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TC2010: Good for CA, bad for growers?


The cat that loves cannabis
Come out from under your protective bubble and try growing in a non MMJ state for a couple years and lets see how you feel, you've had it good out there so long you've lost sight of what it's like for the rest of us.


I've never lost sight, and I remember. And dont think you guys helped get Cali, to the MMJ status that is today. It was us, it was the California voters. So dont say we're throwing YOU under the bus, when you have had it in your power just as we have to effect your laws.

Even if this passes, and we "hope" to fix it in the future, the damages that will be done will be catastrophic to quality, and supply of our MJ. gardens will be dismantled, strains will be lost, consistent "A grade" quality will come to an end. Families wont be able to provide for children, grow supply companies will go out of business, everything will lost.

This bill is purely for the rich to get richer. REMEMBER, this bill was written for the SOLE purpose of getting this state out of debt. So why do you think they will care about anything else other than money in THEIR pockets.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't agree with anything in that statement. My top shelf will always be here where is it going. Your saying that if this passes no one will have top shelf anymore? We have way different opinions on this.


I never said that. I said "consistent "A grade" quality will come to an end". Doesnt mean it will be gone, just not as available due to the flood of low grade crap into the market...
Hydro, if that happened I know of a lot of folks that can't even move all the outdoor they have, it would be better to burn it and be done. 800 per pound, fuckin crazy amount of tax. And I'm sure that the taxes won't adjust for prices, so if this passed and lets say a pound drops to 1000, your getting close to 100% tax, yeah thats fair. I see the black market ramping right back up, as the commercial grown weed will be shit. But 50 per oz tax is not insignificant, especially when prices overall will go down. Right now I am buying an OZ for 200 so in my case 25% tax would really piss me off, I say NO, I pay enough already. I think if you grow bomb weed your customers will keep coming back and probably paying you a decent price. Think about it like this if I had AAA quality OG kush would you pay 30-35 an 1/8, hell yeah you would, all day long. I pay 6 dollar for a god dam beer at a baseball game. Unless the big corps hire all the top talent to grow for them. I could see that happening, as I'm sure they know AAA quality doesn't just happen.

Here is an advantage the big corps will have to bring down prices. Lets say I am budweiser, an american icon that kills people and destroys families but we love them because they turn a profit for the shareholders. Really as long as my 401k increases I don't care how it happens I just feel good about it the increase. Back to my rant, so I rent a huge warehouse and I'm going to do my indoor thing, but now since I am a legit MJ grower, all licensed by the state and paying them there cut, I get SDGE, PGE, which ever utility is in my local to fund the placement of solars panels on my building to cut my electrical costs and be green, one step furthur I could sell the carbon credits for a profit. All paid for by us slobs that fund the Pubic Purpose Programs. Now I am growing AAA quality weed indoors for free (not free just at a rate you can't compete) on a mass scale, to get the price down you gotta cut something out. When I see Humbles stuff on the shelf, I'll quit growing and just smoke his.


I love my life
CA will be safe from Anheiser Busch and Phillip Morris until such time that the feds take it off schedule 1 or decriminalize.

It would be very risky for any large scale operation to function publicly while the DEA is still kicking in doors.

The level of tax $50 per oz or $800 per lb is abusive. What is the correlation between $800 per lb and the societal costs of mj? Why aren't CA oranges and strawberries taxed at $800 per lb?

This bill is evil and attempts to continue CA's bankrupt socialist system on the backs of growers and smokers. Just lame!


Yea but what about the tomato farmers in the sac valley growing tomatos from clone by the 1000s and the rice famers??? wouldn't be too hard to get some Blue Dream or Green Crack whatever and just have at it and they've got 500, 1000+ acres...ready to farm! Who can compete with that? Although...would they stop growing Tomatos for McDonalds to grow Ganja? who knows..

Also..since when did taxation equal legalization...I know for sure Jack would have NOT wanted TC 2010 to pass since taxing cannabis is 100% AGAINST what he stood for! Please Californians...for the good of California medical marijuana and for the chance to eventually have a nationally recognized medical marijuana program and have marijuana recognized as medicine...Vote no on this bill!!

NO other type of medication would be up for an allowance like this..why don't we write a bill for TAX OXYCONTIN 2010 or TAX PENICILLIN 2010 and submit that too? Surely..there's money to be made from the state from all the antibiotics and painkillers coming out of the pharmacies already in place!!


Throbbing Member
..It would be very risky for any large scale operation to function publicly while the DEA is still kicking in doors.!


What company would apply for the state license with the FEDs looking on. Sure the small >100 plant grows might be overlooked, but ANY bigger large will be crushed.

Cash croppers are already breaking the law, how would continuing what you are doing be any different under this law?

Until Federal laws change there will be NO large commercial grows. But, this will allow everyone to have plants in their yards:jump:


I love my life
Yea but what about the tomato farmers in the sac valley growing tomatos from clone by the 1000s and the rice famers??? wouldn't be too hard to get some Blue Dream or Green Crack whatever and just have at it and they've got 500, 1000+ acres...ready to farm! Who can compete with that? Although...would they stop growing Tomatos for McDonalds to grow Ganja? who knows..

Also..since when did taxation equal legalization...I know for sure Jack would have NOT wanted TC 2010 to pass since taxing cannabis is 100% AGAINST what he stood for! Please Californians...for the good of California medical marijuana and for the chance to eventually have a nationally recognized medical marijuana program and have marijuana recognized as medicine...Vote no on this bill!!

NO other type of medication would be up for an allowance like this..why don't we write a bill for TAX OXYCONTIN 2010 or TAX PENICILLIN 2010 and submit that too? Surely..there's money to be made from the state from all the antibiotics and painkillers coming out of the pharmacies already in place!!

You are right, but a little early. Those CA farmers could already grow MJ and stay off the radar. If they choose to grow MJ on the radar here comes the DEA.

The real rub is the CA taxing authority. Right now they don't have much of an incentive to grill farmers and growers; however if there is an $800 an lb tax here come the pigs!

I am right there with you Oxi kills Californians and cost the states million. Is it taxed? NO! It is paid for by the state through Medical and handed to the poor! It also is sold on the street to Californian's who end up hooked and ruined.

Yep good idea CA hunt down your farmers and charge them $800 per lb, then take that money and buy Oxi and hand it out to the poor.

I'm very glad I only visit the ocean and don't live there anymore.


This shit is fucking sad. And too bad it will pass, too.

I've lived in the most weed-intolerant states my whole life and that hasn't stopped me from living the "high life." I don't "panic" when I'm high in public...it's like that song "I'm high all the time." The only thing that kills me is the prices and the inability to start a grow worth anything. Unfortunately it's too late to head out to Cali and try to get a piece of any of this action...I sure hope this doesn't pass. They'll be putting arsenic and rat-poison in that commercial weed too, just you watch. Next they'll be claiming that with this new "legalization," scientific research has shown that marijuana is more addictive and harmful than ever. It will fall deeper into the category of "controlled substance" and will never be "medical."

As the kids from Cali have already said, us fuckfaces in other states have EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE THE SAME WAY CALIFORNIANS DID...wake the fuck up...smack the shit out of your hick grandpa, kick your jewish uncle in the balls...stop fucking bitching at people who don't want this bill passed...it's fucking disgusting..after so many generations of bastardization the people of this country don't know any other way of life than the regulated one. Fuck this bill.

You will be jailed for smoking in public (probably worse charges than if you were caught now), you will be jailed for smoking around or with someone who is 18, 19, or 20 (are you FUCKING KIDDING ME????)...Full on legalization. That means, yes, 10 year olds can take a bong hit....WATCH YOUR FUCKING KIDS YOU SAD EXCUSES FOR FUCKING RESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEINGS...useless lumps of flesh...people are so...aggravating...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I see nothing wrong with age limits. We as parents have a responsibility to protect our kids from themselves. We as parents are responsible for our kids actions. We can be sued for what they do. I educated my kids on the use of all drugs and alcohol. When then turned 21 they can make this decision to use or not.


I love my life
I see nothing wrong with age limits. We as parents have a responsibility to protect our kids from themselves. We as parents are responsible for our kids actions. We can be sued for what they do. I educated my kids on the use of all drugs and alcohol. When then turned 21 they can make this decision to use or not.

I can marry an 18 year old in CA, we can do all kinds of crazy shit, but hand her a beer or joint jail time?

Age limits are only appropriate for minors. The multi tiered system of limited rights for those 18 - 21 is immoral and has negative side effects on adults.

How many states still have age of consent under 18? The answer is SEVERAL.

Creating new laws to imprison weed smokers is wrong. If you can marry or enlist you should be able to smoke and drink. But thanks to evil groups like M.A.D.D. all states have been forced into a 21 year old drinking age.

Trying to control non-violent adults is immoral. You can't legislate morality is a very old and true statement.

Funny that the CA state lottery has no problem selling to 18 year olds.

(Taken from my post on another thread)

I fully understand both sides of this. Well name calling is not called for, I feel the frustration that people are experiencing. This isn't just a product- IT'S A WAY OF LIFE- A 'CULTURE'!

I wouldn't put 'financial gain' over people's freedom either. But it doesn't have to be one or the other!

If anyone with half a brain applied themselves right now THEY CAN DO ANYTHING UNDER OUR CURRENT LAWS! I know many "bushy old growers" who have dedicated a great deal of their life to perfecting their art. And, like it or not, The powerful Tobacco industry is putting A HELL OF A LOT OF 'MONEY' OVER MANY GROWERS 'FREEDOM' TO MAKE A LIVING!

As Johnny Lydon (PIL) said: "big business is very wise". We need to beware of who we are getting in bed with! If your fine with the Walmart model of cheap crap pushing out Craftsmen and Artisans, than fine.

Right now Californians consume between $870 million and $ 2 billion worth of medical marijuana per year! That's where Phillip Morris & Big Tobacco's love comes from!



Again, that's where Phillip Morris' love comes from!

Where are the Moonshiners of the 20's and 30's who claimed their product was too 'refined and superior' to be massed produced? WHERE ARE THEY?! They could never have imagined how lucky we are right now! By not being completely legal- the prices remain high enough to provide a living. By applying and using the laws that exist- NOBODY HAS TO GO TO JAIL!!!

Corporate America can't believe that the small grower has the nerve, THE AUDACITY!, to have that $2 Billion going through the common man's hand!

Indeed 'this is NOT a love song'!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
there are legal avenues minors can take if they think they can care for themselves. Im more concerned about the kids up until there 18. I do agree that 18-21 is not an appropriate age limit. if you can vote at 18 you should be able to consume what ever you like.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
If you can go to war at 18, then you are a MAN, right? Federal Highway funding and insurance statistics are the cause for 21 age limits. How many states could work without Federal funding for Interstates.

All the people that bitch, saying Cali needs to do this, or do that, need to either move there or start making a change in their state for medical, or continue the status quo.
If you want to tell Cali growers to support a bill, how about one not written by the 'Big Tabbaco' of ganja?
How about Tom Ammiano's bill?

High Noon

I wouldn't count on that staying how it is for very long. The cheap cost of the mass produced product that will come into the market will probably shut down all the clubs or turn them into retailers. Small growers won't be able to compete with the price cuts. This will lead to a monopoly on the market and eventually cut out the MMJ scene.

Look, I'm not saying that 10 y/o's should be out taking rips. I can understand an age requirement. I don't know if 21 is right. I think 18 would be a better age. I'm against how the system will be regulated. It's basically gonna become how big tobacco is. An even better comparison would be the beer wars. The small craft/elite/high-end guys who do manage to turn a profit and have quality smoke will be pushed out by big corporations by them just starting their own craft/elite strains and what-not, and we all know that bud golden wheat just aint the same as a good Pyramid Hefeweizen.

And look how well Pyramid Brewing Co. does. There will always be a market for quality made products.


I love my life
If you can go to war at 18, then you are a MAN, right? Federal Highway funding and insurance statistics are the cause for 21 age limits. How many states could work without Federal funding for Interstates.

All the people that bitch, saying Cali needs to do this, or do that, need to either move there or start making a change in their state for medical, or continue the status quo.
If you want to tell Cali growers to support a bill, how about one not written by the 'Big Tabbaco' of ganja?
How about Tom Ammiano's bill?

19 the average of death during some tough times in the Vietnam war. Why the hell are you playing their game?

How many federal government fucking highway dollars would there be without the states paying in?

I'd like you to change your view on this version of the status quo.

We have a constitutional amendment stating 18 is the age of majority, your statistics should not trump the constitution.



One day you will have to answer to the children of
Not trumping bro,
Just saying WHY it IS.

I fully support 18. I prefer the way Germany has it, 16 (14?, or less dad says it's OK) to drink, 18 to drive...They are a lot more responsible when it comes to having a Designated Driver! Or at least a lot more responsible than I was growing up. Out here we used to have to get on the Highway so we COULD drink.