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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



Welcome Mrs.BoJangles. Congrats on becoming a legal grower.

I strongly recommend MoscaNegra's C-99. We Got 2 phenos. Both, extremely good. One is more sativa than the other. I'm in love with both. I like the more sativa one for when you need to get shit done but wanna be high doing it. The more indica is great, too. The sativa one hits you in the head only but the indica one has a head and body high. Me and the hubby have been smoking all day. The kiddies will be gone tonight and everything is done drying. It's gonna be a naughty night tonight. :spank: lol

Have a great weekend ladies!!


ICMag Donor
Welcome Mrs.BoJangles. Congrats on becoming a legal grower.

I strongly recommend MoscaNegra's C-99. We Got 2 phenos. Both, extremely good. One is more sativa than the other. I'm in love with both. I like the more sativa one for when you need to get shit done but wanna be high doing it. The more indica is great, too. The sativa one hits you in the head only but the indica one has a head and body high. Me and the hubby have been smoking all day. The kiddies will be gone tonight and everything is done drying. It's gonna be a naughty night tonight. :spank: lol

Have a great weekend ladies!!

Ohhhhh you go girl!!! get your bad on!! lolol...love it! :woohoo:

i think ima hang with the bad girls for a bit, wife is acting all stuck up and cut me off, no sweet sweet lovin for me, im still waiting on birth day lovin.puff puff pass

awww shawkie, wifeys not being nice?...well just be as sweet as you can and she wont be able to resist!! hehehe good luck hun, your more then welcome to hang with us! We are a fun bunch here!


Pleasantly dissociated
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey,i had a good weekend with the wife, did all kinds of stuff i dont normally do like shop and goto her grandkids house, maybe sweet lovin this week,fingers crossed(legs uncrossed), GROW EM HARD


hey bgc... just checkin in.. things are fine here... so glad im finally feeling relief from my depression.... the medical weed helps. I dont really have any other news except my car is now running better, got a tran service & had the gear shifter fixed... I think there is a bearing going out on the pulley tho.. so gotta have that looked at...
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KK, dang you took a page out of my life! I want to chew on my own skin with the way the little things just stack up.
Car problems bite. I keep looking for a mechanic that works for herb but no luck yet.

I don't know if you like Reggae music but I have said this before and gotta say it again Soul Majestics Better World cd can help lift my spirits. I heard them when they opened for Eek a Mouse and now they're one of my faves.
Anyone got any other favorite tunes for lifting the spirits?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hey girls! I've been gone for the past week. Had a nice, fat harvest this past week, then my mom flew into town and I got to hang out with her. She's a bad girl too.... taught me everything I know. Last weeks harvest killed my hands though..... and I've got another (even larger) one comming up next week. This job is murderous to my hands!

Well, I hope all of you haven't been behaving!


KK- I'm glad you're feeling better. I hate when I get into the lows. Which have been getting lower and lower every time they come. Then you get these a-holes who tell you to just snap out of it. "F-U M-FERS!!! YOU SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!" Sorry, PMsing. Had to get that out.

Jessrabit- When I'm feeling down music helps. I like 'Don't worry be happy' and 'Walking on sunshine'. I know they're corny. Anything that is upbeat really. Music can really change a persons mood. My daughter cries anytime she hears a sad tune. Doesn't have to have words just a slow sad melody. The usually "lullaby" is not sung here.(don't know if I spelled that right.

One last thing.

Mrs.Babba--I'd love to come there and kick this girls ass. I' ve been feeling the need to vent some anger. But, I'm broke. I'd be willing to walk all the way from FL if people are willing to sponsor me. I'm being serious. The most fund raising i've ever done was a bake sale with student gov. So, if some one wants to be the manager of this endeavor....And if anyone else wants to take this journey with me, the more the merrier. Just hope I'm not too tired to kick this girls ass when I get there.

Have a great day ladies. Gonna smoke some C-99 and walk on sunshine.


good morning all you wonderful ladies...My love potion is looking a little peaked we're hoping they perk up soon.....
I got some good coffeee, and the internet, im happy right here today lol.. but im sure hoping IW's check comes today, so I can get a few things I need to last the month....


I'm sooo wasted. Been smoking for hours by myself. Kids are with my parents. Hubby's out with friends. All alone. Don't know what to do with myself. Lonely. But, they will all be home soon and I will wish I had this time alone again. Did I mention how wasted I was? Whoooooooaaaaaa!!!! Have a good night ladies.


Me too! Hubs is playing Texas Hold Em. I am gonna smoke myself silly,I got some more Jock Horror,some AK-48 and Godbud.Should I mix em all into a fatty??? Did I mention I love my Caregiver? He can grow,baby!:joint:


I loove that song Walking On Sunshine! I haven't heard it in daze!!!
Don't think it's gonna help me today tho. Just lost the crop to stress factors and the census is still out on what can be salvaged. Wanna curl up and cry but to much to clean up right now:(
Hope you all are having a magickal weekend.


lol jess

I didnt have to cook today!!! just had to peel potatoes... everything was great.. and no dishes.. yay!!!! I just got to kick back this year... very good indeed.. I hope ya'll are having an excellent day & are staying stoned for me, since I have none.. again.. damn I Hope we flower soon. lol

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