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TGA Genetics- Concerning Potency...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Chernobyl seems to be a popular one, I have never tried it but see it on peoples must have list quite often.

Any info from anyone who has grown it?

I had a phenol like cp's. Rediculousy small nugs, and stretched like a mofo. Lime/pine flavor, can be pulled at 45 or pushed to 60ish. Good overall, just got sick of 3 gram colas. Super frosty, but thc is about average.


Active member
In '07 I grew Pandora's Box from Sub-Cool.

If you're looking for unstable genetics with a huge variation in phenotypes... that was a pack to grow out. Nothing was the same size or look.

They all jacked my head up in a bad way. Was rather a unique experience.

Between all the bud his "Super Soil" has ruined and all the crap bud I've gotten from other people through his seeds... I'm thoroughly unimpressed.
Giving crap to a community does not endear oneself to me. That super soil crap just won't die...


Well-known member
I would definitely give him a try after watching that video, pardon my french but Mz.Jill is a **** lol. He knows whats going on over most breeders. I don't think he should recieve the flak he gets. People rave of DJ short but really he offers a product that is less well-rounded than most breeders and IMO his BB has next to no taste/smell. Having said that he knows his shit and like he said breeds for interesting clear highs.


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I was rather impressed with Subcool, he did state that he breeds for taste and aroma. At least he doesn't bullshit about it. He did also admit he has 5 small breeding rooms, and prefers small rooms because it is easier to keep them clean and controlled.

I have never grown his gear but the things people claim he does, he freely admits he does and has valid reasons for doing said things, as far as breeding goes. DJ also said he breeds for the quality of effect rather than for devastating potency.

Now this is just an observation I am not running out to buy his seeds anytime soon, but after seeing the video I have some respect for the guy.

And DJ Short BB has very strong flavor and a very killer high. The rub is that now days you are going to need to go through 100 beans min to find that phenol. His lines are more for making f2 and searching from there. Back when I first started growing DJ beans, every plant was awesome yet different. Very good genetic pool DJ has IMHO.

Cool thread and discussion!

St. Phatty

Active member
I keep my Medicine in Tupperware and end up with stacks of 8, 10, 12 Tupperware's.

You can tell what I like by what's near the top.

When I have Apollo, the Apollo Tupperware is almost always on top or in one of the top 3 Tupperware's.


What's the main attraction to Apollo? The high? Taste? It's frequently mentioned as a top strain, included in a lot of breeding programs. Which one is considered better or differences between apollo 11 or 13?

Karmic Farmer

Active member
What's the main attraction to Apollo? The high? Taste? It's frequently mentioned as a top strain, included in a lot of breeding programs. Which one is considered better or differences between apollo 11 or 13?

Never tried TGA's versions. The real Apollo 13 clone makes incredable red hash. Not the best in terpene profiles though (baby poo with a fruity undertone is mentioned frequently).
The clone seems to have lost some vigour over the years, that's one of the reasons I kicked her out of the lineup a few years ago. It's a really strong Sativa and if you can get the real deal grown well it won't disappoint. I haven't seen or heard much about her lately.



Grew 14 strains in Northern Oregon outdoor this year organically with teas/super soils etc etc... and 6 strains in southern Oregon the same way. The Mickey ended up being my new top outdoor strain for potency, smell, taste and I had to harvest it in just six weeks due to rain but I havn't tested it at a lab. Grew the Cherynoble down south which recieved a full 8 weeks of flower and sunnier weather... the stuff is excellent smoke! Potent and really smelly! The nugs are tiny like someone else mentioned in this thread but very potent. I don't think I could of pulled it in 6 weeks like the mickey and had such good results but nevertheless a good one. Since it took 8 weeks I wont grow it outdoor again or indoor since there are so many other options. Both strains smell similar like sweet irish kush but in my opinion the mickey is a bit more kooshy. I havn't grown them indoors but outdoor the Mickey does really well around this latitude. If anyone has anymore questions PM me.


Grew 14 strains in Northern Oregon outdoor this year organically with teas/super soils etc etc... and 6 strains in southern Oregon the same way. The Mickey ended up being my new top outdoor strain for potency, smell, taste and I had to harvest it in just six weeks due to rain but I havn't tested it at a lab. Grew the Cherynoble down south which recieved a full 8 weeks of flower and sunnier weather... the stuff is excellent smoke! Potent and really smelly! The nugs are tiny like someone else mentioned in this thread but very potent. I don't think I could of pulled it in 6 weeks like the mickey and had such good results but nevertheless a good one. Since it took 8 weeks I wont grow it outdoor again or indoor since there are so many other options. Both strains smell similar like sweet irish kush but in my opinion the mickey is a bit more kooshy. I havn't grown them indoors but outdoor the Mickey does really well around this latitude. If anyone has anymore questions PM me.

Note: The Micky and Cherynoble were the only two TGA strains I grew out of the 20. I would have edited my post but I guess I have to have more posts first...

Dan Kone

New member
A select pheno of AO and qleaner and querkle have been the strongest of his gear i have had.Did some pandoras box that i got a pheno out of that for some reason ALL the ladies loved.

Agreed. The right pheno of Agent Orange can be strong.

Also 9lb hammer has solid potency. I've seen a pheno of ripped bubba that had good potency too.

However in general, TGA gear lacks potency. It's primarily good hash making bud, but that's it. TGA has a ton of strains. They all become popular when they first come out but very few people keep running TGA once the hype dies down.


Professional A$$hole
Yeah I've said it before I'll say it again, I was wowed by the plush berry I found, it was dead on black cherry cola smell and flavor, solid purple nugs, I could not wait to monocrop it. Then, after smoking on it for long enough, I realized it gave me no discernible buzz, and was annoying as far as taste and smell. It smelled different, nothing like weed, but different turned out not to be better. She's been gone for awhile, and I do not miss her. That is honestly the only mother I've gotten rid of that I can say that about. I miss my pre-98, I miss my sensi star, I miss my chocolate chunk, shit I even miss the nirvana ice mom, but I'm glad I haven't wasted lumens or nutes on the plushberry. Maybe I'd like their gear with a more conventional pallet, but the agent orange, ripped bubba, jack skellington, ace of spades, Dairy Queen, and cheese quake I've tried have all been either poorly selected by whoever grew it or shit genes. And I lean towards shit genetics because most of the TGA buds I've tried looked healthy, well grown, and well flushed, they just were boring pot

B gump

I grew some agent o this year outdoor, the smell was out of this world and it looked like indoor when finished, I was not expecting a heavy indica couch lock high. I was expecting the uplifting qualities from a sativa for my wife and that is exactly what it is. I grew one from clone and from about day 30 of flower til the end I had to smell it every time in the garden. I had a longtime grower friend sample it and his reaction was one I won't forget. He smelled the nug, then took a rip, on the exhale, he said "wow, that tastes exactly like it smells."
I would run it again in a heart beat and recommend it to friends, just realize the type of high it will provide, sativa uplifting, daytime shit. Not a couch lock day breaker.

Bob Green

Just smoked some Agent O a few days ago. It was right before a good workout. I must admit that I liked it quite a bit. Nice creative energy and just enough body to help my old bones/joints. Felt nice and relaxed after a few hours excercise.

I cant comment on taste-smell because it was mixed in with an 8th of Deadhead OG. But it was great herb for getting stuff done.

As far as potency that was alright too. Perfict for being baked in a crowed area where no one knows.

St. Phatty

Active member
Just smoked some Agent O a few days ago. It was right before a good workout. I must admit that I liked it quite a bit. Nice creative energy and just enough body to help my old bones/joints. Felt nice and relaxed after a few hours excercise.

I cant comment on taste-smell because it was mixed in with an 8th of Deadhead OG. But it was great herb for getting stuff done.

As far as potency that was alright too. Perfict for being baked in a crowed area where no one knows.

That's how I feel about the Apollo.

I have Apollo 11, I guess now they're selling Apollo 13.
I've smoked several of TGA's strains from dispensaries, the AOS was a good smoke as I recall. Of course I have no idea how much selection went into that pheno, but I liked what I bought.

I've grown Querkle and I liked it. From a 5 pack I got 3 females, all clearly different phenos. Of those, one looked just like the picture he uses fo sell the Querkle. It was also my favorite pheno for taste and effect. I liked that pheno all around but had some issues and lost the cut. The other was nice, clearly SQ dom, just not what I was looking for, and the 3rd looked nice but had almost NO smell...or taste...or potency. Looked and grew lovely though :)

Instead of replacing my lost Querkle with more Querkle, I thought I'd give AKG's Snozzberry a try. I ended up keeping 2 phenotypes. Both purple nicely. One is straight lavender, very nice and relaxing, the other is a little more grapey and incredibly analgesic. Excellent cannabis.

Of the two varieties, I would buy the Snozzberry again over the Querkle but I wouldn't be too bummed if Querkle was all I could get.

When I get a good stud Haze or maybe even a NepJam, I intend to snag a pack of Sub's Agent Orange. Just sounds right to me. Of course, Sin City has that Tangerine strain, that might get the nod. We'll see.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I have an pretty fantastic pheno of the flav. It literally smells like catpiss ammonia. Incredible. Yields well. Great structure. Potency is there.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I'm loving agent orange lately. I smoke it everyday and still I can smoke it go outside and still feel it two hours later. Real smooth smoke.

I have two phenos I can't decide between, one is floral/citrus/soapy and a great daytime smoke with good potency. The other is more lemony and pine when growing but develops a sweet citrus aroma once cured in the jar, it is more potent. the flavor comes out more in the smoke, its also a bit stupifying

I have a agent orange dad I'm going to be flowering out and hitting a few things this year with pollen. I have already used it on some plants and the result was citrus aroma but sadly I had to kill all those plants because of root aphids, I'm excited to find a more orange flavor profile in these next seeds. Going to hit Malawi, sour bubble, agent orange, jacks cleaner to start with.

I also grew out a pack of jacks cleaner 2 this past year and found the lemon cleaner aroma and flavor in 80% of the plants, and all of them have great potency. I made some 500 seeds that I have to play around with that terpene profile. Only downside of the JC2 is its structure , smaller buds with a spear shape, though it has fat calyxes that make big ass seeds.