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Tending Your Reservoir for a Full pH Swing and Cleaner Cannabis

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I've had the same problems with rdwc, dwc (as per your instructions), biobuckets (as per big tokes instruction). I ditched anything recirculating for years like yourself until I was advised by another member to incorporate a larger res to slow the rate of whatever was going on.

My plants have been looking great since, but the swing still occurs very rapidly without the doser if I don't buffer my water with tap, zone or no zone.

Theres only about 6-7' of strait shot 3/4" pvc tubing that drains back into the res, and 6-7' of 3/8" vinyl tubing that top feed into the buckets. There aren't any joints or crevices lurking, at all. I'm not saying that it's not bacterial, but if it is, the only observable symptom would be the ph drop. There is no odor or rot that I've seen associated with bacterial bloom.

Most say this type of ph swing isn't a big deal so long as its dealt with everyday. I only beg to differ because my flowers still pale in comparison to my buddies who grows the same strain in the same settings who has a more predictable swing, which I'm assuming explains the discrepancy.

Whatever the issue is, it only seems to effect the final product. The grows go swimmingly, providing I buffer my ro with enough tap on a regular enough basis. My roots fill their buckets to capacity, the plants fill their screens, the flowers fill out nicely, I get about a lb per tent.. The terpene expression just is still not to the highest standards. Everybody who doesn't know dude thinks my product is tops. Everybody who knows dude asks me why my flowers don't smell as strong as his after so many years of practice.

This time I am going to try ditch the zone altogether and keep up with my heiseberg tea every few days. I'm still very reluctant to stop buffering with tap to 100ppm. Maybe if I see the tea kicking ass I'll stop worrying about it.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Interesting... utterly unique in all the years I've been growing and reading about others online. I'm almost positive you'll find it's something local.

If it's biological, the tea should take care of it. You have a very clean system there and you've had the same problems with even simpler systems. Here's hoping.

Edit: Wife had a very good question. Can you list the equipment you've used in every grow with this issue so far? Is there a piece of equipment or two you've used with every grow now?
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Bobby Boucher

Active member
Wife had a very good question. Can you list the equipment you've used in every grow with this issue so far? Is there a piece of equipment or two you've used with every grow now?

I've switched setups so many times that I'd have to say no. I pretty much find myself either donating or throwing out my entire setup every few years.

....except for a couple of my cooltubes, of which i only use 1 anymore. I could buy another cheap, i suppose.

Might just be that I'm a fucking idiot who is only now learning to take care of a house. For example, it hadn't ever occurred to me until recently to bleach out all my drains, for any reason.

I'm about to have to completely gut my upstairs bathroom too. Seems to be a mold problem back behind the shower. Lots of variables in this old house I haven't even wanted to address.


Hello DC. Interesting threat, I'm a full supporter of a ph swing, that being said I run a ppk I site system, I dont do change outs just top up with my float valve from my stock solution. My system of 8 plants runs through about 32 gallons in roughly 5 days. I run Jack's 321 (I dont use 1 gram of Epsom salts though bc I use tap and haven't had to use as much. I use about .25 instead of 1)
What I'm hoping to pick your brain about is using teas. I'm 46 days into a flowering cycle that will take me to day 80ish... what would you recommend I use for a tea?
If I do use a tea, instead of adding it to the res directly I'm probably going to hand water every plant site with it to ensure it gets displaced evenly. And how often do you use a tea?
Thank you for all the knowledge you share DC, it's why I keep coming back to ic.. endless knowledge


Just a side note, I truly believe nutrient companies want us to dump our reservoirs every week, how else are they going to make money unless we dump our nutrient rich solution down the drain.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I've switched setups so many times that I'd have to say no. I pretty much find myself either donating or throwing out my entire setup every few years.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be some environmental issue. Excessive mold spores, possibly?

What I'm hoping to pick your brain about is using teas. I'm 46 days into a flowering cycle that will take me to day 80ish... what would you recommend I use for a tea?
If I do use a tea, instead of adding it to the res directly I'm probably going to hand water every plant site with it to ensure it gets displaced evenly. And how often do you use a tea?
Thank you for all the knowledge you share DC, it's why I keep coming back to ic.. endless knowledge
Thank you, glad I can help. :) Your ppk sounds like it has some rather large plants in it. :)

I have to say I don't know much about teas at all. I currently do not use any, though I'm not against the idea.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Heisenberg said there wasn’t any benefit to adding tea to a healthy res other than as a preventative.

The slight nutrient increase could be accomplished all the same by bumping up your synthetic nutes.

Google “Heisenberg” tea. The original thread is a pretty good read.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The reservoir for my flood and drain tray filled with red lava rock and coco coir transplants went from ph 5.5 to 7.0 in one day, then 5.5 to 6.5 the next. I hope it stabilizes. I may change the nutrient reservoir after 7-10 days while letting it empty and/or diluting with standing tap water. I'll attach a basket with pond filter media to the reservoir under the drain.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The reservoir for my flood and drain tray filled with red lava rock and coco coir transplants went from ph 5.5 to 7.0 in one day, then 5.5 to 6.5 the next.
Did you rinse the rock and coco first? Depending on the lava rock, it can have an effect on pH. Coco can also have a very high EC when you get it, which is why it should always be rinsed. Coco also absorbs and releases some elements, depending on environmental conditions. As the elements are absorbed and ppm goes down, the pH will rise. As coco releases elements and the ppm goes up, the pH will drop.

Couple things to keep in mind when using non-inert media and hydro. :)


New member
@ bobby Boucher does any light leach between tents. I wonder if the issue you have is due to shared DWC and opposite lighting cycles. Run your grow with just using one side and see if your issue continues.

@Douglas.Curtis I believe in this methodology (A little goes a long way)

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Sure. Some. They’re tents.

The problem existed before I ran opposing light cycles, and if anything has gotten better since.

Starting to think this old school cut just has crazy finicky eating habits. There just seems to be certain points in flower when it’ll do well on what it’s being fed, and others times, not so much.

My understanding of such things is admittedly limited, though.

I really want a god damn nutrient calculator to see what the hell is actually going on in there.

I ran without zone this time, adding Heisenberg tea every couple days, sometimes every day, just to make sure.

Same shit. Things went fine, providing I kept topping off with 8.0 tap and kept things under 600ppm. No slime, gunk, odors.. still a slow but steady decline in ph combatted with tap. Sunk down to 5.0 once er twice.

Seems to smell a lil more organic. I dunno.



Autistic Diplomat in Training
Unless it's the lighting, she's heavily over fed for flower. Again, as nutrient needs decline toward harvest, excess nutrients burning the roots cause a pH drop. No slime, no weird issues, just a pH drop.

Very frosty though. :) Good job! :D

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Can a plant even be over fed at 600ppm under its own 600w’er?

Might be a shitty photoshop job.


They’re at 500 in that photo, 3 weeks from harvest. They’re around 400 now, a week later.

*Not to mention, the ppm is always dropping.

Honestly just seems like tail chasing at this point.
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Well-known member
I would dry them now and stick them in my SS tube and make BHO out of it and call it done.
But that's just me.


Bobby Boucher

Active member
These are from clone, not from seed.

My understanding is that an overfed plant drinks more water than nutes, causing the ppm to rise. This is not the case. My ppm always stays level or goes down, while the same is true of my ph.

I’ve tried cutting the nutes further and further and the same shit happens within the res, regardless. Half strength, quarter strength, it happens. I’ve been trouble shooting this for years. I don’t think it’s quite that simple. If I go and dilute the fuck outa my res with RO, I guarantee the ph will plummet within 24 hours.

But honestly I’m ready to throw in the towel here.

I’ve seen this type of issue documented throughout the forums, and it seems to be generally accepted as a mystery occurance. Without quantifiable analysis of the res, it starts to seem like a crap shoot.


Why would you chop a plant at 6 weeks? Do they look that unsatisfactory? Confused.


Well-known member

Why would you chop a plant at 6 weeks? Do they look that unsatisfactory? Confused.

I'm sorry , I honestly think they look good enough, frosty enough .. if you were to give up .. I would still use what you got.
By no means is it a disaster. Just a mystery.
If you can work with it .. just keep going , I see frost , as long as there is no mold.
It all looks great.:tiphat:


Bobby Boucher

Active member
Oh, I'm not giving up.

It's just kinda silly of me to come repeating the same questions here, is all.

"No. We don't know why your ppm would be sinking along with your ph unless you are suffering from root rot" is what I've taken from this.

Still thankful.


Well-known member
Can the pH swing be utilized with the Hempy style?

I'd like to go to a setup that uses a res, but for now, it's perlite Hempys.