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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



KK: Sorry to hear about it... durn. Hope things work out the way you want em to.

Teresa: You have my sympathy. Sorry to hear of your loss.


i was stoned the majority of the day yesterday, so Im not sure exactly what I told you

me and IW got in a fight and he plucked my love potion plants... Im seriously really upset about it, im making him give me the rest of his love potion seeds and im going to plant them today...


I will spank him next time I see IW! bad boy.

OMTN: Sorry to hear bout your troubles too...



Here's my sea of green... I been BAD!





You've been naughty Lola---- very nice.

Speaking of bunnies----my grandfather use to have like 10-15 at a time. But, they were for dinner not for pets. :yummy:


Hi ladies! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. If you've got it, smoke it....and if you don't, then grow it! :smokeit:

KK....with all troubled waters there is also calm....sorry to hear, wishing you all the best! :ying:

Teresa: Good to see ya! :smokeit:

I caught a real nasty cold/flu bug, I suspect from being cooped up on long haul int'l air flights...nothing worse than recirculated air! Arrgghh! Nothing tastes or smells right....I probably shouldn't be smoking, but Cindy and ChemD are the only flavors I can really taste, although they do smell a bit odd to my nose. Got that awful fever/chills thing going on today, so I'm curled up on my sofa with hot tea and just dropping in to say HEY to you all!

Keep it green!


I'm sorry that your feeling so poorly, if I was there I'd rub your feet with canna oil until you feel better :D
KK - I'm sorry to hear about you n' IW, and your love potion ladies. Unfortunately people do crazy things when they're upset. :confused: I really hope things get better for you two. *sends hugs*

DG ~ Hot tea always seems to work for me. hehe That and lots of chicken noodle soup! :flu:
Well my husband got to come home for the weekend and it's been awesome. He's finally getting it, I got a written apology, and he's been giving the verbal, detailed apologies explaining why what he did in certain arenas is wrong and why he can totally understand how I felt. He also ran all the errands and is taking care of all the weekend work to be done so I can max and relax. I have found out the the O was a South African Durbin Poison x Skunk #1 female mixed with a male that was Afghani, that came from his brother's kung fu instructor out in Michigan. He refers to the male as Kung Fu #1, obviously. We can actually work together this weekend and refine some things and he can take a look at everything and help me figure out how to improve, so this is VERY good. He was so happy to hear that I've been getting love and support not only on the home front from friends, family, and what has turned into our local growers collective (how did THAT happen????), but also that I've been able to hang out here with all you ladies. I got to talk to the social worker today and here what the composition of the workshop is, so my anxiety level went way way down and my husband knows what is expected of him behavior wise in the workshop, so it's good. We've been hanging out with a lot of our friends and things are just better. He is so impressed that I'm in the BGC and hanging with all you talented ladies. Thanks for being there, you already mean a lot and someday we WILL have a get together and we will be there. :)


Garden Nymph
hey gals,

Lemme know what you think about this. How about also calling this thread "The She-Woman Man Haters Club"? Hehehehe

Sorry about your plants, KK. When me and Free get into fights the plants are never involved lol even if it is about the plants. We wouldn't uproot or kill any of them, because we would BOTH regret it later...meaning less bud for either of us!! LOL They're like our kids


Sorry to hear you are sick DG. Rest is the best thing. And make sure you eat good. The old "starve a flu, feed a cold" is not true. You should always try to eat something to give your body strength to fight the infection/virus.
We took the kids to a county fair in Nov and I swear we are all still sick from that day. None of us really got over whatever bug we caught. The kids have had 2 ear infections since then, and I think my husband and I have had infections since but we don't have health insurance for ourselves, just the kids.
Hippie I like the new name for our group. BGC reminds me of the show. Which I love. But, I don't want to be mistaken for that kind of bad.
Gotta get the kids to school. Have a great day ladies.


thank you for all your love & Hugs & warm wishes... I truly have found a great group of gals to talk to!

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hey I think I have been trained... You need to see me in a leather collar and my assless chaps

:woohoo: Prove it Ran! *Lil beins to chant, "pictures, pictures,pictures, pictures, pictures...."

I dont think I like "The She-Woman Man Haters Club". All my friends are guys, except one..... and you girls.


yea, we all have a common bond, we all love to grow and smoke marijuana!!! I could go for some hash tho!!! lol
Lil- Im going to be calling my lady today and talking to her about what we talked about.. I'll pm you with her response....
fyi, kk, as bad as things have gotten with my husband (our harvest went for his heroin habit??), he saw what you said about the plants being involved and said that NEVER would he kill/remove a plant, it's just seriously messed up. let's face it, even when relationships are on a downswing or even fail, that we share a sincere love of pot with our partners and that should never be affected. . . .


you're right o-
I would've never yanked them... I had 2 love potions going that were looking BOMB.. you can check the pics on my page to see what they looked like. so sad. truly sad.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Yea, Im super bummed about that for ya KK. Some shit people do just to get a point accross. Which reminds me of some shit I've done to my ex. Heeheehee.....

One time, we were fighting realy bad, and I just got so pissed at him and wanted to destroy something of his. (please know that Im not that kind of person, he just brought out the worst in me) So I found a pair of scissors, and cut up all of his underwear. LOL! He had no shorts but the ones he had on when I did it. And I wasn't about to go buy him new ones. His lazy ass didn't wear underwear for almost 2 weeks before he realized I was serious about not being his f**king maid anymore.

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