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The Dr.Bud Method by Thundurkel


Just Call me Urkle!!
It's that time again folks, so I wont bother you with my nonsense on with the pics!!!

These are Urkel clone 1 at the start of week 5 of flowering and damn she smells like strawberries I know I have the 9 finger pheno so that makes sense at least from what I've heard..

Some close up's of Urkle1


Just Call me Urkle!!
Don't think I forgot the rest of my gals...

This is Urkel clone 2 at the begining of week 3 of flower :joint:

Here's Urkel clone 3 starting out week 3 as well :jump:

And here we are with a shot of the Urkel sisters


Just Call me Urkle!!
And the other lady thats in the line up...

Maui Waui x Tutty Fruity Purple at the start of 3 weeks looking happy :joint:

Couple shots inside my Flower Cab this morning :headbange


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Thundurkel again.

Hella nice man! your cooking with grease.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks man I love how this grow is coming along can't wait to flower my 15 PK cuts rooting right now, they should be ready in a week or so and I also have 10 Thunder Goo cuts I should have ready in a week as well good times in my box...


Just Call me Urkle!!
You're welcome bagseed77 glad you like what I'm doing... I'm just waiting on a new batch of clones to root and then I will really have something nice going on in my box,10 Thunder Goo and 15 Purple Kush clones all flowering at once so I can stock up my stash to last me while I get my perpetual SOG going... Also I have a cab I'm building to do my breeding projects in so this winter is looking to be full of fun!


half cat half man half baked
Looking great man! You really seem to have their heights under control. Now all ya gotta do is wait and find the best yielding pheno!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Well from the way it looks and smells I have the 9 finger strawberry Urkel pheno that people have be talkin about and it smells really sweet like berries and is loaded with resin...

Tngreen- Yes is does my friend I can't wait either! I'm getting a cut of Mendo Purps soon and Grapefruit Trainwreck as well!


blackfoot said:
Thundurkel, This is how far I am going to keep this plant from the lights over the next week. It's around 8" ,,If I stick out my thumb and pinky finger like making a hand signal "call me" from my piny to my thumb to the lights ,, That's 8" because that's the same size as a 8" center block,,( old job no tape measure ).
I'll let you know in a week how this test works for me. peace :rasta:

hey Thundurkel, I just wanted to let you know that my little experiment was a failure the plant has started to flower sooner than I expected maybe if I had dropped it lower under the lights earlier ,, I think this is just a short strain maybe I just need to veg it for a long time before putting her in, peace.

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Great grow u got going here Thundurkel i been sleeping on the micro forum for a min and it's great seeing everybody running SOG.

blackfoot Great plants man.Keep SOGgin as we do it cause we love it.

After seeing all those pics i just have to share some pics with u from my last run with my CAb as i grow in 20oz bottles with 258W mixed spectrum lighting.

:rasta: :respect:
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Hmm i keep wondering if i made a mistake buying 4 warm whites for flowering.. Perhaps should have bought 3 ww's and 1 daylight..

Blackfoot.. keep em going, they might swell somewhat.. In drbud's explanations he states that height of plant when put into flower is paramount.. some being ok at 1" some 3, etc.. It's also possible your cups aren't tall enough.. Still, SOG gives us easy experimentation with fast results :D


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Awesome thread Thundurkel, props to u and everyone else giving this method a good fukking go, forget the haters, keep growing that killa bro.



Just Call me Urkle!!
Blackfoot - The height is what counts for sure and taking the cuts from a vegging mom cuz the ones I took from a flowering plant at 2 weeks just wen right into flower and stayed short as shit not even worth showing... I've noticed the ones I vegged for a few days are the ones that stretched... Good job anyway

InPotiTrust - Thanks man your grow is part of my inspiration to keep the DrBud SOG going cuz I saw it work for you , nice buds do you got more in the cab right now??? My show will get real interesting soon!

CaptinStoner - I would suggest getting 2 daylight bulbs I use 26w ones on each end of the cab to even out the spectrum and the plants love it!

b00m - Thanks a lot man it's for people to learn from and see nice bud porn and to inspire folks to grow with cfl's cuz I get great results just as good as any bud I've got from a HID garden....

Everybody else I will have new pics soon they are looking GREAT! Urkel 2 & 3 have stretched more than Urkel 1 so I know the flowering height and my Maui Waui Tutty Fruity is lovely!! stetched to 12 inches and is at the start of week 3 and stinks! tossin out the trichomes


Thanks Thundurkel that means alot to me as i did a thread because i knew someone would give SOG a try somewhere.I just started my CAB back up as i could not grow inside this summer cause i got married and i had alot going on but i'm back in full swing.Your show is already interesting just keep doing what u do. :yes:


Just Call me Urkle!!
InPotiTrust - no sweat man, hey did you go to the Nugs and Jugs event I read about in HighTimes this month?? well the October issue... Cracked me up reading it and finding out it was a bunch of forum buddies meeting for the first time just made me think of East Coast Croppers and F.U.C.K.E.M. anyway congrats on getting the cab back up what strains are you running??? I'm so excited I'm getting this new shit called Purple People Eater lol theres too many purple strains in Cali right now.. I wat some shit with pink pistils and ideas???


Kali-mist is kinda a pink purple and I had some highway delight that had a pinkish to it but she is better grown outdoors in my opinion.