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Pond Water


New member
Hello, I have a question. I have a few plants growing organicly. I try collectiong and using rain water for my plants, however it hasn't really rained a whole lot latley and i'm out of rain water. I have a very large pond with fish in it. Latley I have been using the water from the pond to water them, they seem to be enjoying it. Thing is they are almost ready to harvest, like within the week. Is their any danger in using the pond water, it doesn't have any bad odor to it or anything and their certainly arnt any dead fish floating up to the bank. Just curious. I only use organic's for my plants, Also in the last weel I have noticed fungus gnats flying around, I hung some yellow sticky traps to catch the flying ones, I have read that to kill the larva you need to let the soil completley dry out, I just watered them with pond water and they are at day 70 of budding, any advice will be gratley appriciated. Thanks:thank you:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i would try and cut down the amount of pond water near harvest if possible. but in any other growth period its almost liquid gold coming from a healthy pond.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I have a line that runs from a small pond that irrigates a few plants all summer long. Ive been using it for years with great results.


The heavy duty ACT brewers are just pond pumps..maybe aerate the pond with a pump to make it more aerobic? solar pump?

master shake

Active member
Well there isn't much you can do now being that close to harvest. I wouldn't worry about it though. If you're really concerned, just transport some tap water or bottled.


New member
Thanks everyone. No catle or any other livestock have access to the pond. It is very large maybe the size of a large baseball field or somthing. Just fish and whatever wildlife take a drink.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
then your good to go! healthy pond water is some of the best for watering plants.


Living with the soil
Definitely cool on the pond water..........
As far as the fungus gnat thing goes......the larvae can withstand a dry period nearly the same as the plants.....or very close to the same. I use BT on a regular schedule to control the little bastards,and it works!


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
The best stuff for fungus gnats is a little diatomaceous earth spread on top.. stops the larvae from emerging and mating.


Living with the soil
I read somewhere on here that breaking up a 1/4 of those mosquito dunks would work. Anyone try those.
This is exactly what I use...
I use two of them inside a nylon for 30 gallons every other watering for about a month. I crush them once they are wet so the stuff releases faster. If I see a gnat....I do it for another month.