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TC2010/Prop 19 unlikely to pass (new poll results)


We do have leverage on this and it is the only reason anyone is even considering legalization.

I disagree with your undue fear of anything aside from completely unfettered MJ markets, your demands are unrealistic as far as I'm concerned. You are trying to create an MJ market that will never exist by thinking you're able to circumvent basic aspects of the American marketplace which are extraneous to this situation, and in the end it only hurts the advancement of MJ legislation in our favor.

Wow, your perception of the world and what I am saying is way father off than I thought. I'm not going out on a limb here as you claim I am. All I am asking for is less regulation on the commercial aspect of cannabis, a lower age restriction, less harsh penalties on the sale to minors and minors in possession, and make sure taxes stay fair.. I don't think that's too much to ask. If you do, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion.

I don't fear anything, I just know what's going to happen. That's all. History and logic are on my side.


man... what I would not do for a 20 acre grow facility to corner the market! All under the pretence of so called legalization even when it is not...LOL.
Then try to see this. Under CURRENT laws people can already smoke and have a taste of freedom. Under current 215 laws, we already have large limits, people between 18-21 can smoke it, people can carry more than an OZ outside, no 5x5 limits, you can already buy, grow, and smoke weed here in california under current 215 laws. the new legislation just adds MORE restrictions to weed and barely gives us anything in return except lower prices.

You're confusing MMJ with legalization for the general public who consume for reasons other than medical use.


Moldyfrog. Prop 215 is legalization for all. The tax... a $100 to a doctor. You can get prop 215 legal for anything. Even recreational use as its still theraputic stress relief.


Active member
You're confusing MMJ with legalization for the general public who consumer for reasons other than medical.

Prop 215 is a quasi legalization, under the guise of medicinal use. Since we are already under a quasi/semi legal status, we should pass something worthwhile, not the garbage law that is prop 19.
Prop 215 is a quasi legalization, under the guise of medicinal use. Since we are already under a quasi/semi legal status, we should pass something worthwhile, not the garbage law that is prop 19.

You said it yourself - under the guise of...

Now I'll say something - time to get serious, play by the rules that every single other real industry must abide by, and not be just a bunch of disingenuous douchebag fuckheads trying to scam the system in the eyes of the entire country, because that is exactly what this mess makes us look like. This mess, the status quo, detracts from the very serious needs and rights of real medical patients who shouldn't have to deal with a bunch of children/adult-children fucking up the perception of their rights.


Moldy you're the one who is detracting and supporting the destuction of the rights of real patients. How the fuck can you insult the man who gave us mmj and then say we aren't real patients.

Moldy you're the one who is detracting and supporting the destuction of the rights of real patients. How the fuck can you insult the man who gave us mmj and then say we aren't real patients.


I can definitely cast aspersion upon that extremist if I please, he's unrealistic and it does the movement harm.

What I didn't mean to imply was that you aren't a real MMJ patient though. I meant to imply that real MMJ patients as determined by a doctor (not just some person lying about X symptom to get high) should not be devalued in the eyes of voters in this country by someone taking advantage of the medical system just so they can get high. You misinterpreted what I was saying, which was under the context of CaptinTrips' post talking about people getting MJ under the guise of needing it for medical reasons.


Active member
I can definitely cast aspersion upon that extremist if I please, he's unrealistic and it does the movement harm.

What I didn't mean to imply was that you aren't a real MMJ patient though. I meant to imply that real MMJ patients as determined by a doctor (not just some person lying about X symptom to get high) should not be devalued in the eyes of voters in this country by someone taking advantage of the medical system just so they can get high. You misinterpreted what I was saying, which was under the context of CaptinTrips' post talking about people getting MJ under the guise of needing it for medical reasons.

I said that because it is my understanding that is what the intention was with the passage of prop 215... Sudo legality, due to the fact under prop 215 you can get a recommendation for any condition in much MJ would be beneficial. Basically anyone. Lol. I believe Perron has said as much...
I said that because it is my understanding that is what the intention was with the passage of prop 215... Sudo legality, due to the fact under prop 215 you can get a recommendation for any condition in much MJ would be beneficial. Basically anyone. Lol. I believe Perron has said as much...

Yes, I know. It is that attitude is what loses MJ credibility as a whole in the eyes of voters within this country, which is exactly what I take issue with. More harm than good in the long run, ending up over time in a shitshow mess that makes us look like fools & detracts from the real need of those who actually need MJ for medical reasons.


Active member
the other day i opened up the SFweekly and theres a 20 page section just for cannabis clubs. how to make edibles, which edibles are the best, reviews of each club, etc etc.

THIS SHITS ALREADY PRETTY DAMN LEGAL in my opinion. get your card, and go have fun. you can buy, grow, all you want.

what does this "legalization" give us that 215 does not? just more restrictions, and this BULLSHIT 275k permit for commercial growing?

legalization is NOT legalization, its regulation, hidden under the disguise of legalization to get all you people to vote for it.


I guess everyone forgets that cannabis is a schedule 1 substance because the feds claim no medicinal value. Prop 19 plays right in there hand by showing that its recreational not medicinal. And moldyfrog I could give a rats ass what you think I do for the movement. Because lasttime I checked nobody else in the USA has openly declared income taxes for a business as a "pharmacuetical & medicine manucfacturer" with a specific product of "medicinal cannabis". By having the feds cash the tax check I've got a fed agency to approve of weed single handedly.

What have you done for the movement?


the other day i opened up the SFweekly and theres a 20 page section just for cannabis clubs. how to make edibles, which edibles are the best, reviews of each club, etc etc.

THIS SHITS ALREADY PRETTY DAMN LEGAL in my opinion. get your card, and go have fun. you can buy, grow, all you want.

what does this "legalization" give us that 215 does not? just more restrictions, and this BULLSHIT 275k permit for commercial growing?

legalization is NOT legalization, its regulation, hidden under the disguise of legalization to get all you people to vote for it.

True be that bro. some people just cant read between the lines. Luckily most of us can and thats why Prop 19 will never pass!

Vote No On Prop 19!


Reelbusy1 that statistics show that most of the arrests for possesion of an oz or less which are really just $100 tickets are for people under 21. Prop 19 doesn't help those most frequently arrested. If anything they will get more time.


Again this bill was never about legalization but the support of a mans business plan.

The author of this bill and his soon to be built 20 acre grow facility.

Prop 19 will support his facility by offering new customers instead of just patients.

I am sure he will add seeds to his menu and put alot of breeders out of the biz for good.


Reelbusy1 that statistics show that most of the arrests for possesion of an oz or less which are really just $100 tickets are for people under 21. Prop 19 doesn't help those most frequently arrested. If anything they will get more time.

For some reason these guys arent smart enough to figure this out. Its all good though. Most of us are smart enough and will be voting no!

Vote No On Prop 19!