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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Karma, Verger,

Karma, good luck with your grow...

Verger can you write in english please, so everybody understands where you are talking about?
Did you had a good look at the cannaembassy.info site?
There is a discription of the seeds. Link:


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...

Peace, G.A.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Love seeing the Morning Glory emerging as well! :D:yes:
Won't be too long!

Meanwhile, it's a joy to have an indoor grow on a bleak, winter day!

Ditto on what Farmer John said, site looks great!

Peace, HL
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Active member
Hello Darpan & all CannaEmbassy friends :wave:

The site is really nice :yes: good job, please continue working...



Verger OG

G.A. said:
Hi Karma, Verger,

Karma, good luck with your grow...

Verger can you write in english please, so everybody understands where you are talking about?
Did you had a good look at the cannaembassy.info site?
There is a discription of the seeds. Link:


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...

Ah yes I see it now. The decriptions are good. These plants grow very tall don't they? My balcony is very visible from the street. And I live across from a addiction clinic! ROFL! I fear if the plants get too large they will...hmm...be annoyed because perhaps tyhere are people sitting their coffeeroom and being tempted somehow. So they might call the police.

Are these varieties very trimmable? Lots of topping and trimming?

Karma Genetics

Just made some nice HB dry screen. I think you smoked some of my last dry screen sesion.




Green Ambassador
Hello friends...,

Thanks for the flowers and pics..

John, good to see you.

Hi High, I had to remove the Morning Glory, tried to repot, but it's too cold for her.
I still got a lot off your offspring seeds. I love the color on this one.
Before I had the blue one, but as you know, I love the purple... lol.

He AGG, good luck with your winter grow.
I keep an eye on your thread... :redface:

Karma that Happy Brother skuff was very nice, the same goes for the Kushage...
I love the Cheese, Amnesia and Sage as well.
They taste totaly different then the chemical fertilized weed.
Cannabis with "soul"..... Great "job" my friend.

This afternoon I putted the little plants at the terrace, because the sun was shining.
It's still a little cold, 10 degrees, but with the sun shining it's very nice at the terrace.
Sun is setting right now and I will bring them indoor under the tube light when the sun is set.
Indoors it's around 20 degrees.

I never had that spontaneous seedlings that early.
Last year I had one spontaneously coming up, but that one didn't survive.
Those 2 right now are very strong, making new little leaves already again.
I think it's one male and one female, but that's just my intuition.
We'll know in a couple of weeks.
They are looking green, fresh and strong right now.

Peace, G.A.





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Hey darpan, happy 25 yrs of growing for the Canna Embassy! :joint:

@ Verger: hey maybe you can let them get as tall as the railing of your balcony and then tie them down so they won't be growing over and into view?!?!

And I live across from a addiction clinic! ROFL! I fear if the plants get too large they will...hmm...be annoyed because perhaps tyhere are people sitting their coffeeroom and being tempted somehow. So they might call the police.
How about spending time in an institution for mental health which had 2 coffeeshops right across the entrance!! :laughing: Temptation!! :pointlaug

ANywayz, Hopefully the weather nd the season will be nice to the dutch outdoor growers! :wave: , Low


beautiful karma and darpan!

heres a few macros from htc deep chunk



hope you all had a nice weekend!
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Green Ambassador
Ha, ha, ha....

Esben, your Karma is too large for that pic.... lol

Let's celebrate this year with flowers!!

Peace, G.A.



Green Ambassador
Hello all,

As soon it's sunny I open my kitchen door and let the sunshine in.....
Also Skizzo and Trouble, the neighbour's cats run in and out as soon I open those doors.
It's very nice those cats visiting. They take care of the mice!!

I need to take care of the plants....
Most of the cats love to eat the leaves of the plants. Skizzo, the neighbour cat mama doesn't eat them.
I don't know yet if her kid called "Trouble" likes to eat the leaves, but I don't like to take the risk, so I covered the little plants with some pots of glass.
It creates a "glasshouse effect" for the little plants and keeps them save from trouble... lol.
In the afternoon when the sun is the warmest, I'll remove the glass pots, so that the wind can do it's job making the stems stronger..

Maybe I will "preflower" them to make sure which is male, or female...
If they survive and are female, they will be part of the "Purple Peace" grow this coming season.
I hope to end up with 2 Purple Peace females and 2 Green Ambassadors X Purpurea and one Purple Peace male..

More and more people are joining the 25th celebration.
Still a couple of people can drop a pm and obtain 5 purple seeds to join the 25th purple celebration.

Keep on growing, take care and stay safe folks...

Peace, G.A.


front Trouble at the back Skizzo







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High GA @ all, good to see some of u have started preppin up for the great 2008 outdoor season!

Been a while since I popped my ugly head in here...:wave:
Winters are always slow for me so i decided to start early under fluo with BasicSeeds 'Ierbei':

Only a few months left for the real action, lets hope we'll get a real summer this time!!

Best of luck to all of u & de groenten! :rasta:

Verger OG

High Lowlander said:
Hey darpan, happy 25 yrs of growing for the Canna Embassy! :joint:

@ Verger: hey maybe you can let them get as tall as the railing of your balcony and then tie them down so they won't be growing over and into view?!?!

How about spending time in an institution for mental health which had 2 coffeeshops right across the entrance!! :laughing: Temptation!! :pointlaug

ANywayz, Hopefully the weather nd the season will be nice to the dutch outdoor growers! :wave: , Low

Yes, I will need to trim and train them to be all they can be within the limitations. I have a metal balcony...err...fence. I will have to put them a little up on something to catch as much rays as possible and when they grow taller, decrease the height of the...er.. height I put them on. I may also get some other plants, to kind of blend them in with perhaps some vines creeepin along the support beams that help hold up the upstairs balcony.

If things grow too big and get out of hand I can always flower them inside I suppose.

Verger OG

G.A. said:
We stil use the backdoor High... lol


Hey, is that not the balcony in the back belonging to your neighbors? And there is some growth there too?

I wish I knew my neighbors. But it isn't that kind of 'hood' here. Much exposure. And a lot of...what do you call them...strict civilians. With grandchildren. 'Ooh my god, weed! How evil, get him arrested because think of the children! Oooh!'

I wish I had money to move to the countryside. Sustainable living, a vegetable garden, all biological, some weed growth...you know.


Green Ambassador
Hi Verger,

I live in this neighbourhood already over 25 years and I had never any problems with my neighbours.
And it doesn't matter what kind of neighbours you have (no class, working class, middle class, high class, it are just "labels").
I smoked joints in the last 25 years with all kinds of people: constructionworkers, artists, musicians, writers, lawyers, policemen, politicians, criminals, doctors and so on.
Just folks with different strokes...
To me at the first place all human beings enjoying the goodies of life.

Some of them like to grow a couple of plants for themselves as well.

You don't need to be that paranoia for your neighbours Verger.
It's tolerated to grow uptill 5 plants overhere in the Netherlands.
Police will only come and take them away if you make problems (agression towards neighbours, making noise, or trouble).
And if they take the plants away there is still no real problem.
If you just let them take them away and you take distance from the plants, you probably won't hear anything anymore from "them".

About the size of the plants...
You can just use small pots, less then 10 liter.
They won't grow that big if you put them in small pots.
And if it's still necessary you can bent them down..
The bigger the pot (more soil) the bigger the plant.

Enjoy your grow folks..

There are many ways to express yourself Verger...
Music is a nice way....




Peace, G.A.

This is a picture taken at the balcony of my dear friend Miss Muffin.
You can see clearly the size of the poits and the "final result".
You see they don't grow that large in small (5liter) pots...
Size is just a matter of space....


Balcony miss Muffin


Purple Princess Canna Embassy 2006
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Hi Darpan!
Those are some beautifull plants and cats, the lighter colored one is Skizzo am I right? remember her from y'r threads from last year.
Gotta question though...in one of y'r threads there was a picture with the airquality ratings for your city.
Since your plants are that close to a road which (i presume) pollutes the air alot, don't u worry about the plants health? or is that something you don't worry about at all..
Anyways, can't wait for the new outdoor season, since i'll be following u'r grows!!
Bye, Low


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Greetings Folks :joint:

Verger, I guess you're on the wrong side of Groningen :muahaha: At least if you were with the students, the prob would be other :bashhead:

Take the conforting words of GA (congrats on the 1/4 of a century growing :headbange ), and pop some seeds outside. I actually thought the NL allowed 8 plants, instead of 5 :spank:

Starting them late (latest by June), a small pot and toping/bending will help you keep 'em small. Make a bit of a bio garden in your balcony. You could plant herbs for tea/kitchen and some morning glory for colour :D

Karma, the HB looks like something to try on my next visit! Nice dry swift, thanks for the link!

GA, that Purple Princess of 06 was a beauty. Did you do something to the main stalk? I get that implesion from the pic. The website looks very nice by the way, and the description of the Purple Peace is apealing. A 90% percent sativa that can be grown outdoors in the NL. Wow! :jump: I might be growing something called "super sativa" also grown from former Positronics stock, hoping for similar results.

Highlander: Lol :D :D :D

Greetz :wave: B

"It's nothing mom, just the neigbour's cats who came for a visit again :D "
Whoops!! How stoned/high was I, when i wrote that!!Stuuupid:))
And now i'm reminded of biology classes in school again, although, i never really paid attention ROFLMAO!!
This ought to help though ;-)
Greetz, Low