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The Annunaki Aliens!!

Interesting epistemological approach:

You don't trust empirical methodology because of possible data errors -- induction is ruled out.
Too many missing facts, from too many sources with conflicting ideological and spiritual dogma's. Not ruled-out, just not enough evidence for a 1+1=2 formula.

You don't trust reasoning a priori via logic for an unknown reason -- deduction is ruled out.
No...I don't trust reasoning from those that call themselves "scientists" yet they expect us to "trust them" with their incomplete timelines, make-believe storylines, and that we don't need to question their scientific, wild-ass guesswork.
I deduce that there is more to the story than some chipmonk being bashed for making us actually THINK about possibilities that might or might not help to explain where the fuck guy's like you come from. <sorry...couldn't resist>

Do I think ET came down and knocked-up a Neanderthal hooker...? Likely not. Do I believe that Allah rose to the heavens at Mecca Rock? (or whatever that rock's name is) Likely not. Do I think we have been visited by aliens? Possibly. Do I think we are related to the aliens? Possibly. Do I think the aliens are from the future, and are us in the first place? Perhaps. Do I think the Lakers will win the Champoinship next year? Bet your sweet ass I do. (unless locked-out, of course) :thumbsup:

Uhm, that's leaves you with "stuff I just kinda feel is right because I don't know why."
See...that's the problem. You don't know, yet you find my views...what...tangental to established fact? Establish a fact, and we'll discuss it as such.

Which seems to become, therefore: :alien:
Yup. Way easier to bash something you don't understand, rather than see it from any other perspective and perhaps gain yourself some insight. But in my book, a closed mind is terrible thing to use as a crutch.


Active member
Yup. Way easier to bash something you don't understand, rather than see it from any other perspective and perhaps gain yourself some insight. But in my book, a closed mind is terrible thing to use as a crutch.

I have a very open mind -- but that means I want to see argumentation and or evidence before I go running off an epistemological cliff. In fact, those who know me in meatspace would likely say I'm the most "out there" person they know.

It's not bashing -- it's seeking to find a reasoned position and if one is not presented, then finding that inadequate. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim.

An open mind is one thing -- a mind like a sieve is another.

When this (Three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust -- image courtesy of the Hubble space telescope)


is something that actually exists, has been observed and reasoned about I find it irksome that some feel the need to simply make stuff up and consider it true. Or to take a gap in knowledge as evidence for wafer thin musings.

Is this not wonderous enough for you?

Look, I love science fiction -- love it. Have for almost 40 years -- way before it was mainstream fashionable. And I would love to see evidence of life outside the planet -- particularly sentient life. But that doesn't mean I confuse what I like for entertainment or what I would really like to see for actually being the case without a strong case being made for it first.

Also, your "big mysteries" can be explained -- intellectual genius. We often talk about people like Eintstein for our current time, but rarely think about those geniuses lost to time. Before things were written down or recorded in ways that could survive until today there were still geniuses. You've already been given one good example of how discovering metals in stone could have happened -- all because someone observed something and reasoned it out. And yes, it's certainly possible that things were discovered long ago that we still today cannot explain or fathom fully -- because the genius who worked them out is now lost to time.


Anunaki aka Jinna have been on this planet way before humans were created, the Jinns are not the creators of humans but they like to make out they are Gods when infact they are just a creation made by the Almighty God. Makes me laugh when people try to make out these Anunaki are sum of sort of Gods lmfao, get real people there is only one God and he dont sleep nor slumber and is not weak like these false so called Gods.


Bent Member
Then why arent we discussing the recent addition of a second SUN in our universe?



Max Headroom

Well-known member
if you read the mesopotamian "epic of gilgamesh" parts of it sound eerily like genetic experimentation.

also - why does everyone think of "aliens" as "extraterrestrials" and as physical entities?

i'd say they are just from another part of the electromagnetic spectrum* - a part we can't (yet) see/measure. john keel called them "ultraterrestrials" which IMHO describes it much better.

*i liked aldous huxley's description of the human brain as a kind of radio receiver tuned to a specific frequency. check out his "doors of perception". good stuff.

btw, who is that goddamned retarded looking dude people keep posting pictures of?
I have a very open mind -- but that means I want to see argumentation and or evidence
Not likely in this thread, as neither side has concrete evidence....just supposition and hypothesis. And you seem to assume I'm behind every story that comes from the Ancient Aliens show, which isn't the case. But many strong correlations between the written history of vastly different ancient cultures, on different continents (at least NOW they're different) gives rise to the possibilities that SOMETHING might have sparked those similarities.

It's not bashing -- it's seeking to find a reasoned position and if one is not presented, then finding that inadequate. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim.
Implying that those of us that don't discount the theory out-of-had is folly, as you will never have the evidence to prove outright that scientists are 100% accurate in all things timeline and progression. If memory serves me correctly, didn't the scientists and archaeologists have the progression of the Pharaohs and their life history's all figured-out...a few times? Think they have the Sphynx figured-out yet? Simple shit. The monument is right there. But still they can't seem to date it...? Every frigging wall in that country has been tagged, but nothing referencing the origin of the Sphynx?

The selective guesswork, especially within the scientific community where a find that backs a popular theory equates to research dollars, has been disproven time and again, but there's still hold-outs that tout sour archaelogical deduction as the basis for their (obviously flawed) scientific reasoning.

An open mind is one thing -- a mind like a sieve is another.
And one that has no capacity for up-to-date info are doomed to continue to think in the outdated past.

Is this not wonderous enough for you?
Sure. It's one of the many things that amaze me. But I'm not beyond wondering what kind of civilizations may be forming on that fourth sattelite from the left of the center mass.

Look, I love science fiction -- love it. Have for almost 40 years -- way before it was mainstream fashionable. And I would love to see evidence of life outside the planet -- particularly sentient life. But that doesn't mean I confuse what I like for entertainment or what I would really like to see for actually being the case without a strong case being made for it first.
But it does show a closed-mindedness to the possibilities life on other planets in general, which is pretty funny since you have no evidence to the contrary. The ability for this planet to support life...do you think we are the only beings, sentient or not, that has arisen from your beautiful photo? Sorry, but your belittling comments show again your intolerance.

You've already been given one good example of how discovering metals in stone could have happened -- all because someone observed something and reasoned it out. And yes, it's certainly possible that things were discovered long ago that we still today cannot explain or fathom fully -- because the genius who worked them out is now lost to time.
No, I was given one half-assed possibility with no proof. Likely not a good idea to confuse dogma with fact.
I have made no claims other than to point-out a few discrepencies and gaps in the evolution story, but they are there in Biblical history as well.

Curious why our thinking outside the box offends you so much...?


Active member
Okay, I'll bow out of this thread -- probably shouldn't have entered in the beginning, but the deed is done. We're at the point where nothing productive will come of it now.

However, I will end by pointing out this continuing problem with your argument, Rusty:

But it does show a closed-mindedness to the possibilities life on other planets in general, which is pretty funny since you have no evidence to the contrary. The ability for this planet to support life...do you think we are the only beings, sentient or not, that has arisen from your beautiful photo?

You keep employing an appeal to ignorance (which is a fallacious argument form):
"Argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance", is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not been proven false (or vice versa)."

Similarly, the burden of proof is usually on a person making a new or improbable claim, and the presumption may be that such a claim is false. For instance, suppose that someone claims that the president was taken by flying saucer to another planet, but when challenged can supply no evidence of this unusual trip. It would not be an Appeal to Ignorance for you to reason that, since there is no evidence that the president visited another planet, therefore he probably didn't do so.

http://www.fallacyfiles.org/ignorant.html (<--- Uhm, BTW, I'm not calling anyone ignorant -- it's what the fallacy is actually called -- look at the link)

And to answer your question, the only answer can be -- we don't know. Which is only an argument for the need for further evidence. It is not an invitation to fill in the blank with what you would like to be the case.

BTW, I'm not offended: just a bit saddened that after over 2000 years of employing logic, reason and argumentation that they are so easily thrown out the window and the remaining void is filled with conjecture which is then referred to as "thinking outside the box."


Continue with your previously scheduled thread...


Apparently the world flat until you circumnavigate the globe...

Where i stand the sun sure as shit 'looks' like it revolves around the earth...


Active member
Apparently the world flat until you circumnavigate the globe...

Where i stand the sun sure as shit 'looks' like it revolves around the earth...

My bush doesn't care if sun revolves around the earth or otherway around. It just enjoys it.


your bush loves nuclear fusion energy, even if its not aware of it.

Brain: The advance of technology has brought us an even more powerful tool. Do you know what that is?

Pinky: Ummm... the rubber band?

Brain: The Workings of your mind are a mystery to me, Pinky.
Okay, I'll bow out of this thread -- probably shouldn't have entered in the beginning, but the deed is done. We're at the point where nothing productive will come of it now.
Hmm...YOU have decided that nothing "productive" will come of this thread. Cool. See ya....

However, I will end by pointing out this continuing problem with your argument, Rusty:
And the closed minds close tighter, in an attempt at self defense amd counter-attack. Can't make an argument...? Bash the opposition.

You keep employing an appeal to ignorance (which is a fallacious argument form):
Actually I tout everybody's ignorance, including yours, but that is obviously not to your liking. Tough shit. I am now enjoying YOUR appeal to ignorance, as you have never met me, don't know me at all, yet you chose to call names and categorize anyone that even thinks about discussing this subject is...Ignorant? I think the ignorance comes from the one trying to label others.

You have added nothing but ridicule, and I for one am incredibaly amazed that you would have the nerve to pretend your insight is anything but an ego stroke for you and your "scholarly" friends. Some of us enjoy visiting the subject of Ancient Aliens, and your self-centered ridicule is a great insight to your intollerance and fear of discussing theories YOU can neither prove nor disprove.

And to answer your question, the only answer can be -- we don't know. Which is only an argument for the need for further evidence. It is not an invitation to fill in the blank with what you would like to be the case.
Well ain't that somethin...I just get done mentioning that my issue with the evolution theory, is that the scholars fill-in the blanks in order to bend the evolution timelines. You can't have it both ways. Either we can fill-in the blanks with both theories, or neither of 'em. So let's see. We have intollerance, we get name calling, we get brushed-off as ignorant, then we have the rules changed to only be applied to one side of the argument.
That's it in a nutshell, right...?

BTW, I'm not offended: just a bit saddened that after over 2000 years of employing logic, reason and argumentation that they are so easily thrown out the window and the remaining void is filled with conjecture which is then referred to as "thinking outside the box."
Lol. You act as if we are going to publish papers with our findings. What a joke. You come in with an alien chip on your shoulder, then start bashing those in the conversation. Why did you enter the conversation in the first place...? Just to shit on someone elses thread...?

Continue with your previously scheduled thread...
Your permission is unnecessary and unwanted. :tiphat:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ok ive tried to clean up this thread a bit .

6. Off Topic Postings: Post remarks that have nothing to do with the subject of the forum will be moved or deleted at the discretion of the moderator.

I see more off topic posting and Ill consider it trolling.


Active member
Ok ive tried to clean up this thread a bit .

6. Off Topic Postings: Post remarks that have nothing to do with the subject of the forum will be moved or deleted at the discretion of the moderator.

I see more off topic posting and Ill consider it trolling.

Babbabud is Annunaki!!!

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