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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



I'm so happy right now..... and goodnight everyone!!!!
much <3


ICMag Donor
Welcome Alexa, always room for more ladies here! :D
We have been sleeping outside next to the garden the last cpl of nights, heard some rumors about kids threatening to rip us off, so we are freakin out now! Never had to worry about this before, I hope they are just talking shit and not going to act on it, but we cant take that chance, not yet anyway! ...damn rippers!
Hope you all have a gooooood and high weekend!


morning bad girls!!! I've been bad lately and driving without insurance. I know I'm so naughty!!!
have a great one ladies.. stay high, stay safe!

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Damn, sorry to hear about that Mrs. B. How the hell did these kids find out about your grow? Good luck with that darlin.

Happy Friday bad girls! Whacha all got planned this weekend? Has everyone picked out what they are going to wear for Halloween?


ICMag Donor
Thanks Lil....the little fuckers have walked by our house and smelled them..we have no neighbors but theres a road that goes by our house that ppl use as a shortcut.

you snuck in on me Trichy!! thanks hun :D

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Get em Trichy! Give em a for me too! Man, I wouldn't wanna mess with Trichy or Mrs. B! After your done with em.... they'll be all


mrs b - I just got to read what you said... omg I would be pissed, and sleeping with a bb gun & shoot them right in the asses!!!!! get em girl~!


Damn Mrs.B that sucks!!! I would be out there watching for 'em too....then I would scare them so bad they NEVER came back!!!!

Hope all the rest of the ladies are doing well. Got some friends coming in from outta town this weekend, so it should be good times!!!

Be safe & happy smokin!!! :joint:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Welcome Alexa, always room for more ladies here! :D
We have been sleeping outside next to the garden the last cpl of nights, heard some rumors about kids threatening to rip us off, so we are freakin out now! Never had to worry about this before, I hope they are just talking shit and not going to act on it, but we cant take that chance, not yet anyway! ...damn rippers!
Hope you all have a gooooood and high weekend!

If it will do ya any good I can ship out Sparky for ya Mrs B. He works for trim and bananas:

Never lost a crop on his watch. Well except for what he shares with the lady's.

Let me know and he's on the way.

Much Love


ICMag Donor
hehehe thanks for all the good thoughts!! ...you guys are too funny!!....we get the bad girls club on them they wont stand a chance!!
thanks wagsy...I let ya know if Sparky is needed!! lololol


If it will do ya any good I can ship out Sparky for ya Mrs B. He works for trim and bananas:

Never lost a crop on his watch. Well except for what he shares with the lady's.

Let me know and he's on the way.

Much Love
THERE YA GO!!! The little BASTARDS,hope they are dumb enuf to come back while you are waiting for them................
Wow Mrs. B, I'm sorry to hear that. Kick some ass!!! = )

Lil - I know what ya mean. I'm in the same boat right now . . .

KK - I was driving for like 5 months w/o insurance last year, it was kinda scary lol I just couldn't afford it, and had to get it eventually because the company I had my car loan from threatened to notify the registry! lol *oops*

My naughty deed of the week - I bought a red plaid mini skirt.



seriously WW - I think thats whats going to happen with ours.. he got his from a lot that made him get full coverage, and we've been without for like 2 months, we just barely got it back from az, since the transmission blew.. we got it fixed, and its great to have a car....

I dont really have a naughty deed for the week tho.. Ive been pretty good actually.. I feel the depression lifting....

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