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The BroomRoom...


Well-known member
@AJAE... They 400's, I cant get 600's right where I am without a good journey... Iv thought about some racks... Iv thought about placing 250mh under the 400hps's... but only during the winter months... or stack three 400's and have room to move around in there... The rooms a nice size that its conspicuous, but still functional... Im not worried bout numbers, I just wanna do what eve's it takes to fill the fuck outa that room... lol.


Well-known member
New years eve.... its been pissing with rain the last 24hours... parties here are gonna be total fucked... RH is sitting at 80% as of right now hahahahahah fucking crazy.... One beer down... few bowls... evenings work prepped out... not sure bout the cloning... starting on the 1st just seems appropriate for that seeing as it'll be the first run of '15... when I say pissing I woke to leaks in the roof... fucking great... anyone about on the last day of 2014...??

who dat is

Cave Dweller
It was -8F last night where I am, we don't know anything about pissing rain this time of year. Best of luck with the roof :yes:


Well-known member
@Who Dat Is... jeebus thats crazy!! Iv never been close to weather like that.... fuck... my balls are aching just thinking of it... lol :nono:
Yeah my bad bout the roof... its only when theres a down pour it leaks... but Iv really got to get around to fixing it...

@tleaf jr... so true, so true... happy new year to you too...
Anyone up to anything interesting...? Im taking this one "off"... lol


Well-known member
Happy New Year ICmag....

Pic Drop...
Day32 complete...

Room shot...


Buds starting to stack...


Right fence...


Left fence...


Doorway girls pack in place before the door closes...

Like I said the RH has been crazy hi the last two days... Iv got humicaptor packs in there and they sucking damp out, but its still reading ski hi... the temps have dropped back down to 26.5dC....
Did some more pinning and training last night... I havent really removed any lauf yet... I mean if I do I just may very well have no plants left.... I would just bubble or oil any lauf anyway.... quality[if theres any lol] is goin straight out the mofo door.....yo. lol


I'm subbing in for the new year. We have similar spaces and similar styles, but you are straight KILLING it in here. This year I am going for simple 6 plant runs, no more splitting crops on 4 week rotations.

It seems like your lights are placed in a nice location, but if I could offer up one suggestion it would be trying out a vertical light mover. Even if it's just on 12" of "play" you are still reducing concentrated hot-spots. Light movers are definitely conversational but I think used properly in vertical grows they offer a great advantage in that they reduce hot spots in the canopy while improving lower buds typically considered "larf". However, the fact that I can have my plants within 5" of the light with no bleaching or burning makes it worth the ~$150 investment in my space on 2 lights.

Sorry to rant in your thread. I just really believe light movers offer more than just straight production increases for the money. Happier, healthier plants can be a result of a fairly minimal investment. I don't see many people attempting the vertical light mover, but I cannot over-emphasize the degree it has improve my plants health and yield when used in "small" scale vertical growing like we are doing.


Well-known member
@MrAwder.... welcome... please make yourself comfortable... beer? Jeez brah thanks for the kind words, much appreciated... not sure if I actually am thou lol... Offer up as many suggestions as you see fit... I just wanna try learn and be exposed to as much knowledge as peeps can throw at me... awesome researching shit... epic to to be able to rap with guys who've been there in my book though... I hear you on the mover for sure, just Im a fullon newb so I have just been trying to grasp the basics of actual growing... I still make out fuckall lol... I still have no fucking idea what ppk stands for lmfao... But a light mover is defo on the cards... Like I got the ceiling height to go monkey dick with so why not right... the flat and room get real cool during my winter months, last winter lights off temps were hanging around 16dC so I was even thinking of putting 4 400hps in there, still same shape just doubled in height... the bottom two being on individual stands then the two above yo-yo'n above.... could really get a shit load of squared feet of canopy plastered all around those walls... probs only that one run starting in june.... I mean why build another setup etc if I just need to maintain the area and space better and go to more of an effort to control the heat.... it all could lead to "success"... I think Im beginning to pronounce it correctly.... well Im getting close...lol Yeah I woke up and I was like " htf do you spell "larf"... lauf, laugh, ahhh fuck it, theyll makeout... lol" And please never ever, ever again apologise about posting shit like that again in the thread please....;)
Note to self... make a fucking light-mover asap and figure how the fuck to use it efficiently... Funny thing is my highest yielding girls have always been the girls smack bang inbetween the two lights, so they've been getting light from two different angles but have been the furtherest away from the bulbs... maybe between 4" maybe even 6" further away... had me a bit stumped to be honest, I mean these are most probs the crappiest hps bulbs on earth... And its pissing again... was gonna walk the pooch... wet dogs reeks thou.... Hope the new year gets off to a cracker for both of us my brah.....


Well-known member
Seeing how I know you all love a story Ill fill you in on the latest development in Africa... keen? So come lunch time I notice I have a missed call on my phone... Its from matey down the road who I rooted cuts for back pre-mites... You know where this is going hey? So Im like "fuck", I never get calls from this guy unless its of something important... Iv bumped him once or twice after I first burnt all my plants... check... rewind... that same day I told all you guys bout that epic adventure I also stopped by his to tell him "um you got mites..." To make a long story short, and cut a short story in half, I made a vow to myself to never return there ever again[50%of the reason were the mites...] But fuck I just didnt feel right this morning, and last night, maybe also was coz I have no decent bud[shallow fuck] but I had no cash on my phone to call him back... so I pulled round his... I had a look in his room, I didnt touch any plants, but I stood inside for 5mins and was at his place 30... I didnt see any plants that straight out screamed "mites" its so hot an humid some clawing could have been from that... anyways, plants didnt look great, and there was probs mites somewhere... I didnt touch shit.... I got home and had a "boiling" hot shower outside with the shirt and baggies I was wearing. I got a gas heater, it displays the water temp, plain hot is 50dC..... my skin was burning... I then made a spray up of the chlorpyrifos and returned to the car... I sprayed all over the drivers side of the car.... wheel seat floor etc... I then went to the shower and sprayed the wet clothes... then I went into the veg room and sprayed the fucking shit outta the floors and walls and the entrance way.... then I sprayed all around the outside of the broomroom and the toilet area... after that I turned the scrubber off and plugged the passive intake.... afterwards d'oh... only bout 20seconds thou... dude if we knew what was on everything we eat we'd stave to death... it was a slight fuck up... so what? I mopped the floor straight away with strong soapy water... I really highly fucking doubt even if I did happen to pick up any mites what so ever they're dead.... I reckon if I returned with aids[dont ask...] I woulda done enough to kill that too.... another hot shower outside to cap the whole thing off too..... really should be enough hey??? Jeeebus I really really dont want those evil fucks back....
Anyway... matey actually just wants to know if theres any bud going around[lol] and I just say nah... last time I was there I had just burnt all those plants and he showed major disinterest so I just said that I couldnt get it right and just gave up.... he's never been to mine so... said I could call him in a month, as I played the card I was looking for smoke.... he bought it... Actually the first topic during the convo was that of a very close bust... I dont know the guy from a bar of soap, I know his location though as he was basically running a private dispensary... basically asking for trouble, anyway mate says the boys in blue came calling on the evening of the 24th.... I dont think "guy" had a very merry xmas... and it was dry enough already... But Im happy I said what I did... I dont want fuckall knowing bout what Im doin, even if they doin similar shit... these guys arnt my mates.... just people Iv met in an around the beach... I know they'd never stick their neck out... I doubt they'd even keep the lips sealed... I do feel for the guy[no one deserves punishment for cannabis, unless your stealing it!] but fuck when you bounce down to the local pub and some popeyes are rapping bout "guy".... well then...... :ying:

Any of this too much info for a open thread like this....?? Always wondered shit like that.... :dunno: thoughts?


Well-known member

Pic update... Day 35 complete...

Doorway shot


Left fence


Right fence


Back fence...


And the doorway girl... Iv bought all the shit, just havnt made ickys screen yet... Iv been fucking spinning...


Well-known member
And then this...

Im not sure how Im feeling bout this... looking a bit like jut[african for shwag]... bagseed is bagseed I guess... :tumbleweed: I really need to pop something of quality and clone the sweet bejeebus outa it... problem is seeds hate me... I can clone okay... but not pop seeds... Iv never flowered a seed plant inside... fuck...

Im not gonna lie... I havnt really been enjoying this last grow... A lot of other issues in life, which perhaps shouldnt be issues are just about taking all the enjoyment out of it for me... Friday night our nextdoor neighbours new tenet heard noises in the garden around midnite... they shone a touch an checked a guy inside their electric fence... that properties been hit three times in the last three months, after the second breakin the old tenets moves out... new tenets moved in not even a week ago... Every fucking noise I hear I start stressing... I mean I love waking up each morning at 4 am an doing all the garden chores and seeing how they've grown each day... but other than that Im stressing... I dont even know where to start with regards to the other "social issues" which are making me drastically loose hair... I know that the only constant is change... I have realised it futile to try fight the change... Iv found it best to flow with the constant change and doing what needs to be done to get by...But fuck, growing up here, like if you wana stay alive, you learn real quick real young to watch your back, watch everything constantly... You can be a lion and try rule the jungle and everyone knows your roar... or you can be a hyrax... living in the rocks and caves by the beach, not really bothering anybody and just minding your own business... sunning yourself on the rocks, lazily watching the waves roll by, nibbling of beautiful wild flowers..... Awwww the life hey.... :dance013:
Last edited:


Well-known member


Doorway shot...


Doorway girl, with icky screen... Im pretty bumbed with this girl, she's just not doing as well as the other cuts, yellowing off, under vegged.. probs only get a few g's off her... blind.... coz its just waisted potential... I see gaps and fuck ups and shit... thats what I see... not the plants... but the spots where there should be plants...


Girl placed back inside...



All pics where taken this am just after lights off... End of day 39 of 12/12... temps yesterday where 28dC and 74%RH... fucking crazy... at least Iv got plants... gotta keep telling myself that...


ICMag Donor
Don't beat urself up Smelly. Things are lookng very good. Don't be mad at the canopy not being full. That brings a whole nother set of issues and factors into the game.
The canopy you have looks nice. Concentrate on that part.

Former Guest

Active member
Um did you see my scrog? Under filled and loads to improve on but you need to be excited that you know where and how to improve it! Each run will just get better and better :) looks good to me Smelly!


Active member
I don't know what you're talking about, looks good to me :tiphat: if you're feeling down on how your screens are filling out why not go back a few pages and look at how things were before you got everything fixed? Nothing like seeing that sort of transformation to put a smile on your face. Keep it up brotha


Well-known member
@Marlo... howzit, shot for checking back in on things... I hear what you saying and I am "stoked" with what Iv got at the moment. I reread the tread the other day and seeing how far they've come did lift my spirits... So I understand what you mean about concentrating on whats there... so Ill try not get mad at the "slightly" under filled canopy... lol... But I still wanna learn and hopefully understand the "set of issues and factors into the game" that you mentioned... By me being a bit bleak bout things it shows myself that I crave for constant progression, I know you do too, I can tell by the way you go about things in your grows, the quality of your workmanship and your eye for horticulture... So its a constant battle for improvement... I just need to find the battle more enjoyable...

Also I got a this love hate relationship with the "Zen & The Art of Fishstick Maintenance..." thread...

@lady.... hey babe, yeah Iv been lurking in your thread a bit, nice colours...:dance013: I want to improve I need to improve... I seem to be measuring my life in ten week cycles... not sure how many will be left... lol... And even if there will be a complete next run... I did however start cooking up a soil for it today... and the clones are getting a bit root bound... time to chug along...

I got stung on the arse by a bee this arvo, right next to the coccyx... they dont like the camera flash it seems... I was shirtless thou, so maybe I was asking for it...

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