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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Does the fact that PPEs,vents,and other medical emergency equipment was not restocked after multiple epidemic episodes under Obama's 8 year term bother anyone else?....

Maybe more disturbing is the fact that these supplies were not restocked in combination with actual depletion of our military took place...

A weak military with a shortage of emergency response equipment...
One might ask....,what was the last administration unpreparing us for
Were one to look in to this, what we would find would be very interesting.
I think you have pointed something out here that that would merit, a careful


Well-known member
That's funny because there are a few left parties. Green party, Democratic Socialist of America, Communist party, even the so called libertarian party is basically left. You are complaining about a problem that doesn't exist. If you want a true left party you have options, they just have no chance of winning. Bernie made the choice not to run on his principles and beliefs, and got what we all knew was coming. If he was really anything more than just another opportunist, he would have run DSA.

They have no chance of winning because the two party system bars entry to anyone that isn't a member of the two party system lol. The Green Party is the largest of the parties you mentioned and they aren't even on the ballot in all 50 states.

Communist party has what? 5k numbers max. whoopie.

Nah. More like the DNC and GOP need to be eradicated and rebuilt as public entities, with the addition of 2-4 more parties.

We should have a democrat party, republican party, progressive party, libertarian party at the very least.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
Well, with healthcare being the single largest issue in the last election,
we are really in the catbird seat now.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The fact that you and many others dont know this is not suprising... the lack of awareness only adds to the
very real concerns of others who do


Med4; I just wanted to mention also, that all I did was ask for stats. Your reply that I don't know 'this' is meaningless because you addressed more than one subject and made an assumption regarding my lack of knowledge, only because I wanted to see actual statistics to support the 'basically' two assertions you made.

Not only was there no basis for the personal slant but also no call for it. I am not adverse to seeing facts presented and accepting them as they are, no matter who they apparently support. I have no particular affiliation for left nor right leaning politics.

I only wish that both sides of this 'created' divide could open their eyes to facts as presented. Numbers can be manipulated but if presented simply, they do not lie.

The other day, with my newly acquired news channel, I watched as our president, in the midst of a serious issue, chose to pick an argument with a reporter over a simple question. Rather than accept a tiny amount of humility, he packed lie on top of lie. Even when his own words were read back to him he denied ever saying them.

We should at least commence with the common ground that this behavior is immature and cowardly.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Things are looking pretty grim , never saw Trump afraid before.He looked as if somebody grabbed him by the.....


Active member
He should have been scared 2 months ago. Instead he went into denial.

Now he’s bragging he was better than nothing. He’s wrong again.
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