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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Wonder what states like Cali could do if they were able to receive all their federal tax dollars back they send into the feds. Many states get more money back then they pay in. Taker states?

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Isn't the whole democratic platform about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor? Not sure I understand your point.

This is an example of government redistribution of wealth, ya know higher tax rates on the rich to fund services for the poor.

Me thinks democrats speak with forked tongue.


Active member
Shouldn't you be getting ready to suck Justin Trudeau's cock.

probably better than sucking Trumps...much younger and not near as tainted....can you even imagine where Donnies has been....both sides need a time out and a fattie..lol DJXX


Active member
i was called an embarrassment to whites by a bunch of trump boys this week, and much worse lmao after pointing out 71% of the deaths related to terrorism in the US during this past decade was largely committed by white right wing males with a near 300 attacks per year.

they responded back with something about the black murder rate.


Or how about we take it back to pre 9-11. Lol . We can all manipulate statistics to suit our position. I will give you that you are really good at finding articles and stats. The problem is most are based on subjective opinion of the subject.

I love how black gang related killings are not categorized as terror, but white gang killings are. Hum.

This white terrorist aryan, nazi shit you go on and on about, does exist in the Prisions of California. White gangs are almost non existent on the streets.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Isn't the whole democratic platform about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor? Not sure I understand your point.

This is an example of government redistribution of wealth, ya know higher tax rates on the rich to fund services for the poor.

Me thinks democrats speak with forked tongue.

The right always boils the left's platform down to the rich providing the poor with everything.

Taxing the people who have more than enough to provide bare necessities to those they impoverished is acceptable to many.

Mr D

The right always boils the left's platform down to the rich providing the poor with everything.

Taxing the people who have more than enough to provide bare necessities to those they impoverished is acceptable to many.

Then why all bluster about poor states getting more than rich states?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOL, If you wanted to fake facts then yes you could manipulate the data. The right extremist have always outpaced any other terrorist attacks.


Well-known member
Or how about we take it back to pre 9-11. Lol . We can all manipulate statistics to suit our position. I will give you that you are really good at finding articles and stats. The problem is most are based on subjective opinion of the subject.

how is using the most current data "being subjective"? we had a problem with islamic terrorism, we still do, moreso outside of the US these days but it's still a concern from within, and now we have a increased problem with fringe rightie terrorists. the left had their eco terrorists in the 70s-90s, i just dont understand why the average person who identifies as a republican or trump supporter can't acknowledge the problem on the right as well, which i'd argue is a much bigger threat than some hippie eco terrorists holding a animal testing facility hostage, or Antifa. I don't support the group antifa but i certainly am anti fascist but I find it a joke that Trump wants to have them classified as a terrorist org. To me that is just a way of getting your authoritarian foot in the door to crack down on future protests & groups.

what other studies are out there that measures terrorism? The FBI as far as i know, and i've looked around quite a bit, stopped keeping statistics on domestic terrorism back in 2005. so what else is there? it's 2019, am i supposed to use 2005 numbers?

I love how black gang related killings are not categorized as terror, but white gang killings are. Hum.

This white terrorist aryan, nazi shit you go on and on about, does exist in the Prisions of California. White gangs are almost non existent on the streets.
I wouldn't know the first thing about gang or murder stats or if/why they are counted differently.
I'm not really talking about gangs either I'm talking about people who become radicalized mainly through the internet and become lone wolf terrorists.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yet 3 times more people die from Aspirin.... Do you work for the CPSC?

We also have a 2 fold overdose rate with Opiates. 70K people died in 2017.. I could have have sworn we where talking about the radical right lol..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I can see right wing extremists going over the edge in the future.In their minds they are patriots,or militias that think they are doing the will of the people
The millions of Trump racist aren't magically disappear when Trump is out of office.
Something has taken hold in this country unfortunately it's the us vs them mentality.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oklahoma bombing was not right wing, I doubt some of the others were either. Convenient that 9/11 is missing. CNN source so you know it is good.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Last time.

This is a prime example. Use statistics that leave out the worst terrorist attack in American history. Thanks for proving my point so-clearly.

The purpose of the data is to show the right extremist are still much more of a threat than the left. The right has always been more violent. That's the point.
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Active member
Or how about we take it back to pre 9-11. Lol . We can all manipulate statistics to suit our position. I will give you that you are really good at finding articles and stats. The problem is most are based on subjective opinion of the subject.

I love how black gang related killings are not categorized as terror, but white gang killings are. Hum.

This white terrorist aryan, nazi shit you go on and on about, does exist in the Prisions of California. White gangs are almost non existent on the streets.

Not according to the FBI


FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that the agency has made about 100 domestic terrorism-related arrests since October, and the majority were tied to white supremacy.

”I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence, but it does include other things as well,” Wray said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, referring to cases in fiscal 2019, which began Oct. 1.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I see dissection of replies given to those dividing states by political party and then being referenced to in an economic division....?
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