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Texting While Walking Banned in Fort Lee, N.J.


Game Bred
While we are at it....
Ban eating and walking.
And good looking women in skimpy clothing can be quite a distraction.
Bilboards especially those digital ones.
Bicycles on public roads? That seems dangerous!


weed fiend
Snap and pull beer tabs were a thing of the past by the time I started drinking (although I mostly drank beer from bottles or kegs) and I've always prefered bic lighters to matches.

I shouldn't have been so general, was commenting on the negative reaction to public safety. That said, I'm not a fan of dumb laws. Unfortunately we have a few less than genius citizens who need the help.

A flip side to this might be the Arizona sheriff who's derelict in hundreds of domestic dispute/assault/abuse investigations.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I shouldn't have been so general, was commenting on the negative reaction to public safety. That said, I'm not a fan of dumb laws. Unfortunately we have a few less than genius citizens who need the help.

A flip side to this might be the Arizona sheriff who's derelict in hundreds of domestic dispute/assault/abuse investigations.

I've always contended that laws like these usually happen because a few idiots ruin it for everyone else. Cellphones have been in use for quite some time and texting isn't exactly brand spanking new either. Yet now suddenly they've decided in some states that you can't drive safely and talk on the phone even if it's hands free. Yet what about all the people using cellphones safely while driving for the past 10 years or so?

Personally I don't have a problem with the law if it makes some distinction between those able to text and walk safely and those who don't. Like it doesn't become illegal unless you're seen stepping into traffic while distracted and without looking to see if the coast was clear.

Me personally though I don't care about this law as I'm not big on paying a fee everytime I send a few bytes of text or pay a higher service fee to have unlimited texting. There's nothing so damn important in my life that I need to be able to text about it to someone instantly. Besides as big as my fingers are compared to those tiny keyboards cellphones have for texting, it's much more simple to just make a voice call and I can walk and talk on the cellphone and still cross a street safely.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I could make an adjustable bic last months with the flame rolled down. Who needs a 2" torch to light a jay?

Same here, I actually was upset when they took the adjustable feature away because the default setting was higher then I normally used. If it's too high it can sometimes singe your eyebrows when trying to light a bowl.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I understand regulating criminal activity, but trying to regulate stupidity will just lead to more stupid people. Something we certainly don't need.


Game Bred
Same here, I actually was upset when they took the adjustable feature away because the default setting was higher then I normally used. If it's too high it can sometimes singe your eyebrows when trying to light a bowl.

you can still get adjustables in "hood" stores....

habib used to give me one with every carton of smokes(before i quit)

they were the prefered concert lighters....

you could "skip" the dial and jack the flame up to a foot or so.

thinking about it.

this lady jogging would be more distracting than a text...
she should be required to strap those puppies down before leaving the house!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I've heard stories about personal accountability. Mainly from old timers rambling on about days of yonder. I tell them, "Hey this is 2012. The Nanny State takes care of all of us these days."

I tell them if you are criminal CEO of a big bank and blow it up you'll get bailed out, no jail time or anything.

Don't want to pay your mortgage? No big deal. Hang out in the house at everyone else's expense. Nanny has it covered.

Do not feel like working for minimum wage when you can make just as much on the government dole? That's cool let everyone else do the heavy lifting. (not that there are any jobs these days anyway)

Criminal politician? They all are. Steal what you can and retire as a lobbyist and inside trade your way to riches.

Suck as sports in school? It's fine. Everyone is a winner these days and we all get 1st place ribbons.

You a walking zombie with your face stuck in your phone all day long? No problem we'll make laws to protect you from yourself. (I do understand no driving while texting. You are putting others lives at risk.)

Everyone and everything is too big too fail. It's great. There is no such thing failure. Therefore no need for personal responsibility like in the old days.



weed fiend
Only time I had trouble in Jersey was on the turnpike. Was speeding in the passing lane and a Jersey Trooper pulled up alongside in the right lane. He didn't even pull me over, just said, THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING ONLY!" on his PA.

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