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The Annunaki Aliens!!

I know how these kinds of things sound crazy. Reptilians sounded crazy to me too at first and I was raised to be comfortable dealing with the unexplained. My understanding is the Annunaki are supposed to be a reptilian or similar race. I don't know if they exist or not, but I do know two people who have told me of close encounters with human/reptilian hybrid shapeshifters. They may be telling the truth or they may not. That's the fun of things like this - you don't really know unless it happens to you. From the outside the evidence is tantalizing, always seeming to elude your grasp.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Then why arent we discussing the recent addition of a second SUN in our universe?

Could you clarify on this a bit? The universe is a big place with suns being created and dying all the time. Did you mean solar system?


Bent Member
Could you clarify on this a bit? The universe is a big place with suns being created and dying all the time. Did you mean solar system?

Right, i was stoned at the time - so that was stoner speak. Wait I'm stoned now, was i wrong. Right. :artist:


Grinding extra.
I would say that based on the sheer number of galaxies, stars, and planets there are other life forms in the universe. Forget multiverse theories for now.

The observable universe contains 3 to 100 × 10^22 stars.

It contains 80 billion galaxies.

There are about 350 billion stars in our galaxy.


It is said we can see the size of a pinhead on a football field in comparison in our OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE from Earth.

There could be life as close as Europa! (a moon of Jupiter that is covered in ice and thought to have an ocean underneath that stays warm due to the constant friction produced by the great pull of the giant Jupiter's gravity)

I think it is also important to think about life as we know it on our water planet.

There are organisms that live near hydothermal vents in sulfer at the bottom of the ocean.

LIFE is programmed to survive and thrive WHEREVER POSSIBLE...IMVHO.

As far as being visited on this planet?

Humans don't know SHIT about thier history. Most of our records have been destroyed. The Ancient Library of Alexandira burned down in 30BC. It was said to be the greatest collection of human history collected in one place on planet Earth ever. GONE.

Then Jesus pops up...

I want to believe that we have had contact with an alien race.

I think it is possible.

There are some funny things that I don't think are explained...

What was the purpose of the pyramids? I don't believe it was to bury dead. Perhaps that is what the ended up being used as. Why were the inner chambers carved from granite (which was imported over 1000 miles) which is the hardest stone to carve? With precision we can BARELY get (if so) from modern day tools?

Aren't the pyramids and the mayan temples built on the same latitude on planet Earth?

The Mayans had a amazing knowledge of the stars. Though they did have an amazing view of it...

I personally have had an experience on a small boat of the coast of Key Largo.

I saw something in the sky move, the instant I thought "Hey that thing is moving. Imagine if they are watching us right now. It stopped. And began to move in the opposite direction. A immeasurable FEAR GRIPPED me. I tried to put it out of my mind and felt like I had treaded somewhere I should'nt have... I felt vulnerable and scared. I returned to shore trying not to think about it. I literally kissed the floor. I was high on LSD. But it could have still happened!


If anything, they know when we use those substances and fuck with us!


More planets in the universe than grains of sand on this planet.

I dont understand why people would want to meet aliens.

EVERY human interaction with 'technologically inferior' humans, has ended in DISASTER for those who do not possess the better tech. One could make the same argument for the majority of the organisms we have encountered; if we cant exploit them to our advantage, theyre brushed aside, or sometimes completely removed from existence.

Our BEST ideas for space are the exploitation of other planets. We want to 'mine' the moon for titanium, and 'mine' the martian ice sheets to fuel our deep space exploration.

From an outsiders view point (READ: ALIEN) we are parasitic, and exploit everything we encounter to our advantage.

Why would they wish to 'contact' us? Do you talk to your shithead neighbor who never cuts his grass, leaves beer cans all over the yard, makes too much noise, and seems to have a 3rd grade education?
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More planets in the universe than grains of sand on this planet.

I dont understand why people would want to meet aliens.

EVERY human interaction with 'technologically inferior' humans, has ended in DISASTER for those who do not possess the better tech. One could make the same argument for the majority of the organisms we have encountered; if we cant exploit them to our advantage, they brushed aside, or sometimes completely removed from existence.

Our BEST ideas for space are the exploitation of other planets. We want to 'mine' the moon for titanium, and 'mine' the martian ice sheets to fuel our deep space exploration.

From an outsiders view point (READ: ALIEN) we are parasitic, and exploit everything we encounter to our advantage.

Why would they wish to 'contact' us? Do you talk to your shithead neighbor who never cuts his grass, leaves beer cans all over the yard, makes too much noise, and seems to have a 3rd grade education?

Regarding the Annunaki they were supposedly doing the same thing here - mining gold. They are even said to have created modern humans by genetically tinkering with earlier versions like Neanderthal for the purpose of slaving in the mines.

Space Toker

Active member
God may be aliens, God may not exist, or God may just be God. I did not read this thread yet and am not normally a fan of conspiracy theory threads, but I did see some strange stuff this night as I said on my anti-surveillance thread. I am open minded, perhaps a bit too much for most and not enough for a few. But anything is possible.


Regarding the Annunaki they were supposedly doing the same thing here - mining gold. They are even said to have created modern humans by genetically tinkering with earlier versions like Neanderthal for the purpose of slaving in the mines.

I understand the basic 'story', i just dont see what aliens would want with gold.

Its value to humans is its malleability, and scarceness. Unless aliens would exploiting it in ways we have not imagined; i dont see soft metals with low melt temps particularly useful.

Add to this, that earth is probably not the best place to look for Au (and probably not the best place to look in THIS solar system). Planets that orbit closer to a star would probably be a better place to look, as Au is a heavy element, (gas giants are very light).

Ive read that if all the gold in the world was put in in the footprint of the Washington monument, it would only reach 10ft tall. Compared to the volume and mass of the planet, that is not much gold.


Active member
you are not getting it, because you are thinking too sientifically. Here is an almost sientific fact: Gold stores information longer than water does. Almost forever. That is why there is a tell not to ware other's golden jewleries.
I understand the basic 'story', i just dont see what aliens would want with gold.

Its value to humans is its malleability, and scarceness. Unless aliens would exploiting it in ways we have not imagined; i dont see soft metals with low melt temps particularly useful.

Add to this, that earth is probably not the best place to look for Au (and probably not the best place to look in THIS solar system). Planets that orbit closer to a star would probably be a better place to look, as Au is a heavy element, (gas giants are very light).

Ive read that if all the gold in the world was put in in the footprint of the Washington monument, it would only reach 10ft tall. Compared to the volume and mass of the planet, that is not much gold.

Maybe there was a lot more gold back in the day. Maybe it's a pain in the ass to get that close to the sun, even for aliens. Gold conducts electricity really good and it doesn't tarnish. Another obvious attraction to our planet is the abundance of life.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I understand the basic 'story', i just dont see what aliens would want with gold.

Its value to humans is its malleability, and scarceness. Unless aliens would exploiting it in ways we have not imagined; i dont see soft metals with low melt temps particularly useful.

gold is an inert material and does not react with other elements.

it is also a great conductor of electricity.


you are not getting it, because you are thinking too sientifically. Here is an almost sientific fact: Gold stores information longer than water does. Almost forever. That is why there is a tell not to ware other's golden jewleries.

I already covered that aspect 'sientifically'.
Unless aliens would exploiting it in ways we have not imagined
In addition, 'ALMOST scientifically' = NOTHING.
Fairy godmothers are 'ALMOST scientifically' real.

gold is an inert material and does not react with other elements.

it is also a great conductor of electricity.

Gold is not chemically inert, (but it is unaffected by our atmosphere, and most corrosive reagents).

I certainly considered the electrical benefits, but something tells me, aliens dont use wires.

Copper may be a better choice for electronics, even if price was no factor, and there is a shit ton more copper on this planet than gold.

(FWIW, i read we are closer to storing information inside crystals, not gold; If aliens created us to mine gold for them, it is for some property of gold we have not yet discovered.)

Going to Earth for gold, is like going to Mt. Kilimanjaro for ice cubes.
I already covered that aspect 'sientifically'.

In addition, 'ALMOST scientifically' = NOTHING.
Fairy godmothers are 'ALMOST scientifically' real.

Gold is not chemically inert, (but it is unaffected by our atmosphere, and most corrosive reagents).

I certainly considered the electrical benefits, but something tells me, aliens dont use wires.

Copper may be a better choice for electronics, even if price was no factor, and there is a shit ton more copper on this planet than gold.

(FWIW, i read we are closer to storing information inside crystals, not gold; If aliens created us to mine gold for them, it is for some property of gold we have not yet discovered.)

Going to Earth for gold, is like going to Mt. Kilimanjaro for ice cubes.

Why wouldn't it be? Think about everything in existence in this universe and all we don't know. Ever hear of white powder gold by the way?


^^^ Just realize what YOU propose.

Aliens came all this way to get us to mine gold for them on this planet that contains almost none, AND it is probably more abundant on other celestial bodies. They have incredible technology to travel great distances, but need another organism to 'harvest' the metal for them, and all of this is done for some properties of gold that we have yet to discover and exploit.


It didnt happen...




Active member
^^^ Just realize what YOU propose.

Aliens came all this way to get us to mine gold for them on this planet that contains almost none, AND it is probably more abundant on other celestial bodies. They have incredible technology to travel great distances, but need another organism to 'harvest' the metal for them, and all of this is done for some properties of gold that we have yet to discover and exploit.


It didnt happen...



dare to throw in your own speculations about the meaning of their presence?