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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



That's what Eve gave Adam, not an apple.

I can see it now! Living it up, runnin around guilt free tokin up the herb in the garden of eden.

eve! why did you mess it up for all of us? durn your hide!

I have been painting my ole 65 GMC Pickemup Truck this weekend! Now she is a nice shiny black! She looks sooooooo much better. Time for a name!

Unfortunately I am black in lots of places this morning too. lol. Somehow I managed to hit my butt on the hood when climbing off. ouch. How do I manage? lol.

I need to go find some paint thinner for my spots.

Anybody want to help name my truck? Names have to start with a B for tradition around here.

So far I been calling her Bitch, but she is straightening up. Time for a new muffler, and I am in bidness. :)


ICMag Donor
Beatrice, Bertha, Bella, mrsb? okay the last one doesnt really start with a b but has a b in it hehehe

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Damn it..... I had my isht all typed out and accidently hit a button on the mouse and it went back to the last page I was on and I lost what I had just typed.... And now I dont remember what I said. Damn it!

Well, hope all you lovely ladys have had a great weekend! The weather has been so nice here! I just love the Fall!

. It never really occured to me it might be male dominated, I believe that is our misperception. Afterall, who is to say it was not a woman who introduced man to herb. It would not be the first such historical introduction;)



Anybody want to help name my truck? Names have to start with a B for tradition around here.

So far I been calling her Bitch, but she is straightening up. Time for a new muffler, and I am in bidness. :)

Bonnie, Betty, Babe, Bambi, :canabis: Banshee, bubba, bubbles:abduct:

Congratulations on your like new ride!


I think it will be Beatrice! I will call her Miss Bea! Thanks.

:) Let's get stoned :)

Join me! mawahahahahahaha


Do any of you watch Desperate Wives? What Lynette said to the pregnant young girl in the doctors office rang so true with me I cried. I wish I didn't feel that way.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Sorry Mrs. E, I dont watch that show. What did she say? Dont cry darlin.

Hope all you ladys are having a great start to your day! It was friggen cold last night! I picked up a bunch of fire wood yeasturday for the fire place..... its that time of the year again! I love snuggling up on the couch in front of a crackling fire! So relaxing!


Thanks, Lil'. I wish it was that cool here. It feels like 100 outside. I wish winter would come already.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Do any of you watch Desperate Wives? What Lynette said to the pregnant young girl in the doctors office rang so true with me I cried. I wish I didn't feel that way.

Yes I to kinds felt bad for her. Even tho she has three boys in the house :) when they have milked it out for the season and millions of folks are all cuddled around the set for the big day. Once they lay that little bundle of love in her arms it all comes full circle and the end does justify the means. I myself felt sorry for the women in general who go through this in todays day and age.

The Beaver Cleaver days have LONG been gone and could not imagine getting up getting breakfast ready getting everyone off to school then going to work putting in the 8-10 hours required for it then getting the kids from school getting them to practice or classes picking them up coming home pick up the house a little start supper do a few loads of laundry clean up supper doing some more laundry check homework making sure they get showers get them to bed FINALLY getting to clean your self up and after all of this and carrying around an extra 10-20 pounds on your gut all day you get to listen to your biggest kid in the family say "Have you gotten to the part where your horney all the time yet?"

Yeah I see why you would cry.



morning ya bad bad girls!!!!

bout ready to toke it up!!!!

lets get stoned! :)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Good morning KK.... and all the rest of you bad girls! So me and the hubby had a date night last night. We went out and saw Zombie Land. Dude... if your into zombie movies (Im all about em) Go check it out! That was the most entertaining movie I've seen in a long time. I laughed my ass off, in between jumping out of my seat and squeezing the crap outta my husbands hand. It wasn't scary though..... just alot of zombies jumping out. Cool flick.

Hope you all are having an awsome day so far. Im gonna step into my room and hit that bubbler real quick.

~Hugs to my homegirls!


Hey ladies! Just stopping by to check in with everyone. Hope ya'll are stoned and safe!

Mary -- I LOVE George Strait! He was the first guy I had a crush on when I was little. Then I fell in love with Garth Brooks....hee hee......

Happy smokin ladies!! :joint:
Evenin' ladies ~ I was a bad bad girl today. I indulged in a yummy cupcake topped w/ too much whipped cream. And it was delicious! haha *W~W*

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Nice to meet you Alexa! Welcome to the bad girls club..... now all ya got left to do is slap our lil logo on ya ass!