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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Yea.... sex is like pizza...... its good if your stoned or sober! I like the woman's forum because I only have one female friend that smokes...... Here, I have lots of female friends that smoke!

Nice to meet you SoGrowerGal! Sounds like your in my neck of the woods! West Side!

oh, I remember thinking that to, until I had the absolute worst sex ever. So so very saddening to admit now there is sex that is so utterly terrible that I could never do that particular individual again. :fsu: really.
But to answer the questions here,
I am from New England and in Northern Cali now.
I smoke sometimes often, sometimes not so often. When? Morning, noon or night; when painting, gardening, cooking, snowboarding, surfing, hiking, chillin, reading, knitting/crochetting etc. etc.
I use in other forms as well such as salves with specifics for joint pain, headaches, muscle tension or strains, etc.
Whatever arises.
I love cannabis in every way. It is a plant that communicates to my heart.
My relationship is a love relationship but not because I need to smoke it, I need it in my life because of it's medicinal properties but it is much more than that it raises the quality of a life lived and understood. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007) tells an amazing story of the plant in our culture. But as they say in the beginning of the documentary, it is only a ripple on the surface of waters that run deep.
Most of my peeps are MJ friendly as that is generally how things work in NorCal.
I do not have many female grower friends however.
I am stoked to see so many in this thread and would love be able to have insightful dialogues with my sistren. :respect:
Peace Ladies


Hi Jess and BIO. Welcome.
Jess I'd really be interested in knowing how you make the salves. I have terrible pain in my legs. It makes it difficult to bend at the knee. I'm not completely sure of the cause. It's not my knee joint but the muscle right above my knee. The less I do the more it hurts. So I try to exercise, but it's hard to do squats and lunges because it is so painful. Muscle rub has not worked. I heard of marijuana lotions that work better than anything else for arthritis. Read somewhere(maybe on IC) that there is a lotion you can mix it with but the article said that you can not find it in the U.S.
Sorry for the rantings today ladies. Haven't smoked yet.


New member
Hello! pot head girls, this is my first post. i am from colorado, where the whole pot scene is really taking off. i'm so happy for it.

been a pot smoker for most of my life and it has never let me down. while high i enjoy SEX very much and surprised no one else mentioned it, but i've only started looking on here so, maybe there are more women out there like me...(?)

i also enjoy being outdoors, listening to good music, the kind that makes me want to move my dancing shoes. and love the 70's era the best.

my family doesn't know much about this part of me. a few do. and most of my friends smoke pot. on most occasions i smoke in the evenings only. as some tasks are more difficult to accomplish while stoned, like knitting for example, can't do that high or i have major ploblems!! lol


Hi MrsEvleme2!
So sorry you are having pain issues, I know how frustrating and draining it can be.
My knees are a big problem for me to. I started my salves after making brownies one day. I had been on the couch for three days already unable to walk. I remembered I had the left over mash I had made my butter in for the brownies, I thought,
"hmmn, I wonder if a poultice would help?"
I slapped the leftover mash on my knees wrapped it up with a bunch of my boyfriends tube socks and fell asleep. The next morning I was FINE. No twinge of pain for three days and then just a minor twinge. The socks were a bit wasted though.
I now make them using highgrade organic oils such as olive or avocado. I am going to try coconut with the next batch. I use honey or organic sugars for the preservatives and bees wax as a thickening agent.You can add other herbs to the mash as it is stewing for aroma or healing properties. I try to use the homeopathic rule which is if you would not eat it, you should not put it on your skin. When applying I apply generous amounts. This can be a sticky situation though so before bed is good and I just wear old pjs or in the morning when I can shower later in the day after working in the garden or what not.
Hope that helps!


Ha! Seriously! I dated a guy long time ago..... when we broke up, he told everyone I wouldn't sleep with him because I thought my "pussy was golden". Haahaahaa! I wonder what isht he woulda said if we had slept together.

Hahahahaha:) Sounds like a movie title! 'The girl with the golden vajayjay' :):)

'I coulda been somebody!" "I coulda been a contenda!" :)


Hahahahaha:) Sounds like a movie title! 'The girl with the golden vajayjay' :):)

'I coulda been somebody!" "I coulda been a contenda!" :)

LMAO I could be too as I'm a lesbian and I think I have a gold everything when it comes to the guys lol Guys are great as friends, don't get me wrong, I'm not a man hater lol

Makes me think of that show "The Golden Girls" LMAO


LMAO I could be too as I'm a lesbian and I think I have a gold everything when it comes to the guys lol Guys are great as friends, don't get me wrong, I'm not a man hater lol LMAO

Same here. I've dated a few guys and was like that myself! I made guys jump through hoops! Been a long time since those days.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hey.... nice to meet you Mycro, Jessrabit, Flowerition, and Biojenn.

Hey Biojenn..... I read both thoes articles you put up. In my opinion, well, first of all, I dont try to fit myself into any sterio type. And second, I think the writers of both articles is late............ Women have been smoking weed just as long as the fellas have been. I realy dont see any difference with genders. Women dont have the, "home maker" role like we did back in the 50's. We work just as hard, if not harder with raising kids and all, as the guys do. Whys it gotta be an "image" thing for women to smoke pot? Why do they gotta turn it into that? We smoke, because we like to smoke..... Just like guys do. So what if we wear skirts and heals...... that doesn't mean were just there to look pretty.


When did women smoking pot become revolutionary? God, I remember smoking pot with every girl I knew since back in the early 80's. Or does popular opinion dictate that women were mostly coke heads and drinkers, both of which I have seen enough examples of through the years as well. Or since the most recent 'pro-pot' movement, perhaps it just seems vogue again. I don't know, but I'll bet after the first guy smoked pot in the world that he immediately ran to the first woman he could find and said 'TRY THIS!':) (which is also how I got my first gf!)

I agree with Lil, most stereotypes of women have been blown out of the water over the past 30 years. I've never considered that fact that I smoke to be an 'image' thing. I'm just naturally hyper and I love that it calms me down a bit, and let's be real here, it does make sex fantastic, most of the time (We've all had that horrible lover like Jess had). Nothing will fix a bad lover, except a new one... HELLO!! Hahahahaha:):) And considering I'm a lesbian, I don't come across that as much as straight women. If you want the job done right, get another girl to do it!! :):)

Getting back to the point, in my world (which may vary from yours) women smokers outnumber men by like 10 to 1. But I haven't had a guy (other than the cable guy and my friends hubby) in my home in like 2 years. So I'm probably the worst person to be answering this ;)


Come to think of it, back in the 80's I got my weed from the guys. I never thought much about it until now tho lol I remember feeling "awkward" getting it from a female dealer. We need more Women to chime in!!! I have always thought women are "more gentle" with their stash, guys just stuff it in their pockets and go lmao

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I've smoked way more with guys than with girls..... but all my friends have been guys. It would be interesting to know what the percentage of women to men, habitualy puff.




I've smoked more with guys than girls. But, I've always been friends with more guys than girls.

h^2 O

totally devoid of either "t" OR "a"...gotta give the XYs SOMETHING with a thread name like this

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Ya know, I'd rather you didn't join us in here H20. I dont think very highly of you since you started your thread, "my aunt put my dog to sleep".

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