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The Berlin Wall: Part II


wicked - Thanks for stopping by...get on it and build your own.

canpow - hmmm, Portugal has a fighting chance I'll give them that. They did make it to the semi final match in the World Cup, and Ronaldo is a fantastic player...but my money is naturally on Germany having a strong showing! I think the group we are in is favorable, as opposed to the "group of death." But I wold really like to see an overall entertaining tournament with not as much theatrics as the World Cup had.

The mammas are taking to the new soil well. I shaved off all the old deficient growth so that I can monitor the new growth for issues.Once they look a little better I'll take cuts, and put up some photos after.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Enjoy your holiday germanator, we'll be looking forward to seeing your new cab :D


Love the room, due to children my grow room is the back half of my walk-in closet built in the wee hours of the morning (wife works late, not all that happy about losing half of her closet space but she took my half and i now hang my golf shirts, and suits out in a hall closet)


Sammet- Thanks, hope your holiday was as good as mine.

LiLWayne - Agreed, if I lived in the woods somewhere, or had few friends frequenting my home I would go a little bigger. But for right now stealth is the only way to go.

bat1327- Yeah I know all about the wee hour construction days... always got freaked out because nobody does home repairs at 3AM... except a stoner!

Got back late last night after many hours of traveling and am working on my jet-lag. I have yet to go pick up my babes and mammas from my friend, but when I do I will post up some updates. Once I get my mind right I'm going to draw up plans for my mother/clone cab and you all will be the first/only to see it when it gets off the ground.


...Got a new camera as a gift, so next round will not be a blur ^^^^ :joint:


Here is the start of my mamma/clone cab. Spent my Home Depot gift card on a couple items to get me started.

Its narrow so won't fit any of the T12 fixtures I came across, but I have compact floros burning in the room that will fit. I figure three on the bottom half and one up top for the clones.

The middle shelf doesn't remove as the others, so I'll have to drill a number of holes on the left side to allow air flow. I figure the intake vent centered in the bottom section - holes on the left of the shelf and an extraction computer fan on the upper right should move enough air.

A couple of the supplies. A vent for the intake, a few filters to keep the inside clean, heavy duty timer and multi socket. I want to do the entire thing in one sitting so I'll post up that process. Any ideas?



Just got done with some room upkeep. Had to do all the little things that nobody talks about. Cleaned all of my ducting (pain in the ASS!) it was incredibly dirty in there, so I ended up detaching all of it and cleaning it in the garage... that took me 2 days. Next up was replacing the clear plastic tarp with a heavy/tear resistant blue one, and sealing up that with duct tape. Then I replaced the propane tank, and wiped the room down.

Things are looking pretty good, haven't taken any pictures because there is nothing entertaining about what I've been doing. The renovations were needed, just glad I have the time to take care of my equipment and room properly.

Hope all is well in everyone's gardens.



Germanator...Thats bad ass dude, Thanks for sharing your stealth wall room. Have you had the landlord over to visit since constructed, that might be weird seem like the room shrank, Best of luck with the next grow and veg cabinet. Peace -B


actually yes he has been over a couple times. Though the wall is located in the back of my bedroom. It would be a little intrusive for him to expect to be able to walk the entire property, and plus I know the guy so luckily the situation is not tense. He actually had a guy come over shortly after the wall was finished doing an appraisal. The guy got to the door and saw it was locked and asked if he could get in. I told him my roommate had the only key but that you could see the entire room from the window outside, so he looked in and that was it. I also shut the room down for a few hours while he had blinds installed.

Its a wall guys... not a closet or an open room. I don't think I fit the profile (and I'm sure most of us don't) of someone who does this in his spare time... in fact I have been told many times that people never suspected I smoked cannabis. The wall is nice, but being stealth runs deep.



Germanator said:
The wall is nice, but being stealth runs deep.

YES! :respect:

very nice work man! im renting right now and my rooms are small enough as it is :joint: but im definitly stealing ur idea as soon as the opportunity comes


:bow: lol a whole wall, man, that is killer.

hope the girls pull out of the mag def, i lost a jack herrer to that shite earlier this week when i tried to up the nutes and of course locked it out.

anyway, great thread, bountiful harvest your way!


Waywardbob- thanks for stopping by. Stick around it will be better once these cuts are done and the cab is finished.

Green Lion - Thanks...always room to improve.

Khaleel - Sorry to hear about the Jack Herrer... love that plant, seems like it gets forgotten these days.

Well the update is that my blueberry mom is still showing nute stress... The BK X OG is looking fine and I will be taking cuts from her soon. I'll get some pictures up this weekend.



Been real sick the past week or so with the flu, so here is what little work I got done while I was home from work.

Got all the BK X OGK cuts taken. The mother was looking in better shape so I wanted to take up as many plugs as I needed, so give a better chance of having healthy cuts down the line.

These are all from the BK X OGK mother, the Blueberry mom will get her turn in a couple days if she stats looking better.

Heating pad under and towel above, "don't forget to bring a towel."
in seriousness the towel keeps some of the cooler air blowing in the room from hitting the dome directly and acts as an insulator.

Raped BK X OGK Mamma

The Blueberry is up next.

Think I have 10 more spots in the dome for the blueberry cuts. Likely not going to have all of them in soil in the end, but it never hurts to have the best looking cuts to choose from.

Hope everyone's gardens are doing well, be easy.



lookin real good germ any more cuttings from that bk x ogk mama and she might took a restraining order out on you!lol everything looks awesome peace-get well and get back in that garden!peace-Y-


Weekly update - Clones look good, no roots yet, but no worries there either.

The room is looking real clean and I'm more excited about this run than I've been since I constructed the wall originally.

Been lurking around ticketmaster waiting for some word on Radiohead's North American tour... and finally think I am over the flu.

Looking forward to next year outdoor. I want to take advantage of having mother plants again, and run more girls outside. I've had the idea of lining the side of my house with about chest high mini green houses for a while now, so I think this is the summer to do it. Don'tknow if I'll update that online, but I'll show the build for some added inspiration, because I've never seen anything like it done before.

Be easy,



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Alright Germ? :wave: Sorry to hear you've been ill mate. Good to see some plants back behind the berlin wall :D Radiohead fan too huh? I can't stop playing In Rainbows at the moment, it's a good album.

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