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Sorry if im going on a bit i have a thread in the UK section where i have gathered info to make this soil mix up and im finally happy with it but just want to run it buy you guys in here to see if you foresee any problems....

Im running my freebee seeds that i got from an order so if i fuckem up its not the end of the world...

5 SOL Blue Satellite 2.2 & 10 Sam the skunkman haze skunk 1

starting seeds off in 3inch pots under T5 Fluros with Canna seed mix soil for 2 weeks...

For the next 3 weeks they will go under a 600wM/H and into 1 Gallon pots in Plagron Grow mix

finaly they will be potted into 3 Gallon pots and put in this mix..

6 x 50L john innes no1 300L
2 x 50L Biobizz light mix 100L
1 x 50L Perlite
1 x 50L Biobizz earth worm castings
5Kg Bat Guano
2Kg Bone Meal
2Kg Blood Meal
2kg Kelp Meal
1 1/2 cup dolomite lime
1 1/2 Cup's Superphosphate
3/4 cup epsom salt

this will make 500 litres of finishing mix so some will be for the next big KUSH run...

Please.... if anyone see's anything wrong with this as in im missing somthing or there is to much of one or not enough of another then chime in....:ying:



Active member
Looks good to me Laylow. Seems like a reasonable mix. Is John Innes a soilless mix? I mixed up some soil today and used a mix of Fox Farms ocean Forest soil, some Sunshine #1 mix, perlite, ewc, blood meal, bone meal, and lime. The additions you have make sense and your ratios are similar to what I threw together.

Look forward to watching your grow. I'd like to run the Blumats with plain h2o as well. I had been using canna nutes but they were getting damn expensive for 22 plants. The Blumats are great an i am amazed at how much my girls drink. So I switched over to GH Flora Duo. I'd like to try a run with no nutes.

Good luck LLow.


the shit spoon
Well I read one guy said the Blumats work better with larger containers... 3 gal i think is pushing it.. 5gal buckets from home depot would probably work better..

I myself am thinking for my next run going 1 Blumat per medium-sized rubbermaid tub... SOG.. 4 plants per tub..

Also blood meal isnt worth the hassle it can sometimes cause.. nix it get your N from somewhere else... lots of sources.



been collecting a few snaps here and there so you will have to bear with me :pimp3:

So this is what will be mixed into the soil...


Got these in the post this week...



went and got myself one of these for the water notice how its raised for the blumats...

these are what are getting tested on freebee's so no worries if we fuckem up a bit :)

put them into soak set the thermostatic propagator to 23

36 hours later they have all popped except one of the blue sats...

got my Canna Seed mix into my little 3 inch pots dropped them about 1/2 inch into the pot covered and watered thoroughly

so come on how long till they break the surface? :D

cheers guys :pimp3:


ok a few broke the surface but i was a little worried as all of them should have been up so i picked one of the pots up and ithey are waterlogged to fuck so i emptied them out squeezed the water out of the soil and repotted them...

remember this is my first try in soil... note to self Soil is not like coco it holds water massively...

Damn hope they will be ok.... :frown:


Active member
ok a few broke the surface but i was a little worried as all of them should have been up so i picked one of the pots up and ithey are waterlogged to fuck so i emptied them out squeezed the water out of the soil and repotted them...

remember this is my first try in soil... note to self Soil is not like coco it holds water massively...

Damn hope they will be ok.... :frown:

it will be good. glad its not ur elite beans.


the shit spoon
LOL they will be fine. The number 1 killer of seedlings is overanxious growers :)

They're so cute when they first pop with their little cotyledons. And take pics when they grow their first leaves awwwwwwww treasured moments, they grow up so fast..


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
remember this is my first try in soil... note to self Soil is not like coco it holds water massively...

you would do yourself a great favor in remembering that statement . especially if you switched from coco . it is so easy to over water soil mixes !!!! make sure your plants have a dry time for the roots to grow out looking for water ..... very important .

good luck brother :)

growem green & stay safe ...Dans


5 above soil and its not looking good for the rest... WTF is going on can take 500 cuts and rootem in one go but cant germ a poxy seed....


just dropped some more beans will not be beat... SD-IBL CDxSD StrD....5 of each...

heater in prop set to 23, 50% soil 25% perlite 25% vermiculite... Slowly watered until slight runoff left to sit and then placed into Prop lid on and now we wait......

bluesat 2.2 and skunkhaze are on the window ledge what will be will be with them...


the shit spoon
hmmm are you still having problems? If you're putting the sprouts on the window ledge, maybe too much heat making their little taproots rot and wither?


no i put them on there when i decided to give up on them... lol... like i said a few have sprouted and are growing but im concentrating on the new beans i have put in as they are my priority in the big scheme of things... thanks for the interest bit quite in here... :D

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