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TAG - Landing (Resource for True Aero Growing)

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GroNut, you'll be ok with the plywood as long as it's sealed 100% where water will meet. Everyday boats are manufactured with plywood and the West Systems epoxy and these same boats sit in the ocean all day. I think you will be ok. I also read that pdf on the epoxy resin and that looks like it would work. It's also "marine quality" and that's what you are looking for.

I would advise against threaded foggers, they are a bitch to change out when you need to. Barbed are so much easier.

Well here is 1/2 of one table up and running. I should be able to fill the other half by tomorrow and the other table by Friday. Just waiting for these clones to harden up.

Oh, just picked up a 2.5 gallon of LK. Anyone else notice the new packaging? Humic acid went from 20% down to 0.1%!?!? WTF is this Botanicare?
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JAT you are completely correct of-course, fully sealed with marine epoxy it shouldn't have any issues with the water. I suppose I'm just warning against leaving the top unsealed or just the fact that it is laden with an off gassing toxin that is very destructive. I say this because a lot of times I see people's plants die in plywood closets or cabinets they have constructed. In cabinet manufacturing they use a thermofoil to seal MDF for that reason. As long as it is completely sealed it isn't a issue, but the off-gasing can kill pets kept in 'plywood' boxes as well.

These things are not unnatural as the wood is just trying to decompose. That is why I prefer synthetics for items not necessary for the TAE as they don't contribute or detract from the relationship. I'm sure the ply will be fine...I'm just given some FYI on it, I have no idea why. Too many years of college I suppose. lol Got to do something with 'Museum Studies' lol

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of anything concerning their rigs...please do not get me wrong on that. :D

I wish to merely point out other inexpensive and possibly environmentally friendly alternatives, that is all.

This particular issue is just that..an issue. Its something we are still all working on to solve and find the best 'material' to use. I've actually found several, but none that are as capable as ply or foamboard.

However they to make a 100% UV proof polycarb awning sheet that could easily be outfitted, but its very thin and flimsy as well. Its all sort of the road warrior special sometimes, that is half the fun...you get to play and experiment with shit. :D

I'll look into the LK thing, hadn't noticed as I'm gearing up to use Ionic, which I need to order thanks for reminding me. :yes:
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I've been forced to buy weed off my old dealer now that I'm out of the Kind. They look decent enough...but shit, ain't nothing...nothin' like my buds. :badday:



Active member
yes as werid as it sounds some woods contain natural plant esters which could have an effect upon living plants and insects.....the technical term for these kinds of effects is "tri-trophic" interactions and were first discovered when a scientist was investigating beetles and how they pass from one molting stage to another.....well one group of these beetles were passing onto a very advanced stage of development and the scientist had no idea why.......eventually he realized that chemical signals were being transfered from the paper towels upon which the beetles were hanging out which caused the beetles to go into this specific molting stage......

i bet you never realized all those flowery scents were actually weapons in the huge chemical weapon arsenal that is inherent in plant biochemistry.....for instance when plants get chomped by an aphid a chemical signal is released which predatory wasps find irresistible and so they come and eat the aphids.....so exactly who is controlling whom?......is it possible that plants could "communicate" with each other in this fashion?.....hmmmmmm.......

gupi out


I'm sure that as a more primitive life-form they definitely have developed the ability to sense death or danger for their own survival. Its the same with animals as well, every living organism even cells must defend itself or have its 'energy' absorbed by another larger organism that needs more energy to survive.

Its sort of like what I was referring to with balance. Everything in the universe can be reduced to that equation (Om=Ra). For every-time there is an imbalance on one side the other must either increase its own energy to compensate or be absorbed into the other. So it either enlists other 'agents' in the environment with a 'trade' or 'equal' swap for their added energy or they must consume more energy themselves. The Wasp gets food, the plant gets saved and the 'parasite' that contributes nothing, but is sucking Ra, is removed from the equation replacing it with a balance once again.

I am thankful for all of your contributions as you've once again led me down another path to increasing my own power. All these connections you contribute to 'our' community (which is now its own system in balance) is feeding me Ra out the ass. :biglaugh:

The idea of those brain wave cycles being able to be slowed, I'm making connecting to meditation techniques that achieve the same as well as the use of Aerocanna. I'm seeing a connection between all things, I see many things *(I feel like fuckin' weird ass navigator creature from Dune) lol ew.. anyhow.. I've uncovered that the movement of energy oscillations changes matter, its that simple. You just drop your electron down a shell or bump it up a shell to pull in or push out your extra electron (Ra) thereby altering your density, vibration and speed of the captured light. (Captured light is my own theory about what quarks really are...its sort of like electrons are just light particles that are in orbit around another trapped pair The Om Ra originals) But easily, not to us, you could change your ability to be attracted too or repelled from or connected with other sympathetic wave form or energy signature.

This is why I think dogs like to be pet and music makes us respond. The signature waves of energy align with our own and as a collection of cells (and we being all organic carbon based animals share all the same cellular structures and elements for life) we feel 'connected' to the singularity or reassure 'others' there are more and 'we' are here. It brings comfort as I think all it really does is boosts our own energy signature or various vibrations. Its like a pumping actions..you shift their balance they shift back and it increases your spin like a swing. Neither looses energy, but both gain more speed and density to attract more energy from the environment to feed your systems.

I've figured out that is why we can't find our 'soul' and why hate the idea of dying. All our cells in our bodies are now so close and connected by this energy signature that bonds them together in a symbiotic relationship that as a whole it is a huge ass matrix of individual 'cells' just like us that make one 'us' or 'I'. We are just a huge walking planet with a garden inside and ocean around it sealed in a flexible membrane that allows us to interact with our environment and take what we need to feed all our systems.

So, when there is an imbalance in your system, it is the same as it is in your garden as it is in your political arena. Our world suffers the same deficits and imbalances that we experience personally and even down to our plants.

The key here is our desire to correct these imbalances, as we intrinsically know once we do they will operate on their own and continue to produce and feed each other. Its like running around trying to keep all these tops spinning, that if you could just get them spinning fast enough they can share each other's energy without loss and continue to increase in density and speed eventually all collapsing into the singularity of Om.

A synergistic effect, creats the 'soul' which became the 'identity' of you. You are a collective of cells and you are part of a collective as a cell in your city, you planet.Are we borg?...Hopefully not.

I believe that is why the soul can't be found as it doesn't exist as object in reality as much as a collective sharing...all those OmRa relationship feeding each other creates a new energy life form...our spirit. And as we continue to live we can continue to create new spirits and new products of energy. It takes the man's Ra and the woman's Om, but there Pow life is created out of two contributions of the same opposing energies. That starts that life's new balanced system, that must be fed until it can spin on its own without much aid. Any fucking that up...well, there is your problem. Kids unbalanced. lol

That's our human issue I think...are we symbiotic or parasitic? I don't think others from outer space would approach a parasitic system to aid. I do believe an outside force might aid a growing symbiotic system as this brings all back to the singularity.

Now, how does this relate to TAG? lol Well in a lot of ways. Its the core of the Aerocanna and a new spiritual power as you practice balancing systems. See, I've been working on balancing systems for about 5 years now. It took me to this point where I'm now. I am extremely fortunate that I have no imbalances to absorb my energy, so my Ra can be focused on a single direction like here and my plants and my own self-enlightenment.

Just as buddhist use mediation and chanting to reach a slower vibration to enter into an Om state where they can loose the 'I' and see clearly as the singularity of Om. I think Canna does that as well, which is why it unlocks so many secrets for so many. Its a impure method that as we evolve, if we get too, will learn to do subconsciously without drugs or chanting. Just as you have the ability to focus your mind on a singular task and get it done, you'll achieve the same thing without moving or touching it.

We are so primitive still, and all our systems are so out of whack. Running TAG is like visiting church for me, where I can see imbalance and fix it and see the impact of the growth and energy (love) returned to me. You can also see what neglect and what imbalance can do and the sickness and death it brings, as well as ignorance and stubbornness. How horrible it feels to work so hard for so many months to have stillborn buds that are just shit? All that energy lost. Where did it go? Where is it now? It was lost.

There is so much more on that mind frequency shit, :yes: I'm so happy you turned me on to it, but I don't want to continue to bore everyone with my exhaulting the virtues of the Aerocanna. I'll just have to establish a link or something. :D

It is just that all these things are related and to understand the core equation is to solve any imbalance. The Ra energy in must equal the Om energy returned, if not the deficit must be compensated by adding more energy in either form. Parasites are the most difficult to balance as well as evil in your presence as they continue to leech energy into a black hole as they attempt to hide from the singularity.

Now, on to my rig...I'm finding once again that the back line is not getting enough pressure to equally cover my aerospace. So, I have to run to HD again...christ.. and make another aeroring, this time I'm only using my toro's 2 gph hammer foggers again. The xls are working but my pod has too great a ventilation now so the little one are drying out and now I've got the back half not getting as much as the other.

So a ring of 2gph toros will solve that. And I'm off.

I could find nothing on the LK scandal. My only thoughts is that maybe they were having issues with people running aeroponic as humic compost is chunky, they probably have utilized an extraction technique to concentrate the benefits without all the fiber. Just a thought, I mean that is what I'd do. The reason I fell in love with Botanticare in the first place, aside from the lush roots I saw, was that I was going to manufacture my own line of organic hydro nutes but found they pretty much did my exact philosophy. So, there wasn't any reason too. But, I'm back to Ionic for its no hassles clear formula. I like everything looking crystal as this fog shit is a bitch to keep up with all those particles floating around.
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I find my plants in table#1 to be very dark green.Also,some of the leafs have this gloss look like I sprayed them with neem oil.But I did'nt.And some of them have some twist:like pinching the end of the leaf and turning a 90 degree angle!It's nice to see tough that everytime I have a problem,it's very negilgable and not generalised except for the dark green.I always wanted dark green leafs before!Now I have them and I think they are to dark !!

My seeds are back on track!In 24h,a couple of them have grown 100 hairs on the main root,and they grew about 1-2 cm as well !I will save a couple of those genetics!

Pod:You are actually slowing down the brain(physical body)vibrations but not your 'other bodies'.The energy is not created neither lost,it's just a transfer as now you are focusing your energys in another part of yourself by letting your body 'go on it's own' for a while.So to my knowledge,you are increasing your vibrations in another level!People who see auras or ehterical(is that the word??)bodys are actually vibrating on the same frequency as the subject!

No wonder cats are said to see things we don't as they sleep all they long!Mainly all animals are very sensitive to their environnement as they are not focused all day long at bringing money home,moaning the loan,buy a birthday gift for your girlfriend,pay your taxes,wash your car....humanity as it 'supposed' to be is so boring!I would have left myself die if had'nt cross on the other side!
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God damn it I'm sorry these are so fuckin long..lol sorry

God damn it I'm sorry these are so fuckin long..lol sorry

Ærocanna stuff

That is sort of what I see in the more basic 'group' life forms like fish. They all have lateral lines, which we share, that they use to sense electrical changes in the group and move in accordance. It allows them to work as one unit to confuse and avoid being consumed. Our bodies did the same thing, just a million years ago, it decided to get out of the pond and climb up in a tree to avoid being eaten. Clever, no? We survived.
But that is the point, that even though we desire to be alone (because we don't vibrate on the same level as the main pod) we are part of a larger bio-form that we must contribute too for survival. The problem with humans is they thought they could take it on themselves to be a self-contained system (though lacking in either Om or Ra energy) the duality does not permit a singularity in 'its' space.
Just like with cannabis, the only thing that really matters is your genetics and their movement forward. If you are too genetically different, you don't mate, its that simple. Just like we cross our strains, we are suppose to be doing the same with our races I believe. It is necessary as some races are weak and very slow to develop and others are very powerful and very ambitious.

It is interesting to note that the more contribution to a system the more perfected it can become. Its like the solar system or our galaxy or just your pod. The more variable that are added that can be used or not used to select the strongest and most capable energy is at the center, and this center (of the city, of the body, of the cell) dictates the direction and intent of the body or cell.
We are confused as we are born without identification as to our 'cell' operation, which is why civilizations like the Orient were so successful for so many millennia compared to others. They found that defining 'cells' on birth and cultivating them in their genetic area they would master so much.
They gave us paper, gun power, healthy food, precision in art, buddhism, silk, so many too mention really. Why? They are an organized body of cells where everyone knew their place and did their job to their best ability and doing so felt complete and part of a community.
Why didn't it work? Well, power corrupts the individual cell. That is what cancer is, a cell that has found away to feed off all the other surrounding systems without contributing or being a part of the whole. As such it sucks energy until it is removed or kills the host. Same with dictators, which is why America is more successful as our cells are defined by proven ability and individual cells are allowed to find their own special interest groups, these groups exert a force or influence on the whole. This is a purer, though not pure, system that allows a more dynamic acceleration of evolvement and increased speed and activity.

Simply put, the faster something travels the smaller and denser it becomes, the smaller and more condense it becomes the faster it travels. So, anything that accelerates growth (war, famine, plague) accelerates learning and discovery and growth.

I think that is all empathy really is (lateral lines) that allow us to primitively eject our vibrations as we learn how to focus our 'body' energy to project to another. They practice reading it with empathic reaction just like fish, but rather than just react to it we have the ability to send our empathy and share it. And for all you straight guys, doesn't if feel good to be in the Om? lol

Oddly, and this is totally unrelated, but I found it too interesting not to note, but I've simplified the entire 'gay' thing as well. It is really quite simple what happens and what causes homosexuality. In a nutshell, a form is born to an Om and Ra pair, if the Ra male is missing or does not contribute to 'tuning' the new form to 'its' Ra vibration the young form will adopt whatever vibration can start it to that level of self spinning I mentioned earlier. So, with an absent dad or alcoholic father, the little boy Ra only has the vibration of the (most likely empty and imbalanced) Om mother (codependent) that then becomes that boy's vibration identity as a desperate Om in search of filling itself with all the missing Ra energy the mother should have received from the Father Ra, but hasn't.
As such the boy Ra, now a raOm mess goes out into the world seeking to constantly fill his 'faux' Om which will never be impregnated, so the mature adult or adolescent FauxOm seeks constantly at an increasingly frantic rate to balance an equation that is impossible to complete. Once the mother dies, if the FauxOm boy has been too aligned with the identity of the desperate imbalanced Om the signature is now of the dead and the FauxOm male becomes increasingly self-destructive as he is now abandoned in the world without the supporting Om and his own FauxOm deficit and underdeveloped or missing Ra energy.
Again, it is the fault of the father. It is the Ra fathers duty to sync the vibration with nurturing and contact of the Ra child's energy in a Ra signature, otherwise it creates an imbalanced system that must be balance or the child will always be fucked up.

This is why gay men are so sexual and are obsessed with oral sex and anal sex and just sex in general. They are attempting to 'take' the Ra they can get in any form in any way, but the Ra they receive is targeted at an True Om receptor the male Ra child does not have so it is lost and the deficit isn't filled. If anything it reminds the FauxOm of its inability to satisfy a Ra or balance itself, which leads to isolation and death for the cell. Over time the cell finds other ways to receive energy, mostly as a service cell to the Om Ra pairs or as an attendant to a powerful Om that was the Om they should have had or desire to be. This is why gay men like Martha Stewart and Cher and any 'Diva' as they are just exaggerated versions of this Om energy.
They long to be fucked by a macho stud as well, as this is the exaggerated Ra energy that makes the other side of homosexuality the leather men and muscle bears, that enjoy sex as a submissive aggressive forceful Ra exchange that results in their overly lean and totally over the top machismo.

The only problem with this is that once the signature is established it is there for the life of the form. It can not be changed, which is why people don't change. Once the collective or your cells establishes an 'identity' or 'soul' it has been created. It can only grow now to its potential given its environmental factors, just like our plants.

Just thought I would put that out there, as I found that revelation quite profound at 6 am this morning on my was to HD. lol

Now that I see the 'matrix' it is a simple task of identifying and fixing imbalances, or compensating for imbalance.

Using myself as an example, being gay. I had a seriously horrible childhood and fucked up young adult life as a gay man for all those reasons mentioned above. Unknowingly I solved my own imbalance by correcting all my environmental factors.

Rather than be at the mercy of someone else I own my own home, my own business and my own time. To compensate for my own lack of 'child' I have three exceptional dogs that I've raised under the Aerocanna principles. They are by far the most advance and intelligent animals everyone has ever met, they are literally celebrities in my neighborhood as I walk them through the city without leases and only by talking to them they listen and obey my desires. I started from puppies influencing their vibrations with my own so now they identify as part of my signature and are only comforted by being in my or similar (parents) genetic signatures. They see themselves as a major part of the pod and as such they govern themselves. When one acts up the others beat the hell out her to keep her in line that they all remain in my good graces. It is awesome. I got chemically balanced which allowed me the courage and sanity to balance all my other systems, now I'm hard to knock off balance and will bulldoze my way through those that are and in my way.

But the point is, I balance my system, removed my sick parents and sick friends and sick lovers and isolated my system and balanced it. Then I started pulling into my system the energy I needed to accelerate (knowledge) and when I'm low I just rub my babies and cuddle with them and they feed my internal dynamo and allow me to continue to spin faster. As I stabilize I can stabilize their systems and the systems that are connected to my own. Which I am indirectly doing here. I'm helping you stabilize your systems. That is how you know you have reached a self-actualized state of being, when you realize your not only all of your assets and your purpose, but also how to negotiate your life utilizing these to their maximum benefit for yourself and others leaving little to no wasted energy. I think people feel unfulfilled because all their energy is wasted all the time without them knowing it and they have no ability to recharge it. This is what makes an 'individual' so powerful and so complete. But don't be fooled by celebrity as it is not true power, that is vanity, a like mask that we 'want' to believe in but does not exist. Ever notice how much happier humans are when they are busy working together to achieve something? They love to pull together to help each other, even those they priviously despised, as in a crisis...all our fellow signatures need our help. Those that would intentionally destroy entire masses of life for an idea of a supernatural being that will be pissed off cause his pets are all drawing pictures and fucking with the lights on is ludicrous and complete evil. And yes, evil does exist and is real. Where it comes from I don't know, I fear there is an anti-light that does harbor something possibly, I've not delved there yet...I hate that place.
Individuals also defend themselves against energy transmission, in fear that it might change their signature (opposition to R2G on OG). They fear a cleaner more accurate frequency will alter theirs and they would become part of 'him'. Their eyes glaze over as they deflect your knowledge (energy) and attempt to assert their Ra in your vibration. This is just another imbalanced system that can be traced to earlier OmRa deficits.

TAG stuff
The dark green leaves huh? Sounds like high levels of P from your PK kick. Not a problem as that is actually hard to OD on. P is amazing shit. lol Or, you've solved your lock out of N and the N has built up now. I'm sorry but I lost track where you are on your grow, I'm so self absorbed. :biglaugh: But it sounds like you get it so you're Aces baby! :D

I've also found out that 650ppms was too high as well. I noticed that the seedlings have damaged leaves now, burn. However the more mature clones are fine with the higher ppms, but the res today was 850 and ph5.1 which tells me they are not eating enough to drop the ppms, so I added straight RO to raise the Ph back up and dilute the nutrients down. I'm thinking they could manage on as little as 250-300 ppms, which sounds insane compared to DWC...but there again, a perfectly balanced system needs very little to maintain it running. :D

This one might be more from root hair drying out more than burn or lockout.

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Ærocanna stuff

I guess I should be preaching huh? :biglaugh: But I'd rather be teaching. :D

It just strikes me as funny that we are raised to believe educating ourselves is so difficult and time consuming. It really only takes about 15 minutes of concentrated effort to learn about the same amount as the average college grad retains after 10 years.
All knowledge I've amassed has been under my own direction and discipline and to be honest with you, I can't tell you a better way I'd like to spend my time or my life. You are raised to think thinking is hard, cause religion and the false 'god' wants you to stay ignorant and a servant to it. You actual serve the devil as a christian, which is why all they bring are hate and death and guilt and shame. Any true pure religion or belief system would preach nothing but sacrifice to others not a mythic empty void. Buddhism is as close as I've found, but it too serves the impoverished and class systems. The Aerocanna does not, for it is an understanding not a dogma.

Oddly I can not watch TV now for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time as the information (energy) is useless to me and I find I keep returning here to the net to research physics, chemistry and everything. (not just the net..I read books too, always validate your sources people)

I spend the majority of all my free time working on problems and solving issues in my systems and rig, I enjoy this endeavor as it is the effective use of energy not the waste of it. You as a codependent cell must feed others and be fed in return. We can not survive individually yet, but maybe soon. But not yet. :D

Thanks for bearing through all this, I know it is a lot of read and digest and most wont find it of any relevance...however some it may change their lives as it did mine and like the 'true word of god' I feel I must share anything that might end suffering of my fellow cell mates. :biglaugh:

PS..I know, I talk too much...lol but I was just thinking how great it would be to go to a church and instead of a collection plate passed for money you drop a nug in it or what you can contribute, then it is all combined and smoked by the entire congregation and you discuss applying your collective efforts towards solving one major imbalance in your community at a time and everyone has the opportunity to contribute and help. What a wonderful world that would be, eh? Where education was free and promoted, where all day and night on TV were programs explaining chemistry, physics, our endeavors towards space travel, community organizations working on exterior projects...basically all the good shit we can do as humans rather than program after program of sex, violence, deceit, betrayal, humiliation, drama, and superficial physical improvements to make us thinner, tanner, sexier, and more attractive to get fucked.

Satisfy the relationships in your life and find balance in your systems you will find all that shit really unappealing as it is just narcissistic supply of imbalanced systems we can identify with and feel better about.

We should be aligning our vibrations with growth and health, not dysfunction and disease. The more positive Om Ra you exchange the more there is for everyone to exchange and the faster we all spin the denser we all get the smaller we all get and eventually...we cross over to one.

I've been frustrated out the ass for the past 5 years because I can see the imbalances everywhere now and I can do nothing to alter them alone. Now, I've uncovered the truth, so I will attempt to share it. Hope it doesn't freak anyone out too much, but this is my only forum. :yoinks:

However, god does exist. And is extremely powerful, but unmanageable. See, that many 'cells' directing that much energy as they do (and they excite their-selves in a frenzy of activity at church increasing their output) they have created a life-form as the Om Ra can and does when that much shared power is directed at a source, however it is a beast that craves more and more energy as it can not sustain itself as it exists completely unbalanced because the 'cells' that created it are in conflict on how to wield it. Because there is so much inequality among those contributing energy and those directing the energy it has become corrupted, as if your brain decided it was going to abandon your arms and legs and just eat for itself. The group of cells that should be governing their huge juggernaut baby are divided and in chaos, so god is divided and in chaos, their world is divided and in chaos. Do you see the transparence yet? The manifold remains the same. We are too primitive to erect another being superior to ourselves, where that came from I'm still a bit confused, but I've seen 'god' in action killing, destroying, persecuting others so I know he exists and 1/3 of the worlds population was murdered in his name, so I think there is definite physical evidence of his creation. However, that is the rapture, you will realize that god is a creation of your own focused energy or you will remain ignorant and an servant/pet/animal unaware of your robbed existence. You may be happier there, as many are, but it is hell and you are serving a master of destruction and deceit under the guise of being benevolent and caring. I've seen the destruction, I've yet to see the caring and compassion in equal amounts. I fear a great lie has be perpetrated upon the human race, I dare to ask for 'god's' validity to rule, as I see no evidence to his maturity or intelligence. He appears to be as vicious and self-righteous as the people that created him. I suppose that is the metaphorical allegory for the fight between good and evil, eventually it is us that decides whether our god is Satan or God, sadly...I fear that means Knowledge or Ignorance, inwhich case I am defined as a satanist by christians (even though I practice no evil) only truth and refuse to be ignorant (which would make me a christian) as I can not live in the denial of the truth or the light. I believe the true 'false profit' here is the christian god...whom oddly does have the most splendid homes and his family live like kings...hmmmmm. Where is evil in the world? :biglaugh:

By declaring me an antichrist or a satanist the ignorant know to destroy me on sight as if allowed to speak to them individually I will open their eyes to the truth and the real light and they will cease to serve God. He'd have to get a house in your neighborhood, god forbid. :yoinks:

To argue semantic is to convoluted the truth. You are raised to fear even questioning god's legitimate right to rule under threat of being killed on the spot by someone so powerful, however...it is only his creators that carry out the act of killing. The Dark Ages were not the church out of control, it was God's attempt to stamp out education altogether once and for all. Books, the tool of the devil, educated people with the knowledge of the truth...they must be destroyed. But those true to their spirit (the monks) hid and continued to transcribe books against the rule of God for they knew they had to preserve the truth. That set us back about 10,000 years. Shouldn't a god want you to grow? Learn? Advance? Or just shell out 10% of your hard work in cash and devote your life to serving his and his families needs? You tell me?
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I think you were doing OK when you stuck to your hydro lnowledge, but your shorts are showing when you talk about gays, Buddhism and other subjects not related to your system, includijng religion in gerneral.

I was not going to say anything, but to even suggest how homsexuality appears in a person is pretty poor.

I was always taught to stay away from dialogue about politics and religion. perhaps it is this reason you get flamed.

I know you believe what you post, but others do not necessarily agree with your opinions on religion and homosexuality. Your three letter acronyms make more sense to me now.

If I was you I would stick to hydro. I was following your thead, but I just dropped it based on what I just read that had nothing to do with growing pot whatsoever.

Just my opinion of course you are free to belittle any group you desire.



Why do you still live in fear?

Why do you still live in fear?

Exactly my point Avid, thanks for supporting my argument.

No, I'm sorry, I don't mean to convert or change anyone. This is just how it comes out and that is why I've started to label the difference. If your interested in only the 'hydro' stuff as you mentioned, just look for the TAG Stuff Label, it will be exclusively shop talk for those not wanting to be enlightened on anything else. Unfortunately my knowledge comes with a responsibility to inform on all levels as I'm not really here to just give you shit and walk away. If you could follow the basics of it you'd see that is an unbalanced relationship, no?

But preaching anything but God and 'Love' is programed to be resisted, so I feel your fear and will back off. That is pretty much all I had to get out, as I've been working on these particular issues for 5 years, its necessary to vent this out somewhere and just the same, as I wrote back a couple posts, I'm well aware of how people that wish to remain ignorant just glaze their eyes over and stop receiving in an attempt to block any signature that will alter what they believe to be a balanced system.

If you are indeed balanced you'll not be offended by the test of my density as I pass you, if it disrupts you to that extent, there obviously is an imbalance in your system.

Christians pass by me everyday preaching about unicorns and jesus christ and women that get knocked up without having sex and become gods themselves, I have to watch it on every other channel as purple haired freaks cry for money for god....

So, a little diatribe on this thread isn't going to kill anyone I hope. :D

But, yes...I'll now return to nothing but pure profit for you. :wink:

and ps AVID...I'm a Fag so I can call a Fag a Fag if I want to, its my right just as blacks can call each other nigger. If you are one you can own it, if you aren't, don't speak for them thank you. For me personally this is a great relief, because it finally explains why I see so much unhappiness around me, especially with homosexuals. I know it appears like we have this wonder, fun filled no responsiblities lifestyle, but the honest truth is about 99% of all gay people are in a tremendous amount of pain, and pretty much if you get to know any personally you'll find all the evidence you need to support my illustration.

If this makes you uncomfortable and you want to take your ball and go home that is completely expectable. I apologize, however, if you think it will cause me some hardship or pain to see you leave, however it does not. Again, your own self delusion of your own self importance. You are no one important, nor am I. So get over yourself and start learning.

I was actually hoping for some intellectual conversation on the topic, not an unquestioning submittal to my authority. It is a discussion group, I thought. Not a 'just show us how you do that and shut up' thread. But tuff shit, I shared it anyway. :moon:

But now I'm done that is it so, if anyone wants to talk about it I'm game, if not we can go back to the safety of just talking shop. I don't care either way, I've contributed my part to the relationship. The effect it has is the effect it is meant to have. Let the unbalanced get blown away so we may focus on the clarity of reason rather that old dogma tapes of how it used to be done or running from that which scares us a little.

As I say to people in my life: "Get balanced, or get out!" :biglaugh:

I realize you believe that I want or desire to believe in this as my reality, but quite honestly nothing could be further from the truth. I wish I could maintain a sugarplum and fairyland perspective on everything, but that is precisely why we are in the shape that we are on Earth. It isn't my desire to kill God for anyone. I, having been exposed to the truth, am unable to live in such a state of denial, I just can't generate enough energy to maintain that delusion as it draws so much out of a person to do so.

You also think I speak of this with absolute authority as if I know this for a fact, which again is incorrect. All I know is what I uncover, and as I uncover it I share it with others so that we, like primitive cavemen can inspect it and contribute to understanding it. Before we just kill it out of fear, because we like remaining ignorant and un-evolved. It is a lot less responsibility when someone else is the designated driver, isn't it?

My purpose for posting this terrifying information is for the purpose of contributions like the brain wave cycles and such. The two are not exclusive in their relationships to each other because we are talking about other 'life-forms' we are attempting to nurture and balance. You don't have to use the information for your life if you don't want too, you don't even have to read it. But if you did, and you think you have something to contribute, other than censorship or ignorance (and I might add, I've studied all religions pretty thoroughly, so if you plan to attack me...have read your own documents before you look stupid as I will shame your ignorance if you challenge me). I've read all the text, even the shit they didn't include...which is much more revealing than you think.

I understand 911, because I lived in Saudi Arabia and know that mentality of ignorance. The evil that hijacked that plane knew less about his own religion than you do about yours. Much less, as they are kept that way as soldiers of god. I know because I lived there and was part of that system. I can tell tell you first hand what it is like, not what some asshole tells me.

All my experience is based on that empirical evidence. I am not afraid to hold my own in any conversation political or otherwise, if you'd like to challenge my stability as an independent system, knock yourself out...literally. :biglaugh:

I can put the same equation to a non-religious application:

You have two choices: you can a.) Watch a program for 30 minutes on improving the nutrient solution of your plants and learning to diagnose problems better, or b.) Watch Tommy Lee Goes College.

Now, what choice do you make? a.) Nets you Ra energy you can then redirect to your plants and see them benefit in return and return that Ra energy back to you. Or, b.) you can sit and stare at a box in the corner of the room for 30 minutes with pictures of it about some idiot looser that should have probably been eaten by a wolf already make an ass of himself for 20 minutes and be sold a bunch of shit that will help you correct all the obvious imbalances in your life causing you; diarrhea, heartburn, being fat, looking old, or loosing your hair, lacking sleep, sexual dysfunction. Which nets you zero useful Ra.
Which one do you think is the correct one? Does there need to be someone to tell you right from wrong? What Ra have you gained from option b that you can redirect? It is transparent, you can overlay the manifold to anything...so now your plant problems are solved.

And try to develop a sense of humor while you're at it, it is only fuckin' pot thread. :fsu: I don't get all wigged out about this shit, it is just what is — the truth and objective reality we all share does not frighten nor threaten me, why do you still live in fear?
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"a splinter in your mind - driving you mad."

"a splinter in your mind - driving you mad."

yeah no shit..:biglaugh: Someone post some fuckin' pictures and rig shit...god! I'm starting to take myself seriously. :laughing: :crazy: Its like I'm speaking in tongues...lol, I should just say 'I was moved by the spirit' to share, that always makes it more palatable. :biglaugh: We cavemen love our hocus pocus.

Now, before everyone gets all pinched and starts to yell at me, understand that this has all been a very profound revelation to me that has only recently revealed itself, this is why you see my long diatribes on this subject. The move from OG to here was just enough momentum to allow me to complete the circuit. Now that I have, the revelations are almost exponential and (as with TAG) I have to work them out publicly to verify and document my objective reality.

Again, to all it offends, confuses, enrages or annoys...I APOLOGIZE upfront, sorry...sorry sorry. But I had to get that out as it has been cumulating for a number of years and was too powerful to hold to myself. It had to be released, and now that it has it has a life of its own and will effect whomever chooses to pursue it. Again, sorry if this is way beyond anything you wanted to be exposed too. Don't kill the messenger.

"Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

I think I'm finished...let's hope so, right? (don't answer that) And trust me, I would have probably been happier staying ignorant as well, but I partook of the Tree of Knowledge, so its my own fault :pointlaug
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How about I balance that with some TAG education, eh?

Ok, I'm hopeful this will work, I'm going to try to demonstrate how the drying of the root hairs (as opposed to the taps) causes signs of distress that are nutrient related but maybe not the nutrients themselves.

Here is the original shot this morning, as you can see the leaves look like shit, like sever nutrient burn...but I know I've been fuckin with the rig and some were not getting enough saturation as I did put them in early.

Because of the drying you can see the roots are dead halfway down to where they were hitting the spray again. Because of the deficit of energy the plant had to stretch and accomidate for the imbalance. Once it hit the balance, as you can see in this shot of the new growth, it is fine and here on another with healthier roots is just growing crazy already.

So things aren't always as they seem, you must remember all possible causes first and look at the new growth as well. You can always tell when the TAE is off as they just sit there, they are growing..but the speed of TAE is so much faster you notice it right away when it stops. Its your first sign of trouble.

How is that? Better? :biglaugh:
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PurpleSeed - the funny story I was going to tell you concerning my floros was that when I first started growing I had built this cabinet in my closet where I thought I could grow 4 plants (it was tiny) but just long enough for about one person to lay down and have an array of 4 (twin) 4' daylight floros about 3' above you.
The funny part is that I would climb in there to work on the lights and find myself just laying there basking in the light, like I was at a park or the beach or something. I found the light to be incredibly soothing and relaxing and I would take little naps in there by accident as it was just very nice.

I mentioned this on my thread to find that others have this same reaction when working in the growrooms. The light energy causes them to feel more at peace and relaxed and they find it lifts there spirits to be in the room for a period of time, some find they return as did I to just sit and absorb the light.

Funnier still is of my three dogs, only one will enter their grow room, which she does like she owns the place and immediately she lays down and naps. Just like she has found a patch of warm sunlight on a cool winter's day on the floor, she is out cold. I sometimes sit there with her and find myself laying down with her and just enjoying the moment, it is bliss. lol

The point being of-course the effect of the light on myself and other animals. It is apparent the effect of that pure energy to me now. So I changed all my lights in my home to daylight spectrum as well, which oddly wakes me up and keeps me in a very frisky mood.

Just some more interesting shit on light.
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Actually I am a Nichiren Buddhist and have been for the last 42 years now, most of my life, christianity is a big turn of to me, but that is me.

It is not about taking my ball and going home. it seems to me you present your opinion as if it is fact. My ball is just as factual as yours. That is the point.

I am not afraid of your rhetoric, but I find it less than purposeful is all.

Pod, because you are gay does not mean you can speak for all gays. That would be akin to blacks denigrating balcks and saying it is OK. It is not. I have gay friends and they do not use acronyms that emphasis poor sounding phrases. just my opinion. Why call yourself a FAG, I would never call myself a N*****, just my thoughts. it seems belittling to me to refer to oneself in a small way. Calling a system a FAG seems to go in that direction to me. No Fear in that analogy.

I was just offering my observation about your being flamed on the OG side. perhaps it might have something to do with your viewpoints you offer.

Damn evil from the middle east. You sound very racially motivated in that statement. I was in the Middel East in 1972. I can make my own opinion of the people and the region. 911 has nothing to do with gowing pot, but Homeland securty does. Differetn thread in my opinion. Politics and religion two taboos fro daily dialogue, I learned.

It seem sif you want to hold dialogue it might be less intrusive if you did not come of so much as a know it all.

You speak as if you know I need to learn from you. smile Far from reality, my reality. I started to follow this thread becasue it was about a style of hydro I have been developing as well. Of course what I use does not even compare to your high-end commercial equipment; pumps, fans, timers, and such. Your intro told me not to even think of followig your thread, I do not posses the ability or the equipment to know about nutrients and such. At least that is what I have drawn from your thread so far.

When I commented on your thread, you directed me to read your other thread about nutrients. Quite telling about a person. As if I do not know and you do.

Oh well.



Ærocanna stuff

Sorry, Avid, I speak like it is factual because it is until someone can disprove it. Its sort of a challenge, because if you think you can find a flaw in my system, I want you to find it. If I can't explain why it exist, we can find a reason together or at least define the problem.

I don't speak for 'all' gays, I can only speak from my own empirical evidence. Despite all the narcissistic explanations and rationalizations as to the 'legitimacy' of homosexuality the facts and objective reality exist aside from self delusion.

I've studied my own kind, as well as others in extreme detail. I have not aligned myself with any 'one' philosophy in an attempt to defend it to my death, I open my mind and allow logic and reason to dictate my own beliefs which now are somewhat impervious to attack as they are all based on facts, science and rational logical deduction rather than forcing 'my' view onto the world.

See the biggest problem with 'my' belief is that you want to believe I have a subjective experience of my reality and it conflicts with your own. You need to keep your projection of your belief stable (which compared to my own, may not be) so you are threatened, which is normal. Change and the truth are often scary and unpleasant...however it is change and the truth.

My only religion is Objective Reality. It is what sets me apart and allows me such (I'd say confidence, you'll say arrogance). Arrogance is the lack of education and 'assumed' authority, which I possess none of. I am educated, and I don't 'assume' anything other than what I can physically see and document, hence my own threads.

FAG - mean Faux Aero Growing (which is an acronym I found amusing...not threatening) just as TAG - True Aero Growing (was just as childish and funny to me)

They are only words and if you are physically wounded by such, you might need to thicken or re-evaluate your stability?

Just as an example, I am completely unaffected by any attack thus far, except to leave an area of constant harassment, which had nothing to do with Aerocanna and everything to do with ignorance and arrogance. lol

As a buddhist myself, I find it hard to believe you are able to practice for so long an see no connection between 911 and growing pot, as a buddhist you should easily be able to see clearly the connections between all things. I fear, you as well as many, 'practice' buddhism in the vainest sense, as an 'accessory' to make you look more attractive, but in actuality you know as much about true buddhism as most moslems know about the Koran. *which is to say about 15 verses max.

Do you practice daily? Morning meditation and evening? Or are you one of those 'practicing' buddhist that only attend a chanting circle once a week?

Here again is a perfect example of contamination. The originator (the only one permitted to alter, change or destroy its creation) established the definition and practice of buddhism. It was the corrupted 'I' that, like with Christianity, decided to make it 'its own' version of the fact.
But there is only one version. Not yours. IF you want to live by your own religion and philosophy, then you need to create your own, not take pieces from someone else's design and call it your own and sell it to others. It is a bastard child full of defects as it wasn't yours to begin with.

It is the same with TAG. Those that want to 'claim' they know, and have grown for years before me in True Aeroponic style, still knowing nothing of what is happening as a gas exchange or what a TAE even is. These are the same people like yourself, possibly, that feel they can speak for the community as well. However, you haven't really done the work obviously, or like they...you'd be showing me something more than getting pissed off at me to prove your superior knowledge and skill. But they don't do they? Why? Cause they don't know, and they are ignorant. The reason they are offended is it publicly demonstrates their own laziness and lack of education, making their 'selves' feel lazy and stupid, which is an insult.

But the facts remain in the Objective reality... proof is in the pudding.

As a buddhist, I'm totally surprised you can even be offended, that in itself is a clear signal you are not a practicing buddhist. Buddhist by definition can not be offended. Nor do they ever resist challenge or an aggressor. It is the perfect opportunity for you to test your medal.

What exactly do you think Tibetan Monks do all day AVid? They argue and discuss these very points passionately, it is part of the buddhist path to enlightenment. You must challenge all your demons to get to nirvana, not just get with your friends and look cool chanting on Sunday at the 'temple'.

The first tenant of buddhism is that if you become attached to your own religion you must (MUST) abandon it. That is like Buddhism 101. lol

So, again, sorry if all this makes you uncomfortable, but obviously you are far from reaching any level of enlightenment if after 42 years of being a buddhist you are still so easily rattled and annoyed.

I don't speak for all gay people, I am just one and know millions. Living among your own people you are able to make your own conclusions without having to succumb to 'group think'.

Buddhism itself is based on the Yid Yam of Male/Female power *Dorje and Bell...hello, can you not see how AMAZINGLY transparent that one is?

Buddhism...just FYI, because obviously some haven't done more than learn the chants and some sutras, is based on a much older religion called Bon.

Bon is the primitive religion that supports all the 'natural' deities like Deva and Dakinnis which, if did have any schooling in your professed belief, you'll know are the spirit gods of nature.

The entire symbolic practice of Buddhism surrounds the exchange of positive and negative energy with 'systems' around you. It preaches your accountability for taking care of your fellow 'cells' and realizing your own 'cell' purpose in life.

There is nothing in the Aerocanna or my own belief that directly conflicts with buddhism at all. If anything, I could back up every single point I've made 20 times over with buddhist retorhric. I don't even want to go there as even now as I even glance in that direction I could fill you two more pages on how the two are identical.

Homosexuality is not excepted in buddhism, whether you want to 'make your own' or not. See, this is the complete problem with humans. They think because they can take that they own and can control, but they can't, it isn't theirs to control or claim ownership.

I can claim ownership of TAG, I created it. If there is a problem with the system, it is up to me to correct not someone else. Just with religion. The original religion was established because it worked, but people decided they didn't really like 'all' of it and decided to make it what they wanted.

That power isn't theirs to just pick up and wield which is why so many died. Ignorance kills Avid, that is why you see wrathful deities standing on the backs of Ignorance and Pride as a symbolic (be it Obvious) metaphor.

Buddhism stamps out ignorance and pride in order to establish truth in knowledge and humility, which is found when you find you are nothing but a 'cell' in a much larger organism.

I am racist, not bigoted, but racist, yes. I apologize, and I wasn't raised that way...but life experience and exposure has educated me that even though some idiot in their arrogance and ignorance wants me to believe 'all people are equal' they are not. That is obviously apparent.

To ignore that truth and to blindly try to convince others to believe in 'you' rather than the truth, is to deceive and lie. If you live in a lie of deception, how could ever expect to see clearly?

TAG stuff

Now, onto TAG...lol

Betterboy, just be-careful with that pump. I actually used that very one. You can find it at Harbor freight for about well..here..

cause I'm not lazy. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=2955

Just make sure you put the intake below the waterline, it will not prime on its own pulling up..and be very careful as I got many a sinus cleaning from trying to get that pump to work for my rig. After blasting my room with shitloads of water and myself I returned it as I could not get it to work properly and moved to the diapumps and sprinkler pumps.

If you have the intake under-pressure (under the waterline) then it should work fine, but mine kept cycling every 2 seconds and never held a prime. It was fuckin' PITA. lol

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I don't believe in a 'master' race, but I definitely like yourself see that some are much more capable of learning and evolving at a faster rate.

It is unfortunate, because you are not allowed to talk about the truth without the lie (input your own noun) attempting to stop you from seeing the facts as they are.

The reason is quite simple, it means a group that is lazy will have to get up off their collective asses and get to work or go extinct, which we don't dare say...now that we have become so christian.

But slaves were beaten for a reason, not out of sadistic fun or cause that is just way they were supposed to be treated, I think (though maybe wrong) that is had to do more with an attempt to get them to follow and do what were considered by 'civilized' people to be very basic and easy tasks, like bathing, wiping your ass after you shit, doing a job and not just standing there looking stupid.
This does NOT pertain to black slave only All slaves. Which isn't their fault as they were taken from a jungle and thrown into a completely foreign system that made no sense to them.

The issue with racism, is we decided to allow all to be equal as it was apparent some could learn and were intelligent and that intelligence and 'capability' are not necessarily race related.

However, if you just look at the facts again, however horrible and appallingly terrifying it is to look at and offensive and ahh just horrible...lol but..they are still the facts.

I'm not going get into racist discussion here, as I'm get my ass chewed constantly for just holding to truth in Aero. lol

But let me just say, if you look at all the races and what they have accomplished and what their 'original' lands look like, or even the effect they have moving into another race's country you can see why 7 of the original 8 lines of man went extinct.

The odd thing I can't understand is why our original (black) ancestors haven't gotten further in the same time that the (white) races have taken control of the planet. This is the only real area where I get my ass chewed out as unfortunately they are the race that is the most lazy and in need of support from outside systems.

In a completely disproportional scale the (whiter) races have evolved and grown with amazing speed, while the (black) nations seem to remain behind in ignorance and with no real desire to even get out of their own shit. I don't understand this nor do I condone anger or aggression towards them. (The only factor I see among all of them is religion)

Here again, it is a projection of the ignorant that I mean to cause harm by bring light to these issues. To say a race is slower or less developed is not really 'racist' in the term of 'superior' but just a fact that is. It doesn't carry any judgment, that is the role of religion.

I don't judge, I merely see clearly and speak the truth, however offensive it may be. The reason for this is because I'm surrounded by individuals (very sick individuals) who's entire existence is based on keeping these delusions aloft. It literally is killing them to keep up this facade.

If you can brace yourself and just accept the truth as it is, and most will need medication to do so as it is very very jarring...lol, you'll find life is much simpler and easier to negotiate.

Expecting races that most likely wont evolve and will go extinct shortly to act and respond to the speed and acceleration that we are moving at is to try an force a cutting to root and produce buds in 7 days. Its just not possible and no matter how frustrated or angry or encouraging you are, it still can't do it.

It isn't their fault at all, but, unfortunately because god needs more money and resources they were recruited and now are supported by the other races.

This huge and growing imbalance is what is killing and destroying our civilization.

Yes, it isn't very Christian to look at it that way. However, they are again...the facts as they lay, not as I have put them together.

You have two choices always: 1. Open you mind and try to understand, or 2. Resist and force your will and see if it sticks.

I find option 1, though unnerving and sad at times, allows me a great deal more comfort in my life as I don't have to keep 'lying' to everyone and 'keeping up' the appearance that 'I' believe in all this bullshit.

You don't have enough time or energy to educate yourself for a reason. There is a reason the 'devil' is a snake and you are suppose to fear and not go near him. Because if you do, your eyes will be opened and you'll see the world for what it is, rather than the delusion or ignorance of god. Its pretty simple I think...that is why I am amazed at the opposition. I don't think it could be any more obvious or apparent, but I'm talking always to people whom are asleep. (matrix)

You can't see the matrix from inside the matrix, you must leave it first by taking the red pill. Once you do, that is it, you can not return to the 'fantasy' of what delusion you were living in, and like the Matrix, the real world as it exists is not pretty or even what you would want it to be. Its harsh, ugly and you are just a cell being used for its energy contribution. Everything else is all in your head.

Again, two choices: 1. You can go back to sleep and pretend that nothing has changed and the 'dream' remains for you to enjoy ignorant, or 2. you can wake up and deal with reality. Period.

So, I got flushed and I'm now in the center of Zion. Sorry I can't support your Matrix of bullshit, but I live in the real objective world where races aren't equal, people aren't equal, life isn't fair and everything isn't owed to you by someone else.

There is no 'god' to take care of you or manage your affairs, Buddhism teaches us that. To the Buddhist, they are the ultimate responsible party for their actions. No god to absolve them of their 'stealing' energy from others. You confront your theft every morning and every evening (if you are a true practicing buddhist and not just a poser).

That was why I put the disclaimer, many 'would be' buddhist attempt to impress me, but very few have gotten beyond the first initial 'look at me, I'm a buddhist now, doesn't that make me unique and cool' phase. Because Buddhist don't brag either.

See, in the center of the light you fear no evil. I have nothing but to open my mind now and I can destroy any lie that comes before me. Knowledge IS power. I need only open my third 'eye' and I can see through any poser or fraud. I see lies like shadows on the ground or def. on my leaves. It is apparent, and I know the solution. :D It either can be fixed or its out. There is no 'carrying' the weak till they die, as they contribute little if nothing but burdern. And we all know its all about speed to stay stable. WE all have to peddle to stay up and get somewhere, we can't hold everyone on our handlebars and baskets...eventually it is too much, and every other species is on a moped already.

Our world is a huge bush of popcorn buds. Get it! :biglaugh: I'm Not a big fat cola, I'm the guy watchin the garden and trying to keep everyone else alive till they produce so we don't have yet another empty harvest.

We seek the strongest to lead and the wisest to council as these individuals have made the journey ahead of us and are there to help guide us as we grow. Just make sure your 'teacher' teaches fact not fiction.

Buddhist tenant number 2: Always question, if you don't believe something...don't believe in it.

It is that simple.

Good luck with the pump...what's your setup BB?

The Ærocanna is not racist, it can be practiced by any and like all truth it is available to all. There is not judgment or 'cult' even as much as just an understanding. I don't want to be a leader, I don't care to educate people, it is just a by product of my existence I can not stop.

Irony is, as offensive as I try to be and as obnoxious as I can be, I am probably the most altruistic person you'll ever know, as my desire for you is only that you find that truth (not my truth, but the Objective truth for all).

See, I take no energy from you, this is how you know I am safe. I will only feed you energy because I am in the light. If I were in the dark I would need to convince you or force you into believing me. I don't care if you do or not, I have my roots. :D

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A lesson for an Avid Lerner

A lesson for an Avid Lerner

A gift for an Avid Learner:

I decided this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the transparent nature of the Aerocanna manifold. Thanks to the suggestion (indirectly of course) of racism.

Here I will attempt to demonstrate how you may overlay the manifold to not only see more clearly, but diagnose the problems in the environments as well as what the solutions are.

Taking what would appear to be two completely unrelated subjects, transform them into objects, race and canna.

The white races and the dark-races (or black) are the same as either (the strains themselves) or indica and sativa. The indie mature much faster, quicker and are far more productive for the purpose of cultivation where as the sativa have characteristics we enjoy, they are too inefficient to run for a profitable relationship of demand.

The solution is a hybrid of the two, the mixing of races to achieve the ideal genetic strain that would be the dominant desired ‘race’ ‘strain’. But, however the sativa will eventually be phased out in favor of the hybrids or more indie dominant strains that can match the effectiveness of the sativa in ‘high’.

This would appear to be enough, not only to show you where the problems lay but the solutions as well, but we can go even further into the Ærocanna still.

Of these crosses, you’ll find there are myriad problems, as some are weak, ineffective, poor yielder or hermie easily under stress. Why? Because their genetic predecessors came from unbalanced systems where they were not grown in ideal environments for them to prosper.

In an attempt to keep all cuttings and all strains for maximum profit, growers flower all their cuttings and whatever will flower.

You yourself are guilty of ‘racism’ in your selection of canna. Would you choose Bubbliscious or HOG over say, regs or Mexican Blockweed? IF all strains are created equal, why not smoke them all equally? But you don’t, do you? You cultivate the best of the best and out of a cloner of a 100 rooted clones; if you could only choose 20…, which would you, choose? The meek spindly runts that don’t have roots even yet and haven’t done anything for the past 2 weeks but sit there, or the 20 that have already dropped their tap roots to the water and started to pre-flower for you already? What strain do you think gets tossed in disposal and which goes on to advance its genetics another generation?

If you want to save the Sativa as a solid sativa, you need to either balance its environment to maximize what time you loose so it makes up for it in bigger yields or you suffer the loss of time and profit and another generation waiting for a strain that has already been successfully crossed to a faster more sturdy indica strain.

America, is a perfect example of this. We took every race and hybrid them, those that are most fit and successful in a do or die situation rose to the challenge and we are now in 200 years further than any race singularly in 4,000.

My point with dark races is that in 4,000 years (even though the white races came from them) have evolved very little in that time. Compared to the white races and hybrids they are becoming a problem as we find we have less and less room to grow.

If you can only choose 1 race or strain to grow…what would it be if your life depended on it?

Theirs does, as does yours.

As you can see, the manifold is transparent and can easily be used to ‘see’ clearly. Nature has always held the answer; it is only the desire for ‘individual’ status that we blind others and ourselves to the truth that we are one.

This is why there is conflict between black and white races. The white races see the black races as apart of themselves but not moving. They are becoming an increasing liability on a system so out of balance it cannot even support its own self now.

There are 2 options. 1. Fix the systems, 2. Shake off the parasites.

There is no, Christian grey. No ‘god’ to save or provide. We create our own degrees of darkness and obscurity, but the facts are the facts as they stand in your garden in your home, in your town, city, state, country, world, galaxy, universe.

The manifold is perfect, simple and eloquent. There is no judgment or ethics, it is pure.

I suppose I’m becoming a Vulcan..lol I suppose.

See, this wouldn’t offend me if I were black; I would just accept it and change what I could for myself. The same with being gay. I realize I’m a terminal node, that I’m an aberrant cell that is terminal. That is actually a great relief for me. I no longer have to suffer under the delusion as to why I feel so incomplete, I know why and knowing has released the ignorance that caused me to suffer. I suffer not now that I understand and accept the truth. Its nice not having to worry about working for god, I can work for myself now and look…I’m so much more successful and happy, what do you know.

The part I don't understand, and oddly nor do my black friends and yes..I am liked by black people and do have them as close friends, is why the dark races view themselves as separate and are unable to correct their own imbalances being the oldest race on this Earth. They have a separatism to all dark races that whites in general do not share.

There just exists in an objective reality a huge disparity (lack of equality between things or people) between them and you really can't fault the child for the parent's lack of ambition or education. The white race is a child of the black, it has gone to college and now is working in the world. It would appear that only a few 'black' parents even finished high school and want to blame their white kid's need to go to college as the excuse.

Of Course I can't speak for black people anymore than I can for any other human, that is why I must rely on my ability to 'see' clearly.

I haven't visited Saudi or India or Thailand or Africa...I lived there. There is a difference of what a tourist 'sees' of a country and what a 'traveler' experiences of a culture and a people. I know where the heart of darkness lies on this planet, in Mecca. There is a box housing all the ignorance and focused righteousness of billion cells. Frightening to think I lived only 500 miles from it, the closest any non-islam is allowed. Much less a fag that, had they known, would have put to death without question or trial. The same for anyone caught with any form of a narcotic drug.

What does that tell you about a society or race? They kill on sight anyone carrying the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Is it not clear to you, yet?

I have no veils to drop. I see it clearly as it stands a lie. And, whether you can accept this truth or not, your 'god' and their 'god' is the same 'god', no matter how much you want to delude yourself that you get a special version of god just for yourself. You will all find on judgement day that you all served the same God and I'm afraid you aren't going to be happy about what you find, the same way as you aren't happy with what you find in me.
I am an abomination to you and your god for I will erase him by just opening my eyes.

Can you see what a threat I am now? Glad to meet you, have you guessed my name? :sasmokin:

A perfect example of how asleep you may possibly be, but have you ever read 1984 by George Owell? The Ministry of Love? The Ministry of Information? Room 101? Remember when he peeled apart the pages to the 'New Speak' dictionary to find 'the truth' reading between the pages?

A restful mind rarely stirs, so sit in your pod get your energy sucked and shut up. :biglaugh: Otherwise, start downloading some combat programs and start learning fast Neo, cause agents are on their way. :yoinks:
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