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The BroomRoom...


Active member
The yellow thing? It's not moving? Is that the underside of the leaf, or top? Where there's mites, there's eggs. They will be seen on the underside of the leaves.


Well-known member
Yeah those yellow things, They not moving. Those are what I think I could just barely make out with the thirtyloupe before the heat treatment. All the microscope pics Iv posted have been of the undersides of leaves after the heat treatment. I hear what you saying, just not sure what they could be then, and whats the damage from then that the plants are exhibiting.....:chin::wallbash:......

@Miraculous Meds..... :yeahthats


Well-known member
More pics... saying that Iv reached my limit... wtf?

Those dont look like eggs to you guys...? Retro?? Some almost look speckled with white dots to me....
All help much appreciated....

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
More pics... saying that Iv reached my limit... wtf?

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337104&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337103&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337102&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]
Those dont look like eggs to you guys...? Retro?? Some almost look speckled with white dots to me....
All help much appreciated....

Get 4 more posts and I think it will give u 1000 pics.

I think those pics look like tiny trich's


Well-known member
@Micarulous Meds..... hahaha Im proving that IQ hey....:wallbash:

I just watched the Liverpool vs Hull match, well what a crock of shit that was.... then I watched the beginning of the "al classico" match, and fireworks from the get go.... That Barca team is stoopid good, they got the three best strikers in the world pretty much....:nanana:
:rant: .......lol


Well-known member
Pics from this sundays evening... New growth dosent look too bad actually.... What do all you guys think?
Looks to me like that heat treatment worked its magic....
:bow: @ RetroGrow...
Was pretty farken chilly here today[16C] but tomorrow looks like itll be another summers day, was last monday that I gave the first heat treatment... perfect time to get another run in tomorrow... just actually have to do my real job this week and play catch up...
Thanks to everybody chiming in with all the help over this last week, dunno where Id be without you guys....[Pretty fuct probably]
.... Anyway.... Update....

Thoughts.....?? much appreciated :smoke out:

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Its a bit early to tell yet. When the new shoots come out and unaffected and healthy for a week plus then id feel good about killing them off.

the rule of thumb here is patience, diligence, and follow up on the heat treatment if that is part of the program. idk about that as im learning about it as u do here.


Well-known member
Watsup guys.....:smoke out:
justa bowl of kosher tangie first.... anyone else tried that bud before?
Anyway hope everybody is well....

Pic update....

Right before the 2nd heat treatment
Did another heat treatment during midday[7 days since the first one], was more successful, however I did singe 4 plants badly[50%] only had the clones on the shelves, and those bowed pretty bad from the heat....


After their hour of heat treatment, freshly sprayed, I did turn the HID off for bout three houre afterwards[so 3 hours after the treatment]


Yeah thats what Im working with....:dance013: Rocking it for the rednecks.... someones gotta do it right?

More pics....


Well-known member
....... Pics


Roots..... look okay??
Decided to repot the top best looking out of the 24 clones, making it 12, in fresh new coco.... can still fit 12 of these pots in real nice on the shelves.....





These last four pics were taken ten minutes ago....
I dunno... But I think I could be "winning!" looks like they are growing through the damage, they look better than they did a week ago, to me at least... What do guys reckon... ??
I think I just gotta keep these measures up and Ill be beating these fuckers all the time, everytime.... an not just "60% of the time, it works every time...] lol
Im so stoked infact, Ill crack a beer.... 5th? you out there....... Dude that octagon.... cant get it out of my head!!!


Active member
More pics... saying that Iv reached my limit... wtf?

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337104&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337103&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1337102&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Those dont look like eggs to you guys...? Retro?? Some almost look speckled with white dots to me....
All help much appreciated....

They look more like trichomes. Eggs are usually in clusters, and bigger than trichomes. Trichomes are usually everywhere, top & bottom of leaves. Check the tops and see if you notice the same things.


Well-known member
@RetroGrow.... thanks for stopping back in...Now, after giving it some time, I too think they look more like trichomes, like you say, Im not really seeing any clusters, but rather randoms.... I did look on the tops of the leaves... but honestly I couldnt stand to look at the blistering...
Ill pick another fan leaf off an give it good looking over, been bout 4 days since I last looked....

Spoke to matey in London, says he can defo bring back genetics around xmas, too stoked:woohoo: and that he'd have a look round for that OGbiowar[its gotta be available there right].... fuck I might just have enough Nelson to afford to ten packs, I really want electrifying flowers.... not couch lock stuff, maybe I am shooting above my capabilities here but I was thinking sssdh from OJD regulars and SLH from GHS fem... Iv read that the sssdh is really top knock stuff and ppl I know have raved bout the SLH available in London, lemon zest with bag appeal too boot.... Maybe these are gona be bitch to get right.... I do value weight, but quality is the first box to tick. I was just thinking if I put my head down with these packs and make sure I get them right, things could just be great.......
What do you guys think?? What would you go for?? I know stretchy lanky sativa based strains work better with a vert setup....
Any advice an opinions will be much appreciated....


Well-known member
lil tale.... yesterday I noticed bees swarming outside the garages, Half an hour later I passed the garages again and noticed the swarm nestled over a door handle of one of the old trucks... they were goin into the door panel to make a new hive.... of all places... so we phone matey up an he says he'll make it over the next day. So today matey rocks up, we get the door panel off and their they are, a tiny swarm the size of two fists sitting against the lock panel on the inside. My old mans got a hive so we run over to that one, smoke it a bit an pull the lid off, fucking bees everywhere!!! One fucker flies right for me and lands right on my nose, I chill, letting her do her thing, and the pow! She bangs me just under the tip of my nose, Im pretty much allergic, blurred vision, looking like a puffin... Fuck today of all days!! I was sooooo keen to go out an look at all the slutty halloween chics tonight, all dressed up..... I know I already look like Shrek... but I cant go buzz around a party feeling this fuct an bloated..... I just cant take this mask off......
Anyways, got the queen into the new hive and just placed in its spot after the sun set.... My very own first hive... pretty stoked.... they african killers too:dance013:


Active member
I have been stung by bees and every time had a significantly worse allergic reaction. Last time my foot swelled to the size of a softball. Not good at all.

Sorry about that bud. At least you can rest easy knowing the worst of it will be over in a day or two, not that it's much consolation, lol.


Well-known member
@LSWM... fuck a football!! I got stung bout a month back on a finger, whole hand swelled, felt like it was gona pop!! couldnt do anything for three days, just a couple soaks in hot water to loosen the skin... fuck they lil bastards hey? I got the hive quite close to the house as its gotta be behind the fence due to theft.... Im defo gona have to get a mask an gloves.... and a smoke blower..... too keen for honey in a year or two.....:dance013: You got any experience keeping bees??


Active member
Nope no experience keeping bees.

Lot's of experience using a mask and gloves though... Cannabis and my allergies don't agree. I breakout in hives if I rub nugs on my arms, as well as runny nose, itchy eyes, and lots of sneezing and coughing.

I wear a VOC mask when I trim as well as nitrile gloves and long sleeves.


Active member
Nope no experience keeping bees.

Lot's of experience using a mask and gloves though... Cannabis and my allergies don't agree. I breakout in hives if I rub nugs on my arms, as well as runny nose, itchy eyes, and lots of sneezing and coughing.

I wear a VOC mask when I trim as well as nitrile gloves and long sleeves.

I thought I was the only person who this affected. I've searched and never found much and none of my friends have the issue, but I have to wear long sleeves and gloves just to touch plants and certain strains (seems to be Afghan varietals mostly, strangely enough) make me tear up, sneeze, and itch. I pop a couple of benadryl before I even think about trimming.

Good luck with the girls SmellyFlorist :tiphat:


Active member
seems to be Afghan varietals mostly, strangely enough

I have found the exact same issues. The more kush/afgan leaning plants will give me hives just rubbing against them in the garden. Others I would have to be trimming or rubbing nugs into my arms to create an issue.

Here's a thread on the Mag that might give you some comfort knowing others are suffering as well!

Allergic reactions during trimming (skin itching, sniffly nose etc)

EDIT: Here's the VOC mask I use. It's not comfortable and is annoying as hell, but it certainly beats the alternative...



Well-known member
@LSWM... No ways... Iv never heard of someone breaking out like that.... that must suck being allergic to something you love...

@jd4083.... watsup thanks for stopping in......

I woke up at 4 this morning... its five now... an my face is fuct! Worse than yesterday, I can barely see out my right eye and battled to hit a bong properly coz my lips are like tire tubes...... this blows:laughing:
Its first light right now, bees should be waking up, first morning in their new hive and in a new location... hope they dig.... try not to get stung again smelly.....:dance013:


Active member
@RetroGrow.... thanks for stopping back in...Now, after giving it some time, I too think they look more like trichomes, like you say, Im not really seeing any clusters, but rather randoms.... I did look on the tops of the leaves... but honestly I couldnt stand to look at the blistering...
Ill pick another fan leaf off an give it good looking over, been bout 4 days since I last looked....

Spoke to matey in London, says he can defo bring back genetics around xmas, too stoked:woohoo: and that he'd have a look round for that OGbiowar[its gotta be available there right].... fuck I might just have enough Nelson to afford to ten packs, I really want electrifying flowers.... not couch lock stuff, maybe I am shooting above my capabilities here but I was thinking sssdh from OJD regulars and SLH from GHS fem... Iv read that the sssdh is really top knock stuff and ppl I know have raved bout the SLH available in London, lemon zest with bag appeal too boot.... Maybe these are gona be bitch to get right.... I do value weight, but quality is the first box to tick. I was just thinking if I put my head down with these packs and make sure I get them right, things could just be great.......
What do you guys think?? What would you go for?? I know stretchy lanky sativa based strains work better with a vert setup....
Any advice an opinions will be much appreciated....

2 of my favorites. Can't go wrong either way. I love SLH & SSSDH. SLH is available only in Fems, but they are awesome. Trichomes will be on top & bottom, so if you see same things on top, it's definitely trichomes.