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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Republican Ken Buck: “Could you indict the President after he leaves office?”

Robert Mueller: “Yes.”


In Mueller’s opening statement before the House Intelligence Committee later in the day, he said he needed to clarify one single statement. He said he was not saying the OLC was the reason the counsel’s office did not indict Trump. “That’s not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

Wouldn't you need to make a determination that crime was committed before you indict Trump after he leaves office?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why would any of you be OK with Russians intervening in our elections? Why are you OK with All the lies Trumptard tells? Why are you OK with his crimes? You can love him all you want at lest admit the BS he does. Next thing im gonna see is you guys starting to worship this clown.

I know many Trumptard supporters none behave the way you guys do here. I'm thinking some here might be Russian Bots. To be happy any POTUS gets away with crimes says a lot about who you are. At least I dont have to live with that.


Active member
When Mueller clarified his earlier statement, he said he didn’t mean to suggest that he would have charged trump, rather, because of the OLC policy they did not even consider charging trump.


Active member
Why would any of you be OK with Russians intervening in our elections? Why are you OK with All the lies Trumptard tells? Why are you OK with his crimes? You can love him all you want at lest admit the BS he does. Next thing im gonna see is you guys starting to worship this clown.

I know many Trumptard supporters none behave the way you guys do here. I'm thinking some here might be Russian Bots. To be happy any POTUS gets away with crimes says a lot about who you are. At least I dont have to live with that.

Maybe if you stopped calling half the country Trumptards, we could actually have adult conversations. I have never called you Clinton****. Apparently the c-word is censored around here. Sorry Gypsy, but I hate censorship.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the word trumptard is racist
just sayin

If you say so. He is still Trumptard to me.

Maybe if you stopped calling half the country Trumptards, we could actually have adult conversations. I have never called you Clinton****. Apparently the c-word is censored around here. Sorry Gypsy, but I hate censorship.

I'm not calling you idiots trumptards lol.. you idiots are his supporters.. Ive never used it in the way you imply.. Typical coming from one of Trumptard supports to not understand LMAO. Why would you call me anything related to Clinton. I didn't support her.. Dude pay attention in class lol.

Mr D

Why would any of you be OK with Russians intervening in our elections? Why are you OK with All the lies Trumptard tells? Why are you OK with his crimes? You can love him all you want at lest admit the BS he does. Next thing im gonna see is you guys starting to worship this clown.

I know many Trumptard supporters none behave the way you guys do here. I'm thinking some here might be Russian Bots. To be happy any POTUS gets away with crimes says a lot about who you are. At least I dont have to live with that.

How does your pea brain equate disdain for the weaponization of intelligence and law enforcement with your false assumptions about those of us who require evidence before parroting known liars?

There is now compelling evidence Mueller omitted or misrepresented important facts about Mifsud and Papadopoulos that could change the public's understanding of events. And those aren't the only omissions and factual errors to emerge.

Mueller never disclosed in his report that Manafort business partner Konstantin Kilimnik, identified in the final report as having ties to Russian intelligence, actually was a regular informer for the State Department from 2012-2017. The report also incorrectly identifies an American citizen from the former Soviet republic of Georgia as a Russian.

Such omissions and mistakes add to the mistrust of the final product.


Active member
If you say so. He is still Trumptard to me.

I'm not calling you idiots trumptards lol.. you idiots are his supporters.. Ive never used it in the way you imply.. Typical coming from one of Trumptard supports to not understand LMAO. Why would you call me anything related to Clinton. I didn't support her.. Dude pay attention in class lol.

Well that's much better, :rolleyes:

Mr D

Just like Pipelines bible thread is full of leftists bigotry. They constantly call everyone else racist, bigot etc. We know why. because that's exactly what they are.

Here's a prime example of what they have become.

Erica Thomas Publix surveillance video just released… And it’s not good for Erica!

A Publix employee told a Cobb County officer that she witnessed part of the conversation and heard Thomas “continuously tell Eric Sparkes to ‘Go back where you came from!’” but did not hear Sparkes utter those words to Thomas.

Here you can watch the lying racist bitch say it for yourself.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Of coarse you can...now all you need is to find a crime....you guys dont look to good in that dept....:tiphat:

You do realize Trumptrad telling Don McGahn to lie was Obstruction? Committing a crime and not being changed doesn't excuse the crime.

Mr D



Active member
If you say so. He is still Trumptard to me.

I'm not calling you idiots trumptards lol.. you idiots are his supporters.. Ive never used it in the way you imply.. Typical coming from one of Trumptard supports to not understand LMAO. Why would you call me anything related to Clinton. I didn't support her.. Dude pay attention in class lol.

Just to be clear no one is ok with Russia interfering in our elections. The difference is you guys are ok with it when it benefits you. Steele, and Mifsud comes to mind. The investigation is done take the "L". You were lied to by the media and the Democrats but I repeat myself, for almost 3 years. You fell for it hook, line ,and sinker, it's over, it's done. Get over it.

Life moves on in 6 years your party of clowns might find a viable candidate, might.

It's sad to see seemingly normal people cling to a discredited hack conspiracy theory.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Here's a prime example of what they have become.

Erica Thomas Publix surveillance video just released… And it’s not good for Erica!

A Publix employee told a Cobb County officer that she witnessed part of the conversation and heard Thomas “continuously tell Eric Sparkes to ‘Go back where you came from!’” but did not hear Sparkes utter those words to Thomas.

Here you can watch the lying racist bitch say it for yourself.

If this happened she should pay the price. Ive always said anyone that has done crimes should pay the price. Anyone that is a racist should pay the price. When will we see you say that about the GOP or your POTUS lol.

White Beard

Active member
1 - Today some people learned why Mueller didn't want to testify and that Weissmann ran the whole sham.

2 - Schiff shit the bed and withheld all that evidence of Russian collusion he told us about.

(Red herring, stinky, removed)

3 - Some people will insist that Mueller and his team have actual intelligence but cannot put that in an indictment. Well boys and girls, here is a simple truth–if you cannot produce evidence that can be presented in court then you do not have a case. There is that part of the Constitution that allows those accused of a crime to confront their accusers.

(Red herring, still stinky, removed)

Sorry White Beard but this statement
(That the investigation uncovered serious effective Russian activities)

is just not true.

1 - no-one “learned” either of those things today, or any other day

2 - straight out attack on Schiff, based on what? No evidence?

You mean the evidence the administration is sitting on, refusing to release to the House, refusing to acknowledge much less perform its constitutional duty, refusing to adhere to the courts, basically daring Pelosi to arrest him or fuck off? The point of all the obstruction, the product of the investigation, but NOOOO, eh? Schiff’s an asshole because no one knows how to make trump obey the law, I guess? Otherwise Schiff would have it all already?

3 - Yes, the evidence. The evidence illegally kept from the appropriate investigative body, the refusal to deal with the House at all except via the insult and character assassination that IS HIS ONGOING OBSTRUCTION to force his version of reality on the nation. The evidence that would help us defend ourselves against next year’s election, against further, deeper, more effective intrusions, the evidence that would allow the House to perform its role of legislation and to perform their duty to safeguard those things that allow us to be as free a nation as we are - like our elections.

GOP has absolutely no interest in securing our nation from known threats, McConnell refuses to introduce any legislation the house passes for the purpose, refuses to stand by the House as the co-equal branch of government congress was intended to be, in fighting against executive malfeasance, in fulfilling their own oaths.

(I’m sure your tidbit from April was awesome)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just to be clear no one is ok with Russia interfering in our elections. The difference is you guys are ok with it when it benefits you. Steele, and Mifsud comes to mind. The investigation is done take the "L". You were lied to by the media and the Democrats but I repeat myself, for almost 3 years. You fell for it hook, line ,and sinker, it's over, it's done. Get over it.

Life moves on in 6 years your party of clowns might find a viable candidate, might.

It's sad to see seemingly normal people cling to a discredited hack conspiracy theory.

There you go again speaking out your xxx.. Im not OK with any of that BS.. Your doing what you do best making shit up about me. Im not a dem I'm not a liberal.. WTF how many times must I say that.. There's plenty of people that are not happy with Trumptard. This doesn't make us a dem or Lib. I think its pretty clear you cant retain info at all.
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