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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Didnt irans foriegn minister telegraph the shooting down of a commercial airline in a tweet to trump...why were flights being allowed in the air space when Iran knew their air defense system was locked and loaded....hmmm.


Boreal Curing
I was born in 1960 - and can remember when the Shah of Iran was deposed - and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard took over under Ayatollah Khomeini - This tit-for-tat with the USA and Iran has been going on for ages - one shoots a plane down - so the other does the same - one shoots at a ship - one shoots a drone down - the other blows up a contractor - so the other drones-out a General - and we see a bunch of missiles launched at the other -

Looks like they are back at the 'one shoots a plane down' stage now -

Maybe they're getting us back for hiding then smuggling US diplomats out of Iran back then?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I wonder if they (dems and msm) will push for war against Iran now? Good thing no US citizens were aboard.

Peace in the middle east seems to be on the horizon. The deepstate can't stand it!


Active member

Suppress the truth.
You’re afraid of what Bolton will say with all his pacifist left leaning ideology? I don’t blame you.

So, when the house refused to give Trump a single witness, or even the right to have representation, that was suppressing the truth also?

Ultimately, the house had their chance to go to court and get Bolton, they weren't to concerned. You know vacation was more important.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol, does anyone think Trump would seek permission to attack Iran?. This BS war powers vote is a waste of time. Trump will not adhere to anything the house approves.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lets be honest, the Senate is adopting the same rules that were used in the Clinton Impeachment. The rules were voted for 100-0 including Chuck Schumer. Of course it should be different for Trump, him being mean, bad, and orange after all. Then again their were actual crimes charged in the Clinton impeachment.

Yes, true. Clinton's crimes arose from the onslaught from Republicans trying to find anything they could on him. Sound familiar?

Those crimes were from lying about a blow job. My..my; sounds like high treason to me. I recall the impassioned speeches from Republicans concerning the immoral behavior of such activities degrading the dignity of the presidential office and being grounds for removal from said office.

There was a frantic struggle for the semen stained blue dress reported by 'whistle blower rat' Linda Tripp, turncoat friend of Monica, importantly revered by the Republicans.

You do of course recall that a crime need not be committed for impeachment, nor removal from office. Misuse of power and/or breach/misuse of public trust will suffice quite nicely and are mentioned specifically in the foundational documents for the constitution.

I do think that better grounds could have been presented for Trump's impeachment in terms of breach of public trust but that infraction stands by itself as worthy.

At least, once again it will entertain. Unfortunately I see no end in sight for the ongoing tit for tat vendetta behavior in DC.
A voted in Independent president may be a start.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So, when the house refused to give Trump a single witness, or even the right to have representation, that was suppressing the truth also?

Ultimately, the house had their chance to go to court and get Bolton, they weren't to concerned. You know vacation was more important.


No, no. They didn't go to court for Bolton because there was no time. But, aparently there was plenty of time, with Nancy holding the thing back from the Senate and all. Lol

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Fix is a relative term in this sense.

You seem to be unaware that many prefer peace.

Seemingly because you are not in that group.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'Fix the middle east?' - more like 'Drain the middle east' - of as much oil as possible - thats where the money is - and you always follow the money -


Active member
I definitely take joy in watching the complete and utter self destruction of the Democratic party. I thought Trump was joking when he said we would get tired of winning. I guess not.


Active member
So, when the house refused to give Trump a single witness, or even the right to have representation, that was suppressing the truth also?

Ultimately, the house had their chance to go to court and get Bolton, they weren't to concerned. You know vacation was more important.


Trump had his chance.
The senate can call witnesses.
Bolton’s ready.
You afraid of Bolton?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Vadym Prystaiko said Iranian, Ukrainian, Swedish, Afghan, British and German nationals were also aboard."
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