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Well-known member
@Mirac.... thanks for the kind words...... just got the tape out and from the centre of the front bulb left, its 30cm to the back of the screen.... ie no plant material sits further away than 30cm.....
Its fucking running hot too.... 31.8dC right now..... but no wilting.....?? today has been unbelievably hot........ Just had drinks with cousins I havnt seen for 5 years after dinner, I upset a younger male cousin, fucking mommies boy... I wanted a reason to leave anyway.... I did however fancy my chances of getting in my other girlcousin friends pants..... chics, when they constantly joke/confront with a guy in a convo but no one else she's fishing right.....? that and constantly asking questions about me........ an invite to the butterfly farm 2mrw for xmas may very well be accepted.......

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If she is asking others questions about you she likes ya. If you live far apart and she's asking questions, she's on vacation and wants some fun. ;)


Well-known member



Merry Christmas Icmag.....

@lady.... yeah that was my thinking too....... plus Im so horny at the moment with all the said joberg females about that I would fuck a rusty drain pipe given half a chance........

:bow: @ Marlo....... legend..... your words are too kind....... thanks so very much, fuck, wakeup on xmas to your post...... Just what this lil drummer boy wanted........... Hows those gnats on your end.......?
Fuck, was even thinking I coulda shoulda squeezed at least one more plant in there..... I know you run far fewer numbers...... al be it with the gaw ril laaaa..... lol...... :tiphat: Anything I should be doing differently..? Or should be keeping an eye on..? All advice from you is complete treasure..... Hope you having a merry time around yours....


ICMag Donor
I think I got the RA's under control.... hopefully.

Looks like you got the right # of plants in there. Not to many holes in the canopy. An extra week of veg might have helped, but I'm notorious for over veg'n.

Looks great, especially considering the problems you had earlier. I think we both could benefit from a pest free run.

Happy Holidays to you too!



Well-known member
@Marlo..... sorry, not gnats, but RA.... my bad.... Few weeks since Iv been over at yours. Actually just stumbled across your "relentless" thread this AM....:greenstars: so Im gonna get cracking on that.... :watchplant:
Yeah I see what you mean now looking back a the last pics... coulda really have done with a few more inches of vertical height.... next time. Really hot here today, flat reached 30dC before 10am..... The ocean is pretty flat, light onshore.... not strong enough to blow the heat away... We're gonna have xmas lunch in a bit.....

Fed the girls this am before lights off..... Iv kept the 2 table spoons of black strap, the 2 aspirin, the 25ml of fish emulsion, but this time I pushed the "flowergro" up to 3 flat spoons[think they weigh 5g each, but the powder is far from dry...] mixed that all into 10L of tapwater[this time:dunno:] They still seem to be yellowing off way to early for my liking... I havnt applied any of the diatomaceous earth yet, cause I got no idea how much to apply... Iv heard some around where I stay lightly top dress with some bonemeal during flower to supplement for phosphorus[although it contains Nitrogen too, is this all true...?] Or merely an old wives tail......

I got quiet a bit of repotting an planning an shit as its close on four weeks in now, and I need to start to consider a next run, if that will even happen....

But Im feeling pretty lazy, and really hungry....... If Im "forced" to have a beer nothings gonna get done......


Well-known member
Sorry guys havent been able to rep last day or so... saying I need more than 25posts in order to rep.... :noway: but many thanks to you all.... I hope you have a very merry festive season.... :tiphat:


Whats up smelly bro merry xmas !

Not bad smelly I see you working .....def agree could have used a little more healthy veg time.

Like the screen though real neat.

Still dealing with buggers ? I hit my girls with a heat treatment 3 days ago at around 117 nothing but happy ladies over here my thread will get updated today with a bunch of sick shots. I also shot em with .5 ml of pylon per gal for insurance purposes lost my predator bug source super bummed. Again nothing but happy moms

Anyway keep up the good work and your next runs will only get better



Well-known member
@AJAE..... China plate...... howzit....... hope you been keeping well? missed you around these parts..... hope you too had a very merry xmas...... was super mellow around ours..... just fucking boiling....
Thanks too for the kind words, and I too agree with you on that extra week of veg..... notes have been taken..... No signs of those buggers being back, I still get the digi scope out now and then when I get goose bumps..... but I feel Im all in the clear for the moment.... Defo looking forward to those strawberry coughs of yours....
Looks like a lil ground swell has pushed in...... Gonna go have a look for a wave in a bit...... and If all I catch is glimpses of yoga pants on beach runs...... well thats just fine by me...... :dance013:


Well-known member
Yeah went for a surf, was ok... few runners down the point, lots of water moving though.......

Pic Drop.... All pics taken at the end of day26 of 12/12 hps flowering...

Bud shot....




Doorway shot.... with doorway girl removed....


More sites...


Doorway girls buds....


Well-known member


Left fence...


Back fence....


Right fence....


Doorway Girl, in some serious need of a moveable DIY screen icky style....


Well-known member
And some bees.....


Sneaking out the back.....


Then the entrance..... Yesterday they were forming a huge ball and hanging off the bottom of the hive..... hhad the hive 5 months.....
Battery bout to die....


Ladies looking a little yellow smelly ehhh ?

have we found that cause yet ?

BEES HOLY FUCK.....scary as fuck fuck those things dude aha



Well-known member
@AJAE... yeah dude couldnt agree more with you bout them being slightly yellow...... I really think its coz I should be feeding em just a tad more... but fuck, no one use's what Iv got at the moment so Im flying solo here... better to slightly under feed than over, no? Put it this way, I know my plants look far from some of the perfection posted on this site...... But I gotta start somewhere....

Yeah the bees are insane hey.... Iv been getting stomach aches from eating too much honey... just so fucking awesome eating honey when stoned... different hives produce significantly different flavoured honey with regards to what pollen/nectar the hives been feeding from... the saligna honey Iv been chowing last few days has this real gummy flavour to it... almost like toffee apple... weird but epic... plus those lil creatures have such a vital role in the ecosystem...


Active member
Those yellow fans are ones I probably would have pulled anyways.

Could be a million reasons for yellowing: pH, nute strength, nute ratios, environment, low light, etc...


Honestly smelly both under and over feeding arent good.

I forgot I swear I thought you got your hands on some hydro nutes my bad.

Damn this african growing seems tough im thinking you should try a soil grow smelly ?

Cant you make a soil mix out there ? That way most of your nutes coming from the soil rather than a bottled nutrient.

Feel me ?

Coco mixes w/o my hannah tri meter and good nutes would drive me crazy



Active member
IMO i would make a tea or next feeding give them a little shot of N and calcium there not that bad off


Well-known member
Hey guys thanks so much for checking back in....

@LSWM.... yeah brah, I actually haven't pulled any leaves yet unless they've been crispy fuct, or brown and unless.... Am I wrong in my understanding that the plants leaves yellowing are a result of it pulling stored up nutes from their cells?? Although one only really wants this to happen during the last 21 days of flower....?? But basically I felt that due to a slight underfeed[or not quite giving them exactly what they require] has resulted in this light yellowing, there for, if I start pulling the yellowing leaves and cant fix the feeding only more leaves with yellow.... Iv learnt not to act in haste[lol]..... hope you had a merry xmas too...... :tiphat:

@AJAE... nah brah no hydro nutes... and I am totally fucking crazy.... just odds an ends designed for grannie that are sold at the local nurseries... The last round of flowers I did where in a soil mix I cooked up... Problem is I think soil I think buggers..... and thats a right fuckup... but Im low on dow so I feel the next few days Im gonna be scurrying around finding all forms of shit on the farm.... theres fucking heaps of stuff.... but the fuckers have raked up all the sea weed on the beaches and have moved it so now I gotta go look for it.... mission. But Iv already cupped the clones and got a bunch of kosher tangie bag seed in veg at the mo, cloner needs another rinse and cuts can be taken as of right now, probs another 20 or so.... what to do with them though.... and the round in veg :dunno: what to do what to do... lol.... Iv wished you the season greetings ;)

@DrFever... howzit, yeah I can do a tea... although the fish emulsion that I feed with is high in nitrogen..... also, have not stumbled[gone to the effort] across I form of calcium that I can feed with.... and I hope you too had a merry time... :stocking:


Active member
The plant could be pulling energy from those leaves, or they may be the first to go because there is not enough energy for the whole plant.

Two different ways to look at it. Either way, you shouldn't be getting much yellowing in full bloom except on large fans unless something is really fucked up.

I think you got it handled bud!

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