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Swamp farming in the frozen northeast: 09’


Well its that time again, spring seems a long time coming around hear, but I need to start thinking about green or I’ll co crazy!
I’m starting to clean up the green house and I now have the Micro cab running at ¼ capacity (60w cfl – no ventilation) in an effort to save power. At the moment I have 5 lowlife autoflower (mixpack) f1s cracked for a spring seed run.

Outdoor seed list 2009:
~GG#5 – greens
~GG Mix Pack –greens

Auto flowers just for fun lowlife mix f2 +others..?

probably end up just using 3-4 twenty to forty gallon tubs for growing ala' greens

I was just walked up to the area I was planning on growing in today and spotted several cross country ski, and snow shoe tracks around. I hope there is less traffic in the summer. I suppose it will be a bit less attractive when it just a mucky swamp, not a nice snowy field. Cameras busted for the moment but I’ll get one before I plant…

Peace bros, remember spring is coming!:joint:

Greens: this grow is for you! Good luck in your new life!
Just wanted to ask you a question or two. I read your thread from last year, was very interesting. I ordered some Easy Sativas partially based on info from your thread. But I see you aren't running them this year. Why? Also I see you are running GG this year, which I'm very interested in also. So please continue this thread, I know you are probably out there getting started already this year as I am also.
I also am running some LL AAK, in the swamp like you did. Do you think I could plant 2 or 3 in a 2 gal container?


Hey I'm back and I'm just about ready to get growing!
I have decided to only grow the GG this year (a. the soil is fucking heavy b. just a bit paranoid about having over 20 plants.)

So...I have 2 35gal. Tubs filled up, mind you I'm a rather small and puny individual and it took me some massive will power to hike 70gal of soil up hill about 3-4 miles.

You can see my take of the Greens style of growing; I use strips of foam to wick up water from the swamp into the tubs. I tried this last year with 5gal buckets and it worked very well. Each tub will have 8 plants (would have more but gave some of my starts to a needy dude).

I am aiming for 5 oz per tub. (16 plants = 8 fems @ 2 oz per plant = 16 oz)
Naturally this is way optimistic but what the hell :canabis:

The plants are still inside under the 150w hps and are around 4-6 inches tall.
Briar Patch: your going to love the e.sativa, I just wanted to try somthing else.

peace out






I'm kinda bummed, I went out to the swamp and found some anamal and fucked around with the plants I walked up and spoted a root ball sticking up in the air. It had been uprooted and bured upsidedown. But hey all the plants damaged were males so I soppose I shouldent bitch, lol. In one bin I have 3 GG Mix fems. In the other I have 5? 6? GG#5 uncomfermed plants.

I also put 14 LowLife auto F2s in 1 and 2 gal. pots in the underbrush.



Yah the fed up yellow is from the peat heavy soil I had in the solo cups. All new growth is nice and green. Also the crimped plant is the one that was buryed.


Active member
Good luck with that one - I bet you'll do fine:)
I've always been interested in the GG line.

Bobby M

New member
i'll be following this closely as i work on my own frozen northcentral swamp grow :D i'm running individual planters for each plant, but i think i might go more toward your route for next year since i have to plant so late (due to weather) and the plants won't get too big anyway. what kind of soil mix you using? also, i like the camo job on the tubs. what kind of material is that, and where'd you get it? looking good so far though, i'll be keeping up.


Active member
I believe Greens isn't doing any seed-production this year - Breederbrad might continue the GG lines, not sure about that one?


Just a little update the plants now have all showed sex: 4 – GG#5 and 3 – Greens mixes (probably GG#2). This is not the male/fem ratio I wanted but I’m sure it will serve fine for my needs (possibly not the 10oz I was dreaming of though…:tongue:)

Green’s Mix


One thing that worries me is that most if not all the plants seem to be flowering (or aggressively showing sex) look at this Greens mix:


Its only 2-2.5 feet tall and its flowering shouldn’t I have another month of vegetation? Can anyone in the northeast chime in? The GG#5’s are bigger and seem to be one or two weeks later in flowering than the mixes (i.e. The mixes flowered before the GG#5s) Ah, well some early smoke but perhaps not the yielding plant I had thought it to be (at least in this climate)

Since it has been such a miserable cold wet month I decides to hit the girls with some 10-10-10 osmulcult (or however its spelled). Generally I opt toward organic growing but I figure by the time I harvest the chems will have been used by the plant and it will flush out…that and this is a semi commercial grow in the sense that I will smoke half of it and sell the other half to my close group of friends for gas money.

Looks like some critter took a chunk out of this GG#5 any Idea what it might have been? I have predator urine dispensers surrounding the grow, mainly for protection from deer…hmmm mice perhaps?



burlap frpm the garden center, comes in rolls. wish i had made the stuff greener, the swamp really greened up!


Wow the GGs are really going gangbusters now! They must have doubled in size since I last visited. If it would stop bloody raining I bet they would really take off. So far I think it has rained just about 40 days in a row, the nastiest June EVER. Yah…it’s fucked…

Anyway the plants don’t seen to mind that much:




They smell SOO good, just handling the stems, etc. my fingers small like hash/sugary/lemony/fuel its very nice, I have high hopes for this winter’s headshash (providing It doesn’t all rot in this rain…

peace out:joint:


OverGrow Refugee
great job zappa66....those GG plants look really nice..I wish you all the best and I am sure you will be very successful..I missed out on the GG beans at Unleash this year..oh well maybe next year...good luck



Well-known member
looking good zappa, im doing a similar grow with swamp tubes and some hawaiian sativa clones, cant wait to get back to the site in a few weeks and check on them. Trying to keep my paths to a minimum.
Wow the GGs are really going gangbusters now! They must have doubled in size since I last visited. If it would stop bloody raining I bet they would really take off. So far I think it has rained just about 40 days in a row, the nastiest June EVER. Yah…it’s fucked…

Anyway the plants don’t seen to mind that much:




They smell SOO good, just handling the stems, etc. my fingers small like hash/sugary/lemony/fuel its very nice, I have high hopes for this winter’s headshash (providing It doesn’t all rot in this rain…

peace out:joint:

Looking really good! looks alot like my autos check them out :joint:


Looking good Zappa, you should be in for some potent stuff with the GG lines. PEace!

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