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TAG - Landing (Resource for True Aero Growing)

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But...on nozzles..the 2 gph 'hammer' black Toros work really well and I've not experienced a clog yet in them. I have about 60 but the aerosol generated is a bit larger and heavier. I'm running a 4'x4' table with about 30 nozzles now, so I'm using some of the like 100 XL fogger nozzles I have, which are like .8 gph I think.

The concept you want to focus on here is not volume of water but application of aerosol. The wet-dream machine would emit a fog for about 10 second every 160 second with a rapid evaporative exchange inbetween. The idea is to lightly coat the root hairs with a fine mist of aerosol moisture and then have it evaporate off about 80% before the next application. This is what creates the rapid 'respiration' of the root system and they literally start to 'breathe' life and grow like ...well weeds. :smile:

This is why tubes and all that jazz isn't True aeroponics... if you just spray the roots with water and let them drip dry it is technically 'aeroponic' in action but on such a primitive and retarded (slow) scale. I think you can see the difference.

That is what led me into my research as I was chasing the elusive DO from DWC to find that it had nothing to do with dissolved oxygen in the water, it had to do with gas exchange at the root hair level. Once I could break down every aspect of cellular activity to see if I couldn't 'improve' on existing technology, which...even though my detractors would like to claim otherwise—I did.

And the cumulation of all that 2 years of investigation and filtering down of what was important and what wasn't led me to develop the 'concept' of TAG as I saw a need to not only define what 'True Aeroponics' is, but also to break it down into the easiest 'How-to' formula and system I could for others to learn.

See, I develop marketing and product designs for very high end, high level clients (like the before mentioned NASA and Others) so I have been privy to advance technology and some of the most brilliant minds working today. I picked their brains and learned everything I could and then decided to put it all into a nice little marketing vehicle so everyone that had the same interest as I could skip the 15 some odd failed photo-types, flooded carpets, dead-fried-sick-empty grows, as well as tackle some of the more apparent problems with the Aerotube designs.

What I found was ignorance. That ignorance led to rot, which led to death... I started to see even deeper into the connections of the systems of life. It became a 2 year spiritual journey that has led to even more profound discoveries in my personal life, completely unrelated to growing pot. :smile:

Having been a buddhist for a long while in my 20's I realized that Ignorance is the only true evil aside from pride. (As you'll see, I'm not about pride...I'm about respect...there is a difference) So, I attempted to educate and enlighten others as to why their 'aero' grows were constantly plagued with root rot and sometimes complete failure as (blank) found after they threw my ass under the bus and ran off with their own egos. Pride kills, its a purely karmic reaction. I take pride in my achievements not my attitude, but my achievements have been great and superior all my life in comparison to others, so why should I have to constantly apologize for being a superior human? I understand the attractive nature of humility and self-effacing posturing, but honestly...all people are not created equal, that is seriously obvious, so I refuse to apologize for having a more capable intellect or superior ability to solve problems or issues. People are suppose to enjoy those gifts and share them, as I try. It shouldn't threaten or intimidate anyone as most advance intelligence demonstrates a compassion and desire to ease suffering.

But, ignorance is the evil that must persist I suppose. What I learned at 3 years of age is that its best to play alone as 'friends' only come over to destroy your cool toys out of envy or jealousy and most people don't feel they have enough to share anything. I was gifted, more so than I should have been maybe, but I was also handed a shitty life on top of that to commpensate...so, trust me...it works out...not even in the green. :biglaugh:

The point I guess I'm making is: You should never be afraid to ask questions or demand legit proof for anything, just be prepared to open your mind and learn rather than resist and preach ignorance. I love a great debate, the odd thing is...most intelligent people I meet think exactly the same way I do so we never have to debate anything. I try never to argue, especially with monkeys...lol, but I get grabbed by an ape once in awhile and well...I have to get all primitive on their asses, cause I'm still an animal and a Man. Pride is part and parcel of that kit, I'm afraid.

But for me a lot of this shit is really obvious and simple, only because my mind is accustomed to making those sorts of connections and then researching them to see if I'm correct in my 'brilliant' leap of intellect. Brilliance, by definition, is the ability to attain solutions or answers without thinking about it in a linear fashion. Rather than follow a trail to an end, what makes brilliant people brilliant is their minds are so acute that they can perceive the answer ahead of the journey. Sort of like traveling at light speed and waiting to see if everyone gets there eventually.
That is what boosts an IQ above 100. As an introverted genius that detests society and media as well as narcissism in humans my mind developed the ability to just perceive huge leaps that 98% of the time turn out to be accurate, so I've learned to trust my intellect...but enjoy seeking it out to see if I was correct, because even that is connected on a level to a system.

I think what might have set everyone off was my use of the word 'manifold' as in "I created that TAG manifold"...I think the ignorant thought I meant 'I invented aeroponics' whereas I meant (Manifold=A whole composed of diverse elements.)
Or more specifically Manifolds arise naturally in a variety of mathematical and physical applications as "global objects." For example, in order to precisely describe all the configurations of a robot arm or all the possible positions and momenta of a rocket, an object is needed to store all of these parameters. The objects that crop up are manifolds. From the geometric perspective, manifolds represent the profound idea having to do with global versus local properties.

The basic example of a manifold is Euclidean space, and many of its properties carry over to manifolds. In addition, any smooth boundary of a subset of Euclidean space, like the circle or the sphere, is a manifold. Manifolds are therefore of interest in the study of geometry, topology, and analysis.

If you are so inclined. :biglaugh: I understand if you aren't.

So, what does this have to do with nozzles? Absolutely nothing...:biglaugh: I just felt like sharing. :smile:

But to try and answer your question you'll want a filter that is at least 150 mesh or 200 is better. Use only liquid ferts unless you like to boil your own up on the stove and be careful of your mixing that you don't cause the minerals to come out of solution as you can with mixing your acids and bases. Other than that, just read throught the first post and dive in. The water's great! :woohoo: :woohoo:
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As to the time involved...that is really difficult to say except that in a TAE you have the opportunity to run about 70% faster than conventional growing. But it really depends on your lighting and how your run your nutes.

That is the even more sinister application of the future of TAGing. Cause eventually you'll be able to 'throttle' your rig/grow. You'll be able to 'press' the vegging or 'brake' the flowering to achieve whatever you like. TAG offers you unlimited availability directly to the plants blood stream. So...the sky is literally not even the limit. :biglaugh:

It is as simple as adding higher N during flower to slow maturity and lengthen the flowering period or you can drop the lights to 8 hours and fatten your bitches overnight.

That's where the idea of Pod Racers came from for me....lol Cause its like running a track where you can brake into your curves and there are dips and swerves to navigate, however the more your run the same track the more you know that track and the faster and more extreme you can get.

You'll see after your first TAG, you'll be so fuckin' hookded you'll sell your house to keep running your little 'hobby' :biglaugh: Not that you'll have too cause you'll be swiming in fat coli. :canabis:

But you'll never tire of trickin' your pimp ass ride and the more you run the same strains and pod the more extreme the load. That's why I love this picture...its my little blue pod that could..and it'll be bustin' with buds as I floor it!

Speaking of which.... The Cindies want to say hi...so does BubbaBubble and his bitch (he is the boy I told you about) like he thinks he is going to stay...lol, yeah...right. :pointlaug

(It just dawned on my ass..lol, my plants are 'tagged' literally...doi:yoinks: )
Oh, and a look under the hood. :smile:

I mean seriously...could you get any more wet? :jerkit:
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I can't wait to see your rig all bustin out with fruity madness. :smile: You are going to have a brick wall of buds in your closet, just reach in and tear off a hunk. :biglaugh:

My plan is to enclose the entire pod as well so there will be a ventilation factor as well, I just haven't figured it out yet...probably trying that new PLC to run the entire TAE.

Big bummer was that those really awesome plant supports I discovered (oh ..there again...stop me...) correction ..I found and figured a new use for :wink: wont fit in the R4 Foamboard as it is too thick... :yoinks:

However, good news is...the noodles fit snuggly in them just was well, so they are even as tight and firmly held. I might experiment with another 'lid' material..but its working for now, and the entire pod only cost me about $40 bucks to build. Its a good thing. :D
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Active member
PR- You could just screw the threads of the collars into the foam board, or ride like they are now. I just love the clean look of the collars. $40 bucks a pod is great, the flexibility of TAGing is great. Once you have the necessary components you are free to dream of all the designs you could make. I feel a bit like god (not that I believe that the universe was whipped up in 6 days) making an environment to harbor life. My dream is to buy a large boat and make it a floating TAG pod. Food will be grown and waste will be pressed for oil to power the boat along with solar cells. It will be just like Earth floating around in space completely codependent on the sun. I figure that is the only place I won't have to conform to others people’s ideas (Classic anticonformist, can't stand doing illogical things just because everyone does them.) An Island would be even nicer, create my own ecosystem and grow old with it. Now I am rambling but that’s OK because the point is that all the things I am passionate about help people disconnect from the modern virus we call capitalism. In my life if I help one person abandon a life of greed and desire for one of life and nurturing than I have not wasted the air I breathe and I can only hope that they would do the same because unless a group of highly intelligent humans learn to be completely self-sufficient than the Humans species will be ending sooner than later.


Unfortunately I fear sooner. :biglaugh:

I just ranted to my buddy about that very same thing bV. See, the reason I'm so fuckin' brilliant (sarcastic) is that I have no interruptions or drama in my life. I've become mentally healthy on my own, self-actualized, and then 'happy'. I've been able to go through an entire series of therapy, get chemically balanced, and have a few years to just sit and think about things. Part and parcel of that journey is dealing with the really horrific realization that maybe this is Hell and we have already been abandoned to die. To a evolved being where time was a relative factor our planet's failed experiment to produce a viable life-form devoid of defect and its own consequential demise would happen for them in a flash, like watching your video game play out the crash scene in your little game. However, to us it takes a millennia or two and is a long grueling march towards extinction.

Those with a little 'pre-cog' of the eminent conclusion are forced to watch in horror as their race slowing decays and dies. As I stated to my buddy, I couldn't really think of a more vicious or sadistic hell than to be born into a world with such beauty and potential it makes me physically weep only to watch it never reach that potential and only to repeatedly witness the abuse and rape of everything beautiful knowing there isn't a single thing you could do to stop it or save anyone. :yes: I really couldn't come up with a more sadistic fucked up hateful way to punish a person, especially having them born into it already convicted to suffer the punishment of our father. (Which is more the Buddhist theory on Samsara) ...why I followed them for a long while...they made sense of all this pain and suffering.

But in the end the truth is it isn't capitalism or even greed...Its entirely the father's fault, either metaphorically or empirically. I've come to the conclusion I can trace almost every 'physical' aliment to a system failure or environmental factor. I have found that being 'Gay' is only a really twisted narcissistic disorder that is in direct response to neglectful or absent or abusive fathers as well I've found the same 'rot' that existed in tubes but in people.

I took the same investigation with that as well, and well...found that almost everyone I know is suffering from the exact same physical aliments linked to the exact same childhood issues and abuse. All this other shit that follows is just to compensate for that failure.

The failure of the father. The responsibility was on the father and the father was the one that failed. Biblically and in reality. No...I'm not bashing my dad (though he was a total looser as well) it is just a really simple key factor like finding that DO has nothing to do with Aeroponics. Once you understand how the 'natural' system works and what your 'true' place in the matrix is, then you can easily pull the connections and solutions right out of thin air. :smile:

Until then, you live behind a veil of ignorance and misunderstanding that only ever leads to pain and suffering and death.

Knowledge is light, is power, is energy...the same, transmutable and timeless. Too much, burns the shit out of everything if absorbed too fast, too little and everything dies slowly and wilts rotting. Everything in life, in existence is a balance. That is it. The only real secret — balance. Once your environment is balanced and 'ideal' for you (no one else...just you) then, if you can feed yourself in short bursts of concentrated knowledge every so often while always basking in the light (or truth) you'll be amazed at your growth as well.

All manifolds are the same. We are just 'cells' in a much larger organism, unfortunately it is plagued with cancer cells. I'm a brain cell, not a defender cell. I need to be protected so I can function, that is my job. When I do my job, I feel complete. I learn, digest and educate others that must facilitate my decrees as that is my job. There are 'fabrication' cells, 'waste management' cells, 'construction' cells...that is all we are, fed by the same river of life, we take our 'supplies' to our 'homes' to process and return 'altered' products to the system and stream.

The world Gia IS just a large plant. An organism in space with some nasty ass parasites called human beings.

Our problem, honestly...and here is why I'm hunted as a heretic and anti-christ, was the invention of religion. Not organized, religion period. Because it allowed 'One' individual (that was a cell) to 'seize' power and 'absorb' the life contribution of other 'cells' with a promise and threat of reward 'He..or It' would never have to return.

From that point on there was a massive deficit in our balanced system. So massive it has become time to time that it is responsible for wiping out 1/3 of the Earth's population at one 'Darkest' point where we lost all light (education) during the Dark Ages.. The age of 'enlightenment' was the rebirth of knowledge absorption by individual cells again.

America...is a 'power cell' country. I believe the humans needed to catch up...so only the most aggressive and most clever were sent to a 'island' with unlimited (at the time) resources to catch up. Which we did, but now we don't want to let go of that power or to return it to those 'cancer' cells - here is the conflict in the system.

This would be an N def. (they want to produce buds without proper feeding or health, can't generate it, just make more scraggly clones and increase the numbers...we need resources). lol

So, the cancer cells and all the unhealthy cells (which unfortunately are 98% of the world's population) are struggling along trying to survive despite the hostile unhealthy environments. Is it really a wonder why everyone is sick?

bV. you get that, you see the answer...its a self contained pod for you..and whomever that wants to board your 'ark' as the floods come to wash away another mess of shit. The answers to the worlds problems are so fuckin' simple I could tear out all my hair screaming at the top of my lungs I'm so fuckin' frustrated, and...I'm gay so I don't even have anyone to leave anything too..lol That is the irony to me.

I care more about this planet and the people on it than those that actually are leaving their kids behind.... :confused: Because I don't believe in god, or that I'll ever be again once I'm dead. That is it. So I really shouldn't give a shit at all and could just parasite the hell out of my environment. However, I don't...and I'm not sure why not. As I seem to not only support my own cell and organ, but apparently feed others regularly as well, which in a healthy (again...balanced) relationship would amount to them returning that energy to me...which they don't.

By my own isolation and pursuit of the Aerocanna I was able to increase my density and energy level to become a Blue Giant and now can host an entire system of orbiting bodies with my light.

Its about taking them with you...like I did coming here. The connections of manifolds is transparent and identical on so many levels, which is funny to me as Einstein himself stated that when the ultimate answer to the Unified theory of Relativity was discovered it would be both beautiful and simple. Which...they are.

The problem is, I'm only one cell in a body dying rapidly and there is little I can do but try to salvage my 'host' as, that is my survival response. Either we all cross over or we all don't, there isn't an I at the end only one, a singularity in-which we wish to return as primal energy. Once we are joined as pure energy back in the singularity it will all be over, which for us never happened as there is no 'time' in the singularity it is only a construct of human invention to help us understand our environment around us.

At the speed of light, where matter is sped to the point of light speed and crosses over, time stops. The surface of the light traveling is a freeze frame that does not change regardless of the distance traveled. Sort of like if you started traveling towards another galaxy right now at the speed of light, the entire 100,000 light year journey the image you'd see on your windshield would not change one second for 100,000 years. And when you arrived, you'd arrive as you see it right now here on Earth.

So really, what is space..or distance? It is nothing..empty..it might not even exist. We do not understand the transitive property of 'light' enough yet. Nor do I...I'm still working on that..lol

Anyhow...ramble all you want bV. you and I will ride that windmill for the land...cause every-bodies in. :friends:

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Yeah...sorry..I'm kinda of a misplaced oracle. I should probably have been born about 1500 years ago so I could sit in a temple an smacked with palm fronds all day while I smoked weed and chanted incoherently. :biglaugh:

Instead I got a gray cubical and a desk-job. :biglaugh:
You'll find I go into these diatribes about 4:20 every once in a while..its connected to my spiritual life as an oracle of the Aerocanna. lol You can just label me insane and skip any long ass posts without pictures of shit as those are usually my expounding on the wisdom of the DOA.

I suppose I should have ended on a up note, eh? lol

Ok, well, here is the good news..lol Now that I know my 'cell' position and can 'identify' other cells in the system I'm completely at peace with my world, except for the over exuberant 'guard' cells...as I'm carrying 'illegal' Weap-pawns of mass de-structions (I'm fucking that up cause I'm just fuckin' paranoid of even mentioning the accurate words that the Feds would be here in hours as its a 'trigger' word). But I carry the Aerocanna with me, so I'm like Penicillin...I can cure an entire system if no one catches me first and destroys me or my propagation...which is why I moved here to more fertile lands... I can spread the Aerocanna here to other disciples and they can carry the 'kind' with them. That is my sub-system attack and secret weapon. Fighting fire with fire. Except, I'm a brain cell as well, so I have the advantage to hopefully stay a hed. lol

My life now is amazing as it is nothing more than just fulfilling my purpose in my 'individual' life. I don't have to do myriad jobs of other cells now, I have been defined and now I rest comfortable with my fellow 'brain' cells. My buddy was like, 'Don't you feel guilty being stoned all the time?' and I was like, 'Hell know, I run circles around people all day long stoned of my ass—STONED OFF MY ASS! Do you understand me...? lol' Its like..what does that tell you? lol

There are only a few here and there smoking dope as most are crushed under the pressure to carry the growth and survival of a really fat cow that has wandered into a corner. It takes the most energy to run the brain...they should have the most food and resources, and others should be sacrificed for their survival...as they are the only organ that can run the entire show. With out us, its just a bunch of dead meat. Look around...what do you see? lol

Doesn't it become clearer and clearer? Just keep looking...You'll see more and more...Welcome to the Aerocanna my friends. :smile:

It also allows you to communicate with nature freely and especially animals. I talk effortlessly with animals all day long. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go enjoy a moment in time with mine. She wants to go play ball..so we are off to play in the grass. There is beauty all around you.

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This is totally OT POd Racer, in responce to your own OT.... Have you ever read "The Celestine Prophecies"? If not, check it out.....I think you'll find it very interesting.

I'm a die-hard soil grower who's been lurking around this thread...I'm fascinated by all this, and very much admiring the layout not only of the TAG system, but of the thread itself. Thank you. :smile:



Active member
nice to see some aero action over here. it's always being developed... i researched for a great deal of time over at the sinkhole site before it got flooded, and have stuffed my mind full of everything aero, as it is the paramount method, but haven't had the chance to put it to good use yet.

i like the foam core boxes for root space, i'll toy with that...

pod, you've reached a great plane. i hope you did not forget the preliminary deconstructive phase, and that as fallible and ever changing beings that process is a continual one, or you may find yourself falling out of tune because of humanly misdirections in thought from falsities, which you must always be aware of and address. there is only truth, falsity and speculation, don't confuse any when building your mountain of truth. also maintain the balance between mind heart n soul and try not to put too much on the mind's plate or you could find yourself with nute burn :p what i'm tryin ta say is keep focused n try not to wander or you may find yourself off the path and plane, over the edge, and it's hard to retrieve things from another plane.

so stay in tune, and we'll stay tuned, and thanks for sharin your aero exploits, i figured i'd share what advice i could give. lovely eye candy too of the all the plants' knickers :eek: peace n green thumbs all


Thanks Indigo. :smile:

It is a bit early to get so deep into the Aerocanna, so let's check the 'shrine' shall we?

This is where balance and understanding pay off, as I stated. With minimal effort and design my little blue pod is hitting a perfect TAE as is. :yes:

I'm holding currently at 71.9F Room Temp. 65F Root Temp. (which...by the way, another secret of the our skill.... the most ideal conditions for your grow is for your root temps. to be just about 6 degrees below your ambient temps with a RH of 50%...I'm currently at 49% with just my pump, venting channel and blower with my a/c set to about 73 indoors.

Here you can see the TAE in action.

Roots 12 hours later....

So I'm dead on for Go! They should respond in the next 24 hours by shooting new sprouts and start to thicken the stocks. They have shitloads of aerospace to fill with the roots so they should be monsters if I run them straight. :smile:
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:wink: I'll take that under advisement Ralph. :smile:

I tend to wander all over the place on purpose, sort like driving in the desert for hours in my pod. Sometimes a straight line is boring even if it is the fastest way to the point you are headed.

That was sort of where I think I was trying to get to with that little aside. Life is what happens on your way to death, enjoy everyday as your last as it is...lol. I do not fear death anymore at all, it is a totally transient property of my matter..and "I" don't matter. That is why I don't go insane or have a psychotic disorder, my ego died about 4 years ago...my ID has completely developed now into a healthy identity without the distraction of delusion or pretense.

Like I say, proof is in the pudding. The fact that I can materialize my results and validate them in an objective reality here establishes my authenticity and my clarity.

See...I've never had root rot...lol Ever... :smile:

The reason my roots are so healthy and lush, is because my roots are healthy and lush (because I gave them Room 2 Grow) :wink:

I can easily diagnose any issue in my environment as I have my 'TAE' in close to ideal ranges. If I loose my TAE...I'll see it in the organic life that surround the cell I support. I have no veil of self delusion anymore so I'm somewhat unable to deceive my own mind, except through the use of narcotics if I so choose. There exists no vanity which is why the assaults on me are so personal and vehement as I'm impervious to engage on that level. You have to fight me in an objective reality and most can't take the light (or heat). lol

See, If you make yourself a star then you'll never stand in the shade of another. :biglaugh:

...but don't do it by leeching other's energy, just increase your own density by either speeding up or absorbing more 'pure' energy (knowledge). :smoweed: So it is all yours and not someone else's to share. Only the brilliant can transmute energy, the dull are left in varying degrees of darkness (ignorance).

Oh, btw..yes I've read the Celestine Prof, 10th Insight, Road Less Traveled, The Stranger, The works of Victor Hugo, Nietzsche et al., but it has been years ago.

The Celestine I felt had an awesome message, close to what I'm talking about...but written like it was penned by a freshmen english major. Not much of a dig. lol I found The Road Less Traveled to be a more life altering read, as I found The Fountainhead. I subscribe to a more analytical belief system, not so much spiritual as actual science, because believe you me what you find in science and nature is far more profound and spiritually overwhelming without the addition of unicorns or wrathful deities.

I mean the way ATP works, or even just the conversion of light energy into stored energy by a Chloroplast! What fuckin' amazing 'magic' is that? lol I mean, I'd rather worship something that can actually create out of thin air the building blocks of life and not only sustain its own, but that of an entirely diverse animal kingdom then some made up asshole that only destroys the enemies of the righteous, with little support for anything else as he leaves his followers suffering. Odd god can destroy an entire city or planet full of life, but when it comes to a great act of compassion like ending suffering after 180,000 years...well...can't be found for that, no time.

Meanwhile, sitting right under you feet is the only reason you exist...I don't know if most of you realize this but Oxygen isn't a naturally occurring gas, it is only the byproduct of organic life. Without plants to sustain all other life-forms on Earth they would all die instantly. I think that deserves my respect and worship a lot more than some mythical threat you can't even find proof of on this planet...despite all the looking.

And the Kind provide not only O2 for us to breathe but insight and creativity which is the only reason our particular line of 'homo sapiens' survived.

Another point missed by many, did you also know that there were like 6 or 7 different strains of human? Only 1 survived to this point, the rest died out...they just were not quick enough. Life is a race, humans are racing for their very existence...even if they are asleep at the wheel, and 99% of all life that has ever been on this planet is now extinct. What do you think our odds really are for another 100,000 years?

You better be kissing your plants' ass...:biglaugh:

PS...I just checked over at OG, let me just say...I am so fuckin' happy JAT talked me into coming here instead...and thanks (all) for being at least upright for our conversations. :respect:

However for all my preaching about caring for mankind about 65% of the entire world's population lives on less than $2 a day...and I'm worried I'm getting too fat. How is that for perspective. :biglaugh:

PS PS...cause I don't shut up ever, obviously. For those wondering why I write these long diatribes, it is to fill the time while we wait for shit to happen to talk about as I believe education is about 'community' not just wattxyields, and there is more to learning than just how to make a buck.

Unfortunately those that continue to rot my threads over on OG see it the other way, which is why I had to abandon those hostile lands. Growth is not only up and out, but down and out as well. This just gives everyone something to read and think about and discuss while we wait for roots to pop or K trans to happen which is why I said...if you don't like this sort of shit, skip to the pretty pictures...that is where the fluff and 'how I can make a buck' info is located, this is more for the DOA, but all are welcomed in the church of the kind. :listen2: :bigeye: :rasta: :bis: :bow: :canabis:
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Did I mention there is a nutrient thread for TAG now as well? :biglaugh:

pssst...look down...


Weed and we...

Weed and we...

Pod,I did put the pk13-14 again in the 6th week like you suggested:
I mixed all nutes,Cal-Mag,pk13-14,Floranova,Hydroguard and finally Liquid Karma.
When I finished with Hydroguard I was at 850 ppm.
Then I put LK--cranked total solution up to 1000 ppm.Correct if I'm wrong,I'm not supposed to count LK ppm in my total right ?As it is rapidly absorbed.
Now I notice 1-2 days after leaf tips were starting to bend downward(don't get any ideas about bending here,it's just a plant!)and also very tip burned.
Throwed 4,5 Gal of RO/Calmag water and they went closer to normal position,leafs starting to point upward again.
Now,that just tells me that I just can't go over 900 ppm or something!
Maybe it also has something to do with pk13-14.
Anyways,to end this with the positive note:

Resin just went freaking out!!!! :woohoo:
They are so frosty I could harvest them right now!...But they still have 3 weeks to go!
I'l just have to figure my nute regiment as it is demands a little trial and error to find it accuratly but I'm within interesting parameters as the plants are awsome and they are starting to pack in now!
Can't wait to see the end result I'm on my way to the biggest buds I ever produced...in my small but only begining carreer!!! :jump:


About the harvest....

About the harvest....

Sorry I have no pics!
Could'nt borrow the digicam!To F**g cheap to buy one.I prefer to invest in the garden!
I should buy clothings,change wipers on my car,get some decent plates to eat on,go see a movie and flirt a bit but no!!I prefer to buy another Laguna pump for more FAG tubs than to have a social life!!!!Really hard to bring any girl down here and start a relation with 3 rooms filled with weed and my bed in the living room!!
I'am totally hooked on growing,this is just as addictive as smoking!

Now where's the Pod-Anonymous thread ???
"Dramatisation: 'My name is Purplessed.I'm a Pod addicted person.It all started with small drip system.From there I tought I was in no danger.It will only stay there,But I was wrong.I stopped growing for a while and tought I was out of it.As years went by,I upgraded my drip system for a Hydro/Aero hybdrid.I stopped again but only to come back in strenght.It was'nt enough.I had to go full Aero!And now I just can't go back!! :puppydoge ....Even tough I tried in dirt for mothers...They all went to bubblers!And I keep reading all these nice threads to improve the grow...I just can't stop...Please!!!Help me..! :violin: :petting: "
Now back to real life...

All I can say is although buds are small they are heavy and coated with so much resin! :yummy:
I had a nice clean buzz from trimming only 20 min, after I started!
Altough I don't smoke I still get to trip once a month(perpetual)! :eek:
Within 24 hours,chopped down everything,cleaned,modified the table and filled it up(To JAT:nanana:) with he nicest clones up to date!Very promising!
What I did,is only took the plastic sheet out and bring back the DWC+Octogone mover inside the table!
Will have some pics soon!
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And the rest...

And the rest...

Pod,I agree with King.The brain is interconnected with the heart.As your heart feels,the brain thinks and as the brain thinks about something,it makes your heart feel.And as the plants CO2 exchanges does'nt come only from the leafs stomatas but also from the stem as well as you described,your entire body is sensitive to 'electricity' as well.Meening you can 'feel' things,and as you stated,since our minds are not stagnant in a 'one way of thinking'(like religions,or laws,human conception of life,etc!)information or answers can pretty much come from everypart of the body.I explain myself:
If it's very cold outside,you'll put clothes on.Altough the brain forms the 'obvious answer' you did'nt really have to think to act,as the subconscious will do the job,from the data it gathered from the body.This is also true for emotions,and toughts as well!Also spheres of our lifes uncommun to the'to be developped of us'.
So,if you have this GREAT idea,it beleive it's actually 'gathered' from all your life experience+emotions+inspiration,etc.
Chakras in another word.Invisible to the eye concentrated energy points in your body(s!).But the entire body is an enormous chakra itself.Like I heard somewhere before about sex,your entire body is an erogen zone!(You perv! :moon: :spank: )

You beleive in our extinction?I beleive in our transformation.Mother Earth wants to live and will soon wake up.Even if does'nt happen,I have overcome the fear of losing Her,released the pressure of the world on my shoulders.I have come to see the planets are alive,and if she is so kind and patience it's to give us enough time to wake up by ourselfs,and finally to understand our position as her body cells!
I smile to what is happening to us,as it's needed for our evolution.
Basically it's the way we see it.Here's a nice approach from an interesting source(Soria):As you change your Sight-Sentiment-Tought all your life is transformed thus affecting everything around you as well.It's been put in one word so to create a nice even flow as when you are working with it.When you see something it makes you feel and you get an opinon of it.This the way a lot of people get in bad moods as they are all judging,criticising and separating things.When all brought back togheter as an whole,you actually transform your life(and inevitably sorroundings)in a well choosen way.

It is the main purpose of religion to separate.The most common way would be the create a picture of a God or Entity that is greater than you are.So by this way,you are comparing yourself and feeling smaller or powerless.Dividing you from your true self,as part of the whole,Creator and Powerfull so to let the rulers rule and make the rules for you.I beleive it will all be put to light soon,in a even more obvious way, that the laws are not for the goodsake of the population but for the wellfare of a couple of power thirtsy beings.
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The problem, I believe, is just the singularity itself. See, there once was a singularity (just one) no time, no space, no existence. Something happened that was so powerful it caused on the most miniscule level the singularity to 'polarize' into positive and negative. Once there were two, a force was created to keep the two from becoming one again that feeds directly in proportion to the 'gravitational' pull of the other.

Sort of like the closer they get the stronger they repel, but equally increase in density and gravitational force.

This initial break set off a massive chain reaction that actually (which is that part missing for the physics group) faster than the speed of light as any instability in the balance of the system caused the break of one pair into another as it continued to balance the equation 1=1, 1+1=1 whereas now 'in space' because there is 2, then 3 dimensions created to house the reaction and every new pair creates an imbalance in the original matrix it must unfold at super-light speed exploding 'into' the uni (one) verse we exist in now.

Truth is, the expansion and collapse of the entire thing happened instantaneously however we are only capable of experiencing the 'shock-wave' at sub-light-speed. So for us there is a 'perception' of time and space that doesn't truly exists. Which is why when you break down the smallest quark or atom or proton all you find is a wave pattern of energy with no mass or matter attached that can be accelerated to faster than light speed and transmuted back into light energy. It can be slowed to sub-light to be mass, accelerated to become energy...see the conversion? E=MC2. The E=M is the manifold, speed is the key to unlocking the universe. You can travel at light speed, but you'd decrease in size so small as to fit behind a single traveling proton, where...you could only do that by being so close to it that its own gravitational pull is what drags you along (drafting) at just under light's speed.

However, if you match the wave form of the proton's oscillation and match its speed...you have effectively crossed over into the singularity again where time and space would stop and you would become 'pure energy' where time and space would vanish.

It is from the singularity everything in the universe was created in a flash of brilliance (literally) and then died out. Like I said, its just a an unfathomable distance when you drop from 186,000 miles a second to about 50 miles an hour.

Can you see how we are left in the dust by the 'edge' of the universe's expansion? Its already been out and back and is done, we are just drying paint to an entity that has no concept of time. Because none of this really ever existed as after the re-collapse of the universe time ceased to exist again as in the singularity there is no measure of anything as there is only one dimension. This is what we desire to reunite with on an energy level and why we worship the sun. We all are pure energy, just at a slower state of speed. It is speed that stretches the oscillation out and creates 'the wave' to begin with, in the singularity it exists as an infinite loop with no beginning and no end...but stretched over the entire universe....it is the universe and we (our consciousness) is just traveling much slower 'observing' the universe as it unfolded, like I said time has already stopped and everything is already gone ..time itself, is only an illusion of space and space is only an illusion of time...and speed the only true factor. The entire secret to existence can be summed up into one single vocal chant.

Om Ra (that is the universal key)

Om is the vibration of the circle of creation (the infinite loop I mentioned) The circle or oscillation, which is why music 'feeds' our spirit or we are moved by emotion...it is the synchronization of our own wave patterns with an oscillating form..it helps amplify and we identify with these matching wave patterns as they are familiar to us and we easily communicate with it as a 'pure' source. You are 'absorbing' the energy as it is shot (Ra) at you.

Ra (the sun god) or Ray the vector is a attenuation of a line/wave in a single direction out (Radiation, light, arrow, Masculine) The vibration of creation accelerated in any direction becomes speed and matter. That is why stars feed the planets, the pure energy we all seek and enjoy exist there to feed us so we can exist outside the singularity for a split second before being reabsorbed back into one. Ra is the breath of life that breathes on the surface of Gia and everywhere Om can be harnessed or captured it is transmuted into a lifeform or element of life, all matter is effected by Ra and all matter can be converted back to energy by being eaten by the father (like Saturn) to be reborn as anew.

Plants convert it into energy, we are just large self contained gardens that can walk around and look for resources we can carry with us. The systems are all the same and all just as basic and simple. Its is only the distortion and dilation of time or speed that effects the perception of one's environment and everyones' observations can never be identical as they can never occupy the same point 'in space'. So, you pretty much just have a complete solid existence in every direction that popped like a flash bulb and was over. Maybe its the evolution of a higher lifeformenergy? Maybe we and all the universe are just a hormone aiding some larger organism to make an even larger decision about it's own fate? Like I said, time space and speed are all relative, and to an extent don't really exist..so who is to say. :dueling:

On a religious level this became God and Satan, Heaven and Hell, Light and Dark, Man and Woman. Om is the feminine (Ovum, ovary, orgasm, egg) Ra (the shaft, penis, rod, bolt, electricity, the sperm ..which is just a set of instructions as well) The two united create life, its a simple eloquent and pristine relationship that is all based on opposites that are balanced and in harmony. When they are not, there are ripples and waves which create distortion and blurring, confusion and ...welll, existence as 'we' know it.

When the two are reunited as one, male and female, yid and yam, god and devil they will collapse into a singularity and exist apart no more. :confused:

The other problem, tip burn, is your K trans that I've been talking about. I get that with every grow...I haven't solved that yet. Like you see, its like going through a really sharp hairpin turn when you are at the fastest part of the track. lol I always go a little off course coming through that curve as I can't seem to catch it just in time.

Remember purple, there is like a 12-18 hours response time in TAG, so you have to give your plants time to adjust and alter before you panic and change the environment again. Let them deal with the PK and they'll work it out...all I have on the tip burn is that it appears to be a heavy K def. late in flower. I haven't found a way to boost the K higher without fuckin' up the rest of the 'balanced' system...which is why on my Widows I had flawless plant material all the way to the tips..but the tips were fucked up.

I want them flawless tip 2 toe, which is why we're here. :biglaugh:
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That sheds a light on the name: Omraam Michael Aivanohv .
In the Bible,translated in french,in my course,it was showed to us how there was a mistake in the translation at the very first page that is changing the meening of the entire book!
It is writen that Eve separated from Adam's ribs!(côte)
While 'côte'(rib) should be written as 'côté' wich meens:side!
This refers as the first being being 1 splitted into 2!
Wich is I agree,also 1.
There's a part of Omraam's books where he explains the first beings having both sexes.(We were Hermies!!)
That explains why guys have tits!
There is also,according to certain data,much more people borned with both sexes since the start of the millenium.I beleive it's related with humanity facing and rediscovering it's true nature.This also has to do with the popularity of homosexuality,while some would beleive in some kind of 'disorder'
I think it has something to do with the man discovering he's feminity and women her masculinity.It's time to bring peace,harmony and equilibrium between both of them.

When you talk about that curve,there is actually 2 distinct ones right ?
First when N uptake slows down dramatically to let PK take over.In my case,with HOG,in the middle of 3rd week(about 17-18 days).
Second would be in the middle of sixth week right?...
The first point was easy to figure out as PH will have a obvious sudden drop(This is so fascinating!!How plants will adapt,and suddenly change the ph and the environnement they live in!!!!).
But the second point,how would you know for sure?...I had to wait for the leafs to tell me!Besides that,I now noticed that the ph instead of staying easily stable at 5,8 it is now around 5,4.This is due to pk13-14 uptake(Or just K,simply.I feel they are going to explode now!!).
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I have a question about using salts(Canna aqua vega)when I upgrade from FAG to TAG.
When clones are rooted,I put them FAG with 5ml/gal CAl-Mag,100% Organic AN at 1/6 strenght,HG and LK.
Now everything's fine from there,I like to use Organic for seeds and clones for the forgiveness they offer.
When I tranfered in the table,I've put 200 ppm Cal-Mag and 200 ppm Canna+HG+100 ppm liquid Karma.They did'nt like it,tips pointing downward.I throwed 4,5 Gal water and now they are much better.
Where should I cut my nutes regiment ??
LK only 25-50 ppm?
Cal-Mag?? Canna??


You are correct on several points...first, yes..that is why we like to fuck so much...lol we are trying to get back to one or transmute energy and create a new lifeform. That is why we enjoy nurturing things and take pride in their growth.

What has happened is we are narcissistic by nature as, like dogs, we really see ourselves as 'we' not 'I'...that is why we get all pissed off at people or make fun of them or try to control behavior we deem inappropriate, as it is a reflection of 'us' not the I. Unfortunately our biggest vehicles for education and identification focus on how 'we' kill, rape, murder, destroy, cheat, compete, ridicule, seduce, lie, and deceive rather than showing us programs of 'growth, development, community, success, unity, education, achievement, discovery, exploration, understanding.

We have identified for the past 50 years with TV and changed from a utopian aimed society to one obsessed with celebrity and vanity ...and well, narcissism. The focus came off 'us' to 'me'. I became too important to myself and attempts to feed myself, where the deficit begins anew.

Nature is amazing in its ability to compensate and adjust to imbalance, it has too...it doesn't have any other choice, nor do 'we'.

Now, on plants...

You say, "When I transferred..." are you moving your plants and if so, how much time are you allowing for shock to wear off? Just like taking cuttings and putting into clone, sometimes there is a period of shock where they just wilt down, this is normal and not to be alarmed at as long as your roots are wet. If your plants are drooping check the roots first always. If they are wet and happy, then it is most likely just them acclimating to the new environment and solution, they need to build new root systems to adapt to the new environment, so don't be alarmed at a 'transition' period of adjustment.

An amazing trick for clones is to just take a clear plastic cup and mist the interior with your atomizer or sprayer and invert over your wilted clones...the wilting you see is a problem with excess transipiration, as the plant attempts to build with limited resources.

Its actually not a horrible thing as here is time for some more education on AM...lol
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