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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Med4; I just wanted to mention also, that all I did was ask for stats. Your reply that I don't know 'this' is meaningless because you addressed more than one subject and made an assumption regarding my lack of knowledge, only because I wanted to see actual statistics to support the 'basically' two assertions you made.

Not only was there no basis for the personal slant but also no call for it. I am not adverse to seeing facts presented and accepting them as they are, no matter who they apparently support. I have no particular affiliation for left nor right leaning politics.

I only wish that both sides of this 'created' divide could open their eyes to facts as presented. Numbers can be manipulated but if presented simply, they do not lie.

The other day, with my newly acquired news channel, I watched as our president, in the midst of a serious issue, chose to pick an argument with a reporter over a simple question. Rather than accept a tiny amount of humility, he packed lie on top of lie. Even when his own words were read back to him he denied ever saying them.

We should at least commence with the common ground that this behavior is immature and cowardly.

The link I posted provides an ample amount of stats to Obama's 1 trillion budget cuts for military spending
This was not a hidden agenda....
Inadequated military and emergency response supplies are both self evident as we are sorely finding out
If you are in need of charts and graphs....I would suggest googling Obama's military spending and budget cuts...the fact you ask for these suggest a lack of
Knowledge for the subject matter
On your part...not mind


Well-known member
hindsight is always 20/20
he did do things to slow it down.

the news thru race into his actions at the time.
trump talked about it in the state of the union

nancy tore up the state of the union like a spoiled kid.
nancy and the house were busy with impeachment.
then she went thru china town saying every thing is ok.
added pork to the bail out and held it up over a week.
but is easy for a lot of you to bash trump for any and everything.

wash your hands


Active member
He held rallies and went golfing. His denial cost lives.

Pelosi isn’t President.

Bake your mask.


Active member
hindsight is always 20/20
he did do things to slow it down.

the news thru race into his actions at the time.
trump talked about it in the state of the union

nancy tore up the state of the union like a spoiled kid.
nancy and the house were busy with impeachment.
then she went thru china town saying every thing is ok.
added pork to the bail out and held it up over a week.
but is easy for a lot of you to bash trump for any and everything.

wash your hands

Hello all,

Yeah, well, the lies, the deceptions, the false superlatives, the self-dealing, the constant need for public felicitation for doing anything even remotely positive, the incessant passing of the buck, wimped out of VietNam, and a host of other flaws, character and professional, that I won't mention here do not...I repeat do not inspire confidence...so there is that.

As for the house being busy with impeachment....the entire government was not consumed with the matter and in fact have sounded the alarm bells in early January and in early February. They were ignored.

And the Orange Emperor tells us today he was busy with he impeachment to be concerned. Yet, he found time to visit Florida 4 time, played golf twice and had five rallies from January to Mid February....so I was busy is just bullshit....ay?

So, to a lot of people, commander bones spurs is a serious waste of skin.

Since you seemed confused.


Capra ibex

Things are looking pretty grim , never saw Trump afraid before.He looked as if somebody grabbed him by the.....

'Never saw trump afraid before' are you kidding??

I just can't watch anymore.... watching him deflect anything remotely difficult and criticize others while praising himself is too :puke: for me to stomach.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
$5 says trumps regretting getting elected.. It seems some here forget he didn't think he would win LMAO.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
'Never saw trump afraid before' are you kidding??

I just can't watch anymore.... watching him deflect anything remotely difficult and criticize others while praising himself is too :puke: for me to stomach.

Apparently my assessment skills are deteriorating, I guess.
I totally agree about not watching anymore.Even Don Lemon doesnt want anyone to watch the daily briefings.
Fuck Fauchi and Birx too,trumps paying them off I bet.

Still I wonder why CNN discourages us tuning into the daily briefing,but Jim acosta is there, very strange indeed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
$5 says trumps regretting getting elected.. It seems some here forget he didn't think he would win LMAO.

Just imagine 'hiden Biden' up there everyday.
We may all die but at the very least we would get some good laughs.

'Here's the deal Fat,we can beat ebola'....

' We can beat N1h1,and we can do it without your damn ar-14 you damn dog faced pony soldier!

'Japan gave us the Corollas,but they were not created in a Kia laboratory damn it !

Sorry Gypsy ......hahahaha


Well-known member
I haven't posted in a long time and the crying is still going on. GIVE IT A REST CRYBABIES!!!

$5 says trumps regretting getting elected. It seems some here forget he didn't think he would win LMAO.

If he did regret getting elected it would be because you and your ilk haven't quit crying since election night 2016. But he doesn't regret it. He never said he didn't think he would win. You and your ilk thought he would never win and that is why you continue crying. LMAO!

It is going to be harder on you this time when Trump gets 100,000,000 votes and wins in a landslide. Especially since all the tissue paper and toilet paper is gone. Remember to wipe your snotty, crying nose in the bend of your arm so you don't spread the crybabyvirus. LMAO again!!!!

TRUMP 2020 100,000,000 votes. It will make Reagan's victory over Carter look like a close call.

The left screwed the pooch. Too many tears, too many cries of wolf and too much hate. IT IS OVER! Trump destroyed the Democratic Party. The base has nothing left but dumbass threads like this and crying memes on FB. LMAO!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I haven't posted in a long time and the crying is still going on. GIVE IT A REST CRYBABIES!!!

If he did regret getting elected it would be because you and your ilk haven't quit crying since election night 2016. But he doesn't regret it. He never said he didn't think he would win. You and your ilk thought he would never win and that is why you continue crying. LMAO!

It is going to be harder on you this time when Trump gets 100,000,000 votes and wins in a landslide. Especially since all the tissue paper and toilet paper is gone. Remember to wipe your snotty, crying nose in the bend of your arm so you don't spread the crybabyvirus. LMAO again!!!!

TRUMP 2020 100,000,000 votes. It will make Reagan's victory over Carter look like a close call.

The left screwed the pooch. Too many tears, too many cries of wolf and too much hate. IT IS OVER! Trump destroyed the Democratic Party. The base has nothing left but dumbass threads like this and crying memes on FB. LMAO!

Hey Tarzan are you a trump supporter?

Capra ibex

Trump gives iPussy a turgid clitoris we get it.... some people just need that heroic figure in their lives that can lie up a storm without breaking a sweat, and they found their daddy in Trumpman.

Trumpman- A superhero who will do the job that no mere mortal can do.... well, that was a little generous.... *cough* An emotionally damaged man who will do the bare minimum expected of him IF he is appreciated and people are nice to him. :biggrin:

Such a powerful character he has.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trump gives iPussy a turgid clitoris we get it.... some people just need that heroic figure in their lives that can lie up a storm without breaking a sweat, and they found their daddy in Trumpman.

I know that one "daddy".....Pedro Martinez
I admit I didnt know turgid :biggrin:

I prefer edematous for Documentation,but now when I document on a patient I'm going to throw turgid in there.
Just to see how many others look it up....hahaha
Gotta have fun at work.
I've read some funny nursing documentation over the years..."instead of saying the patient was 'febrile overnight' the night nurse wrote 'the patient was hot in bed last night'.....lol Ya find some good one every so often.


Well-known member
Hey Tarzan are you a trump supporter?

I wore my green OBAMA hat for 8 years. The one people got for helping on his campaign. In a county that has never voted democrat. In a county that when I went to vote in the primary in 2016, AT 5 PM, to cast my vote for Bernie, the person there said I was the first registered democrat of the day. I never had anybody do or say anything to me. Try wearing a Trump hat around NYC or Los Angeles for 8 years and see what happens. The left only wants free speech if you agree with them.

I went with Trump. In America we are fair. He wasn't being treated fairly and he still isn't. They tried to cheat him from winning the nomination. They tried to cheat him out of office with the Russian bullshit. Then they tried more bullshit.

Now they are rooting for the coronavirus. They can say they aren't but they are. They hope Trump dies from it. They joke about assassinating him but it isn't a joke. They would love it.

Trump won. He won. People voted for him. The losers have no respect for the people who voted for Trump. They deserve what they get. 4 more years of President Trump. 100,000,000 votes coming to them on election night 2020.


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Japan gave us the Corollas,but they were not created in a Kia laboratory damn it[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You may not vote on any more threads today. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Active member
I wore my green OBAMA hat for 8 years. The one people got for helping on his campaign. In a county that has never voted democrat. In a county that when I went to vote in the primary in 2016, AT 5 PM, to cast my vote for Bernie, the person there said I was the first registered democrat of the day. I never had anybody do or say anything to me. Try wearing a Trump hat around NYC or Los Angeles for 8 years and see what happens. The left only wants free speech if you agree with them.

I went with Trump. In America we are fair. He wasn't being treated fairly and he still isn't. They tried to cheat him from winning the nomination. They tried to cheat him out of office with the Russian bullshit. Then they tried more bullshit.

Now they are rooting for the coronavirus. They can say they aren't but they are. They hope Trump dies from it. They joke about assassinating him but it isn't a joke. They would love it.

Trump won. He won. People voted for him. The losers have no respect for the people who voted for Trump. They deserve what they get. 4 more years of President Trump. 100,000,000 votes coming to them on election night 2020.

Hello all,

Now remember, more people voted against fat donnie than for. So 10M (Clinton + the two independents), so when you say the people...which people are you referring to?

They deserve what they get....WTF does that mean now? Is it a punishment that those who do not care for the Orange Emperor must endure? Or that the Dems were beaten by a obviously defective manchild?

And what would you do if Biden wins? ay? Will you accept the verdict? ay?


Capra ibex

I wore my green OBAMA hat for 8 years. The one people got for helping on his campaign. In a county that has never voted democrat. In a county that when I went to vote in the primary in 2016, AT 5 PM, to cast my vote for Bernie, the person there said I was the first registered democrat of the day. I never had anybody do or say anything to me. Try wearing a Trump hat around NYC or Los Angeles for 8 years and see what happens. The left only wants free speech if you agree with them.

I went with Trump. In America we are fair. He wasn't being treated fairly and he still isn't. They tried to cheat him from winning the nomination. They tried to cheat him out of office with the Russian bullshit. Then they tried more bullshit.

Now they are rooting for the coronavirus. They can say they aren't but they are. They hope Trump dies from it. They joke about assassinating him but it isn't a joke. They would love it.

Trump won. He won. People voted for him. The losers have no respect for the people who voted for Trump. They deserve what they get. 4 more years of President Trump. 100,000,000 votes coming to them on election night 2020.

Nah, most people are reasonable.... that's what a democracy is.... when the tribe speaks you have to listen.
People who know his true colours can only grin and bear it, and i assume most probably hoped that he could rise to the occasion at least a little bit..... but no- over and over and over he whines and moans like a little traumatized boy.
Of course mountains of media hound him and plenty of it is dramaticized.... but if he could deal with things like a balanced individual there wouldn't be so much fuel to add to the media's fire.

As well, no balanced human would WISH that Trump gets the virus but would i personally shed a tear if he got it and died, HELL NO.... why? Because f*ck that guy.... he tried to play it down until he couldn't escape it.... putting millions of BONEHEADS who hang off his every word in harms way and ultimately killing many of them.... and all he can do is continue to whine about the media being unfair.... it would be poetic justice.
The virus isn't his fault, but the public's behaviour is definitely linked to his message.

The guy who doesn't treat people fairly unless they bend the knee, complaining incessantly about being treated unfairly.

People in a democracy have to deal with the choices of their countrymen, but if their fellow citizens fail to recognize the trainwreck in front of them it is legitimate cause for concern.... Trump should be whisked off to a narcissists & sociopaths anonymous resort for the rest of his days right alongside Joe Biden being whisked off to an old folks home. End of story.

Neither of them is equipped to deal with the position.... not even close.... it's very sad.
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