day and my belly is a 1-pack. LOL All in 6 years. It happens fast.

Still, with all my injuries, scars and wounds I am still 5'-9" and 160 pounds, wearing a 34" waist Levi jean. I eat like Ewell Gibbons, mostly fresh fruits and veggies. I drink WAY less than I did. I am pending 4 surgeries (bone spurs on foot, both knees replaced and rotator cuff repair or shoulder replacement)

Old age fucking sux. I still feel 29 years old in my head but my body is dead. I raced demo derby and have had 51 car accidents. Totaled 7 and rolled 3. Raced motocross motorcycle. Laid my dirt bike down on the pavement more times than I can count. Shitfaced drunk riding a dirt bike on wet pavement. Fallen off of more mountains than a billy goat.

I was a screaming drunk most of my life and between the alcohol and 3 packs a day of tobacco, I dehydrated so bad for so long that all my tendons and ligaments are all dried up like old rubber bands and my joints are all bone on bone. I have 21 torn tendons and/or ligaments (that's a record at Crystal Clinic). I have Carpel Tunnel AND Cupital tunnel on both arms and wrists. When I walk, the first mile is just fighting through the pain until the endorphins from exercise override the pain signals. Only one rotator cuff is torn so I do have 1 good cuff on one side. LOL

My spine is all crust and looks like an Esher painting from my neck to my tail. Most of my vertebrae don't hardly have a disc between them any more.

Oh, and recently I have noticed that I developed adult acne. Thanks again, life

Everything is blurry but who gives a fuck. I've seen it all.

I am about deaf but everything everyone says is so fucking stupid, I just nod my head and smile when people talk. All I hear is a low hum coming from them. No real words or sentences. I respond mostly to body language and facial expression (what I can see).

I think I have 3 or 4 of my real teeth left. The rest are crowns and bridges. And, most of those are 20 years old and are failing. Everything I eat hurts.

Then, when I finally do get the food passed my teeth and through the tiny opening that used to be my throat, it goes right to work making me sick and nauseous. I used to love eating. Now, I Vitamix everything. I spend more time biting my tongue, lips and cheek than I do chewing my food. I got so frustrated the other day that I put my cheeseburger in the fucking Vitamix and liquefied it so I could drink it. Fucking tasted like shit.

That's about half of it. Let's add depression, a shit marriage, no hope in life and I wake up every morning pissed off that I didn't die in my sleep the night before. I hate shit weather and I live for a moment's sunshine and warm temperatures but I live in NE Ohio. The sithole of the world as far as weather goes (and most other stuff).

However, every cloud has a silver lining and the darkness that shrouds my life is no exception. Because of my long standing relationship with the DoD and the amount of information that I have in this old fucked up head of mine, they made sure that I had enough money to keep me quiet and happy until my end days. I mean 7 figures happy. And, I am right about to really start enjoying it. However, don't kid yourself. I can tell you FOR SURE... money does not buy happiness. I am miserable as fuck.

I would love to go to Europe for a year or so and travel all over.Take the rail and visit every country in EU.

Oddly enough, I want to go back to Vietnam and see how my perspective of that place has changed.

I have climbed many pyramids in Mexico (I love ancient history) but I have never been to Egypt to see Giza.

Always wanted to see both poles. I guess more just to say I did it than to go there and enjoy it. LOL

Then, it's off to some beautiful tropical isle to dip my toes in the sand until my final days.

Unfortunately, all those dreams are just dreams because my wife (of 40+ years) lives in a tiny little box and she is afraid of anything new so it is a struggle just to drag her out on vacation. Mush less go to another country. No way. Too scary for her. She watches a lot of news and believes it all. So all other countries except hers are deadly and dangerous. I wish I could just leave her.

Anyway, we all have our cross to bear. Old age is certainly the worst.

Damn, turned into quite a morning rant. LOL


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - nice rant man - thanks for sharing - sounds like a lot of wear and tear - physically and emotionally - and spiritually -

Oh - as for gyms - I got my main injury - the lower back injury pushing a 300kilo leg press in the gym - back in the mid 90's - before that I was a power lifter/body builder and won the Mr Hong Kong heavyweight title in 86' - used to spend most of my life in the gym -

These days I tend to avoid them - although I feel a sort of magnetism to try again - each time I have tried since the gym accident - I just end up with screaming pain in my back - so I just swim occasionally - and walk the kids to school every school day - I can manage that -

The Doc said I could have some surgery to try and fix it - but no guarantees - so I'd rather not risk it - just looking at the recovery time disheartens me -


Well-known member
Premium user
Damn dude, 600+ pounds??? No wonder it hurts. LOL

I don't recall how much I was pushing back in the day but my leg presses now.... this is almost laughable.... 85 pounds. I do 3 sets of 15 and then repeat my entire lower body routine. So, I get 6 sets of 15 per workout. LMAO It doesn't really build muscle any more. LOL More of a stretching exercise with a little weight added.

I think I recall using 60 pound dumb bells for curls. Now, I use a 20 pound. LOL I can't do anything with a straight bar any more after the rotator cuff tear. Everything is dumb bells. She said I need to keep my shoulders independent from now on. I have had some awesome physical therapists over the years. And, many of them more than one time. LOL

I couldn't walk if I didn't go to the gym. I skipped almost a week last month and by the end of the week, the numbness in my right side went from below the knee, where it usually stays, all the way up to my hips. If my right side goes numbs from back pinches, I get 'rubber chicken leg" (as I call it) and I can't walk. So, it's the gym or a wheelchair for me.

Now and then, I lay down on the bench under a 300 pound bar... just to remember what it looks like. But, I never lift the bar off the rack. LOL

Lots of nice pussy at the gym. I am pushing 70 years old and pussy is still the most important thing in my life. LOL :)



Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
It´s amusing, i hadn´t the feeling that i am really grown up or adult and now i am getting old. Today is my 55 Birthday.:)


Active member
They want do do an anterior supine hip procedure on me. FUUCCCK!!! Sheeit. NOW, I'm old. :moon: