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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Invertebrata Inebriata
we are a republic, more votes in big cities is not fair.

What the actual fuck are you crying about? What is your solution? If you're a hick in the sticks, your vote should carry more weight because you're not in the city? Tell us, please!:laughing:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
High population states get more electoral points, it's actually pretty fair. Here is an idea, choose better candidates.

It's not fair. It's misrepresentation.

One person, one vote. No cheating. That would be fair.

Electoral college is a guarantee against actual representation.


Well-known member
Popular vote would result in a small handful of states choosing the president every time, nothing fair about that at all. No surprise lefties want to take away our vote, just like guns and freedom of speech, no thanks.


Well-known member
Apparently my assessment skills are deteriorating, I guess.
I totally agree about not watching anymore.Even Don Lemon doesnt want anyone to watch the daily briefings.
Fuck Fauchi and Birx too,trumps paying them off I bet.

Still I wonder why CNN discourages us tuning into the daily briefing,but Jim acosta is there, very strange indeed.

Maybe it's because of this kind of stuff?



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Popular vote would result in a small handful of states choosing the president every time, nothing fair about that at all. No surprise lefties want to take away our vote, just like guns and freedom of speech, no thanks.

It's about the will of the people. Not a state.

I must not be a lefty. Nobody wants your guns. You're welcome to speak. You've been at it for a while.

I'm speaking of letting your vote count for what it is, not take it away. Great deflection.

How is letting an individual vote be counted for what it is unfair?


Well-known member
We live at a time when our input has never had
so little effect.
How we feel about it matters to no one.
Unless of course, like myself, you are
fortunate enough to have very wise pets
who understand every thing without any need for
explanation at all.


Well-known member
Unfortunately I think we are coming to a time when the people in power need to start fearing the people making it a matter of their personal safety.

Not gonna lie. I was loving the crowd of angry people in front of Mitch's house. No one tossed a moltave? Maybe next time.


Active member
What is the Trump defense really about? He is from so many standpoints to me a figure lacking anything worth admiring. Is he worth respecting as a human being, sure. I don't want to "hit trumpers in the head with a shovel", as I think I heard (and not trying to call you out) someone say on here. I think that kind of anger and blame is a part of the problem, if we are trying to live in a more peaceful world we all need to try to act and speak accordingly.

I am a "small boy", 26 years old, I voted the first time for Bernie in this primary and last. He represents some things that I believe in. He is not perfect, I do not pedestalize him. But he has character traits that are admirable. Trump in my observation is not particularly intelligent, doesn't really know how to respect himself or others, belittles and objectifies woman, and is the product of a socio-economic system that gave him tremendous advantage over others from birth. So why defend him? It feels to me like the reasons to defend him are at their core reasons of wanting to defend these attributes in oneself. To think of oneself as more entitled than others, better than others, especially women - and I think this is pretty clearly evidenced by the casual (I find disgusting) sexist remarks made by folks on this site. Calling your ganjas "bitches" and talking about politicians giving head, its just disgusting and please realize that this is about you feeling small and trying to feel big, like Trump.

And then if you want to defend Trump because he's different, not a part of wall street, against "the deep state" - are you kidding trying to making rational arguments on this front? He is literally the child of a person with hundreds of millions of dollars who inherited tremendous wealth and it is in the form of casinos and hotels and golf courses... what to do you think the deep state is if not related to the concerns of oligarchs concentrating money and power in their private pockets using lobbyists and corporations and laws as fronts for legalized extortion and manipulation of the masses. Did any of you read what Gry posted a while back about Smedley Butler? How is Trump doing anything different than this, he is literally a product of this exact abomination of a system who seems to have no ideas outside of the troupe filled universe of modern times.

Back to Corona and as it relates to our times, our politics etc. I think now you really are truly a madperson to believe that our current system is capable of withstanding much of anything without extreme suffering. Our system is predicated on the ideas of people shouldering burdens - someone has to do this job, so I'll do it. Someone has to suffer, so that can be me. The city is really hard to live in, it kicks my ass every day, so if I can shoulder that burden and overcome it I'll really have made it. It's really hard to monopolize and industry, and I have to consume all the smaller people under me, but someone has to do it, its the way the world works.

Release your burdens! What do you want, a creepy financial id AI robot future everyone with a number attached to your identity huge factories destruction of earths resources need to go to space with Bezos and Tesla leading the way future OR future of chilling in gardens and eating amazing food and creating great biotechnology working with plants and animals etc etc. Nothing anyone of this culture has created nearly even fathomably comes close to the power and intelligence and information of a single seed.

Oh yes, and regarding Malaria, I think around 400,000 people die a year from it. Our European American countries etc we can extort eachother and sell Nestle products and baby formula in Africa, sell them our GMO corn for cheap to feed their hogs inflate their population make them more reliant on working more for money for more goods which they now need to buy, all the while the GMO corn is poisoning the land and I believe leading to increased cancer rates, but these are burdens we need to shoulder? But we cannot manage to get our shit together so that their is better access in Africa of malaria treating drugs - (which btw I'm surprised Artemisia Annua as ACT is not being discussed at all), 400,000 people die a year, but it happens in our rich countries everyone loses their shit, can't do anything, are totally crippled by insecurity and fear.

So will people, especially the young, make better choices? Or will young and old fools continue to argue troupe-ist ideas that they don't even believe guiding them into their fearful deaths cradle as though they have been lobotomized from reality, our divinity, our power, our humility.


Well-known member
It's about the will of the people. Not a state.

I must not be a lefty. Nobody wants your guns. You're welcome to speak. You've been at it for a while.

I'm speaking of letting your vote count for what it is, not take it away. Great deflection.

How is letting an individual vote be counted for what it is unfair?

Many politicians talk about taking guns, idiots vote them in so yes many people want to take my right to own firearms. Biden wants to take my AR-14 for example, so anybody who votes for him is pro gun control in my eyes period.

I will keep the electoral college so my state and vote matters in the presidential elections. The founding fathers knew what they were doing.


Well-known member
Many politicians talk about taking guns, idiots vote them in so yes many people want to take my right to own firearms. Biden wants to take my AR-14 for example, so anybody who votes for him is pro gun control in my eyes period.

I will keep the electoral college so my state and vote matters in the presidential elections. The founding fathers knew what they were doing.

If we are to make generalizations about each other based on who the vote for...... What are we to assumed about you based on your lying retarded whore fucking twat for a president?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The founding fathers lived in a time when you had to travel far to vote.

They didn't plan on sticking to the way things were.

The Constitution was made to improve as time went on.

Biden took your gun? We have laws in place. I will bet you can get it back.


Well-known member
What is the Trump defense really about? He is from so many standpoints to me a figure lacking anything worth admiring. Is he worth respecting as a human being, sure. I don't want to "hit trumpers in the head with a shovel", as I think I heard (and not trying to call you out) someone say on here. I think that kind of anger and blame is a part of the problem, if we are trying to live in a more peaceful world we all need to try to act and speak accordingly.

I am a "small boy", 26 years old, I voted the first time for Bernie in this primary and last. He represents some things that I believe in. He is not perfect, I do not pedestalize him. But he has character traits that are admirable. Trump in my observation is not particularly intelligent, doesn't really know how to respect himself or others, belittles and objectifies woman, and is the product of a socio-economic system that gave him tremendous advantage over others from birth. So why defend him? It feels to me like the reasons to defend him are at their core reasons of wanting to defend these attributes in oneself. To think of oneself as more entitled than others, better than others, especially women - and I think this is pretty clearly evidenced by the casual (I find disgusting) sexist remarks made by folks on this site. Calling your ganjas "bitches" and talking about politicians giving head, its just disgusting and please realize that this is about you feeling small and trying to feel big, like Trump.

And then if you want to defend Trump because he's different, not a part of wall street, against "the deep state" - are you kidding trying to making rational arguments on this front? He is literally the child of a person with hundreds of millions of dollars who inherited tremendous wealth and it is in the form of casinos and hotels and golf courses... what to do you think the deep state is if not related to the concerns of oligarchs concentrating money and power in their private pockets using lobbyists and corporations and laws as fronts for legalized extortion and manipulation of the masses. Did any of you read what Gry posted a while back about Smedley Butler? How is Trump doing anything different than this, he is literally a product of this exact abomination of a system who seems to have no ideas outside of the troupe filled universe of modern times.

Back to Corona and as it relates to our times, our politics etc. I think now you really are truly a madperson to believe that our current system is capable of withstanding much of anything without extreme suffering. Our system is predicated on the ideas of people shouldering burdens - someone has to do this job, so I'll do it. Someone has to suffer, so that can be me. The city is really hard to live in, it kicks my ass every day, so if I can shoulder that burden and overcome it I'll really have made it. It's really hard to monopolize and industry, and I have to consume all the smaller people under me, but someone has to do it, its the way the world works.

Release your burdens! What do you want, a creepy financial id AI robot future everyone with a number attached to your identity huge factories destruction of earths resources need to go to space with Bezos and Tesla leading the way future OR future of chilling in gardens and eating amazing food and creating great biotechnology working with plants and animals etc etc. Nothing anyone of this culture has created nearly even fathomably comes close to the power and intelligence and information of a single seed.

Oh yes, and regarding Malaria, I think around 400,000 people die a year from it. Our European American countries etc we can extort eachother and sell Nestle products and baby formula in Africa, sell them our GMO corn for cheap to feed their hogs inflate their population make them more reliant on working more for money for more goods which they now need to buy, all the while the GMO corn is poisoning the land and I believe leading to increased cancer rates, but these are burdens we need to shoulder? But we cannot manage to get our shit together so that their is better access in Africa of malaria treating drugs - (which btw I'm surprised Artemisia Annua as ACT is not being discussed at all), 400,000 people die a year, but it happens in our rich countries everyone loses their shit, can't do anything, are totally crippled by insecurity and fear.

So will people, especially the young, make better choices? Or will young and old fools continue to argue troupe-ist ideas that they don't even believe guiding them into their fearful deaths cradle as though they have been lobotomized from reality, our divinity, our power, our humility.

Simply really, the attitude from nasty know it all lefties is 100x more bothersome then what Trump does. So if Trump pisses off all the right people just by being himself I will not complain. It's the equivalent of giving somebody a taste of their own medicine.
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