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Nirvana AK48 - 210W CFL Grow


Hey guys they finally let me in after months of trying so I thought I would share my first grow. I'm growing in a modified dresser with 210 watts of CFLs (5x42) 14,000 lumens. Currently in week 5. Im using GH 3 part nutrients in hempy buckets. Dimensions are 29"W x 15"D x 25"H, 3.02 square feet, 69.5WPSF. Let me know what you think!


Shot of cab


Some eye candy

This is a closeup of one of the plants.

No idea what I will pull but Im happy so far for my first grow. I hope you all enjoyed! Peace


No its 50/50 perlite/vermiculite with a layer of hydroton on the top. Its just to keep algae down and helps when feeding not to disturb the actual medium. I have been reading about someone who does straight hydroton and they seem to do very well. Ill try it someday maybe. Peace


Great job....Frosting up nice under Cfl's. I have AK48, also in Hempy style bucket under a Hps 600. I'm gonna tag along for the Harvest show....


Thanks for the props guys. Ill be starting construction on a 4'W x 2'D x 4'T cab with a HPS soon. I have 6 clones of the AK48 vegging and just received an order of Bubblelicious, White Widow, and PPP. Stick around for the show. Anyone have a prediction as what I might pull? This is my first grow so I have no idea myself. Im hoping for 2 zips :joint:. Peace


Heres the latest shots of the plants. I will be updating the thread with pictures every Saturday.


Plant 1 Week 5


Plant 2 Week 5


Plant 3 Week 5

Feel free to add your questions, comments and critisism. I hope you will enjoy the show. Peace


I have 4 White widow seeds soaking as well as 4 Bubblelicious seeds. As soon as they show tap roots they will go into rockwool cubes and into hempy cups to veg for a bit. They will veg in my rubbermaid mom/clone/seedling box. Still not sure on what I will flower next. But it will probably be AK48 for another round except this time I'm going to try jogging the plants. Peace


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice lookin good virago..keep up the great work bro...Peace


Great for a first grow!! Mine kinda sucks atm lol There have been a few casualties along the way for me lol Good luck on harvest!!

Hella THC

Been wanting to try some AK48 from Nirvana myself. Have you ever had the smoke before?

Set up is looking very very nice! Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the props. No I havent tried it yet. Ill be able to sample it within the next month or so though. :joint: Ill be making a mom and running it again in the future though for sure. Im going to have a cab for a micro SOG soon. The Ill be able to run 3-4 strains at a time. Cant wait. Peace


Yeah I want it to be perpetual soon. No reveg. I have 6 clones vegging right now. Ill make a mom out of the best two and flower out the other 4. Lots of plans and ideas right now without the money to back em haha. But I'm getting there. I have 4 cabs right now, the dresser, a stacked rubbermaid mom/clone/seedling box, and two speaker boxes. Im going to use the speaker boxes for breeding soon I hope :joint:. Peace


I grew some AK48 about 6 years ago and I got two females. One was an amazing candy flavored sativa the other was a crappy low yielder. I have some AK-48 seedlings going now. I predict you will like the smoke!


Thanks, I'm sure it will be better than what Im able to buy around here. Just commercial shit. I cant wait to smoke my own! I bought a tripod tonight so I'm going to try and get some better pictures tomorrow. Im not much of a photographer and my photo's just dont do my plants justice. We will see tomorrow when the lights come on! Peace


Some new pics

Some new pics

I got a new tripod last night so I just had to throw up some pictures for you guys. Here goes




And heres my best macro shot to date!

Well there you go. I hope you enjoyed! Now I have to go put some seeds in rockwool. Peace