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So I'm watching the news over the weekend, same old humdrum, when lo and behold there is the story.......Texas is trying to make it legal to carry guns in college. College! O.K. I knew I was living in a backasswords country (Tx.) but I didn't know it was this bad. I mean come on, why do we need guns in college? So the next freshman that gets pissed off at his hazing and instead of having to leave, maybe think about it, to get a gun and come back. No it's right in your car now! Or the frat party that gets out of hand, leads to a fight then BAM somebody gets shot. Do we not have anything else we can channell our energies into? Like the MMJ bill that is just sitting still? Or our health care? Texas, I swear, forget about HELPING people, lets make it easier to kill people instead.

Sorry if I am just ranting but this seems pretty damn stupid to me.

Thanx for listening,
ya i think its all little stupid u can already carry a firearm in your vehicle i dn y you would need one in college. If you really need your gun then you can go to your car and get it.


Ya, that's overkill..
I lived in Tx for a few years working in the oil drilling business. Everyone I worked with carried (at least) one gun in their car. Law was that if you travel 3+ counties in a week, you could cary and conceal in your car. Man, was that a bad combo. Driving home from a nice steak dinner, one of my guys starts talking about picking up a hitchiker, then trying to shot @ the hitchiker, because he was "kinda funny"..

While I own a few guns, and would never give them up, there's a time and a place, and college is most def. not one of those places.


The Tri Guy
well the next gun toting lunatic to decide to gun down his classmates will now be outgunned, makes perfect sense lol.
Yeah GMT I see what your saying there but damn, think of all the whoops scenarios. Two guys are fighting, one getting his ass beat, makes a break for the nearest car and comes out with a gun. I am not anti gun, and am all for individual rights, but I am for common sense you know what I mean? Just sounds like trouble to me.


free heroin for babies too!

texans, when moving north out of state, stop at border, promptly kill yourself....you're not welcome here!


Ah good old Texas! Drive thru guns and liquor stores, killing retards or any colored persons that happens to fit the crime or just being in the general area, and a jail system that really works! I have found that the best part about texas is leaving. Sorry don't mean to be down on Texas as there are some really great people out there, mostly in Austin but there are also more than a fair share of rednecked, narrow minded assholes out there too. So i guess one more spot that texas has guns.


Pull my finger
well the next gun toting lunatic to decide to gun down his classmates will now be outgunned, makes perfect sense lol.

That's right. Remember the fuckups dont care if they are not allowed guns. I say fuck yeah. Put a hole in the next weirdos head that tries to gun down his classmates. Think if somebody @ VT had a Desert Eagle when that Korean dude went nuts. Way less folks would have died. He would have been bagged after his first shot.

Just IMO though. Gun laws are different everywhere. Be weary of when they take away our right all together. Then we are in trouble.

If they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Let the cowboys have their guns. Been that way for a long time. Anybody from Arizona can attest to that.

Go TX!
Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks Tx should be their own country! I may of been raised here (not by choice) but I was not born here. Tx is not part of America as far as I'm concerned and should succeed (sp?)
But, enough TX bashing! I see where you guys are coming from as far as being able to defend\protect others. It's the idiots out there that will exploit I'm afraid and we will hear of more senseless violence. That's all I'm trying to say.



What swampdank posted is one of the arguments, I believe, for passing this.

The crack heads who want to carry a gun to appear tough are going to carry one with or without the states consent. The people who advocate concealed carrying on campus seem to be responsible gun users. Killing someone with a gun registered to you isn't the smartest thing in the book, but than again, in the heat of the moment, the shooter probably isn't thinking that over in his mind.

On the other hand, people who take the time to carry everyday are most likely level headed and aren't out to kill someone. Ya gotta qualify for the cc permit beforehand. To be frank, I don't think Seung-Hui Cho would've qualified being mentally ill and writing english papers about killing and suffering in detail.

Personally, I'm for it.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
can we vote and make texas part of mexico?
i say get rid of the liberals!

all i know is that every college kid will get straight A's from here on out if the law passes.
would you fail a testosterone filled young man who has a desert eagle in his holster?
i know i wouldnt.


Pull my finger
can we vote and make texas part of mexico?
i say get rid of the liberals!

all i know is that every college kid will get straight A's from here on out if the law passes.
would you fail a testosterone filled young man who has a desert eagle in his holster?
i know i wouldnt.

Neither would Columbo. LOL! Wassup Frank!

Touchy subject but I have been in situations numerous times that made me glad Mr Smith and Mr Wesson were 3 moves away. I dont go anywhere withhout mine. Why? Cuz of weirdos like that guy at VT. And thug wannabes that might endanger my children. I also have the mindset that I cant pull it out and not use it.

Guns dont make your dick bigger, use them responsibly. Which is never unless you have to.


all praises are due to the Most High
but if one has a gun, won't one be putting one's children at risk anyway whether or not other parties that carry guns and who may or may not endanger your childrens' safety happen upon you?
in other words, if you shoot at them who carry guns to protect yourself and children, they will shoot back at you as well. what you need is a bullet-proof car in any case.


Active member
It's a very scary/ridiculous thought to think people need guns at an institution for education; but I wouldn't be willing to tell any man, who has went through the proper channels to get a concealed weapons permit, that he can't, for much like a police officer(well most), he isn't going to be someone I need to worry about(you won't get a pistol permit if you are considered a threat to anyone's safety), the ones I need to worry about (hardened criminals, psychopaths, thug/gangsta/tough guy wannabes) aren't going to worry about getting permit, or even a legally owned/purchased firearm for that matter(as some posters have mentioned before me.)

I want to repeat though, that I find it appalling that people think they need to carry a weapon at an University, and wouldn't think very highly of someone carrying a weapon at school.


Pull my finger
Well, basically, here in Florida, we have the "stand your ground" law. Look it up. We have the ability to take out any threat to our safety.

And trust me, after I shoot, nobody will be left to shoot back. They said the same thing about my .50 cal Desert Eagle. "It takes too long between shots with such a big caliber. I only need one shot. After that .50 cal shot rings out, everybody else in proximity will hit the deck guaranteed. I will continue to carry a gun (legally) because I dont wanna get caught without it. This is a subject of debate everywhere but I believe that having her with me is better than not having her with me. Never know what is coming in life. I also carry a snakebite kit everywhere. Dont see em that often, but if you get bit, you will wish for a kit.

Which brings me to animals. A gun can be used to defend against animals too. My dad shot a hog that tried to attack him when he went to take the trash out. He put a .45 shell in him and we had a party that weekend. Had he not been carrying that heat, he might have been dead. Mauled at the very least.

I am leaving this thread now because I dont want to get in to it with anybody. It is starting to heat up in here (like always with this topic) so I will leave it to ya'll.

All I can say is keep it civil and respect other opinions. We all differ on the matter. Your personal life experiences probably differ from mine. As does your area.
I want to repeat though, that I find it appalling that people think they need to carry a weapon at an University, and wouldn't think very highly of someone carrying a weapon at school.
I guess this was my point. I understand the need for the law, hell I'm even for it! I dunno just freaks me out I guess. I've just seen way too much stuff get out of hand quickly.


I wouldn't be willing to tell any man, who has went through the proper channels to get a concealed weapons permit, that he can't, for much like a police officer(well most), he isn't going to be someone I need to worry about(you won't get a pistol permit if you are considered a threat to anyone's safety)

This is exactly the point I think most of the anti gun people in this thread are ignoring since they are blinded by their anti-gun bias. They want to allow people with CCW's to be able to carry on campus, nothing else. People with CCW's have to go through a training and screening process first, and get approved by the police before it is ever issued.

And as someone else pointed out, the Viginia Tech thing would never have gone down like that if CCW's were allowed on campus. A lot of students protested after that incident because many of them had CCW permits and could have stopped it, but were outlawed from carrying their legal CCW's onto campus, thus causing a bloodbath since the lunatic gunman was the only one that was armed and could kill at will, and did.

People should be afraid of the people who want to strip all the guns away from the law abiding citizens, not something that makes sense like what TX is proposing...

My 2 cents.


stoned agin ...
man, college kids, gallons of booze, macho mania ... bad enuf when they have cars let alone guns. maybe if it was at brigham young or something :joint:
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