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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



all the time... all the time

all the time... all the time

Pinkpixie: Thanks so much for the negative rep. I will return the favor as soon as I get a better internet connection.

Odd that a woman would call another woman a bitch though.

Are you sure you are not a man? That really sounds like something a man would call a woman.

A real woman would know that hollering "Bitch" just don't insult. It is something a MAN sez to make a woman feel bad. It just don't work though. hahahaha


So funny coming from you. I think you are a transexual. In the song Lola it is about a transexual and you say you are huge with huge feet

durn, you are too smart for me.

I am really that big huge black man from those old 7Up commercials. After my surgery it was hard to find cute pink dresses....

and forget about finding cute shoes.


ooh that was the actor Taibu kombucha or something like that. He was so cool and that laugh he had was soo spooky.


The UNcola......


I used to be a big black man,
but now I am a white girl.
I used to have a black bald head,
but now I have long curls.

Oh, it's hard to be a girl,
who's 8 feet tall and wears size 36 shoes.
But I just dress up all in pink
and flaunt my Pixie hairdoo.
bitch = being in total control of herself

It's not an insult, it's just a word that ignorant people try to make into an insult when they are too vocabulary starved to insult someone without resorting to "cuss words."

I don't think there are any cliques among the women here on icmag. It's really just been warm and accepting, no matter what your level of grow experience and expertise. The nice thing is that if you are a newbie, you can get a lot of help just in this forum and know that people are reading what you say and will respond right back to you. None of the ladies here are judgmental. It's just great.


That is your rep boxes OMM !! Take your mousie and put it over the boxes and you will get a little rep message pop up. You have a spectatcular aura about you! ;)

you have a little rep now, but as you get more rep the little message changes. It is fun to watch.


tweren't nothing but some dude pretending to be a girl, leaving me nasty rep, then accusing me of being a tranny.

Why fight? lol? I ain't a tranny, so saying I am one, is just funny.


:thank you: for all the great information past honey!
gee whiz, I get so tired of this.

Lolagal needs a $70 a month cell phone hookup to surf the internet.

Lolagal can't upload pics surfing at 12,o00 KPS.

Lolagal can't get a good enuf connection to upload pics.

Lolagal won't hear a word in that social group until there ain't a chart up, then folks start bitching.

sorry I ain't able to update July's Moon chart for you.

Send money for internet hook up, and I will get off dialup :)

lol. I am doing the best I can. I built new threads for each month, if anyone has a copy of Llewellyn's, take a pic of July and insert it in the correct place for me please. Thanks.

Here is something I found, perhaps you can recognize it for what it may be worth. A good resource do you suppose?
Hey Double Kindness you around? I need to talk anyone want to listen? I have a new Doctors appt. today and I am dreading it. The last one hurt me and I was sore for a week, I hope this one is better? Sometimes doctors can be sooooo fuckin mean! old farts I am tired of them telling me I am a big baby!! Oh well gotta do what I gotta do.....I hope their nice....I hope their kind....I hope their understanding....I hope I do not cry this time, shit I hate doctors...... I AM SCARED SHITLESS GIRLS!!!
Get a lady doctor. Or go to a larger practice that has multiple doctors. We go to a big practice that has many doctors and also many physicians assistants. Our primary care physician is a man, but we also like two of the other doctors and see one of those three or one of the PAs when we go for urgent care.

And think about asking for a scrip for something to calm you down when you go to the dr. I get something like that at my yearly physical and refill it once or twice a year. I use it for planes, the dentist, etc. You may just need to have something to help you relax when you go to the dr.

If this is a yearly ladies check up, consider going to a woman. Smaller hands make a BIG difference. You can have your ladies check up done by a physicians assistant as well as a dr. So if your practice has all male dr's, but a female PA, just see her for the yearly . . . .



Hey Double Kindness you around? I need to talk anyone want to listen? I have a new Doctors appt. today and I am dreading it. The last one hurt me and I was sore for a week, I hope this one is better? Sometimes doctors can be sooooo fuckin mean! old farts I am tired of them telling me I am a big baby!! Oh well gotta do what I gotta do.....I hope their nice....I hope their kind....I hope their understanding....I hope I do not cry this time, shit I hate doctors...... I AM SCARED SHITLESS GIRLS!!!

Hope your appt went ok, and I agree with getting a woman DR.

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