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Thai Stick Test Grow



That looks pretty good to me OJD, in my experience with pure or near pure sativas, they are very picky about nutes and hate N in flowering, which is why you have the glossy and curled leaves, but many of the sativas I've grown have had the same glossy, curled leaves and still produce realy fine buds. As someone else put it when we were discussing this in the UST thread, they are just being prima donnas and don't suffer at all.

I've got some of those Thai seeds too, grown a few Thai bagseeds before and have three tips for Thais:

1. After 10 weeks of 12/12, drop em to 11/13 for a month, then goto 10/14 until she's ready, if they take less than 16 weeks, not a pure Thai in my experience.

2. Don't top them, they don't like it, due to the angular strong branching of Thais, it is far better to bend em over and tie them down, then the Thai trait of side branches truning into main stems and shooting up past the others, often at random can be harnessed to maximise yield, with tying down and no pruning, you can get Thais to yield really well indoors.

3. Don't give them any nitrogen at all after the 10th week of flowering, you can shave 2 weeks of their finishing time by cutting out the nitrogen and using 10 hours of light, 14 of dark.

The traits to look for to identify true Thai genes are a vanilla tasting creamy smoke, huge calyxes, sometimes hald an inch long, massive branching with lots of small buds and very deep serrations on the leaf blades so that they resemble alligator's tails. In my experience, many if not most of the 'Thai' varieties we see nowadays are not actually Thai, more likely Cambodian or Vietnamese or a hybrid of Thai, Cambodian etc. Nothing at all wrong with Cambodian or Vietnamese varieties, and the Thai hybrids that are probably most commonly found from Thai bagseed are often better performers indoors than the more pure Thai types. Growing Thai indoors can be a real challenge and it's easy to end up with a lot of stem and little bud off a big plant, often the purer Thais are poor performers indoors. I have a Thai/indica hybrid that took 12 weeks are was really fruity a couple of years ago, very frosty buds and lovely Thai high, after smoking a fair bit, some body stone came through, gorgeous pot, found her from bagseed. There were several other phenos and one was very close to pure Thai, took 16 weeks and was massively tall with lots of long branches, didn;t perform all that well indoors, I got better results from a clone of her by rootbinding it in a small pot, giving it no nitrogen, letting the soil get dry and gving little water and giving her 10 hours of light, but it was never gonna be great indoors.

Glad to hear it's really racy pot, a good Thai should be like fuel for your brain and have an effect that is quite like amphetamines and have a psychedelic edge, auditory hallucinations and fits of giggles are both things I associate with a good Thai. The 'El Yucateca' Mexican I just found from bagseed has a really racy, speedy heady high too, absolutely no body effect, just straight hit to the head and you go up like a rocketship straight to 'pretty feckin high', be really interested in seeing the Thai and Mexican side-by-side sometime soon. Em has cuts of the Mexican so maybe we can see that happen soon (hint hint!! lol)

OJD, happy to get a Mexican cut your way if you're into racy highs, it has amazing vigour, I have to keep cutting back the mother as she keeps outgrowing the mother cabinet. Yields like a monster too, not very resinous but pretty potent, has a mild menthol taste.
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I think it's high time we revived this thread. I have four little seedlings of the Thai seeds from the same sticks EM's seeds came from.

They are only 10 days old, I'm growing them 12/12 from seed in tiny 0.7 litre pots of coco. They look great so far, very Thai-like with the long, droopy leaves. There appears to be some variation apparent already as the leaf forms differ.





Elevator Man

Active member
I got quite a 'big' leaf pheno - very similar to my Malawi Gold in the early stages, without the typical extended distal on the Malawi of course:


The other pheno was a 'skinny-leaf' pheno, but both seemed fairly equal in branch structure etc. One thing to note was the insanely fast stem-thickening at lower levels - whilst it may be bendy up top, it gets stiff very quickly down below - I split one of my stems without noticing it. But good to see these back in business again!


British_Hempire said:
I think it's high time we revived this thread. I have four little seedlings of the Thai seeds from the same sticks EM's seeds came from.

LOL!!! Do you think you can pull the whool over everybodys eyes? Thai stick, RFLMAO!!!

Yeah, okay buddy.


ICMag Donor
whats that mean magic carpet ride

these seeds were pulled from thai sticks

were not saying they are the same from back in the day(far from it)but believe me they have some very strong sativa buzz to it,to me the taste was lacking as the yield but the buzz was worth more searching
i will definately be doing a thai cross and seing what comes out
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Herbal relaxation...
Hey ojd, dont even bother with that MCR troll, just ignore!

I didnt know so many people were growing these Thai seeds. I think it´s very interesting and pull a seat!!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I bought a pack of Gypsy Nirvana's Thai Stick Sativa's, I'll probably pop them later this year, summer maybe. I'm learning a lot about this finicky strain from this thread, thanks guys!


Elevator Man

Active member
Wow, that MagicCarpetRide just bounces around spreading bad vibes like a grubby little pac-man eh? I just noticed this here - that's two of my threads the little twerp's soiled now with its slime-trail.

MCR - presumably you were at the warehouse where these sticks were produced, rather than in Thailand, and that's how you know they're not Thai...? Maybe jealous that's it's not happening in your town? Hardly our fault. Maybe you're in league with my pal and their pals to defraud the forum by passing out fake Thai sticks? Or is there just an instinctive impulse to tag certain members and, well...follow them around, basically, like some cyber-wino after spare change?

Well, MagicCarpetRide, I hereby put a curse on you...I'll reserve the wording, as it's a family show, but consider yourself abandoned to fate...

As for the Thai, I'm hoping to see more than one pheno popping out here - I got two clear and distinct phenos as detailed earlier, but I never got to see any final buds. My friend that I gave my plants two managed to kill them both, I found out yesterday...:(


Active member
I have what I think is a Thai plant going here EM. I started the seed during the short days and it is flowering now. It may be a cross...I lost the label. When the image uploader starts working again I'll post up some pics of her. She is VERY sativa for sure, throwing those skinny single leaves out of the buds, she is a column of bud about 16 inches tall! She was a runt in veg also...


I'm sorry that the MCR troll came here to this thread, kinda my fault, but he's been banned now so we can carry on with the serious grow discussion.

Of course, we don't know if these are really from Thailand or not. We do know several things about them though:

1. They are of very good quality, grown well, in that the buds are mature, they have been treated well post-harvest and there are few seeds, good quality product indeed.

2. The high is authentic sativa, a pleasant heady effect and potent too

3. Everyone I know who's smoked some of these sticks lieked them a lot and asked if more was available

So regardless of where they are actually from, the seeds from the are worth growing, even if just to satisfy my curiousity. I've grown several Thai hybrids before and Thai bagseed too, the results vary wildly indoors, but a good example can be very good indeed.

Some people scream and jump up and down the moment they see a single male flower and instantly blame whoever the seeds came from for 'ruining their garden with their hermies hacked genes' seen it so many times, even big commercial breeders getting unnesccessary flak just cos someone saw some male stamens.

I have a more pragmatic approach, having grown and smoked many plants with a nanner or two in my time. Some of the best buds I've ever smoked came from plants of less than 100% female purity that had some nanners. So I'm fully preparing to deal with any possible hermie issues with these Thais, it comes with the territory when growing these sativas of unknown origin, but the potential rewards outweigh the pitfalls of hermies.

My 'El Yucateca' Mexican has a small number of male flowers, less than a dozenn in total and they seem sterile, they shrivel and die after 3-4 days without opening releasing pollen it seems. A case of the quality and uniqueness of the end product being sufficient that any minor sexual malfunctions are a secondary concern.








My four Thai seedlings are 20 days old now. Three are growing nicely and one one has unforyunately stalled and isn't growing properly, it may make a recovery and come good though as I've seen many slow starters turn into lovely plants.

There is definitely a fair bit of variation here. There is one really lanky, tall one that I suspect will be male (hopefully a pure male) and two medium sized fairly compact ones. The two medium sized ones are different from each other, both have thin leaves but the leaf forms differ.

I'm not sure how long these will take to show sex, at least 30 days, maybe as much as 60. Fingers crossed I find a nice female. A male would be nice too if he is free of hermie traits, perhaps I'll cross a male Thai to the El Yucateca Mexican.












wow great info everyone,,i was thinking about ordering G.N thai stick..great thread!!!


awesome thread, keep it going, i got some thaze x skunk1 i'm curious about...



Here is the tallest of the three Thais at 49 days of 12/12 from seed. I repotted it into a really deep pot which has reduced his height above the coco by about four inches, so it doesn't look as lanky as it really is. No sign of preflowers yet but I reckon this one is a male.









Well, the opium grown in Laos and Cambodia is sold to Chinese merchants for 25 dollars a kilo. I would expect the cannabis is also sold to Chinese traders, so whether this particular variety was grown in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam of Thailand is hard to say, and I don;t think it really matters, the fact that it is definitely Se Asian sativa is what counts. Judging by the fact that seeds I've grown from the earlier, larger sticks wrapped in red thread have produced three undeniably pure sativa plants that all look pretty much the same, I'd say we really are dealing with high quality pure SE Asian sativa, the sticks smoke also says that too.

Whether the cannabis is processed into sticks in the source country or in China by the traders I don't know, but looking at that nice, professional package, I reckon that the Chinese are buying up large quantities of weed from farmers in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, perhaps some is even being grown inside the Chinese frontier, then processing it into these nice sticks and produced these packages in a factory somewhere, just for export to us western types. I reckon the uniformity of the size and shape of the sticks and the way the buds themselves have been manicured before being pressed into sticks, and the way the sticks are nothing like traditional Thai sticks suggests that they are being made on a production line somewhere in China, I can just see lines of Chinese women in white coats and face masks making these, first they strip the buds from the stems, then they trim them, then they press them lightly into stick form, wrap some red thread around as they think it adds authenticity, dry them in an oven, then pack them and ship em.

If they were being made in the countryside by poor farmers who also grew the plants, they would be a lot less uniform, and obviously, if there are 25 to a kilo, they would have made tens of thousands of them probably, that says Chinese factory to me, not Laotian farmer's hut.

Given the vast quantities of goods being exported from China to the West these days, I'm sure it's not hard to hide these packages, I think that bundle of sticks is evidence of a very large and sophisticated processing, exporting and smuggling operation, many people were needed to produce them for sure and that kind of operation can't be small.