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The 2020 Presidential Election

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If people are equal to one another shouldn't their votes be equal in weight? Philosophically speaking, what makes one citizen's view carry more weight than another based on their geographic location in these fine United states?


Well-known member
If we are to make generalizations about each other based on who the vote for...... What are we to assumed about you based on your lying retarded whore fucking twat for a president?

You can assume I want lower taxes and regulations, a strong military, vetted immigration, and better trade deals for the American people.


Well-known member
Simply really, the attitude from nasty know it all lefties is 100x more bothersome then what Trump does. So if Trump pisses off all the right people just by being himself I will not complain. It's the equivalent of giving somebody a taste of their own medicine.

and you're getting a taste of your own medicine in turn
Trump has made a bad epidemic worse
he had opportunity to do something good
he failed and the nightmare is unfolding


Well-known member
You can assume I want a lower taxes and regulations, a strong military, vetted immigration, and better trade deals for the American people.

Nah. I will stick with assuming you choose to sell out and pollute my water and wilderness in exchange for a few extra dollars..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I love how people bitch about talking points as they continue talking.

You can expect to find topics in conversation.

Pointing at them and reacting like they shouldn't be there makes little sense.

Points are the entire reason we talk.

What the hell happened to people?

Have we really regressed to ignorance?

I'll crucify you for having a reason to speak!



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Absolutely.. All those that choose to ignore Trumps BS is what we can call Ignorance..

As we say Ignorance is bliss.


Well-known member
Yeah, gotta love it, a religious American success story, comes to rescue all Americans. Makes me proud to be an American.

Will you go see him for healthcare if you get sick?

Gotta love it, right? American success story. Throw him on the board! He knows pillows. And crack.

Got a spot for Hunter on that board? He knows crack. And made a bunch of money. 'Merica!


Active member
Simply really, the attitude from nasty know it all lefties is 100x more bothersome then what Trump does. So if Trump pisses off all the right people just by being himself I will not complain. It's the equivalent of giving somebody a taste of their own medicine.

Hi Boogieman, I think what you said is a perfect example of the trope world I was describing. You replied with a statement that one says without thinking about what you are replying to and instead leaning on what you find to be a culturally appropriate response. In this case the response you chose is incredibly juvenile in nature and is based in the schoolyard antics of a distraught culture, “those guys are mean and stupid so I want someone to give them a taste of their own medicine!”) Which is literally a trope line in and of itself).

I hope you and others that have this “well he’s better than the lefties who are terrible!” trope can realize that is just divisiveness that doesn’t actually create a better world for you or your loved ones to live in, and I think that should be the fundament of our moralities and actions. You can think Trump is better than the lefties but you can still hope for something better and not content yourself with such a meager victory.


Well-known member
Simply really, the attitude from nasty know it all lefties is 100x more bothersome then what Trump does. So if Trump pisses off all the right people just by being himself I will not complain. It's the equivalent of giving somebody a taste of their own medicine.

How's that tRump medicine now that business has dried up?

I think they say a teaspoon of sugar and whatnot...


Invertebrata Inebriata
Simply really, the attitude from nasty know it all lefties is 100x more bothersome then what Trump does. So if Trump pisses off all the right people just by being himself I will not complain. It's the equivalent of giving somebody a taste of their own medicine.

So, 'owning the libs'. Very stupid and petty. "Let's burn the country down, it will really piss 'em off!":moon:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What can Trump do today to slow the deaths from this virus.Vents have been ordered,PPE's are being manufactured.
I think at this point the only thing that will prevent further loss of life.Martial Law,bring in the military.People are at walmart buying shower curtains and clothes off clearance racks....WTF this is bullshit.Healthcare workers are dying,people are dying.

People not obeying should be forced to sign a waiver preventing medical care,and definitely relinquish any rights to a hospital bed.Disgusting sub humans,not a loss if they cease to exist,but you know they'll turn up at a hospital taking care away from other patients.


Well-known member
What can Trump do today to slow the deaths from this virus.Vents have been ordered,PPE's are being manufactured.
I think at this point the only thing that will prevent further loss of life.Martial Law,bring in the military.People are at walmart buying shower curtains and clothes off clearance racks....WTF this is bullshit.Healthcare workers are dying,people are dying.

People not obeying should be forced to sign a waiver preventing medical care,and definitely relinquish any rights to a hospital bed.Disgusting sub humans,not a loss if they cease to exist,but you know they'll turn up at a hospital taking care away from other patients.
oh at this point the barn is thoroughly ablaze
it's not what happening now, it's about the response over the prior 3 months
and the seeds of carnage were sown, the harvest will be bitter


Active member
Nothing says wrecking a lib by posting a meme of a famous liberal with a conservative saying. Guess using memes of Mike Lindell, Rush (housekeeper strength oxy) Limbaugh, or Hannity(Lumpy) just don't have the same effect.
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