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the 10-10-10 thread...what is your opinion?

Well Gol-ly southflorida!

That was one of the last books I read, maybe 10 years ago now! Now you re-remind me why. If ya want to keep it simple!

Many bits of info have made my mind more complicated in the meantime, but BEST to keep one's heart clear.

Thanks, man. I'm glad I reminded us both of what's in that book.


lives on planet 4:20
The funny thing is that if I didn't go through all the BS in my life,
I would not be able to see the value in these four agreements. The
interesting thing is that Ruiz has published a new book, The Fifth
Agreement...of course, which is "Be skeptical but learn to listen."

I have not read it, but, before I order it from Amazon, I want to
master these four agreements, because as I wrote in one of my
posts in this thread...there is always more information...always...
and because of this, imho...it makes sense to master something
first...and then take the next step...otherwise you just end up
reading a bunch of information and never using it...lol


Well-known member
If you would like to think that everything is happening NOW. then also your dead is happening NOW.

This means that you are dead already.

Your dead mind only manifests itself in this boddy you have now.

(just one way of thinking one seriously should n't considder practising on the long run if you'd ask from me, but might give some insights along the way.)


lives on planet 4:20
OTH...the present moment (NOW) is all there is, ever has been and
ever will be, and if you take a few moments and think about it, you
will see that this is true!

For example, ask yourself this question "have I ever been anywhere
else in my whole life than the present moment?"

The obvious answer is NO, you have always been in the present
moment and always will be in this present moment.

In fact, there is only one fact that you can confirm for yourself, and
it is that YOU EXIST RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT! You don't need
anything for this, it just "is."

As far as "who" you are...that is a totally different question, and this
has been written by me many times in this thread. But in very simple
words...you are a manifestation of the One Consciousness that is
nondual and infinite, and if it decides to end this manifestation, you
will simply disappear...just like everything we see in our life as human
beings will disappear if this Consciousness decides that it had enough
playing around...that it wants to take a rest...LOL

...in fact, when this happens...it will be exactly like what happens
in a movie theater when a movie ends and the projector is
turned off -- there will a blank movie screen -- except in reality
there will be only space and silence, which is really NOTHINGNESS.

...because when there are no "forms" manifested in space, and no
"noise" in this space...than it is all black and silent...and infinite...
meaning there is no way to see where it begins and where it ends...
like being a totally dark and silent room...all you see is NOTHING...LOL


Well-known member
On micro and macro level there will always be SOMETHING

I once recognised a failure in the equation minus plus minus equals plus.

It does n't equal plus, it equals SOMETHING.

As my afore mentioned post shows, I am familiar with the consept of NOW SF

You can also read it like, "everything is happening at the same time", since time is relative.

All these happenings "at the same time" make what you experience as the "present" sliced in pieces, kinda. Wich is universly know as "history" wich then becomes a relative topic.
I mean , if you ask yourselves the question how long time ago was it realy.... 500 years, a thousend years, forget the names for the timeframes and it is happening all right now.

Not to dispute your frame of thinking SF, like I said before, I believe in multiple truths out there. Not buying into the mainstream one that there is only ONE.(cuzz fuck, what the heck would I be wasting my time for otherwise by throwing several around. lol)

(I hope I get spared of remarks like: I wanna smoke what offdahook is smoking too btw. ;) :D )
I got it from the samurai - the good stuff not the "popular" stuff:

Meditate on death.

As I put it in my feeble american mind: "Only thing I gotta worry about is death, and when I'm dead I won't have anything to worry about."

Then you got the yin/yang - which is actually a swirling symbol - Universe is always moving, and always a little yin in the yang, yang in the yin. Life in the death, death in the life.


Put a gun to my head, the universe is 99.99999999% yin - humanity focuses 99.999999999% on the yang.

Find the yin and "an ounce defeats a thousand pounds."



lives on planet 4:20
I got it from the samurai - the good stuff not the "popular" stuff:

Meditate on death.

As I put it in my feeble american mind: "Only thing I gotta worry about is death, and when I'm dead I won't have anything to worry about."

Then you got the yin/yang - which is actually a swirling symbol - Universe is always moving, and always a little yin in the yang, yang in the yin. Life in the death, death in the life.


Put a gun to my head, the universe is 99.99999999% yin - humanity focuses 99.999999999% on the yang.

Find the yin and "an ounce defeats a thousand pounds."


AC check out this video called Death Always Delivers


It is from the Jed McKenna Trilogy, the three books he wrote
about his awakening, and how he lives his life while he is awake.

...do you mean the "yin" is death awareness, and that focusing
or meditating on death is what creates the yin/yang balance?


...the interesting thing is that after I had the observation about
what I am, the fear of death has passed for me, because now I'm
aware that once this "dream" I'm currently living in ends...there
will be nothing left from my "SF character" -- I will simply become
what I have always been -- Consciousness!

...I was scared of death at one time, and before that I ignored it
for many years, but now that I am aware that there is no separate
spirit or soul, and that I am the One Consciousness that is
manifesting in this current Human Game as an illusion of a separate
human being...I am no longer scared...and now my motivation comes
from trying to play this game to the best of my ability, while being
aware of the fact that when the plug is pulled this "image" that
seems real will simply disappear...forever...and all that will be left
is the "truth" which is the One Nondual Consciousness/Awareness.

...I can clearly see that the 40 years that I have lived have been
one long movie, and that each frame, just like in a movie film reel,
has been a present moment that was created by the Consciousness
and just like a film projector, this Consciousness has been sending
a light/energy through this "movie film real" and creating this movie
that I am living in. Obviously, this is a wonderful movie/dream for
me, and now I can truly value every moment that I am this
character because of being aware how much work has gone into
creating this manifestation of my character, and now all I can do
is play this game one moment at a time...until the movie screen
will show either...THE END...or...GAME OVER :tiphat:


Well-known member
@ AC

Emphazis is here on the saying "to worry about" I believe AC,wich is possible to replace by:" to occupy my mind with".

Not so much the "fear" side of it that is usually inherent when using the word "worry".

Might be some slight alteration of the literal translation. That's why I deliberatly refuse to read books usually. Got to find it out all by myself first before I'm willing to agree on anything.

Exemple >

When we had to go to church as a kid. They offered us this slice of dried bread and we were supposed to say:
I am the body of christ. Never was able to buy into the phrase so I only mumbled: hmh boddy of christ.

Only now and in this age am I able to understand what it means and are willing to agree that it holds thruth.

Still never forgave the bloody bastard for bringing his message this blatantly lol

Point is: Got to find things out by yourself, how exactly you get there isn't that importend imo.

Got to know that I eliminated "fear" out of my live completely already a long time ago. fysical fear is easely possible to recognise as such and would only give me a hard time when beeing exposed to a torture session or something.
But other then that, once you are able to be "aware" of it, you can put yourselves in controll of it.

Fear other then fysical fear I over came due to a number of revelations revealing several thruths. (hard to explain, but your "Yin" exemple bridged the point fairly well too)

Still there are a number of realistic RESPONSIBILITIES out there, that makes me not want to play with the sensation of beeing fearless too much tho.

Still I am fearless, and so could all of you when pulling out of the matrix. (doubt it would be possible to achieve for everyone all at the same time though :) )

Edit: our posts pretty much were done at the same time SF, was only doing some grammar/spell checks still. Amazing to see the collective experience we expressed here :)

But but... it won't be over if you can imagine your conscience to live on in some other creatures boddy (s) !

(emphazis is on "Imagine" here now.)


lives on planet 4:20
On micro and macro level there will always be SOMETHING

I once recognised a failure in the equation minus plus minus equals plus.

It does n't equal plus, it equals SOMETHING.

As my afore mentioned post shows, I am familiar with the consept of NOW SF

You can also read it like, "everything is happening at the same time", since time is relative.

All these happenings "at the same time" make what you experience as the "present" sliced in pieces, kinda. Wich is universly know as "history" wich then becomes a relative topic.
I mean , if you ask yourselves the question how long time ago was it realy.... 500 years, a thousend years, forget the names for the time frames and it is happening all right now.

Not to dispute your frame of thinking SF, like I said before, I believe in multiple truths out there. Not buying into the mainstream one that there is only ONE.(cuzz fuck, what the heck would I be wasting my time for otherwise by throwing several around. lol)

(I hope I get spared of remarks like: I wanna smoke what offdahook is smoking too btw. ;) :D )

OTH...my perspective is very simple, I will try to give you the simplest
example that I can think of...okay?

Now, forget about everything that there is, and focus all your
attention only on yourself, and notice the present moment that
you are currently in. Right now everything that you see, hear,
and feel is all that there is. There is no such thing as relative time,
or past or future or anything else -- except the present moment!

This is not an idea, belief, opinion, conviction, concept, etc....it
is a fact that you can see for yourself. It is very simple, but it
does take some effort in order to observe this. The reason it takes
effort, is that YOUR EGO (internal dialogue) does not want you to
see this, because this will mean the beginning of the end for this
internal program that is currently running your life.

For you, as a conscious being, all there is, has ever been, or will
ever be is this present moment. All you can know about for sure
is what you "experience" yourself. This is not about what I write,
or what anyone else has ever written...this is about the one and
only truth that you can know for sure as a Human Being, and this
truth is that "I am" or from my perspective..."you are."

Now, whatever you have ever done, thought, felt, etc., in your
life, it has always happened in the present moment, always, there
are NO EXCEPTIONS...to this...none.

Even if you thought about the past, you have always done this in
the present moment, if you thought about the future, you have
always done this in the present moment. You can't go back or
forward even for 1/1,000,000,000 of a second.

Even if you will sit on top of a light that is travelling at the speed
of light, wherever you will be will be the present moment...period.
Even when you are dreaming something, you are doing it in the
present moment.

This is the first door that you must go through in order to awaken
in the dream that is your current life. Until you see this and observe
this and become AWARE of this...you will be caught in the illusion
that you are a human having a human experience, when in reality
you are CONSCIOUSNESS manifesting itself as a "human experience."

So OTH, if you want to take the next step and go through the door,
simply put all your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, convictions, and all
your other concepts that are spinning in your mind, ASIDE and do one
simple thing...observe and feel...without the filter of your mind...

...the present moment that you are currently in.

Once you become aware of this, everything else will start to fall in
place on its own little by little. And, if you will want all your
thoughts, opinions, beliefs, convictions, and all your other concepts
that are spinning in your mind...after observing this, you can pick
them back up...if you will want them...that is.

WATCH THESE 6 VIDEOs, maybe they will make it easier to understand
what it means to be aware of THE TRUTH:


...if you watch them, let me know what you think of it?
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Well-known member
I'll watch them later today Sf. ( this pc does not wanna do youtubes and the family is using the other,better pc right now.)

What you are trying to convince me from however is nothing new to me.
Been there already.
Was fully aware of most if not all the things you mentioned before, already from the earlyest pages, hence I jumped in because of the pleasure the recognition brought me. :)

It's only nice to see that you are able to express yourselves this well and are capable to bring it on a way others will be able to understand too

Never mind me in this thread SF. Just offering food for thought that you and AC are much better to bring into words as I could ever do myself.

Trust me, I'm *livinging Verry much in the "here and now", hence ;)

(Nothing to proove here, just be ;) )
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lives on planet 4:20
OTH...it is not about convincing, since there is nothing that one
can be convinced of. What I'm trying to say is that this can be
actually observed, and if you have already observed this, then
it's awesome. In this thread, I am having a great time, writing
about things, which are really very difficult to write about,
because all these words only "point" to what I'm writing about,
and the words by themselves mean nothing.

So, if you are understanding even a small part of what I'm writing
then it's already a miracle..lol...because as I write these things
a part of me tries to deny everything...and says that this is all BS!

But I am already past this, and the things I am aware of, I can't
simply forget and hide under the pillow...lol

The part about the present moment, I like writing about it, because
it was the first step that I took, and the first door that I walked
through that allowed me to actually wake up inside this dream-state
that I am living in, and also allowed me to find the next door, and
then the next one...and so on.

Without becoming aware of the present moment on the level of
feeling it and knowing it with every cell of your body, it is really
impossible to wake up in this dream we call life, because the ego
is the strongest and most intelligent program
that keeps the
masses hypnotyzed in this dream we all are living in.

And only when you start to "exist" in the present moment, and
become fully aware that all there is -- is this present moment, that
you can start to observe how the ego operates and how it pulls
of this illusion that we call a "human being living on earth"...lol

Whenever you forget that you are living in the present moment,
ego takes control of you again and you become hypnotyzed once
more thinking about the past and about the future, and start to
think that this dream-state is real.

...and OTH...don't think that I'm writing these things "just" for you,
to try to convince you of something, as I told AC, the majority of
what I write in here I write for MYSELF, and if anybody else can
benefit from it...then it's like "icing" on the cake...lol

...so you can take whatever is useful, and simply ignore the rest,
or you can simply read it like its entertainment, and the writings
of someone that is crazy, and has been given a laptop and an
internet connection...but is sitting...in an assylum :)

Whatever you choose to do, from my perspective, we are one, in
other words, in reality, you are me, and I am you, and there is no
real separation, only an illusion that is being masterfully created
by the program that I call ego, and many call Maya.

And this illusion is being created so we can play this Human Game,
and once the game comes to an end, we can become once again
what we have always been, are now, and always will be, the
One Nondual Consciousness/Awareness.


lives on planet 4:20
lol...found a good example of an interesting way of seeing
how our perception can be manipulated, and that what we
are seeing is not exactly always what it is...lol

Now look at these two images, and cross your eyes, after you
do this, you will see a third 3-D image in the middle. It takes a
little practice, but it is quite trippy.

Once you do it a few times, it gets quite easy, and at the bottom
of this pic, there is the thread where other pictures can be
checked out. This shows that our perceptions are being
manipulated, and that what we are seeing is an illusion!

Mr. Bo....never thought I'd see something like this at IC....very creative friend...DD

This is in the Mr. Bongjangles thread:



Well-known member
quote SF: Whatever you choose to do, from my perspective, we are one, in
other words, in reality, you are me, and I am you, and there is no
real separation, only an illusion that is being masterfully created
by the program that I call ego, and many call Maya. End quote.

I totally agree.

Donno yet about women still tho. lolz :D


Well-known member
I saw the first 2 clips but got bored early on to be honest.

I understand how he got there but would not want to nodd agreefully at what he is saying there SF.

Just one way of perception.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the second veil.

The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the world´s economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.

The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.

The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.

The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.

The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was-people so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what.

The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil probably reveals God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living things-which are, I think, one and the same.

If my math is accurate there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people.

Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can´t, the more insane he appears to them.



lives on planet 4:20
Fuzz420...that is an interesting article...thanks for posting it.

I have decided to check this thread out once in a while, and
to see if anyone posted anything in it.

But, the reality is that it is a waste of time trying to explain
something that one sees to someone who does not see it.

It is like trying to explain what fire is to a person who has never
seen or felt fire before.


lives on planet 4:20
offthehook...if something is not your cup of tea...then it is simply
not your cup of tea...lol...there as over six billion people and no
two are alike...so it is only natural that one person will find one
thing interesting and another will find something totally different
interesting. I'll be checking into this thread once in a while, but
all the primary information is written in the previous posts. There
is not that much that can be added. If you ever have any questions,
ask, and I'll do my best to answer them.


SF :tiphat:

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