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So I'm watching the news over the weekend, same old humdrum, when lo and behold there is the story.......Texas is trying to make it legal to carry guns in college. College! O.K. I knew I was living in a backasswords country (Tx.) but I didn't know it was this bad. I mean come on, why do we need guns in college? So the next freshman that gets pissed off at his hazing and instead of having to leave, maybe think about it, to get a gun and come back. No it's right in your car now! Or the frat party that gets out of hand, leads to a fight then BAM somebody gets shot. Do we not have anything else we can channell our energies into? Like the MMJ bill that is just sitting still? Or our health care? Texas, I swear, forget about HELPING people, lets make it easier to kill people instead.

Sorry if I am just ranting but this seems pretty damn stupid to me.

Thanx for listening,

I think you are putting an undeserved lefty-tilt to the situation. It is quite obvious you think GUNS are the problem and the ppl that use them are VICTIMS ... not perps... :rolleyes:

Actually, I believe the debate surrounds arming the TEACHERS (if the WANT to be armed... no requirements), even if it's against school policy.

As for the students being armed, it's perfectly LEGAL here for ANY non-felon to arm themselves ... Texas will freely admit that the Police cannot really protect you.... just clean up the mess after it's all over with.

..the DEBATE was the the restrictive policy at the schools... and I'm not so sure it's a bad thing that most don't allow students to carry weapons; but CERTAINLY the teacher should be allowed to arm themselves!

Virgina Tech would have never happened if all or most of the teachers were trained and armed... that psycho would have been killed a LOT quicker and many lives would have been saved.

Or the frat party that gets out of hand, leads to a fight then BAM somebody gets shot.

So you think a gun-ban at schools would prevent this sort of thing?? The ONLY ppl that observe gun-bans are the LAW ABIDING citizens. The thugs will pack their pistols no matter WHAT kind of laws or rules are enacted.

Again, the PURPOSE of allowing the LAW ABIDING to arm themselves is to give them a CHANCE when a thug pulls HIS ILLEAGAL piece!

Unless you got a cop that follows you everywhere you go (like the asswipes who make the anti-gun laws do...) YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!! The police simply can't protect you unless we sellout to a new NAZI-NATION...

Is that what you want??

..just sayin

Attack the culprit.... not the tool.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
lots of you folks know I can be a 'fly off the handle' kinda guy but I'm
a whole lot more mellow in my day to day, I carry a concealed handgun
most days because the license says I can, better to have it and not need
it, than to need it and not have it.......

do you all really think that fucking coward Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech killer)
would've charged those classrooms if there was a chance other students may
be armed? I think not, if there'd be a chance he'd be dropped where he stood
(gun in hand) that pussy would've offed himself doing the world a favor.......


do you all really think that fucking coward Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech killer)
would've charged those classrooms if there was a chance other students may
be armed? I think not, if there'd be a chance he'd be dropped where he stood
(gun in hand) that pussy would've offed himself doing the world a favor.......



If that's the case i'm taking a joint into work. A few people beaten to death with a nice hit of Kush and we'll all be carrying them as if they were mandatory.

Aw yeah, bring on the precidents!!!!!!!
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