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Active member
I love how this guy gets under so many people's skin.

It is very revealing.

People project so much.

mean while in North Korea, Kim Jong-Un is sending people to forced labor camps, because they didn't cry hard enough at kim Jong-il's funeral.

And Tebow is the bad guy..?

The thread is pure comedy.

Thank you all.
if the citizens of north korea have a problem with their oppression, they should do something about it...they must like it!


Active member
if the citizens of north korea have a problem with their oppression, they should do something about it...they must like it!

You are so right. Just like everyone here, must loves having Marijuana illegal.

We must really want it to remain illegal or else we would just do something about it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
sproles went to the lockerroom first drive, concussion guaranteed
That was Thomas. He got knocked the f out. Looking real ugly right now. 4 turnovers.

This whole Tebow arguement reminds me of the Reggie Bush argument (from a football prespective). They both were hot shots in college and had tons of hype coming into the NFL, but their game doesn't translate to pro ball.

Tebow is a great leader and gets those around him to play better, but no pro QB is going to run an option offense for 11 years. He'll get killed.


I love how this guy gets under so many people's skin.

It is very revealing.

People project so much.

mean while in North Korea, Kim Jong-Un is sending people to forced labor camps, because they didn't cry hard enough at kim Jong-il's funeral.

And Tebow is the bad guy..?

The thread is pure comedy.

Thank you all.
But the xtian ones were crying out to their god to be saved - so is Kim Jong Un more powerful than their god???

He helps rapper and qb's - but not boring regular people???

Oh, I miss the religion forum - I was once a god there... :dance013:
mmj was illegal where i lived...so i moved to a med state...that's what i did about it, instead of crying "boo-hoo." it's all about choice....they CHOOSE to let these guys rule them!


Active member
But the xtian ones were crying out to their god to be saved - so is Kim Jong Un more powerful than their god???

He helps rapper and qb's - but not boring regular people???

Oh, I miss the religion forum - I was once a god there... :dance013:

You win. I can not touch such sound reasoning.


Active member
The big deal is he's controversial, doesn't matter if you watch hoping he loses or watch hoping he wins, the bottomline is the NFL wants more people watching and that's why you hear so much about him.

You hit the nail on the head HempKat.

Love him or hate him, all the NFL and CBS cares about is that you watch.


I though Kim Jong Un was now a living God..

Does he want Tebow to win?

god hates fags - the baptist church xtians told me...

(Classy does NOT believe that god hates fags - there is no god, and fags is an offensive term - used only in that post for dramatic effect)


OK I'll admit it. I'm not a Broncos fan...but I've been watching every game since they brought Tebow in as QB. Not because I'm a fanboy...but it's just a fucking trainwreck on the field. Kinda like watching the Daytona 500...ya just never know what kind of chaos it's gonna be.


I think god is ok with premarital titty banging, just no wang to tang contact.
Plse tell me he/she/it's OK w/ anal - I'd toss her salad, and make her cry out the 3 most beautiful wor'ds a man can hear from his woman...

"Careful - careful - careful"

Wimmins ain't built like that to be admired - theys like cake, you need to be into them up to the ears to really appreciate the frosting...

A virgin that looks like her just ain't been convinced properly - get a knuckle in, then go to town...

No premarital sex is just something concocted by a smart woman to use against a horny, stupid man.

To paraphrase Chrissy Hynde, "She shot her mouth off, and I showed her what those holes were for" :tiphat:


Invertebrata Inebriata
I am not a hater, that's why I posted in this thread.

Other threads that I have nothing positive to add, you will notice my absence from those threads.

I am pro-Tebow is you couldn't tell.

Okay, you're better than anyone on this thread, wow.:laughing:


Active member
i am glad we will never meet. i have a feeling you would piss me off and i would end up kicking your ass. stay safe man cut your hair, collect cash and live the life
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