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Sweet Jack test grow



hello my peps well i am still out of state and even worst news is that i ended up going to jail here so now i cant leave now til court.i will keep you all up dated as things go ,i am hoping for me and kk to be back home this week some time.wish me luck peps


ICMag Donor
what a head fuck-:wallbash:
All the best 2 u both and goodluck for court. We have been there done that so you have all our sympathy. See ya when you both get back-safely:yoinks:


Insane! What did you get into you rascal!

Bank robbing bad...!!!! :biglaugh:

I can't wait for this story... this is gonna be a good one...


lol damn midget hookers.no i got into it with someone and the cops got called and i spent about 4-5 days in jail.but they moved me to four diff jails before i got bailed out ,my bail was set at 1,250 cuz of me being from out of state so now i cant leave az till my first court date this monday at 2:15


well, that's not very exciting story... :biglaugh:

Make up some juicy details for us all... :D


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
He was stealing that soil and grave robbing. the soil bandit stikes


not really too much to it fist went flying cops got called i ended up on a four day lock down.i was busted in 2004 for my last grow so this isnt my first show,but the jails in my town aren't as bad as the ones in az .the cops and guards were all assholes and ended up telling a few to f$%^ and die so that didnt make matters any better,but hey i am shit talker


shaun - that would be funny as hell if that was the reason ,i would have made that stuff head line news


hell yeah ,it would have been great if i could hit one of them pricks.so my buddy shaun said F$%& THE POLICE


what i did find very funny was that i was locked down with the same guys the whole ,and well if i dont know you i wont talk to you and i wasnt talking to any one ,and a few of the guys said to me that i worried them because i was not talking and have a tat that says deranged on my neck.enjoy the weekend my peps and blaze frosty nugs for me and kk .thanks every one latez


well peeps today is IW's court date.. everyone wish him luck! and we'll see ya when we get back either tonight or tomorrow... peace


what up peps ,kk and i are home now .court went ok took like 1 1/2 hours to be seen, didnt talk to the judge & my public defender got me an extension for a month to go back for court again, if I can get some anger management classes under my belt, things should be fine, as long as I dont f*ck up between now & then.. alright peace peeps


well due to this court shit i moved my lil ladies to my buddy's so i will still be able to do my test grow for all to see.should have new pics in a few days .i know they are getting big.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Damn court i hate it i hafto go in tomorrow got a warrant out cause i missed court last week and just realised it reading your story again thing is i wont get bail cause i missed court so i hafto sit in the cells until a judge is ready to see me so im just going to wake up early tomorrow have 5 bowls in a row of super skunk and hash then ride my bike to the police station so i can get re-arrested andput infront of a judge a drink driving charge from 1 year ago hmmm not liking it at all....

But on a lighter note im looking forward to some pics xinsanewickedx hope all this bad karma generates some GOOD karma for the plants...

Peace and good karma..Benji...