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The BroomRoom...


PS: I think retro said the high humidity is even better when using the heat treatment so use that high humidity on your side for that aspect of your grow.



Well-known member
@AJAE..... This morning the RH has gone back up to a nice 60%...Temps are 26dC.... plants look much much happier than few days back when it was 87%RH... they dont look droopy and are "stretching/praying" for the light... even the badly burnt ones have made a turn around and are sprouting new shoots....:woohoo: Thanks everybody for your contributions... I think Im gona repot the 6 best of the other remaining 12... setup the broomroom for a next round of treatment soon, build these '`shields, bung the 6 ladies in as testers, and see how the handle it.... Im just worried like, could the plants be getting burnt, damaged by being against a surface, the walls behind the screen, and the plastic/cardboard infront...?? also was thinking of putting both, cardboard on the outside, plastic on the inside against the plants, I was thinking, the cardboard could get soggy....?? and who digs soggy cardboard.... right?....
Any thoughts.....


Well-known member
Pic drop.....
I swear I rotated each pic and checked they were right before uploading on 'preview'.... I apologize bout them all being pissed... as it fucks me off to no extent when I cant get em right.... 1 out of fucking 12....... Havnt had a good day, shit week of work... then unrotated pics...:wallbash: cheese an rice the pop ups on the site are killing me too..................





Well-known member


"full room" shot..... lol


That was salad for dinner with braai meat.... all organic home grown.....

All the pics where taking bout an hour ago on friday evening.... its been ten days since the last heat treatment and eight days since repotting..... Smelly being the huckleberry hick that he is has managed to borrow two radiator heaters from a non smoking, no growing, non knowing mate, probs got em for two weeks, already set them up the evening and they work great.... gona wait till sunday and give them the third heat treatment, just a few more days to hopefully grow that lil extra bit, hopefully no burning as this time I got the right heaters..... we'll see... repotted the other clones which were lagging or got burnt last time, might bang them in first as testers.... just suss the situation out.... dont really want to loose more plants.... I havnt looked for mites for bout a week, plants look happy in my eyes[keeping in mind their condition two weeks ago....]
Was thinking that I need to do a third round of heat just to make extra sure they havnt reappeared in my area or on my plants before I flip em, all going well maybe even next weekend.....? better safe than sorry I believe, and its a perfect time to dial in this heat treatment, something I feel I need to become a guru on.... lol.... smelly being a guru......:laughing: so sunday should reach high 20's..... wish me luck.....
Please guys, give me your advice and opinions on what you think my girls are looking like at this stage, considering where they're come from, what you think Im still doin wrong.... and If anything, something Im doin right to boost the confidence....
Rooms been bout 26 last two days, with RH hovering around 55%..... it could be better, but its defo been worse....
Shower time...... I dont wanna do it... do it! ..... Its the last thing on my mind.....
Check you guys in a sec......

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
the new growth looks really positive bro. And u inspired me to go make a salad. lol I love my own lettuce from the garden. Sad that its too cold for outdoor garden. I need to get some lettuce going inside for the winter!!

Oh and I think another heat treatment is a very smart plan. Uve got them on the right track, stay thorough and diligent. Put a scope on them and head these bugs off early if there is a next time. hopefully not though.

Im going to do heat treatments when I harvest my next round in the room to help head off any lingering little devils too.

nice job.


Well-known member
@Mirac..... watsup, thanks you for your kind encouraging words.... fuck dont mean to sound like a pussy, but bout 6 weeks back when I just couldnt get anything right life felt kinda shit, now that things seem to be making a turn around in the garden my general spirit is a bit more joyful.... admit it, making fuck ups isnt satisfying? But getting things right is..... So hopefully Im making a turn around, I feel that I am..... But thanks again, you've also been a major influence on getting this right.....:thank you:
Yeah I dig more of the bright lights, swiss chard, spinach all uncooked, just more flavour.... but its all good, digging the lemon thyme.... zest!
Like I said lucky we've had rain mostly every day or every night, so I havnt needed to put the pump on to water, but if it dosent rain, that pump really needs running three times a day, 45min each...... rewarding though.....
So this heat treatment you planning on doing? Is it just gona be of the room after harvest? No plants? Just to deep clean the room? Keep me filled in brah..... details hey......:tiphat:
Im planning on setting the heat treatment up in a few hours, just last sunday I mentioned the power cut for about two hours, it was actually "load shedding" ....[these twots switch the power off for a few hours day over a entire region to compensate, cause they cant produce enough electricity....][bunch of useless #%$!@] they kinda tell you when, but not really.... So heres hoping it dosent happen toady... Just gona give a light feed and good soak few hours before putting em in. This will be the third round of heat treatment, and Im going to put the, now 10, smaller clones onto the shelves first[new heaters] and see how they react.... then if all goes well, Ill then put the 12 much healthier looking ladies in and give them their hour... Like I said I set it up the other night, with the radiator heaters, and there was like zero air movement when I locked myself in side, didnt feel like any hotspots either....
Gona try take pics before the treatment and post a few up....
Any advice or opinions pleas send forth......:dance013:


Well-known member
Right Ill try get things rolling then with more pics...
These where taken this morning when I woke, temps in room where 26dC with 62%Rh.... Im happy with that. Ill feed and soak them once the dogs been walked, Iv had breakfast and the tea has drained... then Ill set the heaters up, put the first ten in as "testers", monitor them, completely asses them after their hour, If casualties are minor, Ill put the better looking 12 in for their treatment. When all that is hopefully going down ill respray[chlorpyrifos] all other items not in the heated broomroom[no plants] that are in the bedroom bathroom to make sure theres no fuckers tryna hide out... its already 26dC out right now, not a breath of wind....


Group Shot in bedroom


New healthy growth??



Both last pics are the same plant.... "plant 1"

Sorry guys bout the unrotated pics, me, I hate it, sometimes I dont even both to look, But Im rotating the pics before I upload them.... Some stay saved but most dont.... Anyone got any ideas of where I could be going wrong... Please bare with me.....


Well-known member
Pics Continued....



Both same plant.... "Plant 4"....


Plant 5.... sorry only one pic... was stoned



Both same plant... "Plant 6"....


Well-known member
Pics Continued....



Both same plant... "Plant 9"..... this is the one clone that is different to the rest.....


Plants 7-9 Groupshot.... Plant 9 is on the left....
I only shot pics of 9 of the 12.... the other three are a inch or two smaller, not as bushy....

Please....... any advice, opinions and knowledge are very much welcomed and appreciated..... so let smelly know... mkay

Bong time now.... doing all that was a task for a sunday morning...

Sorry bout the head tilts again...