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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"You should support the intelligence community. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have found out about Russian collusion."
-Chuck Schumer, Mossad? - US operations

Mr D

I hear they will be turning over the black box to crowdstrike.

Found near the crash site by locals


Neither Trudeau nor Garneau would speculate on the cause of the incident.

Trudeau was asked if he could categorically say that the crash, which happened just hours after Iran launched a ballistic missile attack on Iraqi bases housing U.S. soldiers, was not shot down.

"I cannot. It is too early to speculate," he said.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Did you mean Terrorist or evil scientists? Contrary to what your government spoon feeds you, not everyone on the planet is a killer hell bent on the destruction of the world. BTW, you don't need to be physicist to build a nuke. You only need the parts.

They were dentists and doctors, whole families with small children, a newlywed couple and students returning from holidays.

Many were academics and professors, pursuing careers in engineering, computer science, business and finance.

In case you're curious.

But, again, would the press tell you, if these people were operatives? If, they were operatives, would they make up other facts about who they are and what they were doing there?


Boreal Curing
But, again, would the press tell you, if these people were operatives? If, they were operatives, would they make up other facts about who they are and what they were doing there?

Dude... you need to stop watching James Bond movies. You know they're not real right? Definitely stop listening to Alex Jones.

Even if they were all physicists, big deal.

Then next time I see an action movie where they kidnap a scientist to put together a nuke, when a low level technician can so it, I'll scream.


Well-known member
I don't know a damn thing about missile defense but you would think that they could tell a difference between a big slow moving plane and a fast missile headed their way.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
From what Ive read Iran did it out of paranoia.. Any Iran funds help by Canada or the USA should be given to surviving families. I don't see shit being done about it.


Well-known member
Sources say that scumbag Omar is behind it.

View Image

There's Mr. Denzel.

She was born in '82.

The woman featured in this picture is not Ilhan Omar.

This photograph was taken at a military training facility in Mogadishu, Somalia, in February 1978 and is available via the Associated Press with the following caption:

A woman recruit of the Somali Army checks her automatic weapon at a military training campus at Halane, Mogadishu, on Feb. 25, 1978. On the right is her instructor. President Siad Barre said at a news conference that regular Somali military units have not yet been dispatched in the Ogaden region to avoid international complications.

Here's the original photo

I'm going to go ahead and say that you're a pretty big scumbag yourself. With all due respect.


Active member
You run the House, we run the Senate. Quite frankly I don't give a fuck about this nonsense impeachment but the dems should of played their cards right, they didn't thought.

Why is trump fumbling this easy layup shot?

He could shut everyone up by providing documents and witnesses supporting the perfect phone call and transcript.

He’s gonna choose impeachment over vindication in a fair trial?

Only in trumpland does that make sense


Well-known member
I don't know a damn thing about missile defense but you would think that they could tell a difference between a big slow moving plane and a fast missile headed their way.
don't remember when we did the same thing?
american cruiser shot down iranian passenger plane in the 1980s
tense situation, mistakes happen


Well-known member
Why is trump fumbling this easy layup shot?

He could shut everyone up by providing documents and witnesses supporting the perfect phone call and transcript.

He’s gonna choose impeachment over vindication in a fair trial?

Only in trumpland does that make sense

I just don't care anymore, do you think the plane was hit by a missile or had technically difficulties that resulted in a crash?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I was born in 1960 - and can remember when the Shah of Iran was deposed - and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard took over under Ayatollah Khomeini - This tit-for-tat with the USA and Iran has been going on for ages - one shoots a plane down - so the other does the same - one shoots at a ship - one shoots a drone down - the other blows up a contractor - so the other drones-out a General - and we see a bunch of missiles launched at the other -

Looks like they are back at the 'one shoots a plane down' stage now -

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Dude... you need to stop watching James Bond movies. You know they're not real right? Definitely stop listening to Alex Jones.

Even if they were all physicists, big deal.

Then next time I see an action movie where they kidnap a scientist to put together a nuke, when a low level technician can so it, I'll scream.

Not that into James Bond. Definitely not into Alex Jones. Everyone knows he is a deepstate'er.

If physicists arent a big deal, why did Obama take 'em out?
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