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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Wanting truth is hypocritical?

Wanting different rules for the opposition is hypocritical. I don't expect you to admit it, you are completely blinded by hatred. You are completely okay with the law enforcement and intelligence agencies manipulating, and fabricating evidence of a crime they knew was bogus, because you hate the bad mean orange man. Nothing is off the table with the TDS crowd. You guys are now pro terrorists, that's pretty insane. Dead Americans is fine if they can be used a a weapon against Trump. Fucking pathetic, but not at all a surprise.


Active member
A compromise is abandonment of points of ideology. Neither good or bad on its own. It can go either way.
There is no central point within our grasp nor within the grasp of infinity. It’s derived only when we pick arbitrary points.
There is no center.


Active member
Wanting different rules for the opposition is hypocritical. I don't expect you to admit it, you are completely blinded by hatred. You are completely okay with the law enforcement and intelligence agencies manipulating, and fabricating evidence of a crime they knew was bogus, because you hate the bad mean orange man. Nothing is off the table with the TDS crowd. You guys are now pro terrorists, that's pretty insane. Dead Americans is fine if they can be used a a weapon against Trump. Fucking pathetic, but not at all a surprise.


Suppress the truth.
You’re afraid of what Bolton will say with all his pacifist left leaning ideology? I don’t blame you.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Wanting different rules for the opposition is hypocritical. I don't expect you to admit it, you are completely blinded by hatred. You are completely okay with the law enforcement and intelligence agencies manipulating, and fabricating evidence of a crime they knew was bogus, because you hate the bad mean orange man. Nothing is off the table with the TDS crowd. You guys are now pro terrorists, that's pretty insane. Dead Americans is fine if they can be used a a weapon against Trump. Fucking pathetic, but not at all a surprise.

Trump's supporters are pro terrorist.

Wanting different rules for the opposition is hypocritical.


Well-known member
our trump friends are kind of oblivious to senate grumblings on the recent assassination
which includes gop senators
seems they're getting a lack of respect vibe
do tell

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I've got a sneaking feeling that we are going to see more planes fall out of the sky over the middle east - in the coming weeks/months - with all the missiles deployed over there - and the whole area so close to all-out war - its bound to happen -

Rumor has it that a back channel peace deal between the US and Iran is underway. Word is that Iran's leadership has turned on the global and internal Iranian deep state. Could the plain have been loaded up with deepstate players and taken down? We know there were a bunch of canadians on board and reports suggest people from 7 countries total. What are canadians doing in Iran at this time?

Only speculation at this time as things are obviously still unfolding. Just throwing this out there.

Obviously, Iran tipped the US off as to the targets at the Iraqi airbase. Just like the US tipped off syria when Trump struck a year or so ago.


Boreal Curing
Rumor has it that a back channel peace deal between the US and Iran is underway. Word is that Iran's leadership has turned on the global and internal Iranian deep state. Could the plain have been loaded up with deepstate players and taken down? We know there were a bunch of canadians on board and reports suggest people from 7 countries total. What are canadians doing in Iran at this time?

Only speculation at this time as things are obviously still unfolding. Just throwing this out therbe.

Obviously, Iran tipped the US off as to the targets at the Iraqi airbase. Just like the US tipped off syria when Trump struck a year or so ago.
63 Canadians died. People mostly visiting family and attending weddings. Stuff like that. One newlywed couple. 30 from Edmonton alone, mostly professors and other academics. People were already there when Trump hit the general. Ukraine was the connection to Canada.

Iran won't let us look at the black box data or let Transport Canada in to investigate. Smells fishy.

One of our lead investigators has said it looks like a missile or onboard explosion due to the speed and altitude of the plane because engine trouble, or other mechanical issue, wouldn't let the plane climb so fast, which was a normal climb (among other things).


Well-known member
'Draining the Swamp' - as a term goes way back before Trump was involved with the Presidency -

Drain the swamp is a phrase which since the 1980s has frequently been used by American politicians. The phrase alludes to the physical draining of swamps to keep mosquito populations low to combat malaria, and Washington D.C. being founded on a supposed swampy ground. It has been used as a metaphor by:...


tRump did come up with "drain the swamp".

He also came up with the terms "prime the pump", "fake news", and he designed Obama's inauguration cake. All by himself!

I think he wrote Melania's speech for the Republican convention. The one which was word for word, at points, from a Michelle Obama speech.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Zero US citizens aboard. So we csn rule out retaliation against US.

As far as the canadians, could be a bunch of normal innocent people. Or, could be a bunch of intel community movers and shakers. Would you count on the media to tell you, if it is the latter?

Israel has a similar issue with a plane. Pretty interesting timing with all of this.

Why were Canadians there, if they knew war was about to break out?

I'd love to know what other countries had people on board.

I'll go ahead and guess. Let's see, they said people from 7 countries, including Canada.

My guess is

Why would canadians be flying from Iran to Ukraine? I know, students and families, right?
Not quite ready to swallow that pill.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
They were probably all trying to get out of Iran ASAP - on the first available flight - because that's what I would have been doing -


Well-known member
White House Says It’s Happy to Disclose Secret Service Spending on the Trump Clan—After the Election


The government spent about $96 million on travel by Obama over eight years, according to documents obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch. A report by the Government Accountability Office, which serves as the congressional watchdog on federal spending, estimated that Trump’s travel cost $13.6 million in just one month in early 2017.

The Post puts the total cost of a Trump visit to Mar-a-Lago at $3.4 million per visit.

In 2017, Eric Trump’s visit to a Trump building under construction in Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,000.”

the Secret Service has spent $588,000 on golf cart rentals during the Trump presidency

How much did it cost for Jr. to go kill an endangered sheep in Mongolia?


Boreal Curing
Canadian proffessors on board huh? I wonder if they were physicists?
Did you mean Terrorist or evil scientists? Contrary to what your government spoon feeds you, not everyone on the planet is a killer hell bent on the destruction of the world. BTW, you don't need to be physicist to build a nuke. You only need the parts.

They were dentists and doctors, whole families with small children, a newlywed couple and students returning from holidays.

Many were academics and professors, pursuing careers in engineering, computer science, business and finance.

In case you're curious.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
A few days ago I wondered if Chuck Schumer, head of house intelligence oversight. Mr 'six ways from Sunday, Mr ' it's very dumb to mess with the intelligence community' is in fact a dual citizen of US and Israel. Turns out he is. Hmmm, I'm sure that there are zero national security implications, lol.
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